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Occupy Update!

Great 3-month anniversary march! -- Two brutal arrests of women occupella singers -- Chaplain Ron injured by intruder, taken to VA hospital. -- Police threatened to arrest protestors carrying tent into Freedom Plaza. Read more below...

This report is BEST if you read the web version on your browser, esp. if the formatting is bad.


First arrest of woman at occu-pella singers for doing nothing, police very rough with her

Second arrest of occu-pella singer. The SDPD is ridiculous. See the full video

Peace hearts were hung on tree next to U.S.S Midway
  • Saturday was the 3-month anniversary of Occupy San Diego! Fantastic March through Downtown from Children's Park along Harbor Drive, right up to Seaport Village, along the coastal walk to Broadway, east to Front, south by Federal Building, back to Children's Park, then east through the gaslamp and north to 2nd, and back to Freedom Plaza.
    • Before we left Children's Park, the police said that the tent the protestors were holding could not be taken into Freedom Plaza. "If we carry it without touching the ground, is that against the law?" -- "You can't bring it in. We will arrest you if you do." -- "Is that a new law?" -- "We'll figure out what law it is at the police station." OSD brought the tent in and held it above the ground, then folded it up.
    • A man ran into the protest march across from the Federal Building, grabbed a sign and tried to run off with it, and then started a scuffle. Chaplain Ron was knocked to the ground. We gave him some water but he police insisted that the march continue. An ambulance came and picked him up. Last I heard, he was taken to the VA hospital. Updates to be forthcoming when we get the information. Ron is a very loving and peaceful man who does not deserve this!
    • Two women were arrested at Freedom Plaza. The story I heard is they were singing occupella in front of the Civic Center, where Jerry Seinfeld is performing. The police asked them where they were going to stand, and they had no problem. Then the police stretched out the "Caution" tape to prepare for the approaching marchers. Somehow the women found themselves on the wrong side of the tape, and were arrested. See the video.
      • This eye-witness account from Josephine: We just got done w/our Occu-pella just as the marchers were returning. The police were trying to put up yellow caution tape. Anita and I were on one side getting ready to leave. Next thing you know, they were arresting Stephanie. She said she didn't do anything. She said she accidentally bumped into a cop, said "Excuse me" and they arrested her. Basically for NOTHING.
      • Stephanie's charges include 'battery on police officer' and bail is set at $10,000!
      • Read Martha Sullivan's account!

  • Welcome back to Mike Garcia, he has been released on bail after being arrested for having a chair set up during a teach-in at Freedom Plaza. Yet another illegitimate arrest by out-of-control SDPD Watch Video of the arrest


Unless noted, all events are at Freedom Plaza (AKA Civic Center Plaza, 1200 3rd Ave. San Diego, Intersection of 3rd Ave. and B St.)
Unless otherwise noted, we meet daily as follows:
  • 4 pm -- Finance Committee Meeting, Downtown Johnny Brown's, Mon. thru Friday
    • Each committee should send a representative to this meeting! Budget is currently being defined.
  • 5:30 pm -- Committee meetings -- Each will schedule the days of their meetings.
  • 7pm -- General Assembly (Civic Center Plaza)
    • NEW Saturday GA will be at 2pm.
    • GAs require 20 participants for a quorum.

  • This coming Tuesday is the first City Council meeting of the year. Public comment is held after 10am and usually completed before noon.

  • Arraignment of Ray Lutz is scheduled for 8am, Jan 10 (Tuesday). I understand that actually means 10am. This high-profile arrest is one we should have maximal involvement of OSD because the media will likely continue to follow it. Everyone is welcome to attend if you can! Usually Dept. 3 (just to the right of the entrance) at the County Courthouse on Broadway.

  • Very Important -- The ballot proposition to revise the encroachment law (SDMC 54.0110) will be on the agenda on Wednesday, Jan 11 (9a) at the City Council Conference room (Floor 12) of City Hall. Since it will be ON THE AGENDA, that means everyone who was arrested, cited or detained for "Encroachment" under SDMC 54.0110 should come to this meeting and SPEAK.

  • Mayoral "State of the City" address Wednesday (Jan 11) at Balboa Theater, reception following at U.S. Grant Hotel. This information needs to be confirmed, with more details to follow if any actions are approved by OSD at our GA.

  • Jan 14 - Occupy So Cal Meetup in Long Beach at their MLK parade. -- this event is being held by Occupy Long Beach and discussed in a recent conference call to coordinate Socal Occupies. To folks in the greater LA area, "Socal" usually does not include San Diego. Not approved for formal participation by OSD by our GA but included here for information only.

  • OSD Contingent in D.C. on Jan 17. (Bus leaves Jan 13 and returns Jan 25.)
    • Updates to Road2Congress:
      • Occupy Phoenix is showing us support at the greyhound station:
      • Three people from Occupy Phoenix are going to join the bus with us.
      • Occupy DC is having an Occuparty after #J17 events at Mcpherson Park.
      • Round trip plane ticket is approx. $280.

