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Occupy Update! -- HAPPY NEW YEAR!
This report is BEST if you read the web version on your browser.
Helpful Links
- Please help with monetary donations. Need a tax deduction for the tax year? Most donations are tax deductible!
- Send information or respond to this email blast to: osd-feedback (at) citizensoversight (dot) org
Multiple team members are involved in creating the blast emails!
- If you have an event you want us to include, please use this submission form: Submit Event
- MORE LINKS here: Occupy San Diego Links

Occupy Rose Parade protestors carry 250-foot Constitution at the Rose Parade 2012. (Huffington Post/Kathleen Miles)
Photo Gallery

Banner making at Balboa Park for the Occupy Rose Bowl Parade.
See more photos here: Excellent OSD photographic archive
Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people
with diverse opinions. This email does not provide
the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is
compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers
by a number of volunteers.
News Media that may subscribe to this email blast
should confirm all information from other sources.
- Occupy Rose Bowl was an awesome success!
- This is FREE SPEECH MONTH in San Diego!
- January 6th is the deadline for submitting ballot propositions. A group of OSD activists are working on several proposals:
- Revision to SDMC54.0110 which will provide an explicit exemption for "peaceful political activities" similar to the wording in trespassing laws (647e)
- Clean Elections proposal for San Diego City offices.
- OSD is also working to submit anti-corporate personhood initiative.
- January 7th is the 3-month anniversary of Occupy San Diego!
- Demands committee has a new web page: Demands Committee to help organize demands, etc.
Upcoming Events
- OSD Contingent in D.C. on Jan 17. (Bus leaves Jan 13 and returns Jan 25.
- Updates to Road2Congress:
- Occupy Phoenix is showing us support at the greyhound station:
- Three people from Occupy Phoenix are going to join the bus with us.
- Occupy DC is having an Occuparty after #J17 events at Mcpherson Park.
- Warmer weather is expected in #J17
- Round trip plane ticket is approx. $280.
- Concert fundraiser at World Beat Center featuring Liquid Blue on Jan 20. You know how great the last fundraiser concert was... this will be even better.
Events for Next Seven Days
- Unless noted, all events are at "Freedom Square" (the San Diego Civic Center Plaza, 1200 3rd Ave. San Diego, Intersection of 3rd Ave. and B St.)
03 Jan 2012 - Tue
- (5:30p) Demands committee will meet at Civic Center Plaza and may move to Horton Plaza Panera Bread for the meeting.
- (4p) Reflection Committee to talk about reaching out to other areas, and how to hold our ground.
- (5p) March "We're Still Here March" Rumor has it that the Mayor want us gone when he comes back from his vacation. We the 99% will remind them that we are still here. PLEASE DECK OUT WITH YOUR 99% OUTFITS AND POSTERS!
05 Jan 2012 - Thu
- (2p) Press Conference at City Hall steps on Ballot Proposition submission by Occupy SD: Amendment to SDMC 54.0110 to explicitly state exemptions include "peaceful picketing, lawful labor activities and peaceful political activities." News Release
- (5p) "Flier it out for the J07" prep for OSD three month anniversary march on Jan 7.
- (5:30p) Demands Committee meets at Freedom Square
06 Jan 2012 - Fri
- (5p-7p) FB Event - A teach-in at Civic Center Plaza facilitated by Loren, Holly & Saharai will focus on the concept of consent, it's relation to patriarchy, rape culture, and how it can be used to create a sex positive culture for ALL people.
- (7p-10p) FB Event San Diego Free Speech Fight 100-Year Anniversary - Exhibit Opening Event at Centro Cultural De La Raza. (FREE) Includes: photos of the San Diego Free Speech Fight, a reading by author Jim Miller from FLASH - a book based on the San Diego Free Speech Fight, Live Music and more. Refreshments provided. RSVP to
07 Jan 2012 - Sat
- (11a-1:30p) Ocupemos El Barrio/ Occupy the Hood Outreach Outing at Sherman Heights Community Center, 2258 Island Ave Ocupemos El Barrio- Outreach Outing
- (11:30a) Reflection meeting FB Event
- (12p) Wellness Group meets at Civic Center Plaza
- (4:30p-5:30p) J7 Occupy San Diego - 3 Month Anniversary March from Children's Park to Civic Center Plaza.
- (6p) Occupella Chorus sings reworded songs to audience members as they enter the Civic Theater for the first of two Jerry Seinfeld shows at 7 PM.
- (12p-2p) OccupYRCorner in Clairemont - Stand w/Signs and handout info at Balboa & Genessee FB Event
- (2p) GA Meeting at Freedom Plaza.
- (1p-4p) Occupy Encinitas - 1 PM rally at the corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Coast Highway 101 followed by general assembly at 2:30 PM at Cottonwood Creek Park, corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Vulcan Ave. (GA meets at Leucadia Pizzeria if raining) More info: Facebook or Website
08 Jan 2012 - Sun
- I.W.W. Free Speech Movement in San Diego in 1912 -- The 100 year anniversary of this event is coming up! Time to have occupy sites around the country converge on San Diego to commemorate our rights.
- (11:00a-1:00p) - Teach-In at Freedom Square: "Discussion about the OWS List of Grievances called 'Declaration of the Occupation of New York City"
09 Jan 2012 - Mon <== click here to see the rest of the report.
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Things YOU can do right now to help.
Lutz suing Civic Center Plaza building owners and operators Project Details
- More on this project... Including collected media, documents, photos, videos, etc.
- This is a VERY IMPORTANT project because we will directly engage wall street firms who own and operate the Civic Center Plaza office building.
- New Legal Web being designed on
- New web (area of the site) will allow us to catalog all arrests, detentions, court actions, police ids, complaints, etc.
- Once this is set up, will need the best lists we have and people who can help enter data.
- It isn't much yet, but here it is: Legal Web
2012 Jan 03
- OCCUPATION 101: INTERVIEW WITH AN OCCUPIER On December 19, 2011, I sat down with Mike Garcia at Downtown Johnny Brown's at the Civic Center Plaza. Garcia is a La Mesa resident and Committee Member of Occupy San Diego (OSD).
- Protesters Occupy The Rose Parade Perhaps the most anticipated float of the 2012 Rose Parade is an unofficial entrant: a giant "Occupy Octopus" made out of plastic bags - Some great photos.
- Occupy The Rose Parade preparation complete with rapping 'billionaire' Occupy the Rose Parade plans to descend upon the annual showcase of flowered floats and bands with a undetermined number of protesters. Pasadena police officials have said there could be between 200 and 1,000 protesters. However, Occupy hasn't released any firm numbers to this newspaper. The New York Times reported as many as 40,000 protesters
- Citizens United Loses in Montana he Montana Supreme Court restored the state's century-old ban on direct spending by corporations on political candidates or committees in a ruling Friday that interest groups say bucks a high-profile U.S. Supreme Court decision granting political speech rights to corporations.
- Rose Parade held with an 'Occupy' twist The 2012 Tournament of Roses brought its flowery floats and strutting bands to a worldwide audience Monday under clear blue skies, and in its wake came a scruffier parade — hundreds of anti-Wall Street protesters.
More Detail on upcoming events.
Note: See quick list at the top of the page for the next seven days. The following list DOES NOT contain repeating events!
Tuesday, 2012-01-03
- 03 Jan 2012 - (5:30p) Demands committee will meet at Civic Center Plaza and may move to Horton Plaza Panera Bread for the meeting.
- 03 Jan 2012 - (4p) Reflection Committee to talk about reaching out to other areas, and how to hold our ground.
- 03 Jan 2012 - (5p) March "We're Still Here March" Rumor has it that the Mayor want us gone when he comes back from his vacation. We the 99% will remind them that we are still here. PLEASE DECK OUT WITH YOUR 99% OUTFITS AND POSTERS!
Wednesday, 2012-01-04
Thursday, 2012-01-05
- 05 Jan 2012 - (2p) Press Conference at City Hall steps on Ballot Proposition submission by Occupy SD: Amendment to SDMC 54.0110 to explicitly state exemptions include "peaceful picketing, lawful labor activities and peaceful political activities." News Release
- 05 Jan 2012 - (5p) "Flier it out for the J07" prep for OSD three month anniversary march on Jan 7.
- 05 Jan 2012 - (5:30p) Demands Committee meets at Freedom Square
Friday, 2012-01-06
- 06 Jan 2012 - (5p-7p) FB Event - A teach-in at Civic Center Plaza facilitated by Loren, Holly & Saharai will focus on the concept of consent, it's relation to patriarchy, rape culture, and how it can be used to create a sex positive culture for ALL people.
- 06 Jan 2012 - (7p-10p) FB Event San Diego Free Speech Fight 100-Year Anniversary - Exhibit Opening Event at Centro Cultural De La Raza. (FREE) Includes: photos of the San Diego Free Speech Fight, a reading by author Jim Miller from FLASH - a book based on the San Diego Free Speech Fight, Live Music and more. Refreshments provided. RSVP to
Saturday, 2012-01-07
Sunday, 2012-01-08
- 08 Jan 2012 - I.W.W. Free Speech Movement in San Diego in 1912 -- The 100 year anniversary of this event is coming up! Time to have occupy sites around the country converge on San Diego to commemorate our rights.
- 08 Jan 2012 - (11:00a-1:00p) - Teach-In at Freedom Square: "Discussion about the OWS List of Grievances called 'Declaration of the Occupation of New York City"
Monday, 2012-01-09
Tuesday, 2012-01-10
- 10 Jan 2012 - (8a) - Arraignment of Ray Lutz for setting up a voter registration table in Freedom Plaza, at San Diego County Courthouse, probably in Dept. 3 (just to the right of the entrance doors). I understand the actual time is 10am for these hearings. Since this is a high-profile case in the media, it will be nice to have OSD support at the arraignment. (Thank you again for all your support, OSD is the best.)
- 10 Jan 2012 - (10a) - City Council Meeting -- First meeting with public comment available this year!
Wednesday, 2012-01-11
- 11 Jan 2012 - (7:30a) SDPD Central Division SDPD community (citizens/Occupiers) feedback meeting (place TBD).
- 11 Jan 2012 - (9a) VERY IMPORTANT: San Diego City Council Rules Committee meeting to consider ballot proposal submitted by Occupy San Diego (thank you Martha Sullivan) to amend SDMC 54.0110 to include an explicit exemption for free speech rights. Please note: This is ON THE AGENDA, and therefore, we can have speakers on the topic. CALLING ALL PEOPLE hit by 54.0110 with inappropriate arrests, citations, or detentions, to come to this meeting and let our voices be heard!
- 11 Jan 2012 - (6p) Mayor Jerry Sanders presents the State of the City address at Balboa Theater with reception following at U.S. Grant Hotel. Any coordinated OSD action must be approved by the OSD GA.
- 11 Jan 2012 - (7p) Occupy Walk planning meeting at hART Lounge, 734 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101. Okay to park in reserved spots at the Granada Wig Store on Park & F.
Thursday, 2012-01-12
- 12 Jan 2012 - Memorial Service for occupier Jay Polk CANCELED
Friday, 2012-01-13
- 13 Jan 2012 - (9am) - Greyhound trip to Washington D.C. to be part of the million tent protest on Jan 17th. $252 round trip fare. Returns on Jan 20 at 9am. Greyhound station: 1313 National Ave., San Diego, CA 92101 Facebook Event -- Follow the trip here: #OSD | Road 2 Congress team. Follow us for latest on-the-road updates as we travel through the US to #OccupyCongress protests on #JAN17.
Saturday, 2012-01-14
- 14 Jan 2012 - (3:00p-4:00p) -
*Teach-In at Freedom Square:"Paradise Plundered: Fiscal Crisis and Governance Failures in San Diego"*, Steve Erie, Professor of Political Science at UC San Diego and Vlad Kogan, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, UC San Diego Cancelled, but we will attempt to reschedule
- 14 Jan 2012 - Occupy So Cal meetup at Long Beach MLK park.
- 14 Jan 2012 - (5:30p) Events Committee meets at Freedom Plaza for planning for the MLK parade on the 15th.
Sunday, 2012-01-15
- 15 Jan 2012 - (2p, meet at 12:30p) Occupy the Martin Luther King Parade! The marshalling area will be north of the County Administration Center on Harbor Drive. The parade will proceed south on Harbor Drive and will end near Seaport Village. Occupy San Diego will march in solidarity with all groups supporting social justice (consensed by GA Jan 14th). The logistics of marching with Ocupemos El Barrio and/or Veterans for Peace will be made by consensus starting at 12:30 PM at the County Ad. Ctr. A number of options may be considered.
- 15 Jan 2012 - (4p) Ecology, Resources and Sustainability Teach-In at Freedom Plaza.
- 15 Jan 2012 - (7p) Worldwide Candlelight Vigil to Unite Movements for a Better World at 7 PM in each time zone.
- 15 Jan 2012 - (5p) Third World Solidarity group will meet at Freedom Plaza to discuss the UN Convention of Economic and Cultural Rights. See or contact Amir at or for details.
Monday, 2012-01-16
- 16 Jan 2012 - (10a-1p) - Occupy the Dream - in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the Federal Reserve Banks of 13 cities, including San Francisco and Washington, D.C., wiill be occupied by members of the African-American faith community and their supporters.
- 16 Jan 2012 - (12p-3p) - Occupy Chula Vista will Occupy Third Ave and Palomar. FB Event
- 16 Jan 2012 - (6p) - Working Group for a Statement for Political Autonomy meets at Freedom Plaza.
