Procinctu Group
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Citizens Against Private Armies (CAPA) is organizing a protest/rally to "Stop Procinctu," a Blackwater-like training center on a 200-acre site in Homeland, CA, which was approved without environmental review and with illegal waivers. The event will occur on March 17, 2009 at 8:30am in front of the Riverside County Administration Building at 4080 Lemon Street, in Riverside. Guest speaker: Ray Lutz, who helped oust Blackwater from Potrero in San Diego County. Attendees are invited to address county supervisors and express their outrage that this was approved without appropriate review. Info: Ann Weston, 951-764-8512 or Visit
John Choate, of Spring Valley has proposed a security training center in "Homeland" much like the
Blackwater Potrero in Potrero. This is a 193-acre project with terrain "much like that of Afghanistan." Includes two dormitories, six indoor firing ranges (some simulated), three indoor rifle ranges, 10 uninhabited training structures and mock streets to simulate a town, a tactical training driving test track and a skid pad. The area is zoned "residential agricultural." Nearby properties are populated with families and livestock.
"Procinctu" is a Latin word that translates to "prepared or ready for battle."
- Says it is "Exempt from Ordinance 847 (Noise Ordinance) because it is a public institution"
- In the event that live fire will be occurring outdoors three types of notification are to occur
- live %u2018spotters%u2019: staff members stationed at the northwest and southwest corner of the site informing passerby%u2019s that live fire is being used
- signs will posted during these events as means of notifying neighbors
- a %u201CBravo Flag%u201D: red flag will be raised in the air at the southwest corner of the project site to inform neighbors that live fire is occurring
Procinctu president John Choate has claimed his firm had no ties to Blackwater, but it has been reported that company resumes filed with the county state, "Instructor and Course Developer, Blackwater USA."
The site:
- South boundary at the line of trees just north of Norden Dr.
- West boundary at Briggs Rd.
- North boundary at the corner of Gunther Rd.
- East boundary along the hill tops.
Note: Water tank at the end of Mountain Ave is within the property but owned by the water district.
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Procinctu Group Secure - secure page for working group use.
Rock Springs Ranch Inv Group
920 S Waukegan Rd
Lake Forest ILINOIS
(This investment group is approx. 100 miles east of the Blackwater North training center in Mount Carroll, Illinois.) Why would Procinctu include them in this meeting?)
EJD Prop
701 Kettner Blvd, No. 161
San Diego , CA 92101
Menifee Prop 1
4370 La Jolla Vlg No. 960
San Diego 92122
E & S Energy Systems
c/o Edwin
Mc Kay 28130 Braeburn Pl
Tehachapi CA 93561
Deutsche Bank Natl Trust CO
C/O Reo Dept
2300 Brookstone Center
Columbus GA 31904
EVR GRN Family Inv
100 Dove St No. 100
Newport Beach CA
WM Specialty Mortgage
c/o Reo Dept
505 City Parkway W no. 100
Orange Ca 92868
Viewcrest Prop
c/o Donald Bergman
PO Box 15246
Beverly Hills, CA 90209
David Getner PO Box 17243
San Diego 92177
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Project Filings
- website:
- Development
- Architect:
Project |
Date |
Description |
Fast Track No. 2005-23 |
2006-06-12 |
Planning Department review of Procinctu Fast Track Application and subsequent County Board of Supervisors agenda item to override denial of fast-track |
- 12 Jun 2006 - Denial of Procinctu Fast Track Application
- 08 Mar 2007 - Board of Supervisors agenda item to grant Fast Track processing anyway See (Procinctu Fast Track Application)
- 19 Mar 2007 - First tip about the facility as similar to the planned Blackwater Potrero site.
- 09 Jan 2008 - Use Permit processed by Riverside Planning Department
- 29 Jan 2008 - Riverside County Board of Supervisors approves the project
Recent Articles and Media: (Add | All Media)
This is the most recently published 20 articles, most recent first.
(M784) 2009-05-13 Riverside County General Plan Amendment to LU-6.2 -- Raymond Lutz, Citizens Oversight, Riverside County Planning Dept Allows private government contractors the same exemptions as government. (BAD!)
(M762) 2009-04-06 Blackwater-like Procinctu-Group Project Given Hearing without Notice -- Raymond Lutz, Citizens Oversight,
(M768) 2009-04-02 Stop Blackwater Presentation, April 2009 -- Raymond Lutz, Citizens Oversight, Blackwater In Southwestern College
(M756) 2009-03-17 Riverside County Residents Protest Proposed Security Training Facility -- Ann Weston, Kpfk Radio,
(M723) 2009-01-30 Romoland angry over training center -- Rob Mc Millan, Abc News,
(M722) 2009-01-29 Security training facility faces opposition -- Rick Mc Cann, Private Officer,
(M656) 2008-10-12 Do we really need paramilitary training here? -- Paul Jacobs, North County Times,
(M651) 2008-10-05 Training facility reeks of Blackwater -- Paul Jacobs, North County Times,
(M792) 2008-08-20 Questions and Concerns regarding Public Use Permit No. 885 - ProcinctuGroup -- Ron Goldman, Planning Director, County of Riverside Planning Dept.,
(M648) 2008-05-15 A Private Military Training Center For Military - Police - Government Professionals In the Homeland /Romoland Zoning Area of Lakeview/Nuevo Riverside County, CA -- Ann Weston, Citizens Oversight,
(M649) 2008-01-09 Public Use Permit No. 885 - to construct a privately owned police, military, and governmental agency tactical training center -- Riverside County, Riverside County,
(M650) 2008-01-09 Agenda Item 5.1, January 9, 2008, Riverside County Planning Commission -- Riverside County, Riverside County, Powerpoint Slides of the Procinctu Group project ("The Ranch") -- includes vicinity map, general plan, current zoning, land use, site plan, site photos, issues of concern, recommendation, neighbor vicinity map, landscape plan, fee exhibit
(M60) 2007-03-19 Security-training center proposed in Homeland -- Kimberly Trone, Press Enterprise,
(M791) 2006-09-29 Letter to Riverside County Planning Dept. regarding incompatibility of Procinctu Project with Trailmark School -- Roland Skumawitz, Superintendent, Romoland School District, Explains that the Procinctu Group project is incompatible with planned Trailmark K-8 School.
(ProcinctuFastTrackApplication) 2006-06-12 Procinctu Fast Track Application Denial -- Robert C. Johnson, Planning Director, Riverside County,
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