Voter Registration Facts by State

Citizens Oversight (2017-10-06) Susan Schneider

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State Same-Day Registration Deadlines in Effect Perm VBM? ID required at polls DMV Registration College Student Registration Where to Register Date Updated (Ctrl- ) Contact Website Address Notes
Alabama No 15 days prior to election absentee deadline is the fifth day prior to an election VBM = absentee ballot, good for an election unless two elections occur in a 42-day period. Then it is good for both elections. Photo is is required at the polls. If a voter does not have an id, the vote is provisional and will not be counted if the voter does not return with a photo within 4 days. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, mobile app, in person at any county board of registrar office; application can be sent to the secretary of state office; forms can be obtained at libraries, social service agencies, other government offices 08/29/17 Daniel 334-242-7200 Link    
Alaska No 30 days prior to election absentee by mail is 10 days prior and electronically is up to the day prior to election VBM = absentee ballot, good for every year or every election, if you do not apply for every year Must show an id, does not have to be a photo. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at any regional division of election office; forms are at social services offices, some government offices; any person who is part of the Permanent Fund Dividend is automatically registered to vote 08/29/17 Michaela 907-465-4611 Link Early voting is not the same as absentee in person voting. Early voting verifies registration onsite, whereas, absentee in person does not verify registration onsite.  
Arizona No 29 days prior to election for online, email or in person; absentee deadline is 11 days prior to election. VBM = absentee ballot, good for each election. A voter can apply for permanent absentee, no excuse needed. Some municipalities offer All Mail Voting due to their small population size and/or if it is a special election such as a school board election. Id is required; however, it does not have to be a photo id. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at county recorder offices. There may be more locations depending if the county recorder offices determine other locations. 09/06/17 Theresa 602-542-683 Link Arizona has early voting, does not call it absentee in person. It does not count voters or votes daily.    
Arkansas No 30 days prior to election; absentee: in person is close of business day prior to election, by mail is 7 days prior to election, by authorized agent is 1:30 p.m. on election day VBM = absentee ballot. Not permanent, in effect for one year. Need photo id. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person and the following: Link 08/21/17 Brandon 501-683-5157 Link Has early voting, mostly in person. An operator answered! If you are on hold, country music plays about Arkansas    
California Yes in 2018 15 days prior to election or conditionally register after VBM = absentee ballot, permanent. CA is working on VBM, similar to Colorado. May do trial run with some counties, such as, Sacramento in next election. If id was not given at registration, voter must show photo id. If voter does not have photo id, two forms of id are permissible. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at county elections offices, get forms at libraries and U.S. post offices 08/22/17 Mark 916-657-2166 Link      
Colorado Yes 8 days before election if by mail or online, 22 days in person All registered voters are sent a ballot 16-20 days before election, allow early voting starting 8-15 days prior to election. Colorado is a VBM state. Yes, considered permanent unless ballot is returned to the election office due to inability to reach voter. Yes, ids are required, not necessarily a photo id. Permissible ids: Link Yes – automatic Nothing Different online, by mail, county clerk and record offices, city clerk and some government offices and online 08/15/17 Edward 303-894-2200 95% of voters vote by mail, there are very few polling places as a result    
Connecticut Yes for general elections, not primaries 7 days in person for general election, noon day before primary; 5 days before primary for mail-in; absentee is day before election VBM = absentee ballot, good for an election. Voters can request permanent absentee ballot if disabled and receive doctor's validation of a medical condition. This permanency is reviewed yearly by the registrar to determine eligibility. No id is required at voting except for first time voters in a federal election who did not show proper id during registration. If no proper id is given, voter can sign an affidavit or vote provisionally. Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at registrar of voter locations. Get forms at libraries and some government agencies 09/06/17 Joan Gibson 860-509-6100 Link      
Delaware No Last Saturday prior to general or primary election; 10 days prior to special election; 4 days prior for absentee ballot by mail, 2 days prior for absentee ballot in person VBM = absentee ballot. Only permanent for elderly and disabled, otherwise annually. Yes, not necessarily a photo id. Permissible ids: Link Yes, when voter is doing DMV business Nothing Different online, by mail, in person, phone (application is filled out for the caller, sent to caller for signature and returned by caller to Department of Elections), Department of Health & Social Services, Department of Labor, forms at post offices 08/17/17 Cheryl 302-739-4277 Link      