Tuesday, 2012-01-17
- 17 Jan 2012 - Million tent protest in Washington D.C. -- OSD to travel to OD.C. to be part of the 1 million tent protest. Group to Greyhound out, have great group discussions, enjoy the fun, bring a tent, a smile and warm stuff. Time to show the Government that we are not the enemy, the N.D.A.A. bill is unconstitutional and the people demand the change we need to improve all of society, not just the top 1%. The 99% are coming to D.C. and you can too. Facebook Event
- Occupy Greyhound Update: OSD to Occupy Greyhound to OD.C. to be part of the 1 million tent protest. We are leaving on the 13th and returning in SD on the 25th. We have 12 people going and we were able to purchase 8 tickets from donations. We will still be collecting donations for the use of going to some tourist attractions while we are in DC as a group, in matching Occupy San Diego clothing hopefully. We are also working on getting a hold of all the local media stations so when we stop there should be coverage of our trip (hopefully). We are going to get with education committee to see if there can be some classes to make sure everyone is up to speed on all the important issues currently infesting our world. I am very thankful for all the support we have received from the community of people that could not go but wanted to see this trip become a reality. If you would like to know who is going PM me and I will ask everyone if they want me to inform the public on their intent to go to DC. (A few think the cops will target them to make it so they can not go). Please Contribute.
- 17 Jan 2012 - (12:30p) Working Group for a Statement for Political Autonomy meets at Freedom Plaza.
- 17 Jan 2012 - (10a) Free Energy Committee can bring five Occupiers to see a new “free energy” device near Chula Vista Inventor Nikola Tesla patented a “free-energy receiver” back in 1901. Contact David Lande for more details.
- 17 Jan 2012 - No city council meeting this week.
- 17 Jan 2012 - (5-7p) - Radical Feminists present Feminist Fridays, today a teach-in on womens' reproductivde rights. This will be leaidng up to a day of action on the commemroating the 39th anniversary of Reoe v. Wade on the 22nd.
Wednesday, 2012-01-18
- 18 Jan 2012 - (5:30p) - Facilitation training at Freedom Plaza.
- 18 Jan 2012 - (5:15P) - OccupYrCorner will be Occupying North Park at the corner of 30th and University. Bring a sign and a smile, and engage the rest of the 99%. See Facebook event page for more.
Thursday, 2012-01-19
- 19 Jan 2012 - People for Social Responsibility meet at Balboa Park (need time and place in park). Not an OSD event but Occupiers are welcomed and encouraged to attend.
- 19 Jan 2012 - (5:30p) - Facilitation training at Freedom Plaza.
Friday, 2012-01-20
- 20 Jan 2012 - Occupy the Courts today, nationwide and in San Diego! - (8a) March from Freedom Plaza to the Federal Courthouse at 880 Front Street @ E St. - followed by (12p-1p) rally. For more info go to Women Occupy San Diego. For a flyer to distribute to get the word out click here. For nationwide info go to Move to Amend Occupies the Courts. Schedule:
- INTRODUCTION of emcee by Pam Page
- WELCOME by Mistress of Ceremony, Anne Hoiberg. Brief overview, including mention of each speaker and her/his current professional position
- OCCUPELLAS sing Occupy version of "This Land is Your Land"
- Anne Hoiberg introduces each speaker in turn with fuller bio and reminder that they are respectfully requested to limit their talk to five minutes.
- MARJORIE COHN explains the Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission ruling and its implications including how corporations got "personhood" rights.
- LORI SALDANA discusses in general terms how she perceives the issue for those running for office and, if she chooses, her personal experience.
- MIKE AGUIRRE talks about what we each can do to get from where we are to a constitutional amendment.
- TAHRA LUDWIG of Occupy San Diego will talk about what impact Citizens United is having and will have on the 99%.
- OCCUPELLAS sing three more songs!
- WRAP UP by Anne Hoiberg
Sunday, 2012-01-22
- 22 Jan 2012 - (1p - 3p) - Roe v Wade Anniversary Reproductive Rights Rally, March, & Speakout at Freedom Plaza. For more info: FB Event
Monday, 2012-01-23
Tuesday, 2012-01-24
- 24 Jan 2012 - (6:30p - 8p) -- Citizens’ Review Board on Police Practices at Valencia Park / Malcom X Library at 5148 Market St., San Diego, CA 92114-2209 (Just east of Euclid on Market St.) OSD must be at this meeting in force to object to police practices at Freedom Plaza. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE
- 24 Jan 2012 - (5p) Occupy Chula Vista General Assembly at Panera Bread in Chula Vista Mall
Wednesay, 2012-01-25
- 25 Jan 2012 - (5p-7p) – OccupYrCorner at 5th and University in Hillcrest. Bring signs, banners or flags. Event info at Occupy yr Corner HillCrest
Thursday, 2012-01-26
- 26 Jan 2012 - (7p) - Voices of a Peoples History event at SanDiegoCityCollege - Saville Theater. This is the 100th anniversary of the San Diego Free Speech Fight, when city coucil prohibited soapbox oration centered at Fifth and E streets in the Stingaree Distrcit (Gaslamp). Prosecutors charged those arrested on felony charges of conspiracy, and police brutality was common. The Free Speech League sought to bring the cases up to jury trials to clog the system. There were an estimate of 5,000 involved in one protest, with 41 arrested. The views of the Free Speech movement were similar to Occupy, both on the wealth divide, and later on, First Amendment rights. The circumstances of the movement are echoed today. Vigilantes would take Wobblies trying to go south to San Diego off the trains.
Friday, 2012-01-27
- 27 Jan 2012 - (12p-2p) - Direct action for Raul Carranza at the State Buikding at 1350 Front St. at Ash. Raul, who has muscular dystrophy, requires 24/7 nursing care, but was denied assistance by the state’s program director even though a judge ruled he was eligible. He was given no reason by the director and has been denied an appeal of the director’s ruling. For Raul’s story look at or for event info: FB Event.
Saturday, 2012-01-28
- 28 Jan 2012 - (4p) Party at Amy and Pete's - Protest Party for the NDAA - 20391 Rancho Villa Rd. Ramona, CA 92065 760 519-1243 -- "Party for friends/patriots of the Tea Party and Occupy San Diego to -- Get acquainted -- Join in solidarity against NDAA bill signed by Rep. Hunter, Issa, Bilbray, Feinstein, and Boxer. (Pete and Amy donated $2,000 to the OSD Amarillo 13)
- 28 Jan 2012 - (5:30p) Next organizing meeting to protest at the Democratic Party state convention on Feb 11 regarding support of NDAA. At 8161 Lincoln St., Lemon Grove 91945 (Frank and Patty's place). Bring pot luck snacks (not full dinner). (NOT OSD GA ENDORSED)
- 28 Jan 2012 - (11:30A) Working/planning group for Occupy SD County Summit on Feb 4th and SoCal Inter-Occ on Feb 11th meets at Freedom Plaza.
- 28 Jan 2012 - (12:30p) Occupy San Diego Labor Solidarity Committee - FB Page Meets for planning for the May 1st general strike (which is at this time not an OSD-GA approved event) at Freedom Plaza.
- 28 Jan 2012 - (after GA) Media working group meets at Freedom Plaza.
Sunday, 2012-01-29
- 29 Jan 2012 - (12p) Working/planning group for Occupy SD County Summit on Feb 4th and SoCal Inter-Occ on Feb 11th meets at Freedom Plaza.
- 29 Jan 2012 - (4:30p) Media Committee meets at Freedom Plaza.
- 29 Jan 2012 - (6:15p) The Occupella Chorus of Women Occupy San Diego will perform reworded folk and protest songs prior to the 7 PM performance of "A Hammer, A Bell and A Song to Sing" at the Lyceum Theatre.
Monday, 2012-01-30
- 30 Jan 2012 - (10a) Citizens' Oversight Projects (COPS) sponsors important legal action -- legal demands delivered to Mayor Sanders, City Council, City Attorney, and County DA. Need activists to help support this effort. Starts in Freedom Plaza by San Diego City Hall.
- 30 Jan 2012 - (4p-5:30p) Corporate Personhood Teach-in by Canvass For a Cause with Rachel Scoma and Holly Hellerstedt, at Freedom Plaza.
- 30 Jan 2012 - (4:30p) Working/planning group for Occupy SD County Summit on Feb 4th meets every day today through Friday at Freedom Plaza.
- 30 Jan 2012 - (5:30p) Super Committee planning the Feb 11th SoCal InterOcc event meets at Freedom Plaza.
Tuesday, 2012-01-31
- 31 Jan 2012 - (10a) - City Council Meeting -- ARRIVE EARLY TO GET A SEAT -- Continue to pressure San Diego City Council to put OSD on the Agenda, and specifically to change SDMC 54.0110! ALSO, now we will be bringing up the Snap Dragon deal.
-- SIGN PETITION TO CITY COUNCIL HERE: Occupy San Diego -- We should continue to gather signatures on this petition until they agree!
- 31 Jan 2012 - (4:30p) Working/planning group for Occupy SD County Summit on Feb 4th meets at Freedom Plaza.
- 31 Jan 2012 - (6p) Media Committee meets at Freedom Plaza. ALL OCCUPIERS involved in media are encouraged to attend this and future committee meetings.
The following Included from Occupy San Diego Events 2012 Feb
Wednesday, 2012-02-01
- 01 Feb 2012 - (4:30p) Working/planning group for Occupy SD County Summit on Feb 4th meets at Freedom Plaza.
- 01 Feb 2012 - (4:30P) - New time for Events Committee to meet until Feb 11th.
- 01 Feb 2012 - (5:30p) Super Committee planning the Feb 11th SoCal InterOcc event meets at Freedom Plaza.
Thursday, 2012-02-02
Friday, 2012-02-03
- 03 Feb 2012 - (1p-4p) NDAA 2012 Congressional Protest asking for repeal of the unconstitutional amendments 1021 & 1022 of the NDAA recently signed into law by Barack Obama, outside of these district congressional offices:
* -- 52nd - Duncan Hunter Jr - 1870 Cordell Ct, Ste 206 El Cajon, CA 92020
* -- 53rd - Susan Davis - 2700 Adams Avenue Suite 102 San Diego CA 92116
- 03 Feb 2012 - (3p) - Wellness committee meeting (was announced at Tuesday's GA at Childrens Park).
Saturday, 2012-02-04
- 04 Feb 2012 -
(10:30a- 7p) Occupy SD County SUMMIT at Centro Cultural De La Raza. Teach-ins, Work-Shops, GA, meetings, Music & Food, etc. See Schedule. For more info, or to volunteer, donate or request for a teach-in, work-shop, speaker, etc. email
Occupy SD County Summit Details
- 9:30-10:30 Prep Time / Set-Up -- All breakouts
- 10:30-11:30 -- 4 breakouts:
- --- a) Domestic Violence;
- --- b) NLG- Police Brutality & Complaints;
- --- c) Immigrants Are Part of The 99%;
- --- d) GA Process & Occupy 2.0
- 11:30-12:30 -- LUNCH, MUSIC, Hospitality, Meet & Greet Time
- --- James Bartoli Free Speech Fight History Museum Guided Tour
- 12:30-1:00 -- Keynote Speaker: Marjorie Cohn on Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Occupy Movement going Forward + Reports from Various Groups & Occupys. MC Martin Eder
- 1:00-1:55 -- OSD County GA - AGENDA maybe a) Where Does the Occupy Movement Go From Here?, b) Next Strategic Planning Meeting.
- 2:00-2:55 -- Break Outs:
- --- a) Electoral Politics & Occupy: Moderator Derek Casady, Josh Funn, Bob Filner
- --- b) Foreclosures & D As -- Mike Garcia
- --- c) History of Power - ISMs -- Eva & TBA
- --- d) Leadership in Leaderless -- Raffi
- 3:00-3:55 -- Break Outs:
- --- a) MAY DAY & Labor -- Monty Kroopkin & Co-facilitations
- --- b) Cost of War & War machine -- David Gapp & Rick
- --- c) 7 Habits of Successful Revolutions -- Eva & ?
- --- d) Repeal NDAA/Patriot Act: -- TBD
- 4:00-4:55 -- Break Outs:
- --- a) U.N. Declaration of Human Rights -- John Kenney & ?
- --- b) NLG- Police Brutality & Complaints -- Adriane & ?
- --- c) Agro Business in America -- Nic Paget-Clarke & Derek Casady
- --- d) Open Space Technology -- Raffi
- 5:30-6:00 FUTURE PLANS & WRAP-UP
Sunday, 2012-02-05
- 05 Feb 2012 - (1:00p) Teach in at Freedom Plaza: How do you tell if a social movement has succeeded/When do social movements end? by Prof. Elaine Lewinek
- 05 Feb 2012 - (2:00p) Teach in at Freedom Plaza: Political Terminology Workshop by Amir
- 05 Feb 2012 - (5:00p) Education Committee meeting, Freedom Plaza
- 05 Feb 2012 - (5:30p) Events Committee
Monday, 2012-02-06
- 06 Feb 2012 - (5:30p) Super Committee for the Feb 11th SoCal InterOcc event meets at Freedom Plaza
Wednesday, 2012-02-08
- 08 Feb 2012 - Jury Trial of Benjamin Gasper, who despite our state's law allowing for medical marijuana cultivation for personal use, has been targeted by San Diego's District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis. This trial will be indicative of how Dumanis operates and bends the law to interpret simple cultivation to automatically infer cultivation for sales. The trial will be held at Department 11 - San Diego Superior Court, 220 West Broadway. More info can be found at the Facebook event page at Benjamin Gasper - Jury Trial.
- 08 Feb 2012 - (6p) This will be the 100th anniversary of the first of the Wobbly arrests in the San Diego Free Speech Fight, for exercising their right to free speech in San Diego. The San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council will have a commemoration at 5th Ave. and E Street, featuring music, performances, special guests and people speaking from soapboxes as they did in 1912.
- 08 Feb 2012 - (7p) Racism and the Industrial Prison Complex -- Join us for a discussion about the nature of the racist prison system in the U.S.; includes a speaker from Books for Prisoners. at UCSD, Social Sciences Building 101 Info
- 08 Feb 2012 - (8p) - GA will start an hour late, after the Free Speech event in the Gaslamp.
Thursday, 2012-02-09
- 09 Feb 2012 - (8p-9p) Weekly InterOcc SoCal conference call, see for details.
