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Click through to open the complete web-version of the report.: http://copswiki.org/Occupy/OccupySanDiegoEmailBlast2012Jul19
- There are two OSD groups. A larger group has two General Assembly (GA) meetings at 7 PM Wednesdays at Childrens Park, and at 2 PM on Saturdays at or just west of Redwood Circle in Balboa Park. Another group meets weekly at 2 PM Saturdays, at Civic Center Plaza. OSD-CP will have no GA Saturday due to the LGBT Pride Parade.
- Occupy San Diego CP maintains a website with a calendar, also committee and events forums, and more at http://sandiegooccupy.org/.
- See Event list (below) and Occupy San Diego Calendar for all upcoming events.
But mark your calendars now for these!
* (This list is automatically generated from the topic
Occupy.Occupy San Diego Events).
19 Jul 2012 - Thu
- (6p) Free Class Resource Based Yoga at the Activist Center by People for Social Sustainability
- (7p) People for Social Sustainability will have a free Spanish class near Grant Hill Park, at 335 27th St. - FB Event
- (7p) Bonfire for Justice: San Diego - WE ARE SARA KRUZAN Candlelight Vigil at Crown Point Shores - Join with Sara's aunts Anne and Cecilia in a Candlelight Vigil. Sara was forced into prostitution; finally after years of abuse she killed her pimp and tormenter. She's facing a life sentence for her actions. More info at http://www.freesarakruzan.org/. - FB Event
- (12p) San Diego Reinvestment Task Force at 202 C Street, 12th Floor Hearing Room, San Diego, CA 92101
20 Jul 2012 - Fri
- (8a-9:30a) "A Better San Diego" Breakfast Forum - LGBT Equality - Lessons in Community Organizing - Speakers include State Senator Christine Kehoe, The LGBT Center and CFAC. Breakfast is provided for a suggested donation of $5. Please RSVP to abettersandiego@unionyes.org. At UFCW Local 135 - Details
- (6p-7p) Official Hillcrest Pride Flag Raising and Spirit of Stonewall Rally at the corner of Harvey Milk and Normal Streets in Hillcrest. Featured speaker will be Dr. Clarence B. Jones who served as personal legal counsel to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and helped draft the acclaimed “I Have A Dream” speech. FB Event.
- (6p-10p) - Si Se Puede! Visions & Images Exhibit and film at Centro Cultural De La Raza, highlighting the movement by Cesar Chavez and the UFW. Details. Suggested $5 donation
- (7p) PBS Need to Know: Crossing the Line Part 2 - Correspondent John Larson investigates stories of physical abuse, sexual assault and even torture. Meet at Equality Alliance at 2910 Gunn Street. Show airs at 8:30 PM.
21 Jul 2012 - Sat
22 Jul 2012 - Sun
23 Jul 2012 - Mon
24 Jul 2012 - Tue
25 Jul 2012 - Wed
26 Jul 2012 - Thu
27 Jul 2012 - Fri
28 Jul 2012 - Sat
- (10a) San Diego Label GMOs Rally & Strategy Meeting - at Jimbo's in Carlsbad. Please come join us as we work together to get mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods in California. Vote Yes, on Prop 37! We'll meet in the Cafe - email Sheri for more info: Mom@MomsforSafeFood.org.
- (11a - 12p) Occupy City Heights GA at the City Heights Performance Annex
- (12p) Following OCH GA will be a Committee Against Police Brutality CAPB Anaheim Solidarity Rally - Manuel Diaz and Joel Mathew Acevedo were murdered by Anaheim PD. Manuel was unarmed and shot in the back of the head. The Latino community in Anaheim is now under a brutal attack by Anaheim PD for daring to stand up and speak out! Stand with Anaheim's Latino community and their right to protest police terror in their community.
- (6:30p) Activist San Diego presents a film on the genetic engineering of food.The Future of Food at the Joyce Beers Center.
- (1p-4p) Occupy Encinitas - 1 PM rally at the corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Coast Highway 101 followed by general assembly at 2:30 PM at Cottonwood Creek Park, corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Vulcan Ave. (GA meets at Leucadia Pizzeria if raining) More info: Facebook or Website
- (2p) GA in Balboa Park - east of Nutmeg between Sixth Avenue and Balboa Drive by the restrooms.
- (12:30p) Labor Solidarity Committee meets at Freedom Plaza
- (2p) GA at Freedom Plaza
29 Jul 2012 - Sun
30 Jul 2012 - Mon
31 Jul 2012 - Tue
- (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
- (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
01 Aug 2012 - Wed
- (7p) GA at Childrens Park
- (4p) OB Farmers Market on Newport Avenue in Ocean Beach.