  • Concert fundraiser at World Beat Center featuring Liquid Blue on Jan 20. You know how great the last fundraiser concert was... this will be even better.

  • Feb 4 -- PROPOSED ONLY! Occupy San Diego County Strategy Meeting -- all details TBD, not OSD GA approved yet.
  • Feb 10,11,12 -- "Occupy" the Democratic State Convention in San Diego -- NO ACTION HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE OSD GA YET.


08 Jan 2012 - Sun

  • I.W.W. Free Speech Movement in San Diego in 1912 -- The 100 year anniversary of this event is coming up! Time to have occupy sites around the country converge on San Diego to commemorate our rights.
  • (11:00a-1:00p) - Teach-In at Freedom Square: "Discussion about the OWS List of Grievances called 'Declaration of the Occupation of New York City"

09 Jan 2012 - Mon

10 Jan 2012 - Tue

  • (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
  • (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
  • (8a) - Arraignment of Ray Lutz for setting up a voter registration table in Freedom Plaza, at San Diego County Courthouse, probably in Dept. 3 (just to the right of the entrance doors). I understand the actual time is 10am for these hearings. Since this is a high-profile case in the media, it will be nice to have OSD support at the arraignment. (Thank you again for all your support, OSD is the best.)
  • (10a) - City Council Meeting -- First meeting with public comment available this year!

11 Jan 2012 - Wed

  • (7:30a) SDPD Central Division SDPD community (citizens/Occupiers) feedback meeting (place TBD).
  • (9a) VERY IMPORTANT: San Diego City Council Rules Committee meeting to consider ballot proposal submitted by Occupy San Diego (thank you Martha Sullivan) to amend SDMC 54.0110 to include an explicit exemption for free speech rights. Please note: This is ON THE AGENDA, and therefore, we can have speakers on the topic. CALLING ALL PEOPLE hit by 54.0110 with inappropriate arrests, citations, or detentions, to come to this meeting and let our voices be heard!
  • (6p) Mayor Jerry Sanders presents the State of the City address at Balboa Theater with reception following at U.S. Grant Hotel. Any coordinated OSD action must be approved by the OSD GA.
  • (7p) Occupy Walk planning meeting at hART Lounge, 734 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101. Okay to park in reserved spots at the Granada Wig Store on Park & F.

12 Jan 2012 - Thu

  • Memorial Service for occupier Jay Polk CANCELED

13 Jan 2012 - Fri

  • (9am) - Greyhound trip to Washington D.C. to be part of the million tent protest on Jan 17th. $252 round trip fare. Returns on Jan 20 at 9am. Greyhound station: 1313 National Ave., San Diego, CA 92101 Facebook Event -- Follow the trip here: #OSD | Road 2 Congress team. Follow us for latest on-the-road updates as we travel through the US to #OccupyCongress protests on #JAN17.
  • (5p) Feminist Friday teach-in at Freedom Plaza.

14 Jan 2012 - Sat

  • (3:00p-4:00p) - *Teach-In at Freedom Square:"Paradise Plundered: Fiscal Crisis and Governance Failures in San Diego"*, Steve Erie, Professor of Political Science at UC San Diego and Vlad Kogan, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, UC San Diego Cancelled, but we will attempt to reschedule
  • Occupy So Cal meetup at Long Beach MLK park.
  • (5:30p) Events Committee meets at Freedom Plaza for planning for the MLK parade on the 15th.
  • (12p-2p) OccupYRCorner in Clairemont - Stand w/Signs and handout info at Balboa & Genessee FB Event
  • (2p) GA Meeting at Freedom Plaza.
  • (1p-4p) Occupy Encinitas - 1 PM rally at the corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Coast Highway 101 followed by general assembly at 2:30 PM at Cottonwood Creek Park, corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Vulcan Ave. (GA meets at Leucadia Pizzeria if raining) More info: Facebook or Website <== click here to see the rest of the report.

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Things YOU can do right now to help.

Have comments you want sent out? Send it to

Occupy the Martin Luther King Parade
Sunday, Jan. 15, 2:00PM
Harbor Blvd, Embarcadero Blvd.

The once great San Diego Martin Luther King Parade has fallen in recent years from its noble stature, into a near-perversion of it original purpose. In the parade this year on Sunday, January 15th, OCCUPY will change that with your help.

Since 2005 the liberal forces for peace, justice and Constitutional rights have abandoned the parade as it has become a scandalous promotion for the military-police and government security organizations. In the early days of the Bush Wars, over 1,500 peace marchers dominated the parade. In the last several years the parade has been dominated by ever conceivable government organization from local police departments, Homeland Security, CIA, FBI, ROTC bands, and units from all military branches.

In recent years the parade has become dominated by these anti-peace, anti-justice and anti-free speech forces, as progressive organizations have dropped out. The very forces which vilified, harassed, beat, jailed and oppressed Dr. King now practically run the parade.