- 09 Feb 2012 - (9:30a) New hearing on TRO regarding the Encroachment Law before Judge Hayes in Federal Court (880 Front St, courtroom 4, same place as last time). Would be cool if plaintiffs can attend and sit up at the plaintiff's table with me, and supporters in the courtroom as well. This is for the as-applied challenge to section 54.0110.
Friday, 2012-02-10
- 10 Feb 2012 - (9:30) Jury Trial of Benjamin Gasper continues, who despite our state's law allowing for medical marijuana cultivation for personal use, has been targeted by San Diego's District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis. This trial will be indicative of how Dumanis and those under her operate and bend the law to interpret simple cultivation to automatically infer cultivation for sales. The trial is being held at dept. 50, fourth floor, San Diego Superior Court, 220 West Broadway. More info at the Facebook event page at Benjamin Gasper - Jury Trial.
- 10 Feb 2012 - 12 Feb 2012 - Dem State Convention at the San Diego Convention Center. Agenda at 2012 Democratic State Convention Agenda. Please note: The public is generally welcomed to caucus meetings which meet Friday and Saturday. Of note to OSD would be the Environmental Caucus, Friday 4p-6p and the Progressive Caucus, Saturday, 8p-10p. Membership dues for caucuses are generally nominal (like $5 a year).
- 10 Feb 2012 - “Marching with Cesar” – Nine day march commemorating Cesar Chavez continues southward towards Friendship Park at the border to conclude on the 11th with a stop today in Escondido. Call 619-269-7865 or visit for details.
Saturday, 2012-02-11
- 11 Feb 2012 - (8:30a-10:30p) First SoCal InterOcc Conference!
- To join Google Group for this event, send request to Email contact: info below is subject to last minute changes.
- 8:30 - 9:30 Gather at Freedom Plaza (Civic Center at 3rd and B). Packets of information will be handed out as well as water and trail mix.
- 9:30 - 10:00 March with soap boxes to various sites in "Gaslamp" district to speak on various topics in honor 100th Anniversary of Freedom of Speech movement in SD. People will drop off at assigned corners.
- 10:00 - 11:30 Speak from soap boxes about topics relevant to today's economic, political and social situation
- 11:30 -12:00 March back collecting people from soap boxes as we go and ending in Children's Park to gather with Save our Bill of Rights Group.
- 12:00 - 1:30 March with them to Convention Center to protest NDAA (see below) in front of State Democratic Convention where Senator Feinstein will be keynote speaker.
- 1:30 - 2:00 Travel by car, bus, trolley or foot to Balboa Park where lunch will be served. Location: 6th at Juniper.
- 2:00 - 2:30 Lunch (prepared and served by Occupy San Diego)
- 2:30 - 3:00 Marjorie Cohn speaking on the NDAA
- 3:00 - 3:45 Breakout groups - various topics
- 3:45 - 4:45 Breakout groups - various topics
- 4:45 - 6:30 SoCal InterOc GA (Closing to include decision on where to hold next SoCal InterOc)
- 6:30 - 7:30 Dinner (prepared and served by OSD)
- 7:30 -10:00 Free time to socialize, meet in interest groups, have open mic, music, songs, fun.
- 10:00 Clean up, wrap up
- 11 Feb 2012 - (10a-12p) Car Impound Policy Community Forum at Sherman Heights Community Center, 2258 Island Avenue. This concerns Civil Rights violations targeting undocumented workers and prohibitively expensive "impound fees", often mandatory 60 days or more, & deportations, etc.
- 11 Feb 2012 - (12p) Protest at the CA/DEM convention at the San Diego Convention Center of the passage of the NDAA which includes provisions for indefinite detention of American citizens. Local Rep Susan Davis (D) voted for passage. Meet at Childrens Park with signs, flags and banners. More info: email; New website:
- 11 Feb 2012 - (12p-6p) Anarchist Picnic at Childrens Park. Workshops, Music, Potluck. Not sponsored by OSD.
- 11 Feb 2012 - (12p) “Marching with Cesar” – Nine day march commemorating Cesar Chavez concludes at Friendship Park at the border. Call 619-269-7865 or visit for details.
- 11 Feb 2012 - Occupy Walk starts. See
Tuesday, 2012-02-14
- 14 Feb 2012 -
(3p-5p) "Break up with your Bank" march to shut down nearby banks on Valentine's Day begins from Childrens Park
- 14 Feb 2012 - (7p) GA discussion on OSD's fiscal sponsor, and on our current fiscal sponsor, Activist San Diego. GA at Childrens Park
- 14 Feb 2012 - (7p-9p) Monthly "Americans for Safe Access" (ASA) chapter meeting to be held at the La Jolla Brewhouse at 7536 Fay Ave in La Jolla. FB Event
Wednesday, 2012-02-15
Thursday, 2012-02-16
- 16 Feb 2012 - Occupiers up along the West Coast will be boarding the "Occupy Express" starting in Los Angeles to arrive in Olympia, WA for the (OSD supported) Occupy Solidarity Social Forum on Feb 18th and 19th. The Express is due to return to LA on the 21st. If interested in the Express, send an email to
- 16 Feb 2012 - (12p-2p) Rally for Safe Access at the Federal Courthouse at 940 Front St. at E St., in response to Obama's Justice Department's war on medical marijuana patients, in some states ignoring individuals state's laws permitting use of same as medicine. FB Event Not an OSD event.
Friday, 2012-02-17
- 17 Feb 2012 - (8a-9:30a) "A Better San Diego" presents a breakfast and panel discussion at Ufcw Hall Mission Valley to learn about the foreclosure crisis and discuss solutions. Breakfast is provided for a suggested donation of $5. Please RSVP to Panelists include: David Lagstein, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), And Corinne Wilson, Center for Policy Initiatives (CPI). Facebook event page
Saturday, 2012-02-18
- 18 Feb 2012 - 2012 - (6p-10p) JUST FOR RAUL FUNDRAISER! OSD Labor Solidarity Committee presents a Benefit Concert for Raul Carranza, who has muscular dystrophy and requires 24/7 nursing care, but was denied assistance by the state’s program director even though a judge ruled he was eligible, at Centro Cultural De La Raza. Program Includes Joshua Napier, People's Revolutionary Choir, and Women Occupella! Please let the Occupy San Diego Labor Solidarity Committee know if you would like to contribute or perform =) Invite friends and family, All are Welcome!! $5 donation suggested for: FOOD, DRINKS, ARTISTS. We will also be having a RAFFLE! "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for wanting to help me in my struggle. Any and all donations are welcome. All money raised through this event will be used to cover my medical bills or possible legal fees from trying to overturn Medi-Cal's decision to cut my funding. Thank you for caring,Raul Carranza".
Sunday, 2012-02-19
- 19 Feb 2012 - (7:30p -1a) San Diego Occu-Party Benefit Concert #3 with Liquid Blue, the Women’s Occupella Chorus, Skavolutionary Orchestra, The Barnwell Shift, Fabio Alejandro from "B Side Players" & Marauak, spoken word artists Jerrica Escoto and Deacon Blair, and guest speakers Stephanie Jennings of Women Occupy San Diego, and Mike Garcia at the Soda Bar at 3615 El Cajon Boulevard in SD. Admission $5. Please help spread the word on this fundraiser.
Monday, 2012-02-20
Wednesday, 2012-02-22
- 22 Feb 2012 - (5p) Committee focused on direct actions in the county will meet at Childrens Park.
- 22 Feb 2012 - (6p) Media Committee meeting at Childrens Park
Thursday, 2012-02-23
Friday, 2012-02-24
- 24 Feb 2012 - (9:30a) Jury trial of Benjamin Gasper continues, who despite our state's law allowing for medical marijuana cultivation for personal use, has been targeted by San Diego's District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis. This trial will be indicative of how Dumanis and those under her operate and bend the law to interpret simple cultivation to automatically infer cultivation for sales. The trial is being held at dept. 50, fourth floor, San Diego Superior Court, 220 West Broadway. More info at the Facebook event page at Benjamin Gasper - Jury Trial. Opening arguments will likely start early next week when supporters of Ben are encouraged to attend.
- 24 Feb 2012 - (12p-1:30p) Justice for Janitors (J4J) rally and march, to address income inequality and lack of health care benefits for janitors, begins at 8th and B Streets. Unfortunately, San Diego County janitors have the lowest pay and benefits in the entire State of CA. (Not an OSD event) More info see Facebook event page
- 24 Feb 2012 - (5p) Protest in solidarity with Palestinian detainee Khader Adnan who has been snatched from his home, and has been on a 65-day hunger strike in an Israeli prison. He has had no trial and has not been given a reason to be detained. At Federal Building, 880 Front St.
Saturday, 2012-02-25
- 25 Feb 2012 - (12:30p) Labor Solidarity Committee meets at Freedom Plaza
Saturday, 2012-02-26
- 26 Feb 2012 - (12:30p) Meditation teach-in at Freedom Plaza Bring a chair or a blanket with a cushion
- 26 Feb 2012 - (2p) Meditation teach-in at Childrens Park Bring a chair or a blanket with a cushion
Monday, 2012-02-27
- 27 Feb 2012 - (9a- 12p, 1:30p-4:30p) Jury Selection and possible opening statements starting at 1:30p Jury trial of Brother Hex (Curtis Williams). Supporters are encouraged to attend.
- 27 Feb 2012 - (2p) Occupy San Diego City College meets at Gorton Quad to work on planning for the March 1st Walkout
- 27 Feb 2012 - Occupy our Food Supply is a global day of action focused on the “externalities” of Big Ag, including environmental damage, that affect the 99%, and buying food locally sustainably. Click here if interested in organizing an event in the area.
Tuesday, 2012-02-28
- 28 Feb 2012 - (9a- 12p, 1:30p-4:30p) Opening statements, and prosecution evidence (i.e. cops on the stand), for the Jury trial of Brother Hex (Curtis Williams), who was arrested during the Port Shutdown action, in Department 15, (on the 2nd floor) of the San Diego Superior Court. Opening statments will likely begin this afternoon, after jury selection is completed. Hex would greatly appreciate any supporters at these proceedings. The trial is expected to take all day today, tomorrow, and possibly Thursday. Should you have any questions call Mitchell Sterling at 619-808-2199.
- 28 Feb 2012 - (7p-9p) David Cobb, national spokesman for Move to (MTA now OSD endorsed) will present his talk "Creating Democracy & Challenging Corporate Rule." at the Church Of The Brethren, 3850 Westgate Place, San Diego, CA, 92105. FB Event
- 28 Feb 2012 - (7p-9p) - North County meeting of Americans for Safe Access (ASA) will be held at 514 South Coast Hwy Oceanside, CA 92054
- 28 Feb 2012 - (7p) Chris Hedges will be speaking at Crill Performance Hall at Point Loma Nazarene University, part of the Writer's Symposium. Purchase tickets at for $10.00 plus $1.25 fee.
Chris Hedges was a war correspondent for over 20 years. He was awarded a Pulitzer Prize with the New York Times for his coverage of global terrorism. His book “War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning”, draws upon his experiences covering conflicts in Bosnia, El Salvador and Israel. His Most recent book, “Death of the Liberal Class, explores the potential loss of democracy due to a culture enamored of corporate greed and capitalism
Chris Hedges was one of the founders of -- the planned “occupation” of Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. Find more information about their months of activity by going to that website and the website below. " - Peggy Budd
Peggy has offered to buy tickets for any OSDers who want to attend!
Wednesday, 2012-02-29
- 29 Feb 2012 - (9a- 12p, 1:30p-4:30p) The Jury trial of Brother Hex continues at dept. 15 on the 2nd floor of the San Diego Superior Court. Supporters of Hex are encouraged to attend. Today defense attorney Laura Sheppard plans on making a motion for dismissal. Should the motion not be granted, defense evidence will take up most/all of today, and maybe into Thursday. Should you have any questions call Mitchell Sterling at 619-808-2199.
- 29 Feb 2012 - F29 - Shut Down the Corporations -- (OSD will be participating) Occupy Portland calls for a national day of non-violent civil disobedience targeting corporations who are members of ALEC, one of the most successful mechanisms that the 1% uses to control legislation. We are asking people around the country to choose members of ALEC in their home towns and SHUT DOWN BUSINESS AS USUAL - Occupy Riverside is having an action at the largest WalMart distribution center in the country at 4155 Wineville Ave, Mira Loma, CA 91752 (thanks, Chris M). Chris McKay will be driving up there with a full carload of pessengers; If you're also driving up and can offer rides, or would like a ride from someone else who is driving up, conact Chris at 619-241-6826. There will be a bus leaving from Fullerton at 4:30 AM as well…ask Chris for details. Riverside FB event page Occupy Riverside page
- 29 Feb 2012 - (6p-8p - please try to arrive 15 min. early) Occupying San Diego County: Celebrations and Mournings Workshop will be held at the Peace Resource Center. No charge, bring food to share if you would like. Please RSVP to More info: Facebook event page
The following Included from Occupy San Diego Events 2012 Mar
Thursday, 2012-03-01
- 01 Mar 2012 - National Day of Action For Education. See below for local actions:
- 01 Mar 2012 - (11a) -- San Diego City College - Walkout, rally and march at Curran Plaza All occupiers are invited to participate; bring signs, cowbells, drums, noisemakers. A rough timeline: 11 AM - Gather and rally at Curran Plaza. 11:20 - March through campus to meet at noon back at Curran Plaza for speakers from different local groups, open mic, musical entertainment, then at 1 PM or sometime thereafter march from Curran Plaza through Civic Center Plaza, then down to gather at Childrens Park at 2 PM, for food/water/refreshments. Anyone is encouraged to bring any sort of ready-to-eat dish and/or liquid refreshments to share. Later on a march up to the "Governor's Office", the state building at 1350 Front St., where Occupy South Bay San Diego will continue with a rally from 4:30 - 6:30 to protest budget cuts to education and call for the 1% to pay for their fair share of taxes.
- 01 Mar 2012 - (8a-8p) -- SDSU - 12 PM - 1 PM -- Walkout to Scripps Patio, check Facebook page for updates.
