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Potrero Community Planning Group 2007-11-08 Full

Citizens Oversight (2007-11-08) Raymond Lutz

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More Info: Blackwater, Blackwater West, Private Mercenaries, War Profiteering

Full meeting of the Potrero Community Planning Group on November 8, 2007.


  1. Park Lands Dedication Ordinance and update on teh PLDO balance for our Local Park Planning Area.
  2. AD07-058, 8 lot subdivision next to Potrero School.
  3. POD 07-001, Zoning Ordinance to allow Boutique Wineries as an Allowed Use, committee report.
  4. Resolution to request that Blackwater study and prepare period reports of the recovery of the critical habitat around the Round Potrero Ranch as part of any mitigation required by the county if hte county grants their use permit.

Note: A number of residents made comments about relief efforts and in fact castigated Raymond Lutz for not visiting the Volunteer Fire Department on Oct. 27th. Unfortunately, they neglected to mention anything about the 8 tons of relief supplies delivered to the Fire department by Lutz and other volunteers.

Indeed, most of the observers of this meeting were Pro-Blackwater, as we had assurances that no BW items would be on the agenda.

BW Agenda Item Only:

Media Form edit

Title Potrero Community Planning Group 2007-11-08 Full
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Raymond Lutz
Pub Date 2007-11-08
Media Link
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Keywords Blackwater, Blackwater West, Private Mercenaries, War Profiteering
Media Type Video
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable Lutz, Raymond
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Topic revision: r5 - 27 Dec 2013, RaymondLutz
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