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Cadem Resolution: Local Planning to End Global Warming

Cadem Resolutions Committee (2007-07-15) Luke Breit, Chair, CDP Environmental Caucus

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Local Planning to End Global Warming

Resolution Number SAC07.09

WHEREAS, the California Legislature has proven its leadership through landmark environmental legislation such as AB 32 (the nation's first statewide cap on global warming pollution) and CEQA (the California Environmental Quality Act), fostering consensus and compromise between building and environmental constituencies by enacting "smart growth" policies effecting healthier, less-polluting, more walkable / livable communities through multimodal transit villages and preservation of open space; and

WHEREAS, the way we plan the physical layout of our local communities (called "Land Use" by urban experts, part of worldwide sustainability endeavors) is fundamental to securing the physical, economic and social efficiency, health and well-being of urban and rural communities through elimination of two main negative features of poor land use practices over the past several decades; and

  • Urban sprawl resulting from short-sighted zoning ordinances that isolate employment locations, shopping, services, and housing locations from each other; and
  • Air pollution and global warming emissions resulting from low-density growth planning which fosters automobile access to increasing expanses of land; and

WHEREAS, urban sprawl and poor land use planning contribute to air quality decline reported by the California Air Resources Board, including the annual health impacts of exceeding state health-based standards for smog and soot resulting in 8,800 premature deaths, 10,200 hospital admissions for lung and heart disease, 340,000 asthma attacks with 3,000 asthma-related emergency room visits, and 4.7 million school absences due to respiratory conditions;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the California Democratic Party supports sustainable smart growth and energy-efficient land-use planning through ordinances, legislation, and General Plans as a means for local communities to combat global warming.

Submitted by Luke Breit, Chair, CDP Environmental Caucus;
Rebecca Carey, Secretary, CDP Environmental Caucus

* * *

Adopted by the Executive Board
Of the California Democratic Party
At Its Executive Board Meeting
Radisson Hotel, Sacramento
July 15, 2007

Media Form edit

Title Cadem Resolution: Local Planning to End Global Warming
Publisher Cadem Resolutions Committee
Author Luke Breit, Chair, CDP Environmental Caucus
Pub Date 2007-07-15
Media Link{59A89717-5243-4973-933A-E12052EC0B50}&notoc=1
Embed HTML
Keywords Climate Change, Energy Policy
Media Type Resolution
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
Topic revision: r1 - 09 Nov 2008, RaymondLutz
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