- 01 Mar 2012 - [8a-8p) -- UCSD -- Walkout begins at 11:30 ((converge on Library Walk at the Silent Tree), followed by a rally at noon, march at 1 PM, followed by a Declaration Of Demands And Reclamation (Bring a tent!), and teachouts on library walk all day. More details at March 1st Walkout & Day of Action!
- 01 Mar 2012 - (9a) The Jury trial of Brother Hex, who was arrested while jaywalking across the port entrance, continues and may conclude today at dept. 15 on the 2nd floor of the San Diego Superior Court. Supporters of Hex are encouraged to attend. Should you have any questions call Mitchell Sterling at 619-808-2199.
- 01 Mar 2012 - Occupier Tony leaves today from Freedom Plaza on a 15 mile per day walk/bicycle ride up to L.A., to proceed east along old route 66, to proceed north to arrive in D.C. on 9/11, then up to Zuccotti Park to make planned arrival during a (livestreamed) NYC GA.
Friday, 2012-03-02
Saturday, 2012-03-03
- 03 Mar 2012 - (12:30p) Labor Solidarity Committee's Multi-Organization Planning Meeting for May Day 2012 and Outreach Day at Freedom Plaza
- 03 Mar 2012 - (2p) GA at Freedom Plaza. Agenda: May Day discussion on Direct Actions and planning, GA reform, the next Strategic Planning Meeting event [SD County-wide Inter-Occupy] in late March, and the local and global outlook for the Occupy Movement
- 03 Mar 2012 - (3p) GA normally scheduled for this group every other Saturday at 2 PM starts one hour later today at Balboa Park (northeast of 6th and Laurel) to accommodate travel time from Labor Solidarity Committee's planning meeting for the May 1st General Strike.
- 03 Mar 2012 - after the 3 PM GA concludes at Balboa Park there will be a Solidarity Social Dinner, welome to all Occupiers,
- 03 Mar 2012 - (9a-6p) UnitedGREEN: Empowering Sustainable Communities presents a two-day symposium at SDSU, room ENS280 on "Forging a Sustainable Future". The keynote speaker will be Robert F. Kennedy Jr, (at 3:30 PM today) with panelists and speakers Rep. John Garamendi, Rep. Susan Davis, Rep. Bob Filner, Dr. Heather Honea, Capt. Marko Medved, and Councilmember Marti Emerald. Also reps from NECA, Sierra Club, IBEW and others will be present. Complete agenda for both days is at For more info contact Bob Hurley at 619-729-2283 or at To purchase tickets go to
Sunday, 2012-03-04
- 04 Mar 2012 - (11:00a-12:00p) - Teach-In at Civic Center Freedom Square: "Meditation Class", Nick Neild
- 04 Mar 2012 - (1:00p-2:00p) - Teach-In at Children’s Park: "Meditation Class", Nick Neild
- 04 Mar 2012 - (2:00p-3:00p) - Teach-In at Children’s Park: " Free Trade or Food Sovereignty ", Nicholas Paget-Clarke (2nd Part of 4-Part Series)
- 04 Mar 2012 - (3:00p-4:00p) - Teach-In at Children’s Park: "Demystifying Iran", Amir Shoja
- 04 Mar 2012 - (9a-6p) UnitedGREEN: Empowering Sustainable Communities presents a two-day symposium at SDSU, room ENS280 on "Forging a Sustainable Future". Panelists and speakers will include Rep. John Garamendi, Rep. Susan Davis, Rep. Bob Filner, Dr. Heather Honea, Capt. Marko Medved, and Councilmember Marti Emerald. Also reps from NECA, Sierra Club, IBEW and others will be present. Complete agenda for both days is at For more info contact Bob Hurley at 619-729-2283 or at To purchase tickets go to
Monday, 2012-03-05
- 05 Mar 2012 - (2p) San Diego City Council Meeting -- Agenda item includes salary increases of City Council members from $75K to $175K and Mayor from about $100K to $230K -- This is an agenda item meaning three minutes per speaker about why they do not deserve such ridiculous raises. See the Agenda
Tuesday, 2012-03-06
- 06 Mar 2012 - (5p) Possible protest at Clear Channel Communications, home of KOGO AM 600, which carries the Rush Limbaugh show. Make signs (Boot Rush, Heartless Radio, I (not symbol) Heart Radio, Rush must go, etc.) and meet at 9660 Granite Ridge Dr. map at 4:30p. Walk along the sidewalk in front of the station and also down to Daley Center Dr (right above Fry's Electronics) during rush hour. Will likely get on live TV at 5pm. Women please show up in force to make this successful!
Wednesday, 2012-03-07
- 07 Mar 2012 - (12p leave from CP) Wal-Mart has plans to invade Sherman Heights with a "neighborhood Wal-Mart" which will destroy decent jobs with benefits, locally owned small businesses, and suck money away from our local economy. In response, OccupYrCorner will gather at Childrens Park to give or get rides if needed from there over to Sherman Heights at 12:30 at the site of the proposed "neighborhood Wal-Mart" on Imperial between 21st and 22nd, then at 2 PM will flyer the parents of kids at the school nearby at 22nd and J with some cold, hard facts that Wal-Mart would rather not have you know, then at 3:30 To Occupy the corner of 25th and Imperial. Call David if needed at 530-902-8223 to find where everybody's at. Flyer here.
Thursday, 2012-03-08
- 08 Mar 2012 - (12p-1p) Today, on International Women's Day, there will be a rally for women’s rights at the Federal Courthouse at 940 Front St. at E, endorsed by Planned Parenthood, Women Occupy San Diego, in response to attacks on women’s reproductive rights, including by way of the “Blunt Amendment” to an unrelated Senate bill which would allow employers or insurers the option to deny funding for birth control. We have seen an all male Congressional hearing on women's right to contraception (Where are the Women?). Guest speakers/performers to include Jennifer Coburn from Planned Parenthood, former assemblywoman Lori Saldana, comedian Diane Jean and San Diego Women Occupellas. More info at FB event page.
Saturday, 2012-03-10
- 10 Mar 2012 - (9a-12p) San Diego Public Teachers have organized a march, “Stand Up and Walk for Education” to begin in Balboa Park (Presidents Way and Park Blvd) on to the State Building on Front St. ANYONE concerned about quality public education in California should try to come out to proactively protest any upcoming cuts to the very bedrock and job creation engine of our future – our schools. Please help spread the word! Lots more info on the Facebook event page.
- 10 Mar 2012 - (12:30p) Today’s Labor Solidarity meeting at Freedom Plaza will be dedicated to planning an April 6th action protesting state austerity cuts on behalf of Raul Carranza and others also affected at the Chula Vista MediCal office. Raul has muscular dystrophy and requires 24/7 nursing care, but has been denied assistance by the state’s program director even though a judge ruled he is eligible.
- 10 Mar 2012 - (6p-9p) Fukushima Remembered, presented by SanClementeGreen, an evening in remembrance of the eve of the anniversary of the disaster in Japan, with guest speakers Kyoko Sugasawa and Kyle Thiermann, following a screening of the documentary “Fukishima, Never Again”, at the San Clemente Community Center
Sunday, 2012-03-11
- 11 Mar 2012 - (Gather 12p) Fukushima Remembered -- Protest/Rally at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) -- OSD ENDORSED -- On the one-year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster that is still ongoing, we will commemorate the disaster and also protest continued use of dangerous and costly nuclear reactors and push for clean renewable energy. Transportation and other details: M 11 San Onofre Protest and Rally Seats on two buses already full. If you are driving and have a seat or if you need a ride, please stop by bus stops to see who needs a ride. Balboa Park (Park Ave. and President's way, east side of Park) at 9:30am to 10am. Buses load at 10am and depart at 10:30 at Balboa Park, 11:30 at Oceanside Transit Center. Speakers include: Two guests flown in from Fukushima area of Japan; Mimi Kennedy, actress in Academy Award winning "Midnight in Paris" and Chair, Progressive Democrats of America; Ace Hoffman, nuclear industry expert, Gary Headrick, San Clemente Activist; Kyle Thiermann, Surfing pro and environmentalist; Cori Schumacher, Surfing Champ; Torgen Johnson, Urban Planner; Dave Patterson, Vets for Peace; Patti Davis, California Nuclear Initiative. Entertainment by Charlie Imes and also the Occupella Choir. Ray Lutz will MC.
- 11 Mar 2012 - (10a-1p) March and rally from Swamis Seaside Park up South Coast Highway on the one-year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster. For more info see FB Page or call 619) 813-3113
- 11 Mar 2012 - (8a-8p) InterOccupy SoCal meetup at MacArthur Park at 2230 West 6th Street in L.A., tentative schedule at OLA Facebook page
Monday, 2012-03-12
- 12 Mar 2012 - (6p) Accountability Committee meets at Panera Bread at 225 B'way downtown.
Tuesday, 2012-03-13
- 13 Mar 2012 - (12p) National Week of Bank Protest, March 13th through the 16th is OccupyOurHomes week, demanding that banks negotiate loan terms with homeowners rather than giving them a boot out the door, boarding 'em up, and letting the homes fall into disrepair, unduly affecting surrounding neighborhoods. "OSD CP" has endorsed these actions. Action today will be at Chase Bank at 100 Broadway on CEO Jamie Dimon's 56th birthday. Then on Wednesday US Bank, Thursday B of A, and Friday Wells Fargo.
- 13 Mar 2012 - (6p-9p) Women's Picket at Darrel Issa Event - Gateway Drive and Shadowridge Drive, Vista CA FB Event
- 13 Mar 2012 - (7p-9p) San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access meets at La Jolla Brewhouse
Wednesday, 2012-03-14
- 14 Mar 2012 - (12p) National Week of Bank Protest continues, the action today at U.S. Bank at 600 West Broadway. Meet up at Freedom Plaza. Let's keep the momentum going all week! Bring signs and fellow Occupiers!
- 14 Mar 2012 - (6p-8p) Canvass For a Cause will have a March Field Committee Meeting to plan future actions including:
--* Safe Kids Project - FAIR & Teach-In on LGBTQ Trafficking in San Diego
--* Womyn's Reproductive Rights & Womyn's Herstory Month
--* Cannabis Reform and more.
Thursday, 2012-03-15
- 15 Mar 2012 - (11a) National Week of Bank Protest continues. Meet for rally/speakers/entertainment at Freedom Plaza downtown. Come help us keep pressure on local and federal government to help people out of this financial crisis! ACCE has a new bill, the Property Value Protection bill they have presented to City Council as something we can do on a local level to help people out of their foreclosure crisis. This would hold bankers' feet to the fire by forcing them to maintain any properties that they have chosen to foreclose on. ACCE will talk about what we can do as well as Bryan Pease, who is running for City Council. More speakers TBD. Come support or tell your story! Also…performance by the Occupellas!!..."Bank Robbery" Guerilla Theatre!!! For bank action after the rally get up to the minute info from the event's FB Event page.
- 15 Mar 2012 - (6p) South Bay Chapter of Americans for Safe Access (ASA) meets at 1233 Palm Ave. in Imperial Beach.
Friday, 2012-03-16
- 16 Mar 2012 - (12p) National Week of Bank Protest continues, the action today at Wells Fargo at 401 B Street.
- 16 Mar 2012 - (4-6p) Protest of the "Culture of Life crisis pregnancy center" at Washington and 5th. Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) exist to keep women from having a choice to have an abortion. In many instances, they misinform and intimidate women to achieve their goal. FB Event
- 16 Mar 2012 - (6:30p) In preparation for Saturday's neighborhood council meeting, Occupier Chris McKay will host an evening showing of the documentary film "WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price", at the corner of Imperial Ave and 21st St. Check Facebook page for updates.
Saturday, 2012-03-17
- 17 Mar 2012 - (10a)
- (new location) - Stop Wal-Mart from moving into Sherman Heights, by attending and voicing your views at the Sherman/Logan Neighborhood Council Meeting at Sherman Elementary School at J and 22nd San Diego.
- 17 Mar 2012 - (12:30p) - Labor Solidarity Committee’s meeting today at Freedom Plaza will be the Second Multi-Organization Planning Meeting for May Day 2012
- 17 Mar 2012 -
(4p) BBQ, followed by GA at Balboa Park (northeast of 6th and Laurel). Join us for United GA. Bring your thoughts and ideas regarding Monsanto. Bring a dish of food if you can. Munchies always appreciated.
Monday, 2012-03-19
- 19 Mar 2012 - Jury trial of Benjamin Gasper: the parties have agreed to continue the case so there will be no significant proceedings Monday, March 19, and a new date for the trial will be set then.. More info at the Facebook event page at Benjamin Gasper - Jury Trial.
- 19 Mar 2012 - (5:30p-9p) Beyond Money (& the Future of Civilization) - Activist San Diego and Women Occupy San Diego host Tom Greco, author of "The End of Money and the Future of Civilization". Tom is director of the Community Information Resource Center, a nonprofit consulting organization and networking hub dedicated to economic equity, social justice and community improvement, specializing in community currency and mutual credit design, development and implementation.
Monday, 2012-03-20
- 20 Mar 2012 - (1pm) Outside City Council 202 C Street -- The Mayor and his rich downtown cronies are at it once again, pushing a new deal at the 11th hour to give rich hoteliers the keys to the Convention Center and let them loot it for their own profit. If the Mayor and his allies pull this off, it's a direct threat to hundreds of union jobs at the Convention Center and will stifle the voices of all the workers who have a direct interest in the Convention Center. The City Council has a chance to stop this brazen giveaway, and we're going to make sure they hear from the taxpayers who may be on the hook for the giant bill while the profits go to hoteliers. Add your voice!
Thursday, 2012-03-22
- 22 Mar 2012 - (8:15a) Fish's trial starts, at the SD County Courthouse. Public might not be able to enter until the afternoon. See FB Event for updates.