District of Columbia Yes 30 days prior to election for online, 7 days for absentee ballot VBM = absentee ballot. D.C. Is in the process of updating its absentee term. Advised to check website after 1/1/18 for changes. Yes if not presented at registration. No photo id necessary. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at Board of Election Office, some government agencies, get forms at post offices, nursing homes 08/30/17 Tamara 202-727-2525 Link Early voting is offered    
Florida No 29 days prior to an election; 39 days prior to an election for absentee voters or before the registration book closes, whichever is first VBM = absentee ballot, permanent. If voter shows inactivity for 2 years, voter will be notified by the county to confirm absentee status. Yes, a photo id is required. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail and in person at any county supervisor of elections office; forms can be obtained at any state office or public library 08/22/17 Susan 850-245-6290 Link Early voting is offered    
Georgia No 30 days prior to election, absentee – no legal deadline but ballot cannot be mailed to voter day before election VBM = Absentee ballot, good for one election; elderly and disabled can apply for one year. Must have photo id. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at any government office; any high school or college principal is a registrar 08/28/17 Chris 844-753-7825 Link Early voting is offered    
Hawaii Brand new, starting in 2018. Respondent was hesitant to say anything. Has been passed by the legislature. 30 days prior to election 7 days prior to election for absentee ballot VBM = absentee ballot. Is permanent. Voters in Hawaii must present a valid form of identification at the polls if not presented when registered. This identification does not have to include a photo of the voter. Valid forms of ID in Hawaii include driver's licenses, state ID cards, utility bills, bank statements, and other government-issued documents. Vote will count provisionally if no id is presented. Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at the clerk's office or office of elections. Forms can be obtained at state libraries, post offices, state agencies, and satellite city halls. 08/22/17 Jamie 808-453-8683 Link    
Idaho Yes 25 days prior to election for mail or in-person registration 11 days prior to election for absentee ballot VBM = absentee ballot, good for one year. Some voters can apply for permanent (disabled, infirm, etc.) A photo id is required or signing a personal identification affidavit. Permissible ids: Link Yes, not a motor voter state – does not get a lot of registrations through DMV Nothing Different by mail and in person at county clerk offices and polling places online voter registration has been approved by legislature and secretary of state is working on offering it 08/23/17 Jo 208-287-6860 Link Early voting is offered. Some counties still use paper ballots others use print-on-demand for early voting.
Illinois Yes 30 days prior to primary election, 27 days for general, two weeks before election for online registration; 90 days before for absentee ballot VBM = absentee ballot, good for one election. If voter has permanent condition limiting their ability to vote in person, the voter can get an absentee ballot good for 5 years and even extend it. If id was not given at registration id must be shown. Photo id is not required. Permissible ids: Two forms of identification with at least one showing your current residence address are needed when you register in-person. If you register by mail sufficient proof of identity is required by submission of your driver's license number or State identification card number. If you don't have either of those, verification by the last 4 digits of the your social security number, a copy of a current and valid photo identification, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other government document that shows your name and address will be required. A person may also demonstrate sufficient proof of identity by submission of a photo identification issued by a college or university accompanied by either a copy of the applicant's contract or lease for a residence or any postmarked mail delivered to the applicant at his or her current residence address. Yes Nothing Different online, by mail and in person at the office of the election authority and with deputy registrars in each jurisdiction 08/24/17 Cheryl 217-782-4141 Link      
Indiana No, has been proposed in the past but voted against 29 days prior to election for mail-in, in person and online; absentee deadline is 8 days prior to election VMB = absentee ballot, good for one election Yes, photo id or considered provisional until photo id is presented. Permissible ids:Link Yes, only if doing DMV business Nothing Different Online, by mail, in person at any county voter registration office, social services offices and Indiana Election Division 08/18/17 Angie 317-232-3939 Link Early voting is offered    
Iowa Yes 10 days prior to general election, 11 days prior to primary; 40 days prior to election for absentee ballot VBM = absentee ballot, good for one election In most cases photo ids are required; however, new laws are being enacted. Current information is at: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail and in person at any county auditor office 08/28/17 Mike and Dawn 515-281-0145 Link Voter id law is changing. Continue to check for updates on website    
