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The American Denial of Global Warming

Ucsd Tv (2007-12-20) Naomi Oreskes, Ph.D.

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More Info: Climate Change, Energy Policy

This is one of the best (brief) overviews of the supporting evidence for anthropogenic climate change and also an overview of the strategy to undermine the scientific consensus in the media by the same people who worked to minimize the risks of cigarette smoking. Don't miss it.

(Please ignore the irritating quality of the presenter's voice though...)

Media Form edit

Title The American Denial of Global Warming
Publisher Ucsd Tv
Author Naomi Oreskes, Ph.D.
Pub Date 2007-12-20
Media Link
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Note Important encapsulation of Global Warming issue and the plan to undermine it.
Keywords Climate Change, Energy Policy
Media Type Video
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
Topic revision: r1 - 15 Jan 2009, RaymondLutz
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