- 22 Mar 2012 - (5p) Goldman-Sachs partnering with Cogentrix have plans to spoil some of Santee's undeveloped environs with a natural gas power plant which will spew an unrealistically lowballed estimate of 50 tons of carbon per year close to schools and more. Opposed? Concerned? Come to the CEC Public meeting at Mission Trails Park Visitors Center. There will only be room for 200 people so plan to arrive early. See Facebook Event page for more.
- 22 Mar 2012 - (6p-8p) A family-friendly Spaghetti "Fun-Raiser" for Women Occupy San Diego will be held at The Big Kitchen on 3003 Grape St. Entertainment by the Occupella Chorus! $10 - $20 sliding scale, children $5. See Facebook Event page.
Friday, 2012-03-23
- 23 Mar 2012 - (9a) Fish's trial continues. Jury selection in the morning, likely opening arguments in the afternoon (1:30p) Please come and support Fish, observers in the courtroom send a message to the jury. At the SD County Courthouse. Public might not be able to enter until the afternoon. See FB Event for updates.
Saturday, 2012-03-24
- 24 Mar 2012 - (10:30a-12p) CANCELLED! Sue Zesky spoke with the GM of the dealership and they have agreed to stop advertising on Rush Limbaugh's show. REJECT RUSH - RESPECT WOMEN - Picket Rush Limbaugh sponsor Toyota Carlsbad just off the Cannon Road offramp of I-5.
- 24 Mar 2012 - (3p-7p) No War on Iran! at Childrens Park - following Norwuz March 21st which is celebrated as a new year in Iran.
Sunday, 2012-03-25
- 25 Mar 2012 - (2p) Trayvon Martin, who was unarmed, was shot and killed for no reason and the murderer walks free. San Diego must come together and rally support for Trayvon Martin’s parents, who are calling for (assailant) George Zimmerman’s arrest and prosecution. No parent should ever go through this tragedy. Meet for a rally in City Heights at Landis Park between the libary and rec. center at 4380 Landis near Fairmount and Wightman. FB event page
- 25 Mar 2012 - (2p-3p) - Meditation Teach-in at Childrens Park, by Nick Neild.
- 25 Mar 2012 - (7pm) Screening the film "Fukushima Never Again" with discussion following at Equality Hall, 1159 6th Ave, San Diego, CA 92101, (corner of 6th and B) in the basement of the Southern Hotel. Free street parking, esp. up 6th Ave near Balboa Park. FREE (This is a new venue that is available for progressive events, so please come and check it out!)
Monday, 2012-03-26
- 26 Mar 2012 - (8a-11a) Zenyatta's trial begins today at San Diego Superior access until after jury selection, but she would like us to meet outside the courthouse. Bring chalk and decorate the courthouse sidewalk! If you DARE. FB Event
- 26 Mar 2012 - (10:30a) Fish's trial continues, will probably finish today. Please come and support Fish, observers in the courtroom send a message to the jury. We need at least another 20 people. At the SD County Courthouse, dept 47. See FB Event for updates.
- 26 Mar 2012 - (10:30a) Call to action to protest and rally against Mitt Romney's appearance in SD for a fundraiser with Pete Wilson at the U.S. Grant Hotel downtown. Park free at Horton Plaza and come with signs reflecting that Romney is part of the GOP war against women's reproductive rights, healthcare, medicare and social security. Check Anita Simons' Facebook post for more info or contact her at for details.
- 26 Mar 2012 - (5p) Justice for Trayvon Martin Rally and March begins at Centro Cultural de la Raza in Balboa Park, followed by a march to Department of Justice, then a candlelight vigil.
- 26 Mar 2012 - (7p) Meeting regarding the demolition of ECPAC (East County Performing Arts Center) at Cocos Restaurant on Main In El Cajon. Meet for dinner at 6pm. For details on this project, see Save ECPAC. Sponsored by Citizens Oversight. Anyone interested in saving ECPAC should come to the meeting for an open discussion.
Tuesday, 2012-03-27
Wednesday, 2012-03-28
- 28 Mar 2012 - (6p) Planning meeting for We are Women March and Rally - SAN DIEGO at the Organ Pavillion in Balboa Park. NOT an OSD Event.
- 28 Mar 2012 - (6:30p-9p) Retired Colonel/Diplomat and peace & human rights activist Ann Wright will speak at 10940 Roselle St. in Sorrento Valley about the NDAA and HR 347. She was one of three State Department officials to publicly resign in direct protest of the March 2003 invasion of Iraq. Social time at 6:30 followed by Ann's presentation/Q&A at 7 PM. Beer, wine and light snacks will be offered. Donations welcome. Seating limited to 70, so please RSVP to Martha at More info at Facebook event page.
Friday, 2012-03-30
Saturday, 2012-03-3
The following Included from Occupy San Diego Events 2012 Apr
Sunday, 2012-04-01
- 01 Apr 2012 - (11a) OSD Wellness Committee presents The Joke's on Us (the 99%) parade right across from the Farmer's Market, at the DMV in Hillcrest on the Cleveland Ave side. Come early to cash-mob the Farmer's Market! Download an appropriately themed promotional flyer here. Dress the fool and play the part!
- 01 Apr 2012 - (2p) Women Occupy San Diego's Occupella Chorus will have their monthly reheasal. See the web page for sign up/contact details.
- 01 Apr 2012 - (7p) The Peace Resource Center will sponsor Jeff Paterson, speaking of Bradley Manning's upcoming court martial, and about his new book, "About Face: Military Resisters Turn Against War". The doors open at 6:30 pm so that his talk can begin promptly at 7 pm. Free. Donations are appreciated. Light refreshments
Monday, 2012-04-02
Tuesday, 2012-04-03
Wednesday, 2012-04-04
- 04 Apr 2012 - (8a-3:20p) Political Economy Days at Palomar College broadening students’ exposure to political, economic and historical topics. Occupiers Eva David and Benjamin Cossel will present the topic: "Occupy, the Changing Face of Activism" at 9:30. Other presentations will cover the wealth divide, the effects of corporate (self) interests, and more. Free. FB Event
Thursday, 2012-04-05
- 05 Apr 2012 - (8a-3:20p) Political Economy Days at Palomar College continues, broadening students’ exposure to political, economic and historical topics. Presentations will cover the wealth divide, the effects of corporate (self) interests, and more. Free. FB Event
- 05 Apr 2012 - (12p, arrive 11:45a) Megan Burke of KPBS will interview David Jacob of Occupy San Diego, at KPBS studios near SDSU on what our accomplishments are, where we are going from here, etc. GA consensed on three individuals, including Hex and John Canter, from which David was chosen by straw poll. After the selection an ad hoc working group met to go over talking points and input for David to present to the interviewer and audience.
- 05 Apr 2012 - (2p & 6p) Public Participation Meeting regarding SDG&E Charging rate-payers for wildfire costs instead of stockholders. At Al Bahr Auditorium 5440 Kearny Mesa Rd, San Diego, CA 92111
Friday, 2012-04-06
- 06 Apr 2012 - (10a) -- Press Conference: In response to a visit by Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko to the troubled San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), leaders of local community groups are holding a press conference near the SONGS facility. The location of the press conference will be near the San Onofre State Beach guard shack on Beach Club Road. Supporters to "Shut Down San Onofre" are welcome (bring signs, banners, etc). MEDIA INVITED. The guard shack is about in the center of this map.
- 06 Apr 2012 - (11a-2p) OSD endorsed Occupy MediCal march/event at the Chula Vista office to protest cutbacks including those to our brother Raul Carranza, who has muscular dystrophy and requires 24/7 nursing care, but was denied assistance by the state’s program director even though a judge ruled he was eligible . Speakers will include Raul and several guest speakers, including Bob Filner.
Saturday, 2012-04-07
- 07 Apr 2012 - (11a) OSD's six-month anniversary march. FB Event. Meet at Childrens Park, by noon to Freedom Plaza and then on to Balboa Park. At 2 p.m. the fun begins with plenty of food, lawn games, occu-egg hunt and so much more! See below...
- 07 Apr 2012 - (3p) 6 month deadline to file a complaint with the city is in just a few more days. OSD legal support will meet you all at Balboa Park. If you have had any problems with the cops, even if you weren't arrested please come and talk to us. We will have a table with a big sign - OSD Legal. If you were arrested already tried or charges dropped please fill out a complaint form. We will be there to help you fill it out. Don't let Jerry Sanders, the city attorney or Lansdowne get away with their actions to shut down free speech. We will be heard!
- 07 Apr 2012 - (12p-4p) Radical Feminists of San Diego present a Day of Action against Human Trafficking (Grim but excellent video, and lots more info) during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). At 30th and El Cajon Blvd.
PLEASE NOTE, the items below are recurring events; some may not meet today with the 6-month march and celebration and the SAAM event.:
Sunday, 2012-04-08
- 08 Apr 2012 - (2p-4p) TEACH-IN "(Im)migration As a Moral Issue", at Childrens Park. Facilitators are Cathy and Gera, Ocupemos El Barrio Organizers. FB Event
Monday, 2012-04-09
- 09 Apr 2012 -
(2p) City council agenda item on the Worldbeat Center has been moved to Tuesday the 10th at 10 AM.
- 09 Apr 2012 - (5-7p) Save ECPAC meeting at East County Chamber of Commerce at corner of Douglas and Magnolia in El Cajon
- 09 Apr 2012 - (6p) Planning session at Ocupemos El Barrio/Occupy The Hood's weekly meeting at the Sherman Heights Comunity Center., for the I.C.E. Breaker National Day of Protest for immigrant rights on Saturday the 14th. Concurrently:
- 09 Apr 2012 - (6p-7:55p) WalMart is presenting a public meeting on their plans at the Southeastern Planning Group at "Neighborhood House", 841 S. 41st Street, San Diego, CA 92113. They would like input from the public on their proposed "Neighborhood Mart" in Sherman Heights.
Tuesday, 2012-04-10
- 10 Apr 2012 -
(new date/time) (10a) Speak out at the City Council meeting to help save the Worldbeat Center. You can submit an agenda comment form in advance here.
- 10 Apr 2012 - (4p-8p) Take back the night at SDSU is an evening rally supporting womyn everywhere and their right to feel safe walking alone at night. Start at Hepner Hall. FB Event
- 10 Apr 2012 - (6p) JUST ADDED Activists/experts will speak during the Public Comment section of the Carlsbad City Council asking for the city to put the item on their agenda and take a position. 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. See Facebook for details.
- 10 Apr 2012 - (7p-9p) Americans for Safe Access (ASA) meets at La Jolla Brew House in La Jolla.
Wednesday, 2012-04-11
Friday, 2012-04-13
- 13 Apr 2012 - (6p-8:30p) Palomar Faculty Federation will be showing "WALKOUT" A 2006 film based on the 1968 East LA Walkouts at Palomar College, room P-32
Saturday, 2012-04-14
- 14 Apr 2012 - (10a-5p) Not an OSD Event. "Spring of the 99%! - 99% Spring trainings on civil disobedience tactics" at Church Of The Brethren hosted by Hosted by Davina Lynch, Anita Simons, Carol Zellander, JB Kenney. Register online through
- 14 Apr 2012 - (12p) Money Out of Politics Conference in Washington D.C. will be livestreamed at The keynote speaker will be Lawrence Lessig, just after 12 noon PDT. Money in politics is at the core of so many of our problems, so take the time to watch if you can.
- 14 Apr 2012 - (3p) OSD ENDORSED Ocupemos El Barrio/Occupy the 'Hood sponsoring I.C.E. Breaker National Day of Protest for immigrant rights (Facebook event). Gather at San Diego City College for a rally and march to the ICE building at Front and Broadway.
- 14 Apr 2012 - (6p) Occupy Passover Seder at Redwood Circle in Balboa Park, all are welcome, please RSVP via Facebook or email David Jacob at if attending so he knows how much food will be needed. See FB Event page.
Sunday, 2012-04-15
- 15 Apr 2012 - (10a-5p) NOT AN OSD EVENT. "Spring of the 99%! - 99% Spring trainings on civil disobedience tactics" on Governor Drive, La Jolla (register for exact location), hosted by Davina Lynch, Gloria Tyler-Mallery, Carol Zellander, Chris Dotson. Register online through
Monday, 2012-04-16
Tuesday, 2012-04-17
- Zenyatta's trial has been POSTPONED until April 30th.
- 17 Apr 2012 - (4p) Lecture "Tsunamis: Are we underestimating the risk?" by Eddie Bernard, former director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Tsunami Warning Center at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Free, open to the public).
- 17 Apr 2012 - (4p-6p) "Tax the 1%" action Tuesday 4/17 at Congressman Bilbray's office! Say No to Tax Dodgers and Tax Cheats!! at 380 Stevens Ave, Solana Beach, CA 92075 For more information: Contact Ryan Mims at or 202-341-0470
- 17 Apr 2012 - (5p) #UnitedGA at Childrens Park
- 17 Apr 2012 - (5p) NOT AN OSD EVENT "Tax the 1%" rally and protest outside the NW end (near Childrens Park) of the San Diego Convention Center, More details here. This is a event. All progressive groups are welcome, Occupy, Veteran's for Peace, ACCE, union members, immigrants, teachers, are all invited to speak. EVERYONE please come and bring your signs, banners and voices!
- 17 Apr 2012 - (5:30p-7:30p) Occupy South Bay General Assembly and planning meeting at D Volanda Coffee & Smoothies, 320 3rd Ave, Chula Vista. FB Event
- 17 Apr 2012 - (6p) The National City WalMart has applied for a (hard) liquor license at its 1200 Highland Ave. location. As there are already 8 licenses in the census tract and the ABC will only allow 4, they are taking the request to city council instead as a "Public Convenience and Necessity". WE NEED SPEAKERS AND SUPPORT FROM OCCUPY!! Council meets at City Hall, 1243 National City Blvd, National City, 91950
Wednesday, 2012-04-18
- 18 Apr 2012 - (6a) Wal-Mart action! Destruction of the old Farmer's Market on Imperial between 21st and 22nd began without notice and continued until Tuesday afternoon. OCCUPYERS NEEDED at 6am (but come by anytime to ensure construction is STOPPED), Rally/Vigil to Support Sherman Heights stand against dismantling the historic "Farmers Market". If you can't make it, call Mayor Jerry Sanders at (619) 236-6330 and City Council Member David Alvarez at (619) 236-6688, to DEMAND THAT A STOP WORK ORDER BE PUT IN PLACE!! An injunction for the stop work order is being called for by a lawyer in the community. Be prepared for the call to PACK THE COURTS and stand in solidarity with the people of Sherman/Logan Heights. Will happen sometime on Wednesday or Thursday. Watch OSD Facebook/Twitter for updates.
