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Letter to Imperial Valley College regarding Threat of Arrest

Citizens Oversight (2009-05-21) Raymond Lutz

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More Info: Local Politics, Private Mercenaries, Wind Zero

President Gould's response via email:

I also want to put this to rest. However, I suggest we discuss this face-to-face. There is a section of the Education Code that provides officials of schools and colleges with the power of arrest if someone is on campus uninvited and disrupting the workflow and business of the campus. I asked you to leave when the Academic Senate Meeting was over for two reasons: 1) The issue you were discussing was not in the legislative authority of the body you were addressing, and 2) The meeting had ended and you were an uninvited guest to the campus. You may now say you have the Freedom of Speech, which is true, but we have a designated free speech area that is available for that purpose thus addressing the requirements of the law. That area is in our amphitheater and not in the board room. I determined your request for a business card and the summons from my responsibilities as a president to attend a meeting where I was not on the agenda interrupted the normal flow of work on the campus. Therefore, I exercised my right and responsibility to ask you to leave the campus.

We will likely continue to disagree over this matter. However, we are not in disagreement over the issue of the need for training facilities for law enforcement in the Imperial Valley. I am open to that discussion at a time scheduled for that purpose and not to question our relationship with Wind Zero. The determination of their relationship to Blackwater, and problems that might create for any community, and whether they conform to the requirements of CEQA is not in the jurisdiction of the Imperial Valley Community College District. Therefore I request that our discussion, should it occur be focused solely on the alternative possibility of another means to provide public safety training.

Please contact my office at the number below if you are interested in making an appointment.

Ed Gould, Ed.D.
Imperial Community College District

760 -355-6219

Media Form edit

Title Letter to Imperial Valley College regarding Threat of Arrest
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Raymond Lutz
Pub Date 2009-05-21
Media Link
Embed HTML
Note Imperial Valley College
Keywords Local Politics, Private Mercenaries, Wind Zero
Media Type PDF
Media Group Request Letter
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
Publish Status Published
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LetterToImperialValleyCollegeReThreatOfArrestByPresident2009-05-20.pdfpdf LetterToImperialValleyCollegeReThreatOfArrestByPresident2009-05-20.pdf manage 119 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:20 Raymond Lutz Letter from Raymond Lutz to Imperial Valley College president Dr. Ed Gould regarding threat of arrest and Brown Act documentation.
Topic revision: r5 - 11 Mar 2015, RaymondLutz
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