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Democratic Party endorses

Union Tribune (2010-04-22) John Marelius

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Democratic Party endorses

John Marelius

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The California Democratic Party made endorsements in several contested Democratic primaries in San Diego County at its annual state convention in Los Angeles over the weekend.

In the most high-profile race, Democrats backed Assemblywoman Mary Salas of Chula Vista over former Assemblyman Juan Vargas of Chula Vista for the 40th Senate District seat being given up by Denise Ducheny of San Diego because of term limits.

For Salas' 79th Assembly District seat, the party backed San Diego City Councilman Ben Hueso over retired Navy Capt. Jack Doyle and Pearl Quinones, a member of the Sweetwater Union High School District.

In the 50th Congressional District, Democrats endorsed Francine Busby, a Cardiff School Board trustee, over attorney Tracy Emblem.

And in the 52nd Congressional District, Ray Lutz, an engineer and business owner, got the nod over Connie Frankowiak, a political campaign worker.
Topic revision: r2 - 25 Feb 2013, RaymondLutz
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