- 18 Apr 2012 - (12p) National OYC Action Against Bank Of America Day, Meet at Freedom Plaza, bring signs!
Friday, 2012-04-20
- 20 Friday, 2012- - (8:30p) "Need to Know: Crossing the Line', a new video showing the killing of Anastasio Hernández Rojas by Border Patrol guards on PBS. Also there will be a special viewing of this show at Equity Alliance at 3750 30th St. in North Park, from 7:30 PM to 9 PM; food will be provided.
Saturday, 2012-04-21
Sunday, 2012-04-22
Monday, 2012-04-23
- 23 Apr 2012 - (9a) Hearing on demolition of the Sherman Heights Farmer's Market by Wal-Mart at the Hall of Justice at 330 West Broadway, dept. 66. The construction crew will be allowed to work on site but by court order suspend any more demolition until after the results of this hearing.
Tuesday, 2012-04-24
- 24 Apr 2012 - (9a) Sentencing for Fish...come out and be there for our brother Fish during his sentencing! He may be facing JAIL TIME for standing up for what is right and requesting a jury trial. Dept. 47 of San Diego Superior Court.
- 24 Apr 2012 - (4:30p) COME SUPPORT OUR HERO! March and Rally in support of accused whistleblower Pfc. Bradley Manning. Gather at 3rd Ave & Beech/Cedar St. bridge for bannering, then at 5:15, march to Horton Plaza for rally and speakers. Manning will appear in court April 24-26 at Ft. Meade, MD.
- 24 Apr 2012 - (5:30p) Help keep San Onofre shut down! Attend and speak out at Vista city council meeting at Vista City Hall. We are going city by city to get the council members on board with KEEPING San Onofre shut down. The cities of Solana Beach, Irvine, and Laguna are already on board with this.
Wednesday, 2012-04-25
- 25 Apr 2012 - (8:30p) Wal-Mart update! There will be a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) lawsuit to be filed in Dept. 72 of the San Diego Hall of Justice on the planned "neighborhood" WalMart in Sherman Heights. There is a FB Event page for this and future actions related to WalMart's planned intrusion into Sherman Heights.
- 25 Apr 2012 - (7:30p-1a) Fourth benefit Occu-party at the Kensington Club at 4079 Adams Ave. Featuring Liquid Blue and more TBA. $5 cover/donation.
Thursday, 2012-04-26
- 26 Apr 2012 - (1p) Despite the setback this week, we can go face to face with City staff that made the Farmer's Market/Walmart fiasco possible. Historical Resources Board meets at San Diego City Hall, 12th Floor, City Council Committee meeting room. The public has an opportunity to express their displeasure during public comment. Tell them what a lousy job they are doing managing S.D. historical resources. Keep in mind HR staff and the HRB are not the same. HRB are citizens. City staff serves at the Mayor's pleasure. Keep that in mind when addressing the issue. Don't blame the wrong people.
- 26 Apr 2012 - (5:30p-7:30p) Come learn about the dirtiest secret of America’s Finest City - People For Sale--Human Trafficking in San Diego: How to Protect our Children at Malcolm X Library and Performing Arts Center. Guest speakers include: Assemblymember Marty Block, author of AB-2212, Marisa Ugarte, Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition, and Jenee Littrell, Coordinator of District Counseling Programs at GUHSD
Saturday, 2012-04-28
Sunday, 2012-04-29
- 29 Apr 2012 - OSD ENDORSED - "Three Mile Island! Chernobyl! Fukushima! San Onofre?" - Anti-Nuke Rally and Protest at San Onofre to commemorate the 26th anniversary of the continuing Chernobyl meltdown which started on 1986-04-26, the 33-year anniversary of the Three-Mile Island accident, and the continuing disaster at Fukushima (that experts say is perhaps 20x worse than Chernobyl.) Details -- FB Event Page -- BUS TICKETS ARE RUNNING OUT, PLEASE SIGN UP NOW!
Monday, 2012-04-30
The following Included from Occupy San Diego Events 2012 May
Tuesday, 2012-05-01
- 01 May 2012 - MAY DAY SAN DIEGO - A Day Without the 99% - International Workers Day by Occupy Labor Solidarity - also check Occupy Labor Solidarity's event page or FB Event page. Some of the events will run concurrently.
- 01 May 2012 - (11a) City College Rally just east of Park Blvd. and A Street, then march to Civic Center Plaza.
- 01 May 2012 - (12p) Rally at Civic Center Plaza - speakers to include workers from various occupations (small 'o'), then a march will start at Civic Center, go through downtown and end at the proposed Wal-Mart site in Sherman Heights between 21st and 22nd on Imperial Ave sometime after 2 PM.
- 01 May 2012 - (2p-4p) Occupy San Diego Events at Civic Center Plaza. Also actions are planned in the financial district just a couple of blocks to the east at the various banks (B of A, Wells Fargo on B Street and at Citibank near Horton Plaza).
- 01 May 2012 - (3:30p-6p) SDEA Rally at Roosevelt Middle School and March to Board Meeting - NOT AN OLS EVENT, This event for SDEA runs concurrently with the other events listed here. SDEA: The event begins at 3:30 at Roosevelt Middle School. Work at a late-start school? If you can’t make it to Roosevelt before the march takes off at 4:15, join the march at the Education Center on Normal Street from 4:45 – 5:15 before it loops back to Roosevelt.
- 01 May 2012 - (4p-6p) OSD Labor Solidarity Rally at Civic Center and March to Chicano Park around 6 PM to join the event in progress at Chicano Park. There will be many speakers at Civic Center, representing organized and non-organized groups, including hotel workers, in-home care providers, representatives from student groups, LGBT activists on achieving equality in the workplace, and more.
- 01 May 2012 - (5:30p) Chicano Park Festival
- 01 May 2012 - (6p) March to and direct action at the Westin Hotel near Horton Plaza protesting management's lack of willingness to negotiate a new contract with the hotel workers there.
- 01 May 2012 - (7p) GA at Freedom Plaza
Bobby Uribe's court date has been postponed until June11th.
Wednesday, 2012-05-02
- 02 May 2012 - (10a) Rally and march to celebrate turning in nearly a million signatures to put the California Right to Know GMO labeling initiative on the ballot! Meet at Board of Elections office at 5201 Ruffin Road, San Diego. Speakers include Lisa Bronner and local volunteers. Contact: Adam Eidinger at FB Event page
Thursday, 2012-05-03
Friday, 2012-05-04
- 04 May 2012 - (6p) San Diego IWW Committee presents "Why May Day?" at Freedom Plaza, a discussion on the Haymarket Affair on this day in 1886, which gave way in 1890 to the first annual May Day observance.
- 04 May 2012 - (7p) GA at Childrens Park
Saturday, 2012-05-05
Monday, 2012-05-07
- 07 May 2012 - (6p-9p) Follow up meeting to "Revisiting and Actualizing Our Core Purpose" from May 5th at Canvas for a Cause, 3705 10th Ave. For more info see the FB Event page. The event is a potluck. You are invited to bring a dinner dish to share. (What you bring is what we eat!).
Harvest document now available here.
Tuesday, 2012-05-08
- 08 May 2012 - (2p) San Diego City Council will consider a proposal to vote on redesignating Blaine Avenue near Hillcrest to Harvey Milk Street, in remembrance of former Goldwater Republican/Wall Street worker turned gay rights activist/San Francisco supervisor Harvey Milk.
- 08 May 2012 - (7p-9p) San Diego Americans for Safe Access - May Chapter Meeting at the La Jolla Brewhouse.
Wednesday, 2012-05-09
- 09 May 2012 - (12p) On the day of the annual shareholder's meeting in Charlotte, NC, OccupYrCorner will have a Solidarity Corner Occ against BofA downtown on B Street near 4th Avenue. Join us as we tell the average citizen about how "Bend Over America" is destroying the American landscape!
- 09 May 2012 - (12:30p-1:30p) "Holding Banks Accountable" - A protest against City Council & B of A and other BIG-banksters. Let's demand that the city move OUR money out of B of A and into community banks or credit unions. Outside San Diego City Hall, 202 C Street. Hosted by, not an OSD event. For details contact John Kenney at
Friday, 2012-05-11
- 11 May 2012 - (12p) Justice for Janitors at Forum Hall at UTC. Community Forum: High Tech Life Sciences & Low Wage Labor Report will be released by the Center on Policy Initiatives. See FB page for details..
Saturday, 2012-05-12
- 12 May 2012 - (10a-12p) CORRECTION: Mid City CAN will have an event in the Metro Villas Community Room for Improving Public Transportation in City Heights]] Guest speakers to include Todd Gloria, Marti Emerald, Bob Filner, and MTS Representatives. Occupy City Heights WILL have GA today.
Sunday, 2012-05-13
- 13 May 2012 - (12p-6p) Ruckus Training organized by Janessa Jones, at the Activist Center. For details see FB Event page.
Tuesday, 2012-05-15
- 15 May 2012 - (6:30p) "Shut San Onofre" working group will be having a meeting at the Peace Resource Center ( to plan our event on May 23. The May 23 event will be a state-wide protest to push for permanent closure of the Nuclear plants in California and to raise awareness of the ongoing disaster at Fukushima.
- 15 May 2012 - (7:30p) The film "Fukushima, Never Again" will be screened at the Peace Resource Center (
Wednesday, 2012-05-16
- 16 May 2012 - (4p-8p) Occupy OB Farmer's Market at corner of Newport and Cable, for an afternoon of outreach (bring flyers) and invites to our GA at OB at 7 PM.
- 16 May 2012 - (6p) Anyone interested if forming a committee (not of OSD) to help incubate worker cooperatives here in San Diego and also info, resources and answering questions for those interested in starting a specific worker-co-op business, come to the Ant Hill Collective for a potluck...It's at 335 27th St. in San Diego.
Thursday, 2012-05-17
- 17 May 2012 - (11a) Rally at the Houses of the One Percent Corporate Executives that are holding the janitors back. Meet at the Employee Rights Center, worst offenders to be announced. FB page.
- 17 May 2012 - (5p) Justice for Janitors will have a candlelight vigil at Civic Center Plaza and will continue on their three day fast.
Friday, 2012-05-18
- 18 May 2012 - (11:30a) Justice for Janitors Week of Rage begins - Break of three day fast, and Rally & March through the heart of SD’s One Percent, meet at the Intersection of Genesee Ave & Eastgate Mall, 4300 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121. FB page
- 18 May 2012 - (5:30p) Local action at 3rd & Broadway (NBC Bldg.) in support of a Robin Hood Tax - join us as some from the Occupy movement, Occupy San Diego & various unions, including the California Nurses Association make sure the mega-rich pay their fair share & give to the poor, by way of a financial transaction tax. Details - contact John B. Kenney at
Saturday, 2012-05-19
Sunday, 2012-05-20
Monday, 2012-05-21
- 21 May 2012 - (6:30p) A new documentary describing evidence of a controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center Towers from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, will screen at the Joyce Beers Center, introduced live by Richard Gage, AIA. Free admission - donations welcomed.
Tuesday, 2012-05-22
- 22 May 2012 - (5p-7p) In remembrance of gay rights activist Harvey Milk, there will be an unveiling and celebration of the first "Harvey Milk Street" in the country, renamed by unanimous decision of City Council, near the LGBTCommunity Center. A reception with refreshments, inside the LGBT Community Center, will conclude the evening after the program. FB Event
- 22 May 2012 - (7p) The Peace Resource Center will have a talk by and discussion with former Department of Energy project consultant and former plowshares prisoner Peter Lumsdaine, on nonviolent resistance to the corporate One Per Cent's military enforcement Matrix, before it is too late: from the NATO Summit to California's hidden nerve center for global drone war. This is in preparation for a challenge this summer California's little-understood strategic command center for global military operations, robotic killing machines and nuclear escalation.
Wednesday, 2012-05-23
- 23 May 2012 - (4-6p) Protest Rally at Sempra Building at the corner of 2nd St and Ash in San Diego to push for permanent closure of nuclear reactors in California, and to raise awareness of the ongoing disaster at Fukushima, including the situation in Unit #4 which will result in a mass extinction event of perhaps 200 million, including many on the west coast of the US, if it cannot be stabilized. Concurrent rallies are planned for Edison offices in Irvine and PG&E HQ in San Francisco / Oakland.
- 23 May 2012 - (5p-8p) Canvass for a Cause will have a phone bank to get out the vote against Carl DeMaio's prop B, which would eliminate a guaranteed retirement for city workers and instead let the fate of our elderly rest in the investment hands of Wall Street Bankers, a very risky thing to do. This law is specifically harmful to gay couples. More info at FB Event page.
Thursday, 2012-05-24
- 24 May 2012 - (11a-2p) J4J Week of Reckoning continues into its final hours: meet at 11 AM at 4265 Fairmount Avenue, Suite 200 for a bus trip to a location TBD, to return to City Heights around 2 PM. Then later...
- 24 May 2012 - (7p) at the Kilroy Delvelopment One Paseo Project Community Meeting, Environmental Impact Report Review Meeting at the Carmel Valley Middle School Auditorium, 3800 Mykonos Lane, San Diego, CA 92130. The Kilroy Company is one of the biggest most powerful commercial real estate companies that can decide to give or deny family health care to the janitors that clean their buildings. For details on this last day of J4J, see FB Event page.