Kansas No 21 days prior to election absentee ballot registration is 7 days prior to election VBM = absentee ballot, good for one election. Those permanently disabled can apply for permanent absentee ballot. Counties can have “mail ballot elections” on issues, not candidates. Kansas calls absentee voting advanced balloting. Photo id is required, otherwise, vote is provisional until photo shown. If no photo submitted, it is up to canvasser meeting on the day of certification when canvassers can recommend not to count the vote. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at county election offices, social service offices, some government offices; forms available at libraries and other government offices 08/29/17 Jamison 800-262-8683 Link    
Kentucky No 28 days prior to election, 7 days for absentee ballot, special in-house registration 12 days prior for those unable to get to polls on election day VBM = Absentee ballot, good for one election. Only available for those who meet the following criteria: Link Yes, driver's license, social security card, any county-issued id, Kentucky approved id Yes Nothing Different Online, in person, any county clerk office, state board of elections, social service agencies. Forms can be obtained at post offices, high schools, recruitment stations, etc. 08/15/17 Mary Ellen 502-573-7100 Link Mary Ellen is no nonsense      
Louisiana No 20 days prior to election for online registration, 30 days prior for in person and by mail; absentee deadline is the fourth day prior to election. VBM = absentee ballot, good for two years. Can get permanent absentee if over 65, disabled Photo id is required, otherwise voter must sign an affidavit. Permissible ids: a driver's license, a Louisiana Special ID, some other generally recognized picture ID that contains your name and signature. Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at registrar of voters offices, social services agencies. Forms can be obtained at any non-mandated site where the forms were requested to be distributed. 09/06/17 Kate 225-922-0900 Link Louisiana has early voting; however, it does not count the votes each night, only counts the number of voters.    
Maine Yes 21 days prior to election absentee deadline is 3 business days prior to election VMB = absentee ballot, good for one election Only required if a new registrant. Must be photo id. Yes Nothing Different Secretary of State Office, town office/city hall, state and federal social service agencies,voter registration drives. Forms can be obtained at some libraries 08/23/17 Ann 207-624-7650 Link    
Maryland Only for early voting 3 weeks before election for general election 1 week ahead for absentee ballot VBM = absentee ballot, good for one election; however, voter can apply for absentee ballots one time in a year for multiple elections in that year Id required for first-time voters only. Permissible ids: A copy of a current and valid photo ID (i.e., Maryland driver's license, MVA ID card, student, employee, or military ID card, U.S. passport, or any other State or federal government-issued ID card); or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document that shows your name and address. Current means that the document is dated within 3 months of the election. Yes Nothing Different online and during early voting and in person at your local board of elections, The State Board of Elections, The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, The Department of Social Services, The Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA), Offices on Aging; The MTA Paratransit Certification Office, all public institutions of higher education, recruitment offices of the U.S. Armed Forces, marriage license offices; and offices for students with disabilities at all Maryland colleges and universities. 08/24/17 Jessica 41-269-2840 Link    
Massachusetts No, there may be an outstanding lawsuit so could not give me any info 20 days prior to any election, 10 days prior to town meeting election; absentee deadline is noon before election day No, Howard says not the same as absentee ballot. VBM is for states that do not have physical polling places. Absentee ballots are good for one year. No permanent absentee ballots offered. Required if not given at registration. Permissible ids: a driver's license, state-issued ID card, recent utility bill, rent receipt, lease, a copy of a voter registration affidavit, or any other printed identification which contains the voter's name and address. Yes Nothing Different online, in person and by mail; everything is done at the local level, can go to Elections Division of Secretary of Commonwealth and register and certain social service agencies. Registration forms are sent to each town and can be disbursed anywhere. 08/22/17 Howard 800-462-8683 Link Any 16- or 17-year-old can pre-register    
Michigan No 30 days prior to election 3 days prior to election for absentee VBM = absentee ballot, good for each election. A voter can vote absentee in person at clerk's offices. A voter can ask for permanent absentee status if their city offers it; however, the voter must still apply each election. (!) If the voter registered by mail to vote, the voter must vote in person in their first election. Exceptions are made for disabled and those living overseas. Photo ids are required. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at secretary of state and clerk offices, can get forms at various government agencies. 09/01/17 Dave 517-373-2540 Link    
