Border Fence NEPA (Marron Valley Road)
COPs (2008-01-30) Robin Brallsford
This Page: Info:
Border Security
Hello All:
I made progress today, someone form the NEPA called me back. It's not good news. He said this (below) is the section we in Dulzura need to be focused on. (Poterro, Jacumba, Marfa, Brown Field are other sections.)
They are all scheduled to have construction COMPLETE by March, 09!
He said that copies of the full document were sent to the Senators' offices last month - and so therefore they should all know about it.
And we should all know about it because, "It was published in the SD Tribune."
I asked, "When?"
"What was the name of the article?"
Well... it wasn't an article."
"What was it - a legal notice?!?"
He said, "....Yes."
He said our only hope is to send comments, en mass, to
Mc Gregor - listed below.
Diane Jacob's office is taking the lead on this - please contact her and cc me. Please get your neighbors involved. We are talking about thousands of trucks down MV Rd. at the very least, and a wide permanent, paved entre' across our properties and into the "wilderness,".... and all that brings - at the worst.
Border Fence NEPA
PF 225
* Home
* Del Rio Sector EA
* El Centro Sector EA
* Marfa Sector EA
* Rio Grande Valley Sector EIS
* San Diego Sector EIS
San Diego Sector EIS
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to identify and assess the potential impacts associated with the proposed construction, operation, and maintenance of tactical infrastructure, to include primary pedestrian fence, access roads, and patrol roads, along approximately 4 miles of the U.S./Mexico international border within the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) San Diego Sector, California (the Proposed Action). The Draft EIS is available for public review and your comments are requested.
Final decisions on fence locations have not been made. The Draft EIS is one step in the decision-making process, and gives the public further opportunity to provide input to the DHS and CBP. While fencing may not necessarily be constructed in all locations identified in the Draft EIS, for the purposes of completing the NEPA process, CBP is required to evaluate lands that have the potential to meet the purpose and need of the Proposed Action. DHS and CBP are committed to making every effort to comply with Federal environmental laws and be good stewards of the environment.
Download the Draft EIS
To access and download all pdf files regarding the Draft EIS, go to:
To request a hard copy of the Draft EA, you may call toll-free (877) 752-0420. Alternatively, written requests for information may be submitted to: Charles
Mc Gregor, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Construction Support Office, 819 Taylor Street, Room 3B10, Fort Worth, TX 76102; and Fax: (757) 257-7643.
Libraries Where the Draft EIS Can Be Reviewed
Copies of the Draft EIS have been sent to the following libraries:
* Chula Vista Public Library - 365 F Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910, (619) 691-5069
* San Diego Central Library - 820 E St., San Diego, CA 92101, (619) 236-5800
* San Diego Otay Mesa-Nestor Branch Library - 3003 Coronado Ave., San Diego, CA 92154, (619) 424-0474
Public Participation
Pursuant to the Council on Environmental Quality’s regulations, CBP invites public participation in the NEPA process. The public may participate by attending the public open house and submitting comments on the Draft EIS. The public open house and opportunities to submit comments are described below. CBP will consider all comments submitted during the public comment period, and subsequently will prepare the Final EIS. CBP will announce the availability of the Final EIS and once again give interested parties an opportunity to review the document.
Public Open House
A public open house will be held on January17, 2008, at the San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA. The public open house will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. local time.
USBP agents and Draft EIS preparers will be available during the public open house. Anyone wishing to submit comments may do so orally and/or in writing at the public open house. Comments received at the public open house will be recorded and transcribed into the public record for the meeting. Commentors must include their names and addresses. Spanish language translation will be provided. Those who plan to attend the public open house and will need special assistance, such as sign language interpretation or other reasonable accommodation, should notify Charles
Mc Gregor at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Construction Support Office, 819 Taylor Street, Room 3B10, Fort Worth, TX 76102, and Fax: (757) 257-7643, at least 3 business days in advance of the public open house. Please include contact information, as well as information about specific needs.
Request for Comments
In addition to attending the public open house, comments can be submitted through the Web site, by email, mail, or Fax. When submitting comments, please include commentor name and address, and identify comments as intended for the San Diego Sector Draft EIS. To submit comments, please use only one of the following methods:
- (a) Attend and submit comments at the public open house to be held 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. local time on January 17, 2008 at the San Diego Convention Center located at 111 West Harbor Drive, San Diego, California
- (b) Electronically through this website: SAN DIEGO SECTOR EIS COMMENT FORM
- (a) By email to: SDcomments@BorderFenceNEPA.coom
- (b) By mail to: San Diego Sector Tactical Infrastructure EIS, c/o e²M, 2751 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 200, Fairfax, Virginia 22031
- (c) By Fax to: (757) 257-7643
The Draft EIS will be available for public review and comment for 45 days. In order to be considered for inclusion in the Final EIS, public comments should be submitted by February 11, 2008. Comments submitted after the close of the Draft EIS comment period will be taken into consideration during the Final
EIS public comment period.
Scoping and Public Comments
Public scoping was conducted for the San Diego Sector EIS. Public scoping comments were accepted from September 24 through October 15, 2007 and were considered in the preparation of the Draft EIS. The purpose of the scoping process is to solicit public comments regarding the range of issues, including potential impacts and alternatives that should be addressed in the EIS. Public scoping is an open process for determining the scope of the EIS and identifying significant issues related to the Proposed Action.
The public scoping period and the Draft EIS public comment period are two of three opportunities for public comment. Comments on the Draft EIS will contribute to the Final EIS. The third opportunity to comment will be a 30-day public comment period once the Final EIS is released. Comments on the Final EIS will contribute to the Record of Decision.