- 24 May 2012 - (2p) Rally for Homeowner Bill of Rights at the home of Africa Bravo, 3086 Clay Ave. San Diego. Homeowners, activists and local families will be joined by staff of area legislators and Congressman Bob Filner in calling upon the California Legislature to stand up to big banks and support the Homeowners’ Bill of Rights, a landmark package of bills to protect families against improper and unfair foreclosure. Please arrive at 2pm. Event will start promptly at 2:30pm.
Friday, 2012-05-25
- 25 May 2012 - Occu-brother Jason Snyder's court date...details to follow, will update as needed before the public is allowed into the courtroom.
- 25 May 2012 - (12p) J4J Week of Justice - last day, support march, location TBD. FB page
- 25 May 2012 - (12p) Protest at the HHS Community Care Licensing Office - STAND UP FOR CHILDREN! Last month, the vice principal of school for children who have suffered trauma or abuse or have mental health issues has been arrested on 25 counts of child molestation. The prosecutor asserts that this had been going on over a four month period. See News story on MSNBC and details at a FB Event page.
- 25 May 2012 - (6p-8p, try to arrive at 5:45) Informational and planning meeting for a follow-up to the "Opening Space for Occupy" event of May 5th, at the Filter Cafe in North Park. More info on a FB Event page.
Saturday, 2012-05-26
- 26 May 2012 - (1p-7p) Canvass for a Cause and Safe Access IB will spend a day knocking on doors and collecting signatures to ensure that enough signatures are collected to qualify an initiative for the November ballot repealing the Imperial Beach city council's ban on marijuana dispensaries. For more info see FB Event page or If interested email to RSVP.
- 26 May 2012 - (4p) Media Committee meets after GA at Balboa Park
Thursday, 2012-05-31
- 31 May 2012 - (7a) Fish released from jail, check FB post or here for the details.
- 31 May 2012 - (12:30p) - Downtown Strike Sanction & March at Civic Center Plaza - Labor Leaders vote for Strike Sanction in support of Janitors Contract fight. Check Facebook for updates.
- 31 May 2012 - (6:30p-9p) Screening of "WILD VS WALL" & other shorts at the Peace Resource Center. with guests Sierra Club Borderlands Team and Jim Peugh, Conservation Chair of San Diego Audubon Society, who can attest first hand to the damage that local tactical infrastructure has done to wildlife. Introduction and snacks at 6:30, film at 7, followed by discussion at 8. Details and FB link
The following Included from Occupy San Diego Events 2012 Jun
Friday, 2012-06-01
- 01 Jun 2012 - (time TBD) Justice for Janitors will have a march and rally in the UTC area, check Facebook for updates.
Saturday, 2012-06-02
- 02 Jun 2012 - (12:30p) Volunteer Orientation for Occupy Our Arts which is next Saturday, the 9th at Civic Center Plaza, from there transportation will be available to OSD-CP GA in Balboa Park at 2 PM.
- 02 Jun 2012 - (2p)
OYC (OccupYrCorner) Adds to the Art around Adams: Let's get together and let the Art loving crowds on Adams Ave know about the upcoming Occupy Our Arts festival as well as how the banks, the feds, and the 1% are dimming the horizons for local and national arts, music, dance, and free speech!
- 02 Jun 2012 - (4p)
OSD media committee meets after GA at or just west of Redwood Circle in Balboa Park.
- 02 Jun 2012 - (4p-6p)
A talk by Dr. Guy McPherson, who resigned in protest, on sustainability and a film-in-progress by Michael Sosebee, an independent film maker at the Buena Vista Audubon in Oceanside.
Monday, 2012-06-04
- 04 Jun 2012 - (12p-8p) - Books for Prisoners at UCSD's 6th annual art show! In return to sending books to prisoners, Books for Prisoners receives artwork donated by inmates. This art show is intended as means to raise funds for continuing our program. Get an insight to prisoner life, and prisoner survival and resistance through their art. Also displayed, will be prisoner testimonies, life stories, art pieces (about prisons) by students, sample letters we receive, and a documentary on the Prison Industrial Complex. Details at FB Event page
- 04 Jun 2012 - (6p)
Education committee meets at Alamilla's Mexican Food, corner of 6th and A - for those that hadn't heard - we are off to a great (re) start!
Wednesday, 2012-06-06
Thursday, 2012-06-07
Friday, 2012-06-08
Saturday, 2012-06-09
- 09 Jun 2012 - (10a -6p) Attention All Artists and Friends of the Arts: "Occupy Our Arts", hosted by Women Occupy San Diego with the help of co-sponsors will be a family friendly, PERMITTED event at Freedom Plaza, with music, dance, theater, chalk drawing, painting, street art, sculpture, photography, a children's garden of creative arts, and more. Visit WOSD's website, and click on the event's link for more info. This will be a major event for WOSD and OSD, over 150 "going" so far.
- 09 Jun 2012 - (3:30p) OSD Education Committee meets before the special 4 PM GA at Civic Center Plaza
Sunday, 2012-06-10
- 10 Jun 2012 - (11a-2p) Really Really Free Market in City Heights - Bring useful items (that you no longer need or want) to share freely with other members of your community. Details
- 10 Jun 2012 - (12p-1p) OSD Free Education Collective Teach-in at the Really Really Free Market in City Heights: "The Anatomy of a Nuclear Accident" - This presentation will explain the range of possibilities and the results of a nuclear accident, considering in particular the ongoing events at the Fukushima Daiichi plant that began in March 2011. This teach-in will be lecture based, with breaks for questions.
- 10 Jun 2012 - (1p-3p) OSD Free Education Collective Teach-In at the Really Really Free Market in City Heights: "What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and why should I care about a 'NAFTA' for the Pacific Rim?" - Two members of the OSD Free Education Collective will introduce and facilitate a discussion about the TPP, providing an explanation of the background of "free trade agreements" and some of the major points known about the secretive trade negotiations scheduled to continue in San Diego beginning July 2, 2012. This discussion will be presented in a roundtable/panel format, with a brief introduction by the co-facilitators and then time for open discussion and Q & A.
- 10 Jun 2012 - (9p) F.T.P. March in North Park - See FB Event page. Not as OSD event but endorsed by OSD-CP GA.
Monday, 2012-06-11
- 11 Jun 2012 - (8:30a) Bobby Uribe's jury trial at San Diego Superior Court:
Per Adriane Bracciale, Bobby Uribe's attorney: "[8:30 is the] time for trial call. After we get sent out to a trial department, the prosecutor and I will argue motions in limine regarding what evidence is admitted and excluded, and then there's jury selection (when members of the public may not be able to fit in the courtroom with the jury panel). If this happens relatively quickly, opening statements will be some time in the afternoon session, which starts at 1:30 and is usually over by 4:30. I'll keep the group FB Event page updated." Bobby is being charged for the alleged "crime" of stepping out of a crosswalk at the Port Shutdown.
Tuesday, 2012-06-12
Wednesday, 2012-06-13
- 13 Jun 2012 - (1:30p) Bobby Uribe's jury trial continues at San Diego Superior Court, dept. 54, with jury selection in the morning. Opening statements unlikely before 1:30. Updates at FB Event page.
- 13 Jun 2012 - (6p) Encinitas City Council Meeting RE: San Onofre Our purpose is to educate them on the risks of nuclear power and ask for their help. We are asking the Encinitas City Council and Mayor to support it's constituents by calling for the permanent decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. Public comments, 3 minutes each. Look at for fact sheets. See you there.
Thursday, 2012-06-14
- 14 Jun 2012 - (5p) De-Colonization Teach In by and at Canvass For A Cause, on the personal side of colonization, how it affects people of color on a personal day to day level. It will also teach how to be a better ally to the people of color community and struggle. FB Event page.
Friday, 2012-06-15
Saturday, 2012-06-16
- 16 Jun 2012 - (9a) People 4 Social Sustainability (P.S.S.) At the City Heights Farmers Market (map) and interested volunteers will be distributing copies of Resource Based Economy Journal. Come join in with P.S.S. and help us get this important information out to the people. Resource Based Economy Journal is published by P.S.S. and talks about global sustainability and surpassing the monetary system to reach the type of society that will create abundance for all people.
- 16 Jun 2012 - (10a) "War on Women - Discussion" at the Serra Mesa/Kearny Mesa Branch Library - Details - Lunch afterwards close by.
- 16 Jun 2012 - (12:30p-2p) OSD Free Education Collective Teach-In at Balboa Park at or near Redwood Circle - A facilitated discussion about the NEWLY LEAKED TPP Investor rights chapter. Let's educate ourselves and each other! - How TPP puts the interests of multinational corporations above those of working people and national governments" - the OSD Free Education Collective will introduce and facilitate this about the TPP, focused on how the currently known provisions of the TPP negotiations would privilege foreign investors ahead of working people and national governments. Bring plain shirt, banner, cardboard to stencil on some art for free!!! FB Event page.
Monday, 2012-06-18
- 18 Jun 2012 -
Benjamin Gasper's Jury Trial has been postponed until June 26th.
- 18 Jun 2012 -
new time - (12p-3p) A working group has set up a meeting for organizing another highly participatory event in service to Occupy at Industrial Grind Coffee - much like the May 5th event, Occupy: Revisiting and Actualizing Our Core Purpose. To really make the planning flow, we'd really like to see people who can commit to a minimum of 8 hours of planning meetings. It is hard to make good decisions if there isn't significant continuity between meetings. Notes from the planning meetings will be posted both to the Facebook group and to the OSD website.
- 18 Jun 2012 - (5p-9p) NRC Public Hearing on San Onofre Nuclear Plant Safety at the San Juan Capistrano Community Center on their Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) findings. Event Details... Note: We should try to be there by 5 p.m.; meeting starts at 6 pm. At the last meeting like this, 150 energy company people signed up right away and our speakers didn't all get in because the comment time was used up. We need to get there early to sign up to speak as soon as we can and also to be outside with signs. Press Release
- 18 Jun 2012 - (6p) Del Mar City Council will have an agenda item on San Onofre at the Del Mar Communications Center. SoCal Edison will be there, those wanting San Onofre decommissioned have a chance to speak up on preventing a potentially deadly nuclear plant incident not far up the coast. (the worst case evacuation scenario involves evacuating 8,000,000 people within a 50 mile radius of the plant). FB Event page.
- 18 Jun 2012 -
(new listing) (7p) Activist San Diego (ASD) will meet at Joyce Beers Center in Hillcrest and hold an annual vote for their Board of Directors. After the vote, there will be a program "Where is the Occupy movement going from here?" Please come and share your ideas, vision, and creativity!
Wednesday, 2012-06-20
- 20 Jun 2012 - (5:45p) The PRC & Nonviolent Peaceforce invite you to a film: The Interrupters by Steve James and Alex Kotlowitz. During just one weekend in 2008, 37 people were shot in Chicago, seven of them fatally. This film captures a period in Chicago when it became a national symbol for city violence and was besieged by high-profile incidents, most notably the brutal beating of Derrion Albert, a Chicago High School student, whose death was caught on videotape. At the Peace Resource Center.
Friday, 2012-06-22
Saturday, 2012-06-23
- 23 Jun 2012 - (6p) Defend Cuba, with special guest: Andres Gomez at Canvass For A Cause. The Party for Socialism and Liberation is honored to host respected elder Andres Gomez, founder of the Antonio Maceo Brigade in defense of Cuba. - Details - FB Event
- 23 Jun 2012 - (7p-9:30p) Movie: Black Power Mixtape Location TBD in City Heights. The film examines the evolution of the Black Power Movement in the black community and Diaspora from 1967 to 1975. The film combines music, startling 16mm footage and contemporary audio interviews from leading African-American artists, activists, musicians and scholars. Check FB Event page for location and updates.
Monday, 2012-06-25
Tuesday, 2012-06-26
- 26 Jun 2012 - (9a-5p)
(New date) Jury trial of Benjamin Gasper, a legitimate medical marijuana patient who is unjustly being prosecuted by San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis. Today jury selection should take all day; supporters should come tomorrow (June 27) to see the proceedings at Dept. 50 of the San Diego Superior Court. FB Event
- 26 Jun 2012 - (7p-9p)
Wednesday, 2012-06-27
- 27 Jun 2012 - (9a-5p) Jury trial of Benjamin Gasper continues. Jury selection likely will have been finished by today; supporters should come today to see the proceedings at Dept. 50 of the San Diego Superior Court. FB Event
- 27 Jun 2012 - (4p) Oceanside City Council Meeting RE: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station - We are going to voice our dissent about San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Public comments, 3 minutes each. Please be there, you don't have to speak, your presence alone speaks volumes. (although if you want to then that's just awesome! We have a support system to help you if you need it) We are powerful because we are many, we will not let the nuclear industry risk everything we love for 12 % of our power supply. We don't need it, we have many other options available to us. Look at for fact sheets. See you there.
- 27 Jun 2012 - (6:30p) TPP Planning Meeting at Canvass For A Cause. No GA tonight.
Thursday, 2012-06-28
- 28 Jun 2012 - (9a) Attend the San Diego Planning Commission at San Diego City Hall, and Say No to re-zoning open space bordering Mission Trails Regional Park to industrial for a SDGE natural gas power plant siting. CPUC says So. Cal. has excess energy, even with SONGS permanent closure. Support local clean energy. Wear orange in solidarity with We're hoping for 100 people in orange! more details
Saturday, 2012-06-30
The following Included from Occupy San Diego Events 2012 Jul
Sunday, 2012-07-01
Monday, 2012-07-02
- 02 Jul 2012 - (11a-2p) (Registered stakeholders: arrive at 10 AM) at the park beside the Hilton) TPP Direct Stakeholder Engagement at the Bayfront Hilton.
- 02 Jul 2012 - (11:30a) Resource Based Economy Journal Distribution at Stop TPP Protest. Meet at People 4 Social Sustainability (P.S.S.) table; we'll be setting about at about 11:30am and will be there till approx. 4pm. Let us know (619-500-4761, or at\) if you'd like to volunteer for a shift to help distribute the journal. At the Bayfront Hilton.