Minnesota Yes 21 days prior to general elections, 46 days prior to for early voting, no party designation; no legal deadline to apply for absentee; however, vote needs to be in by the end of election day VBM = absentee ballot, good for one year; some counties and some cities offer VBM, not uniform throughout the state If you need to register or update your registration, or you have not voted in four years or more, you will need to show proof of residence before you vote. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail and in person at Secretary of State office, county election offices, any government entity. Forms can be obtained at libraries. 08/28/17 Chris and Stella 651-215-1440 Link      
Mississippi No 30 days prior to election absentee has no deadline but must get it in time before election day VBM = absentee ballot, good for an election except for those over 65 who do not need to reapply Yes, photo ids are required at the polls, otherwise affidavit ballot is voted. Permissible ids: Link Yes, not recommended as there is a glitch in the system that delays the registration getting to the circuit clerk's office Nothing Different by mail, in person at municipal clerk's office and circuit clerk's office 08/29/17 Jennifer 800-829-6786 Link Y'All vote website! No online voter registration exists  
Missouri No 7 days prior to election for general population and absentee VBM = absentee ballot. Not permanent, must reapply each election. Disabled voters have application sent to them each election to reapply. Can have VBM if single entity (ex. School board) is on ballot) Photo id is required, otherwise, considered provisional and counted after two weeks. Voter can also sign statement and photo id will be obtained for voter. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail and in person at the office of the local election authority, social service agencies, public libraries 08/22/17 Ann 573-751-2301 Link Curbside Voting: Voters with limited mobility can vote "curbside" or outside the polling place. Just go to your polling place and ask someone to go in and ask poll workers to bring a ballot out to you. They should bring you a ballot within a reasonable period of time.    
Montana Yes 30 days prior to election, late voter registration until day prior to election VBM is decided by the governing body, ballots sent to all qualified voters. Absentee ballots are different. Any absentee voter who changes their address and does not answer a confirmation request will be dropped from absentee list, otherwise permanent. Photo id is not required. Permissible ids: Driver’s license; School district or postsecondary education photo identification; Tribal photo identification; Current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, notice of confirmation of voter registration, government check, or other government document that shows the elector's name and current address Yes Nothing Different by mail and in person at local election offices, county satellite sites (ex. Indian reservation). Registration not available online 08/21/17 Alan 406-444-5346 Link      
Nebraska No bills have been submitted but usually fail as Nebraska's ballot is complex and there would be too much pressure to change it for new legislation Third Friday prior to election for DMV, online and by mail registration; second Friday prior to election for in person and absentee ballot. VBM = absentee ballot, good for an election. Some counties (a few larger ones) have permanent status, send voter postcard each year to confirm permanency and then send ballot. Some precincts (usually rural) and some special elections are going to All Mail voting. No id necessary. If, however, id was not given at registration, then voter must provide address verification. No photo id necessary. Yes Nothing Different online, by mail and in person at county clerk/election commissioner's offices, state department of health and human services and department of education. Best to go to county clerk offices or DMV as delays could occur at other offices listed. 08/30/17 Katie 402-471-2555 Link Nebraska has early voting, which is the same as absentee in person. State has “newer former resident” regulation so that a voter who is new to the state and missed registration or moved from Nebraska too late to register at new state can vote for the office of president only  
Nevada No, is brought up in the legislature regularly but never approved 20 days prior to election for online and in person, 30 days prior to election by mail; absentee deadline is 7 days prior to election. VBM = absentee ballot, good for an election cycle, otherwise, can apply for permanent absentee ballot if conditions are met (over 65, disabled, etc). Certain very remote towns have All Mail Voting Ids are not required normally. If first time voter and proper id was not confirmed when registering, photo id must be shown and signature verified. List of ids are being updated on web site. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at any county clerk and registrar of voters offices, college campuses and social service agencies. Forms can be obtained at certain agency offices and libraries, if these establishments elect to distribute them. 09/06/17 April; 775-684-5708, press 7 Link Nevada has early voting but counts voter numbers daily, not votes      
New Hampshire Yes 10 days before election VMB = absentee ballot, good for one election Photo id is required. Permissible ids: Link No Nothing Different In person at town and city clerk offices and supervisor of the checklist 08/23/17 Paula 603-271-3242 Link No online voter registration have deadline even though it is a same-day state because “it's the law”.  
