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TURN Joins Petition for Modification of Settlement

The Utility Reform Network (2015-06-24) Freedman Matthew

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More Info: California Public Utilities Commission, Coalition To Decommission San Onofre, Shut San Onofre, Stop The Unfair Settlement

For Immediate Release From TURN, The Utility Reform Network

Back Door Deals Fuel TURN Call for SONGS Settlement to be Set Aside

Contact: Mindy Spatt, TURN, 415.929.8876, ext. 306

Wednesday, June 24, 2015, San Francisco--TURN today joined the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility in demanding that the CPUC set aside the San Onofre settlement. TURN was forced to take this unprecedented step in the wake of revelations of extensive back door communications between former CPUC President Peevey and So Cal Edison that are now the subject of state and federal investigations. These communications undermine the integrity of the Commission process.

President Peevey’s frequent secret talks with Edison executives during the course of the San Onofre negotiations tainted the settlement process and were not disclosed to TURN or the public until recently. Had Edison disclosed these communications in a timely manner, the information might have had an impact on settlement negotiations, although it is not clear that the outcome would have been materially different due to established law and precedents.

TURN said reopening the case could go a long way toward restoring the Commission’s credibility, which sank to an all-time low under Peevey. “Ongoing federal and state investigations that caused the disclosure of the Warsaw note may lead to criminal indictments,” said staff attorney Matt Freedman. “The recently revealed proof of Peevey’s involvement has compelled us to take this highly unusual step.” TURN is urging the Commission to approve the existing proposed decision on 2012 operating costs and issue a proposed decision on other matters that have already been briefed by all parties in the case.

“The reign of terror at the CPUC is over,” said TURN executive director Mark Toney.

“While the terms of the settlement were much more favorable than those suggested by Peevey, reopening the proceeding will demonstrate that the Commission is making a break from this sordid past. If the Commission reopens the case, TURN’s attorneys will advocate for the best possible outcomes for consumers and will encourage the Commission to move beyond past precedents to hold Edison accountable for the fiasco at San Onfore.”


Mindy Spatt
Communications Director
TURN, The Utility Reform Network
(415) 929-8876 ext. 306
785 Market St. Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA. 94103


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I12-10-013_TURNresponse_A4NR_PFM_final.pdfpdf I12-10-013_TURNresponse_A4NR_PFM_final.pdf manage 102 K 24 Jun 2015 - 21:25 Raymond Lutz Filing of Petition for Modification by The Utility Reform Network
Topic revision: r2 - 26 Jun 2015, RaymondLutz
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