- 02 Jul 2012 - (12p) There will be a press conference, protest and rally by San Diego Labor Council and community groups to welcome the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to the Bayfront Hilton, in a park close by beyond the southwest end of the Convention Center. Details and map - FB Event page
- 02 Jul 2012 - (6:30-8:30p) People’s Conference: A Better World Is Possible! - Workers Rights/Outsourcing/WalMart & Gentrification at the Logan Heights Public Library
Tuesday, 2012-07-03
- 03 Jul 2012 - (6p-9p) People’s Conference: A Better World Is Possible! - Intellectual Property, GMOs, Healthcare, Women and the TPP - at Centro Cultural De La Raza.
- 03 Jul 2012 - (8p) San Diego Remembers Mollie Judith Olgin & Mary Christine Chapa, at the John Wear Hate Crimes Memorial Plaque near 10th and University Avenue in Hillcrest. Details
Thursday, 2012-07-05
- 05 Jul 2012 - OYC flyering at lunch time at and near the Bayfront Hilton
- 05 Jul 2012 - (6p-9p) People’s Conference: A Better World Is Possible! - Geopolitics and Empire; Indigenous Rights: Decolonization or the TPP at Centro Cultural De La Raza
>>> Details
- 05 Jul 2012 - (6p-9p) People’s Conference: A Better World Is Possible! - Local Economies and Sustainability, Biodiversity & Global Climate Change at the World Beat Center - Details
Friday, 2012-07-06
- 06 Jul 2012 - OYC flyering at lunch time at and near the Bayfront Hilton
- 06 Jul 2012 - (5p-7p) Growing Food, Healing Lives: Food Security and Survivors of Violence, a workshop highlighting the power of food justice and security when implemented in social service agencies, facilitated by Cathy Mendonca, Resident Specialist and DV Advocate of Becky's House of the YWCA of San Diego County. FB Event
- 06 Jul 2012 - (6:30-8:30p) People’s Conference: A Better World Is Possible! - Food Freedom or NAFTA on Steroids - at the Peace Resource Center - Come and Meet Ben Burkett, President of the National Family Farm Coalition discuss the Significance of Food Sovereignty - Video:Food Sovereignty
Saturday, 2012-07-07
Monday, 2012-07-09
- 9 Jul 2012 - (2p) City Council will vote on the Irwin Jacobs plan for Balboa Park, which would eliminate the World Beat Center. This being an agenda item, there will be no one speaker per topic limit.
Tuesday, 2012-07-10
Wednesday, 2012-07-11
- 11 Jul 2012 - (2p) Public hearing at the Land Use & Housing Committee, at San Diego City Hall, 202 C Street, 12th floor. The body will vote on an ordinance requiring banks to register foreclosed homes and maintain properties that they have chosen to foreclose on, with a $1,000 per day fine for lack of compliance.
Thursday, 2012-07-12
Friday, 2012-07-13
Sunday, 2012-07-15
- 15 Jul 2012 - (8p-9:30p) "Sexy Funny Women" stand up comedy, a benefit for a new progressive radio station, KNSJ-FM 89.1 and streaming at at the Moxie Theatre. Suggested donation is $10.
- 15 Jul 2012 -
(new time - 1:30 -3p) Resource Based Economy Street Team meeting to plan a poster/flyer campaign will be held at Zarlito's Restaurant. FB Event
Monday, 2012-07-16
Tuesday, 2012-07-17
Wednesday, 2012-07-18
- 18 Jul 2012 - (6p) Imperial Beach City Council to Vote on the Safe Access (Medical Marijuana) Ordinance. At IB Civic Center - FB Event
- 18 Jul 2012 - (7p) "Occupy the Candidates" project will be discussed at the OSD GA at Childrens Park (1st St at Island) [Please note that there is no GA this weekend due to Pride Activities] See for details.
Thursday, 2012-07-19
- 19 Jul 2012 - (6p) Free Class Resource Based Yoga at the Activist Center by People for Social Sustainability
- 19 Jul 2012 - (7p) People for Social Sustainability will have a free Spanish class near Grant Hill Park, at 335 27th St. - FB Event
- 19 Jul 2012 - (7p) Bonfire for Justice: San Diego - WE ARE SARA KRUZAN Candlelight Vigil at Crown Point Shores - Join with Sara's aunts Anne and Cecilia in a Candlelight Vigil. Sara was forced into prostitution; finally after years of abuse she killed her pimp and tormenter. She's facing a life sentence for her actions. More info at - FB Event
Friday, 2012-07-20
- 20 Jul 2012 - (8a-9:30a) "A Better San Diego" Breakfast Forum - LGBT Equality - Lessons in Community Organizing - Speakers include State Senator Christine Kehoe, The LGBT Center and CFAC. Breakfast is provided for a suggested donation of $5. Please RSVP to At UFCW Local 135 - Details
- 20 Jul 2012 - (6p-7p) Official Hillcrest Pride Flag Raising and Spirit of Stonewall Rally at the corner of Harvey Milk and Normal Streets in Hillcrest. Featured speaker will be Dr. Clarence B. Jones who served as personal legal counsel to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and helped draft the acclaimed “I Have A Dream” speech. FB Event.
- 20 Jul 2012 - (6p-10p) - Si Se Puede! Visions & Images Exhibit and film at Centro Cultural De La Raza, highlighting the movement by Cesar Chavez and the UFW. Details. Suggested $5 donation
- 20 Jul 2012 - (7p) PBS Need to Know: Crossing the Line Part 2 - Correspondent John Larson investigates stories of physical abuse, sexual assault and even torture. Meet at Equality Alliance at 2910 Gunn Street. Show airs at 8:30 PM.
Saturday, 2012-07-21
Sunday, 2012-07-22
Monday, 2012-07-23
Tuesday, 2012-07-24
Wednesday, 2012-07-25
Friday, 2012-07-27
Saturday, 2012-07-28
- 28 Jul 2012 - (10a) San Diego Label GMOs Rally & Strategy Meeting - at Jimbo's in Carlsbad. Please come join us as we work together to get mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods in California. Vote Yes, on Prop 37! We'll meet in the Cafe - email Sheri for more info:
- 28 Jul 2012 - (11a - 12p) Occupy City Heights GA at the City Heights Performance Annex
- 28 Jul 2012 - (12p) Following OCH GA will be a Committee Against Police Brutality CAPB Anaheim Solidarity Rally - Manuel Diaz and Joel Mathew Acevedo were murdered by Anaheim PD. Manuel was unarmed and shot in the back of the head. The Latino community in Anaheim is now under a brutal attack by Anaheim PD for daring to stand up and speak out! Stand with Anaheim's Latino community and their right to protest police terror in their community.
- 28 Jul 2012 - (6:30p) Activist San Diego presents a film on the genetic engineering of food.The Future of Food at the Joyce Beers Center.
Sunday, 2012-07-29
The following Included from Occupy San Diego Events 2012 Aug
Occupy San Diego Events 2012 Aug
Friday, 2012-08-03
Saturday, 2012-08-04
Sunday, 2012-08-05
Monday, 2012-08-06
- 06 Aug 2012 - (8a-5p) Join Victor's mother outside the Hall of Justice, then at 6 PM there will be CAPB Justice for Victor Ortega Rally & March at SDPD - Mira Mesa. Victor was unarmed at the time of this incident he had one of his hands cuffed behind him. Background and Details
- 06 Aug 2012 - (1p) People for Social Sustainability (PSS) will have a resource based gardening event at Sun Coast Farms just east of Balboa Park.
- 06 Aug 2012 - (6:30p-9p) The film "Knocking on the Devil’s Door: Our Deadly Nuclear Legacy" will be shown at the Peace Resource Center - Details
Wednesday, 2012-08-08
- 08 Aug 2012 - (7p-9p) Roy Zimmerman sings satirical songs - original songs about class warfare, creationism, same-sex marriage, guns, marijuana, abstinence, Republicans (a lot of songs about Republicans), ignorance, war and greed. At Church Of The Brethren. Sponsored by the Peace Resource Center of San Diego. Tickets are $18, or pay what you can.
Thursday, 2012-08-09
- 09 Aug 2012 - (6:30p) strategy meeting for outreach and education in efforts to require mandatory labeling of GMOs via prop 37 on the November ballot - OB People's Market at 4765 Voltaire Street San Diego, CA 92107. Meet in the small dining room upstairs - Email Sarah to RSVP:
Friday, 2012-08-10
- 10 Aug 2012 - (5p-7p) A special workshop highlighting the power of food justice and security when implemented in social service agencies. Facilitator of the workshop: Cathy Mendonca, Resident Specialist and DV Advocate of Becky's House of the YWCA of San Diego County. Location TBD. FB Event
Saturday, 2012-08-11
- 11 Aug 2012 - (10a) strategy meeting for outreach and education in efforts to require mandatory labeling of GMOs via prop 37 on the November ballot - at Jimbo's Naturally in Carlsbad. Meet in the small dining room upstairs - Email Sheri for more info:
- 11 Aug 2012 - (10a) strategy meeting for outreach and education in efforts to require mandatory labeling of GMOs via prop 37 on the November ballot - at Jimbo's Naturally in Carmel Valley - Email Baravi for more info:
- 11 Aug 2012 - 12 Aug 2012 - (11a-7p) Saturday and Sunday, Fiesta del Sol 2012 at Chicano Park, a FREE street festival celebrating the history, diverse cultures, and engagement of the people of San Diego. It is a fun, FAMILY-FRIENDLY, alcohol and tobacco free event focused on creating positive change by empowering our communities. FB Event
Tuesday, 2012-08-14
Friday, 2012-08-24
- 24 Aug 2012 - (4p) time/date tentative Meet at our senator's offices to pursue passage of S. 202, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011, to require "...a full audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the United States before the end of 2012." The house version of the bill passed with an overwhelming majority but the senate bill may be an uphill battle. Maps of offices: Diane Feinstein -, Barbara Boxer - - There is a event page, be sure to click on "more" to see the background and details.
- 24 Aug 2012 - (6p) Film and Panel Discussion: "MAQUILAPOLIS - city of factories" and Fair Trade Initiatives by AF3IRM at Centro Cultural De La Raza. The film is a collaborative effort with workers in Tijuana; the women depicted in the film took part in how the maquiladora workers were presented, and is part of the ongoing effort to stop "free trade agreements", particularly in Mexico. FB Event page.
Saturday, 2012-08-25
- 25 Aug 2012 - (10a-12p) "The Risks of Restarting the Damaged San Onofre Nuclear Plant" a presentation by Daniel Hirsch, at Oceanside Community Room, 330 North Coast Highway, Oceanside
- 25 Aug 2012 - (3p-5p) "The Risks of Restarting the Damaged San Onofre Nuclear Plant" a presentation by Daniel Hirsch, at the Peace Resource Center
- 25 Aug 2012 - (4p-7p) San Diego Walk for Justice (5K) at Liberty Station. Register at the Walk for Justice website. The Californians Against Sexual Exploitation (CASE) Act (prop 35) on the November ballot will deter traffickers with higher penalties and fines, use fines to fund victim services, remove barriers to prosecute child sex traffickers, mandate training for law enforcement officers, require convicted sex traffickers to register as sex offenders, require all sex offenders to disclose Internet accounts, and protect victims in court proceedings.
Thursday, 2012-08-30
Thursday, 2012-09-06
- 06 Sep 2012 - 15 Sep 2012 - TPP negotiations - round 14 at Leesburg, VA
Monday, 2012-09-17
- 17 Sep 2012 - (5p-7p) NoGMOs - No Monsanto - Yes on prop 37 rally in Hillcrest. Details TBD; and will be sent out via occupysd listserve.
- 17 Sep 2012 - One year Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street in Zuccotti Park, NYC
Saturday, 2012-09-22
- 22 Sep 2012 - San Diego's Largest Ever Rally Against Wal-Mart, by the San Diego Labor Council - Details TBD; and will be sent out via occupysd listserve.
Saturday, 2012-09-29
Sunday, 2012-10-07
- 07 Oct 2012 - One-year anniversary of Occupy San Diego. Details TBD; and will be sent out via occupysd listserve. -->
Road Trip for Occupy D.C. on Jan 17:
- This is our social media outlets for now. We will also be adding a livestream link too.
- "Occupy San Diego is planning to take the Greyhound to Occupy Congress in solidarity with the movement on Jan 17.
- During our road trip, we want to connect with America on our way to DC wherever we stop or whoever is on the bus.
- Follow us as we plan for this adventure, when we're on the bus, and when we are actually in DC!
- We will plan events and meetups with other occupations and will be tweeting, blogging, and livestreaming it all. Like this page, follow the twitter or visit the website for updates!"
- Here is our Greyhound Itinerary:
All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
- Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.
- To check if someone is in jail check this website:
- It usually takes about 6 hours for someone who has been arrested to pop up here. This site will tell you their charges, bail, etc. Jail's number is (619) 615-2700. The jail won't tell you much if anything that is not on the website. Please check this website before saying someone is in or out of jail to avoid confusion.
Legal Resources
- The National Lawyers Guild resources to protesters who have been arrested (619) 417-4813
- 1st Circuit Rules Public Has Right to Videotape Police
- What to say to cops if you're busted. *What you say and do can hurt you in court This is what I advise my clients to say when confronted by a law enforcement officer:
"Officer, please understand I refuse to talk with you until I consult with my attorney. I also refuse to consent to any search of these premises or any other premises under my control, or in which I have a possessory, proprietary, or privacy interest, including my car, my body, or effects. I hereby demand to immediately be allowed the reasonable opportunity to obtain the advice of my attorney by telephone. from:
Links to sites/pages below that are no longer actively updated:
If you have:
- lists of emails that should be subscribed
- events or notices that should be included
- needs or wants to request from our supporters
- specific requests for volunteers
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.
Edited by Email Blast Team:
- Ray Lutz
- Josephine P.
- Jason Packman
- Jay Jayakumar
- Benjamin Knob (GA reports)
- Occupy San Diego project page in "Common" web: Occupy San Diego
- New Occupy Project (new web): Occupy Web -- we will be migrating to this new web.