New Jersey No 21 days prior to elections for any registration including absentee ballot VBM = absentee ballot. Primary election good for one year. General election is ongoing. Id is required if not verified at registration, not necessarily a photo id. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different by mail and in person at division of elections, the commissioners of registration offices, municipal clerks and social service agencies. Forms can be obtained at some libraries. 08/17/17 Joy 609-292-3760 Link Cannot register online – need original signature.    
New Mexico No 28 days prior to election absentee voting registration deadline is on Friday before the election. VBM = absentee ballot. Permanent Id is required if not verified at registration. Permissible ids: a current and valid photo identification; or a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, student identification card or other government document, including identification issued by an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo that shows your name and current address Yes Nothing Different online, by mail and in person at local county clerk offices, office of the Secretary of State, many state agencies, social service agencies and voter registration drives 08/17/17 Marisa 505-827-3600 Link Early voting is offered  
New York No, not allowed by the NY constitution 25 days prior to election absentee deadline is 7 days prior by mail or day prior to election for in person VBM = absentee ballot, can register for permanent status, otherwise, can register for multiple elections in one year. If new voter or not verified at registration, must show id. Photo id not required. Permissible ids: passport, government ID card, military ID card, student ID card, public housing ID card, utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, any ID specified by HAVA and New York State law as acceptable, government check, other government documents with your name and address including but not limited to: voter registration card, hunting, fishing, or trapping license or firearm permit Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at city or county board of elections, any NY State agency-based voter registration center 08/24/17 John Conklin 518-474-1953 Link    
North Carolina Only provisionally, has early voting where you can register 25 days prior for all even absentee ballot VMB = absentee ballot, good for one election No list of permissible ids available. Photo id no longer valid due to Federal law disqualifying it; however, need 2 forms of id (photo and proof of residency) for early voting where one also registers. Yes, only if doing DMV business Nothing Different online, by mail, in-person, Registration places and where to obtain forms: Link 08/18/17 Barbara 919-733-7173 Link      
North Dakota State does not have voter registration n/a North Dakota counties determine if they offer VBM. Absentee ballots are good for one year. Ids are required at the polls; however, photo ids are not required. Permissible ids: Link n/a Need North Dakota id n/a 08/28/17 Lee Ann Oliver; 701-328-2900, press 6 Link        
Ohio No 30 days prior to election can request absentee ballot anytime VMB = absentee ballot, good for one election Ids are required, not necessarily a photo id. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail and in person at county board of elections. Forms can be obtained at libraries. 08/25/17 Kathy 614-466-2585 Link Ohio calls early voting absentee voting  
Oklahoma No 24 days prior to election for in person and by mail 6 days prior to election for absentee VBM = absentee ballot, good for an election year or individual election. There are no permanent absentee ballots. A photo id is required unless a voter has a county election board voter identification card. If neither of these, the voter can sign an affidavit and vote provisionally. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different by mail and in person at county election board and social service agencies. Forms can also be obtained at post offices, libraries and other public locations. Oklahoma currently does not offer online voter registration; however, it is being worked on. 09/06/17 Bryan 405-521-2391 Link Oklahoma considers absentee in person the same as early voting.  
