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02/23/2023 - Senate Elections and House Municipal Oversight & Elections Joint Meeting

AZ legislature (2023-02-23)

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  • Review of Video of AZ Senate Elections and House Municipal oversight and Elections Joint Meeting.
    • First guy Spickeem?
      • 61 batches (about 200 ballots each) over 90% for one candidate. "A little unusual in a race that is pretty close"
      • 58 for one candidate and 3 for the other at over 90%. Therefore, I think these were sorted.
      • Would expect about equal numbers for each candidate.
      • 10 min. Many ballots were not produces from the same PDF. Had the same defects and came from the same source. The plate the printed the ballots could have had those defects.
      • 12 min. the exact same ballot is run through the scanner in other areas. Alleganey County, 100s of ballots scanned multiple times. "over and over"
      • 16,000 to 17,000 images of a degraded quality. "Can't even read the text" but they only need to read the ovals.
      • Many were not of poor quality "from that exact same scanner".
      • He thinks the number at the bottom means it cannot be scanned twice.
      • 16 min. Talks about Antrum County MI regarding the configuration.
      • Williamson County TN. "QR Signature Mismatch" was the name of the code. -- Report available from the EAC.
      • 30 min. counterfiet protection system in color printers that print a pattern of yellow dots to allow for tracking. Color laser printers and copiers.
      • Fulton county PA: Found a python script on the EMS.
      • Talks about existence of cell modems that are supposed to be turned off, but might not be.
      • Liz Harris: asks about Mo Fi instead of Wifi.
      • "Can we use the dots to track down what happened and how can we not let it happen again" presupposes that hacking did occur.
      • "What did you discover that you did not expect": Did not find anything here that he expected. Did find degraded images.
        • Ballot control. When a ballot is printed how is it tracked?
        • Hand count or systems that are transparent. Look at them before the results are (forget the word) certified. "So we don't have the situation in Antrum" but they were not certified.
        • Claims that ballots are scanned multiple times. Hand counts have been used for a really long time.
        • Anamalous appearance of breaks in the ovals is
      • Ken Bennett: How contacted?: Contacted by law firm Stephanie Lambert and then Doug Logan.
      • Came to Maricopa County and examined them where they were stored, under the control of Doug Logan.
      • Did not actually examined paper ballots.
    • Seth Ketchell from Weatherford Texas, intelligence analyst. Starts about 55 min.
      • Wants to get to the bottom of transparency in elections and I am disappointed that the Dem reps are not here.
      • "California is gushing out its residence" but the 2010 to 2020 decade shows lower growth.
      • I think elections have been manipulated for years.
      • He looks at trends and makes the case that just by looking at the trends, that something had to be up.
      • His ten points election reform plan
        1. Clean out voter rolls -- he provides historical data showing that D party has been gaining.
        2. ban all electronics -- this largely means BMD machines.
        3. voter id
        4. ban mail-in voting* (severely restrict). "epidemic of ballot harvesting"
        5. ban early voting
        6. smaller precincts -- liz harris says 1200 voters per precinct
        7. ban ballot harvesting -- already illegal but "happening big time"
        8. election day holiday
        9. New transparency rules -- Maricopa took too long. Unfair for other counties to be faster.
        10. prison time for fraud
      • a narrow win for the party that was not supposed to win.
      • 1:34 good challenges to the model, which he admits is not a smoking gun.
      • 1:48 would ballot images be a good thing to be provided. A: Only if they are available in a timely manner.
    • Liz Harris starts around 2:05.
      • Played video of clint curtis testimony.
    • Colonel Ivan Raklin: 2:09
      • Overview describing that China was behind releasing COVID19 destabilize the country.
      • FBI and twitter files
      • Bad actors including the people who managed the corona virus task force. VP Pence was the task force lead and Kushner was the lead.
    • Colonel John Mills DOD natl security, cyper war expert. CNCI (Comprehensive National Cybersecrity Initiative) program key
      • NEIA National Election Integrity Association (NEIA) -- --
      • New organization as of 2021.
      • Counties are the first line of defense. There is very little federal law on elections.
      • Scott Jarrett deputy of elections in Maricopa.
        • Nothing touches the internet, but actually everything touches the internet.
        • Logic and Accuracy test. Has no wrirten guidance, no written standards. Need independent third party validation.
      • Federal laws -- not too many.
        • US Citizen to vote in federal elections.
        • HAVA -- Does not mandate machines.
          • They say, if you use machines, then here are the standards.
          • No standards on pollbooks, printers, etc.
          • Machine standards are not transparent or simple.
        • 1964 civil rights act, 1975 voting rights acts -- important but mostly have sunsetted
