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Cadem Resolution: Support Clean Energy

Cadem Resolutions Committee (2007-07-15) Dante Atkins, delegate, 42nd Assembly District, Andrew Lachman; Democrats for Israel Los Angeles

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More Info: Climate Change, Energy Policy

Support Clean Energy

Resolution Number SDL07.04

WHEREAS, the continued burning of fossil fuels for energy harms our environment and likely contributes significantly toward global climate change;

WHEREAS, the continued dependence of the United States on fossil fuels from the Middle East and elsewhere supports regimes whose intentions may be hostile to the United States and her regional allies;

WHEREAS, the development and widespread use of new energy technologies would be of substantial economic assistance to the United States in terms of trade deficit reduction and in the creation of new industries and technologies;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, by the California Democratic Party affirms the need for any reasonable measures designed to promote energy efficiency, invest in, and expand the use of renewable energy technologies, and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, especially those from foreign sources.

Sponsor: Dante Atkins, delegate, 42nd Assembly District, Andrew Lachman; Democrats for Israel Los Angeles

* * *

Adopted by the Executive Board
Of the California Democratic Party
At Its Executive Board Meeting
Radisson Hotel, Sacramento
July 15, 2007

Media Form edit

Title Cadem Resolution: Support Clean Energy
Publisher Cadem Resolutions Committee
Author Dante Atkins, delegate, 42nd Assembly District, Andrew Lachman; Democrats for Israel Los Angeles
Pub Date 2007-07-15
Media Link{6966A3A9-3E8F-42B0-B822-437164CF973E}&notoc=1
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Keywords Climate Change, Energy Policy
Media Type Resolution
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
Topic revision: r1 - 09 Nov 2008, RaymondLutz
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