Oregon No 21 days prior to election 28 days prior to election for absentee ballot Has VBM; offers absentee ballot to out-of-country voters, for example. No ids required as everyone was sent a ballot. The elections office may be the only polling place as it is an All Mail State. Yes, voters are sent a voter registration form after doing DMV business. They are given 21 days to register or else they are registered as affiliated. Voters can subsequently opt out of voter registration. Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at county elections offices, Oregon Secretary of State Office. Forms can be obtained at libraries and social service agencies. 08/25/17 Sean 503-986-1518 Link    
Pennsylvania No 30 days prior to election, absentee on Tuesday prior to election No, absentee ballot is good for 4 years. First time voters need to show id, not necessarily a photo id. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different Online, mail, in person at any county voter registration office, any state government office. Forms can be obtained at the secretary of the commonwealth and all county registration offices. 08/16/17 Zachary 717-787-5280 Link        
Rhode Island No, offered for presidential elections only 30 days prior to election 21 days prior to election for absentee ballots VBM = absentee ballot, good for one election; good for 5 years if permanently disabled Photo id is required, otherwise, considered provisional. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at Board of Canvassers, social service agencies, voter registration drives 08/23/17 Manny 401-222-2345 Link If a voter misses the registration deadline, the voter can vote only for president and vice president on election day.  
South Carolina No 30 days prior to election VMB = absentee ballot, good for one year Yes, photo id is required or considered provisional until photo id is presented. Permissible ids: South Carolina driver's license; Photo ID card issued by the SC Dept. of Motor Vehicles; Passport; Military ID bearing a photo issued by the federal government; South Carolina voter registration card with a photo. Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at county board of voter registration offices, social services agencies, voter registration drives 08/21/17 Barbara 803-734-9060 Link      
South Dakota No 15 prior to election for mail-in and in-person registration day prior to election for absentee ballot registration VBM = absentee ballot, everyone must apply every year for absentee; South Dakota does not have early voting but does have absentee in-person voting Voters who have a reasonable impediment to obtaining photo ID may show a non-photo voter registration card in lieu of photo ID, sign an affidavit attesting to the impediment, and cast a provisional ballot. Yes Nothing Different by mail and in person at county auditor's offices, city finance offices, social service agencies. Online registration is not available. 09/06/17 Kristen 605-773-3537 Link No registration online  
Tennessee No 30 days prior to election, 7 days prior to election for absentee ballot VBM = absentee ballot, good for an election. A voter must vote in person before requesting an absentee ballot by mail, not necessary if applying in person. Can request permanent absentee ballot with doctor's note. Photo ids are required. There are exceptions.Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online (new), by mail, in person at social service agencies and some government offices. Forms can be obtained at county election commission offices, county clerk offices, public libraries, register of deeds offices 08/30/17 Abby and Kathy 615-741-7956 Link Has early voting which is considered the same as absentee in person voting. As true in most states, a voter must be doing business in the social services agencies to then register to vote    
Texas No 30 days prior to election, absentee deadline is 11 days prior to election. VBM = absentee ballot, good for one election. There are no permanent absentee ballots given; however, a voter can apply for a ballot good for one year if the voter is over 65, disabled, out of the county on election day or in jail but not convicted. Currently, Ids are required. Permissible ids: Link Due to a lawsuit, there is a notification on the Texas voter web site stating the following: Election Outlook: Voter identification requirements are currently under review in federal court. The Secretary of State will update its website to comply with court requirements as more information is available. A copy of the most recent District Court decision is available here (PDF) Yes Nothing Different by mail, in person at a county tax assessor-collector office, county voter registrar office, secretary of state office or by a volunteer deputy registrar. Forms can be obtained at libraries, post offices and high schools. Online registration is not available. 09/07/17 Andre 800-252-8683 Link Texas has early voting where any registered voter can vote. Votes are not counted daily; however, the number of voters who voted from larger counties are counted daily.    