        • 1993 - National registration act -- motor-voter act -- "the point of breakdown" between DMV to dept of elections.
        • 52 -- Retention of ballots.
      • CISA -- how can they claim that election infrastructure is critical infrastructure?
        • They don't know how election equipment operates.
        • EAC is really bad.
      • How can we trust the federal govt when there are so many problems here? (no explanation).
      • Intel community assessment report concluded that Trump was Russian asset.
        • He did not concur with the document because he did not see the data.
        • Mc Donagal who was behind the Russia, Russia, Russia thing was later busted for taking Russian money.
        • If you can't trust translators, who can you trust?
      • Albert sensor not trustable.
      • I talk to my sheriff regularly.
      • Top 10 points for reform:
        1. Establish a clean voting roll.
          • FOIAed those rejected from jury duty, were unlawful to vote. 6% of the voters were unlawful.
        2. Demonstrate a trusted process that validates DMV records to registration database.
        3. Election boards are lazy. People think they must take instructions from registrar. Boards should tell recorders what to do.
        4. Third party audit security infrastructure.
        5. Validate the Soveirenty of election data. All stored in US Territory.
        6. no inappropriate funds to assist in elections.
        7. Separate from the ERIC system. No offices.
        8. Establish and use a trusted ballot. Traced, tracked and trusted.
        9. Move to paper only with trusted ballots.
        10. New audit system and process.
          • RLA is a phony audit.
      • Borrelli: H1-B workers doing assembly, is that a good idea. Did 2022 election go off without a hitch?
      • Liz Harris: You testified about paper only. Jarrett said nothing touches the internet, we have L&A testing, don't worry.
      • How did Maricopa compare:
        • People did not trust the result more than 50%
        • Results take too long to come out.
        • But should use all hand-counted paper.
      • RLA audit -- we need ballots as marked. Did not give a definition of this.
        • Ken asked for a definition, at about 4:00, he did not have any clear answer. No one has a clear definition he says, then he punts with 3-5% sample.
    • Jaquelin Mc Gregor, Insurance Agent
      • Principle investigator with the John Harris Thayler law firm.
      • Arizona state university computers have been hacked.
      • 4:15 Arizona state licenses are hacked to allow bogus documents
      • Maricopa county recorders database setup in 2014 for outside infiltration so outside falsified documents could be uploaded or legit docs removed
      • 100s of falsified court documents have been uploaded. Default judgments, criminal restitution orders, etc etc. used in SWATTING schemes to persecute whistle blowers against racketerring
      • 4:16 Bribes were paid to Runbeck principals. Bribes and infiltration were used to influence the outcome of county recorders, governor, etc.
      • 4:17 Attorneys and prosecutors have accepted bribes, Judges named. Child custody advisors have been bribed.
      • 2018 trust deeds evidenced bribes and tax evasion. Both are connected to real estate agent connected to home purchasing money laundering scheme.
      • 100 fake trust deeds, related to racketeering schemes.
      • 4:20 Recorders office has at least 5 appointments of Adrian Fontes that are phantoms. Forged signatures. Fake dates. Falsified by Brittney and donna Chavez.
      • 4:22 Maricopa county database was designed with backdoors. Oct 26 2020, 25,000 falsified ballots and cash in house rented to Donna Chavez.
      • 4:23 Investigated Katie Hobbs. We research their deeds of trust. If there is an unusual amount amount for that or similar named individuals.
        • 11 deeds of trust in the name of kathleen m hobbs. and other with similar names.
        • If the writing matches that of donna and brittney chavez, then we know the are fraudulent. She shows the signatures.
        • Verified with a document expert.
        • Notaries that signed the deeds
      • 4:30 fake deeds of trust are used to launder money. esp if the person lives there?
      • since 2004, ballot counts have been been altered.
        • Can upload and remove documents from the county system.
        • Brittney has used her access to load falsified judgments.
        • Change vote totals.
        • Bribe Runbeck.
        • For and nonprofit PACS set up.
        • Changes to set up were set up
        • Vans loaded with ballots and cash and driven to Runbeck.
        • Have found deeds for runbeck.
        • "We have heard of statistical improbabilities" in the recent outcomes.
        • 4:33 planned outcome described.
        • 4:38 car tire of attorney Thayler slashed. 6 attempts on Thaylers life.
        • List many officials that are considered taking bribes.
        • Interviewed over 30 witnesses, have 120K documents. Immense data can assist agencies in investigating election fraud.


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Title 02/23/2023 - Senate Elections and House Municipal Oversight & Elections Joint Meeting
Publisher AZ legislature
Pub Date 2023-02-23
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Keywords Election Integrity
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Media Type Article, Video, Meeting
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r1 - 02 Mar 2023, RaymondLutz
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