OCCUPY seeks to restore the parade’s magnanimous purpose, to honor the civil rights movement and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. We plan to OCCUPY the parade once again and make a strong, positive statement for the principles and causes for which Dr. King fought and died for.

OCCUPY forces in San Diego are asking all who love liberty, peace, justice and respect personal dignity to return en masse and join in the actual parade. Several marching contingents and organizations have made invitations so far, including two colleges, and a couple of churches. The Vets for Peace, ever the valiant supporters of OCCUPY across the country, will also be marching in the San Diego Parade.

More details on the precise meetup point on Harbor Blvd will be forthcoming shortly. Just be prepared: This is general information about the parade:

Read this more realistic account from the Ocean Beach Rag for background:

Start making your homemade signs and banners:

I have a dream - Justice

I have a dream - Liberty

I have a dream - Peace

I have a dream - Government of the People

I have a dream - Government by the People

I have a dream - Government for the People

I have a dream - Jobs for America, not for China

I have a dream - Money out of politics

Corporations are not people

Money is not speech

MLK fought for the 99% joe



2012 Jan 08

Media: Occupy San Diego

Media: Occupy National and Global

  • Michael Moore at the Occupy Wall Street Spokes Council 1/4/12 At the meeting of Occupy Wall Street's Spokes Council on January 4, documentarian Michael Moore came to listen, sitting in the back, right behind Waging Nonviolence editor Nathan Schneider. When the meeting ended, after a bit of a debate, the occupiers asked Moore whether he'd like to speak. Though flustered at first, speak he did.

  • Police arrest journalists at Occupy Wall Street protests Protesters from New York City and beyond gathered today at the front doorstep of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to give the mayor a simple message: Stop arresting journalists who are covering Occupy Wall Street. Coalition for the First Amendment, members of journalists. Stated goal is to highlight police activity that threaten Constitutional protections. 9


This section is being deprecated. See Occupy San Diego Events for full details.


Road Trip for Occupy D.C. on Jan 17:
  • This is our social media outlets for now. We will also be adding a livestream link too.
  • "Occupy San Diego is planning to take the Greyhound to Occupy Congress in solidarity with the movement on Jan 17.
  • During our road trip, we want to connect with America on our way to DC wherever we stop or whoever is on the bus.
  • Follow us as we plan for this adventure, when we're on the bus, and when we are actually in DC!
  • We will plan events and meetups with other occupations and will be tweeting, blogging, and livestreaming it all. Like this page, follow the twitter or visit the website for updates!"
  • Links: Greyhound Itinerary -- Facebook Road2Congress -- Website -- Twitter

See All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
  • Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.

  • Legal is asking: If you were at the South gate on the day of The Port Shut Down 12/12 and witnessed any of the arrests and are willing to testify...please contact HiAndrea on FB or -- Tammy.

Lutz suing Civic Center Plaza building owners and operators Project Details
  • More on this project... Including collected media, documents, photos, videos, etc.
  • This is a VERY IMPORTANT project because we will directly engage wall street firms who own and operate the Civic Center Plaza office building.

  • New Legal Web being designed on
    • New web (area of the site) will allow us to catalog all arrests, detentions, court actions, police ids, complaints, etc.
    • Once this is set up, will need the best lists we have and people who can help enter data.
    • It isn't much yet, but here it is: Legal Web

Legal Resources
  • The National Lawyers Guild resources to protesters who have been arrested NEW 619-500-4486
  • 1st Circuit Rules Public Has Right to Videotape Police
  • What to say to cops if you're busted. *What you say and do can hurt you in court This is what I advise my clients to say when confronted by a law enforcement officer:
"Officer, please understand I refuse to talk with you until I consult with my attorney. I also refuse to consent to any search of these premises or any other premises under my control, or in which I have a possessory, proprietary, or privacy interest, including my car, my body, or effects. I hereby demand to immediately be allowed the reasonable opportunity to obtain the advice of my attorney by telephone. from:
  • To check if someone is in jail check this website:
    • It usually takes about 6 hours for someone who has been arrested to pop up here. This site will tell you their charges, bail, etc. Jail's number is (619) 615-2700. The jail won't tell you much if anything that is not on the website. Please check this website before saying someone is in or out of jail to avoid confusion.

Occupy San Diego Links

Links to sites/pages below that are no longer actively updated:



If you have:
  • lists of emails that should be subscribed
  • events or notices that should be included
  • needs or wants to request from our supporters
  • specific requests for volunteers
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.

Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people
with diverse opinions. This email does not provide
the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is
compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers
by a number of volunteers.
News Media that may subscribe to this email blast
should confirm all information from other sources.


Edited by Email Blast Team:
  • Ray Lutz (Editor)
  • Josephine P. (Media / Facebook)
  • Jason Packman (Education Events)
  • Chris West (Events)
  • Benjamin Cossel (Photographs)

  • Occupy San Diego project page in "Common" web: Occupy San Diego
  • New Occupy Project (new web): Occupy Web -- we will be migrating to this new web.

Topic revision: r5 - 19 Mar 2018, RaymondLutz
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