Utah No, had pilot program in 2016; however, legislature did not reup it 30 days prior to election for mail registration, 7 days for online and in person; absentee ballot deadline is the Thursday prior to election VBM = absentee ballot, good for one election. A voter can apply for permanent absentee, no excuse needed. Some counties offer VBM but are still required to have at least one polling place. An id is needed; however, it does not have to be a photo id. Permissible ids: Link Yes, automatic Nothing Different online, by mail and in person only at county clerk offices. Forms can be obtained at libraries, universities and government social service agencies. 09/01/17 India 801-538-1041 Link Early voting is offered    
Vermont Yes n/a absentee available up to day before election. VBM = absentee ballot. Voter can choose to request absentee ballot by calendar year or by election. No id required. Yes Nothing Different online, by mail or in person at town or city clerk offices and government agencies 08/23/17 Lelonie 802-828-1931 Link    
Virginia No 22 days prior to election 13 days prior if special election and 7 days prior if called by governor absentee deadline is 7 days by mail prior to election and 3 days in person prior to election VBM = absentee ballot. Absentee ballot is permanent if voter is local and unable to get to polling place Yes, photo id or vote is considered provisional until photo id is presented. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail and in person at any official registration office listed on the Internet by county or city. Forms can be obtained at: Link 08/22/17 Vanessa 804-864-8901 Link Great website – menus at top of page list choices clearly when hover over
Washington No 29 days prior to an election for online and by mail registration 8 days prior for in person. Absentee deadline is the Friday prior to election. Washington has All Mail Voting (VBM) so there is no absentee ballot. Ballots are sent 2 ½ weeks prior to the election No id is required. There are only a few polling places due to All Mail Voting. There is at least one per county. Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at a county auditor's office or county elections office 08/30/17 Selena 360-902-4180 Link    
West Virginia No 21 days prior to election absentee ballot registration is 6 days prior to election VBM = absentee ballot, good for an election; however, municipalities of less than 2,500 residents can vote by mail in early voting. Voters can apply for permanent absentee status if they are permanently disabled or in a confidentiality program. Currently id is not required. Starting in 2018, voter must show an id, photo not required. The state is providing free photo ids though, available in 2018 for those who need them. Smart phones can be used for photos and registration. Permissible ids: Link Yes Nothing Different online, by mail, in person at county clerk offices, Secretary of State Office. Forms can be obtained at various government social service agencies 09/01/17 Donald 304-558-6000 Link Early voting is offered.  
Wisconsin Yes 20 days by mail prior to election; in person is the Friday before election, absentee deadline is the Thursday prior to election VBM = absentee ballot, good for one year. Some voters can apply for permanent (overseas, military, disabled, infirm, etc.) Must have photo id; however, there are exceptions: confidential voter (ex, victim of violence) and voter whose religion prohibits use of photos. Link No, Wisconsin is exempt (in 1993) due to same-day registration Nothing Different online, by mail and in person at municipal clerk offices. Forms can be obtained at some libraries. 08/25/17 Reed Magny 608-0266-8005 Link Reed asked if we publish this info that we send him a link.    
Wyoming Yes 14 days prior to election absentee ballot deadline is the day prior to election VBM = absentee ballot, good for an election cycle (every two years). If registered, no id is necessary. Permissible ids: Link Exempt from motor voter law due to same-day registration- some states were given exemptions when Motor Voter was passed, if some criteria were met. Same day voter registration exempted Wyoming. Nothing Different by mail and in person at town and county clerk offices. Online registration is not available. 08/29/17 Jessica and Jennifer 307-777-5860 Link    

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Title Voter Registration Facts by State
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Susan Schneider
Pub Date 2017-10-06
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Keywords Easy Voting
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Topic revision: r1 - 06 Oct 2017, RaymondLutz
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