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Investigate 9-11

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I encourage you to investigate on your own. Don't instantly believe anything I say, anything you see or read, or anything you think you already know. At this point, I don't think anyone is sure of any scenario, but there are so many holes in the official story, it is really getting difficult to believe. Whatever your final position on these questions, you owe it to yourself to do your own research and make up your own mind.

  • Oil, Smoke & Mirrors places the open questions of 9/11 among the larger events of the day, including the operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. It shows only a few of the key 9/11 issues, but perhaps some of the most disturbing questions that are difficult to answer with the conventional "Islamic-terrorist" theory.

  • "9/11 Press for Truth" is a great video that seems to be a good bridge from the conventional story to at least understand the total incompetence and foot-dragging of the administration. Does not go into detail on specific evidence of government complicity.

  • "Loose Change" - This movie is a real crowd pleaser, but is perhaps hyped up a bit too much. I don't believe that everything is as mysterious as they make it sound, but it is still a fantastic starting point. Dylan Avery made the First Edition when he was 16. Now, the second edition is much more complete, with mistakes eliminated from the first version. I'm sure additional mistakes can be found as well.

  • - This is a local activist group who have events and meetings. They are always standing-room only.

  • 9/11 Mysteries - This is a very recent video, only part one of three that are planned. In addition, it is cut up into three parts on google video. The demolition evidence is very convincing, particularly toward the end of the video.

  • Pentagon Research:
    I particularly like this site because of the depth of analysis put to this question. If you read this over, you will agree with his initial assertion:
    Why investigate 9/11? The simple answer is because the current administration has failed to do so. The official investigation has been handled poorly by any standards and the information released to the American public well after the fact is woefully inadequate.
    • Perspective of a retired 757 pilot Ralph Omholt:
      This pilot reviews every minute of the flights and communications and brings up some serious omissions and inaccuracies in the official story. I recommend that you skip the Foreword and go directly into the timeline. If you are a pilot, as I am, you will be glued to this analysis for hours.
  • Scholars for 9/11 Truth:
    Very comprehensive site. Also a great place to start.

  • The Passenger List Problem:
    One of the key problems with the conventional conspiracy theory surrounding 9/11 is the passenger list problem. Most people figure this has already been worked out, but it hasn't, and it points to the complicity between the news media (that usually works this out) and the government (that made it up).

In a nutshell, the hijackers are not on any passenger list, and the passenger lists don't square with what was reported. Also, if the hijackers didn't even have tickets, how did they get on the planes? Can you imagine a flight attendant not noticing five middle-easterners sitting on the plane without tickets or assigned seats? Moreover, the coroners report doesn't list any hijackers.

Read this treatment of this problem:

Until someone can come up with a reasonable solution to the puzzle, I would submit that we should assume that the entire story of the 9/11 hijacking is contrived.

  • WTC-7 Mystery

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This is the most recently published 20 articles, most recent first.


Project Form edit

Project Name Investigate 9-11
Project Description Inquiry into the truth surrounding the events of 9-11-2001
Project Founder Raymond Lutz
Project Curator Raymond Lutz
Project Type Issue Oversight
Project Parents
Related Keywords
Project Status Inactive
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Topic revision: r14 - 12 Mar 2018, RaymondLutz
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