2015 10 06 Coastal Commission Hearing on Nuclear Waste Dump at San Onofre

Citizens Oversight (2015-10-06)

This Page: https://copswiki.org/Common/M1743
Media Link: https://youtu.be/PRzVX0M7gc8%20type%3d%22html%22
More Info: Nuclear Waste, Shut San Onofre, Stop Nuke Dump

This is a key hearing regarding the permit to build a nuclear waste dump 100 feet from the seawall at San Onofre by the California Coastal Commission. After this hearing, a lawsuit was filed by Citizens Oversight in California Superior Court challenging the appropriateness of this permit. On April 7, 2017, (one week before the scheduled hearing) SCE agreed to meet Citizens Oversight in settlement negotiations. On August 28, the settlement was announced to the public. See more here: Settlement to Move the Waste FAQs

Media Coverage

Publisher Date Description Link
San Diego Reader 2015-10-05 Coastal Commission gone bonkers? will 3.6 million pounds of nuclear waste repose within 100 feet of the ocean and only inches over the water table at San Onofre, site of the nuclear facility that has been shuttered? Link
San Diego Union Tribune 2015-10-06 State Ok's burying nuclear waste on beach. “Once they put it in here, it will probably never come out,” said Ray Lutz, of Citizen's Oversight. “We need to stop this permit now.” Edison hired a consultant that briefed several commissioners individually about its application between late last week and Tuesday morning. Commission members disclosed the briefings during the public meeting. Link
Kusi News 2015-10-06 Coastal Commission Approves New Nuclear Waste Dump Near Beach. "We are not going to sit and watch them convert our community to a nuclear waste dump," said Former City Attorney and Consumer Watchdog Mike Aguirre. Aguirre says his law firm, Aguirre & Severson will be suing the Coastal Commission in Federal Court. Link
Nbc News Los Angeles 2015-10-06 Coastal Commission Approves Storing Nuclear Waste at San Onofre. "They have not attempted to do anything except the path of least resistance, which results in nuclear waste being stored right on the coast in an area where no one would choose to put it," said Ray Lutz, coordinator at Citizens' Oversight Projects. "Construction of the ISFSI at this location will likely mean it will stay right here for hundreds of years." Link
Cbs Los Angeles 2015-10-06 Coastal Commission Votes to Allow Nuclear Waste at Site. Link
Orange County Register 2015-10-06 Watchdog: Nuclear waste can be stored at new San Onofre site ... The permit is only for 20 years, but critics fear it could be forever. Opponents blasted the plan, saying it creates “America’s largest beach-front nuclear waste dump” just 100 feet from the plant's sea wall, and vowed legal action to block it. Link
San Diego Union Tribune 2015-10-06 State Ok's burying nuclear waste on beach. “Once they put it in here, it will probably never come out,” said Ray Lutz, of Citizen's Oversight. “We need to stop this permit now.” Edison hired a consultant that briefed several commissioners individually about its application between late last week and Tuesday morning. Commission members disclosed the briefings during the public meeting. Link
Abc News San Diego 2015-10-06 ABC News, San Diego: California Coastal Commission approves storage facility for nuclear waste at San Onofre. Link
Times Of San Diego 2015-10-06 SCE estimated that it will need up to 80 more steel-and-concrete-encased canisters to store the waste at its new beach-front nuclear waste facility. Link
Cbs News San Diego 2015-10-06 The plan to store nuclear waste at San Onofre. "We cannot go to sleep right now, and let them put this nuclear waste permanently in North County San Diego without a protest," said attorney Michael Aguirre. Link
Abc News San Diego 2015-10-06 Supervisors want waste removed from San Onofre. -- "If the waste is allowed to remain on the beach it will become a permanent storage dump that is vulnerable to earthquakes, tsunamis, corrosion and terrorist attacks," Aguirre said. "We don't have the equipment, the personnel, or the training to respond to this type of emergency." Link
San Diego Reader 2015-03-23 Nuke Waste Volleyball San Diego attorney Mike Aguirre wrote to the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce, asking that it bring CPUC's administrative law judges before the committee so the judges can explain why they are saying "the NRC has jurisdiction over safety [matters]," says Aguirre. Link

Media Form edit

Title 2015 10 06 Coastal Commission Hearing on Nuclear Waste Dump at San Onofre
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Pub Date 2015-10-06
Media Link https://youtu.be/PRzVX0M7gc8
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Keywords Nuclear Waste, Shut San Onofre, Stop Nuke Dump
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Media Type Video, Meeting
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r3 - 31 May 2018, RaymondLutz
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