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S.D. disobeying court order, Blackwater says

Union Tribune (2008-06-25) Tanya Mannes

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June 25, 2008

OTAY MESA: Blackwater Worldwide, which recently obtained a federal court order allowing it to operate a military training facility, says San Diego is disobeying that order by holding up its final permit.

The company sued the city for interfering with its permits for an indoor Navy training center in Otay Mesa. On June 17, a federal judge ruled in favor of the company and said the City Council does not have a right to hold public hearings on the project. San Diego City Attorney Michael Aguirre immediately filed a notice of appeal.

This week, the company's attorney, Michael Neil, sent a letter to Aguirre stating that despite the ruling, city staff members are not allowing a portion of the project to be finished. Neil said in the June 20 letter that San Diego's chief building official, Afsaneh Ahmadi, placed 64 conditions on the final permit for a ship simulator, including wheelchair access. Neil said the difficulty in getting the final permit is “inconsistent with the court's wishes and the spirit of its ruling.”

Aguirre said he didn't impose the additional permit conditions. He said those decisions “are being made by the professional staff using their own good-faith judgment.” –T.M.

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Title S.D. disobeying court order, Blackwater says
Publisher Union Tribune
Author Tanya Mannes
Pub Date 2008-06-25
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Note Mentions Michael Aguirre
Keywords Blackwater Otay
Media Type Linked Article
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Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable Mannes, Tanya
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Topic revision: r2 - 17 May 2014, RaymondLutz
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