Questions and Concerns regarding Public Use Permit No. 885 - Procinctu Group
County of Riverside Planning Dept. (2008-08-20) Ron Goldman, Planning Director
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Private Mercenaries,
Procinctu Group
George A. Johnson - Agency Director
Planning Department
Ron Goldman - Planning Director
DATE: August 20, 2008
TO: Ms. Ann Weston
FROM: Riverside County Planning Department — Current Planning Division
RE: Questions and Concerns regarding Public Use Permit No. 885 (PUP 885) - Procintu Group
Dear Ms. Weston:
On behalf of the Planning Department I want to take this opportunity to thank you for expresing your concerns and questions regarding the above-referenced project that was approved by the Riverside County Board of Supervisor's on January 29, 2008. Your inquiry was specific to the procedures that were employed by the County of Riverside Planning Department in the Development Review and Approval process relative to this project. Below is a summary of the County's Land Use Ordinance No. 348 as well as the County's General Plan which both describe the allowances, policies, rules, and regulations employed by the County of Riverside in the approval process for this project.
As I previously mentioned, if you wish to discuss this project further, you are more than welcome to contact my secretary, Ms. Lisa Osipitan at (951) 955-3208 or via email at to schedule an appointment at my earliest convenience. Again, thank you for your input.
As you mentioned on August 20, 2008 in your testimony before the Riverside County Planning Commission, you have questions and concerns as to procedures utilized by the Planning Department in approving the above-referenced project. This project is categorized as a Public Use Permit under Article XVII. Section 18.29 of Ordinance No. 348. For your informational purposes.
will cite a portion of this ordinance section which is as follows.
a. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, the following uses may be permitted in any zone classification provided that a public use permit is granted pursuant to the provisions of this section:
(1) Educational institutions.
(2) Deleted.
(3) Government uses.
This project has been categorized as an "education institution" as the project includes a number of uses and programs intended to train, educate, and evaluate both private and public law enforcement and security personal for the continued security and law enforcement of local city and county laws as well as state and federal regulations for both domestic and international security and anti-terrorism situations.
Furthermore, a Public Use Permit cannot be approved by the Planning Commission and/or the Board of Supervisors unless all aspects of public's health, safety, and welfare are protected through the project design. Given this, the project was required to process and receive concurrence upon an Initial Study which is identified as Environmental Assessment (EA) No. 41048. EA 41048 was made publically available a minimum of 20-days prior to the public hearing before the Planning Commission on January 9, 2009. This EA is available at the following link: This EA sets forth the mitigation measures as well as conditions of approval that ensure the protection of the public's health, safety and welfare. You are more than welcome to review this document at your convenience.
Lastly. the Riverside County General Plan establishes allowances for private owners and/or facilities that represent a public use and/or a public interest to exist in any zoning classification, established under Ordinance No. 348 given that a Public Use Permit has been approved. In this particular case, PUP885 has received approval and is consistent with the Riverside County General Plan and more specifically is consistent with General Plan Land Use (LU) Policy 6.2, which states as follows,
LU 6.2 Direct public, educational, religious. and utility uses established to serve the surrounding community toward those areas designated for Community Development and Rural Community uses on the applicable Area Plan land use maps. These uses may be found consistent with any of the Community Development, Rural Community, or Rural foundation designations, including the Rural Village Overlay, as well as the Open Space — Rural and Agriculture designations, under the following conditions: (AI 1,3)
- The facility is compatible in scale and design with surrounding land uses, and does not generate excessive noise. traffic, light, fumes, or odors that might have a negative impact on adjacent neighborhoods. b. The location of the proposed use will not jeopardize public health. safety. and welfare, or the facility is necessary to ensure the continual public safety and welfare.
In essence, this facility has been appropriately determined to be consistent with an educational facility and meets the criteria established above in LU 6.2, the project meets the criteria established under Ordinance No. 348, Article XVII, Section 18.29, and the project's impacts to the surrounding environment have been mitigated to less than a significant level as is detailed within EA41048. Furthermore, the project will not generate excessive noise, traffic, light, fumes, or odors that might have a negative impact on adjacent neighborhoods based upon the mitigation measures provided and detailed within EA41048. In addition. PUP885 provides an economic, infrastructure, and public benefit to the surrounding area, the greater region within Riverside County, the state of California. and the Federal Government of the United States based upon the educational services that will be provided as part of the project description and design.
Please let me know if you have any further questions, I am happy to assist in any way possible.
Ron Goldman, Planning Director
Adam B. Rush. Principal Planner
Y:\Planning Case Files-Riverside office\PUP00885\Response to Ms. Ann Weston re_08.20 PC Item 2.0 Comments.doc
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P.O. Box 1409. Riverside. California 92502-1409 Palm Desert, California 92211
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