03 Aug 2012 - Fri
04 Aug 2012 - Sat
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Occupy Walk USA
Shut Down San Onofre
38th Annual San Diego LGBT Pride Weekend
This marks San Diego's 38th annual LGBT Pride parade, now drawing over 100,000 each year, making it the event with the largest attendance/participation in the area. The theme this year is "America's Pride".
Reminding spectators to "Join the Struggle, not the Wars" will be contingent number 113, cosponsored by San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (SAME) and Canvass For A Cause. Directly ahead and behind will be floats from two major banks, Chase Bank and B of A, respectively. Anyone of a like mind is welcome to march in this contingent.
Mayoral candidate and councilmember Carl DeMaio will be in spot 81, behind Todd Gloria and Sherri Lightner, and ahead of councilmember Marti Emerald, despite the fact that he will not stand up for LGBT rights.
Charles LiMandri -major supporter of Prop 8 and other anti-gay causes: _"Carl DeMaio specifically promised me, as a condition of my support, that he would not push the gay agenda issues (including same-sex marriage) as did Mayor Sanders. Rather, he was emphatic with me that he did not believe that the Mayor should concern himself with these [gay agenda] issues as they are not his responsibility."
If you are attending the PRIDE Parade Saturday, there will be a
"TURN YOUR BACK ON CARL" effort. When he is driven by in the convertible, we want everyone to simply to do a 180 degree turn and be silent. "Mooning" is not discouraged!
An article by CityBeat on DeMaio's support by an anti-gay rights campaign contributor.
Things YOU can do right now to help.
OSD GA Notes, Wednesday July 18th (Anoki Casey):
Moderators: Cristie P, and guest Occupier from Occupy Maine
Committee anmnouncements:
TPP - Debrieifing and review meeting in the works, sometime very soon. TPP was our best action to date, and relied heavily on coalition building and goal-oriented teamwork and deliberation.
OYC - Join us in the Gay Pride Parade this Saturday 10am, Unversity Ave and Park or at CFAC (check the FB event page); also join us on a trip to Occupy Encinitas! Occupy the Coaster! Occuoy the beach!
Occupy with Mexico - Next week will begin the first joint march against the bought elections in Mexico. Ask Carlos for more details on what might be done.
Camera Politics - Consent with your feet is the legal standing in California, and we suggest working with that. If someone is recording, move behind the camera if you don't like it.
Agenda Items:
Endorse the Walmart Rally in SD
Occupy the Empire "Weekend Against War", Oct 5th - 7th
Change our Quorum to 15
Occupy The Candidates
Report Backs from: Europe, Bohemian Grove, Fort Bradley Manning
Dante Anti-Repression League
ASD Radio
1.Call to Consensus for OSD to endorse the September 22nd Walmart Rally in San Diego - PASSED
2.Call to Consensus to OSD to form a committee to create a weekend of actions for October 5th - 7th "Occupy The Empire: A Weekend Against War" - We will celebrate our one year Anniversary of our Occupation and call attention to the 11 year Anniversary of the American occupation of Afghanistan, specifically, and teh entire Military Inducstrial Complex and it's series of manufatured, tax-paid wars. We intend to highlight the Neoliberal war agenda, the "poverty draft", and the local San Diego connections to the war machines and it's drones. A group will meet after GA to decide the 1st meeting day. (Stack) - PASSED
3.Call to Consensus to change Quorum to 15 - Now that we finally have enough people, let's make the decision making process easier by lowering the quorum to 15, or go to a "dynamic quorum" that uses the average of the last three GA counts plus a few. (Stack) - FAILED
- Points against: Keeping 20 gives incentive to show up; lessens the chance of the agenda being driven; Higher consensus breeds more community; New Haven went to 15 and less people showed up; people come for important things; the internet acts as a tool to include more to come down when necessary.
- Points for: the Wednesday GA only people are disempowered; we are always at a standstill; why not split the quorum 15 for Wednesday/20 for Saturday to reflect numbers? Or have decisions have to go through both GAs to pass?
- General points: Visitors say our GA is the biggest they've been to lately (yay!); different GAs have different formats to meet their actual needs to get things done; a Facilition Working Group needs to be restarted.
- Friendly Amendments: Uma suggested why not have items go successfully thru three consecutive non-20-person GAs to pass, unless a 20-person GA happens first? - FAILED
4.Call to consensus to support Occupy The Candidates Questionnaire from Ray - The proposed questionnaire would go to candidates asking them to answer yes or no questions that are catering to the ideologies and interests of the 99%. (Breakout groups, Stack) - FAILED
- Points against: It goes against our statement of Political Autonomy on various points; It gives the politicians another platform to use; It is an affront to Occupiers who stood their ground for months in the cold to assume that politicians are not playing a manipulation game.
- Points for: It is something Ray can do autonomously, without the OSD name attached to it; it can be connected to the "We The People" Campaign; it can be correlated with the 99% Grading System from last Fall
- General Points: We did not do away with hard blocks.
General Announcements:
1.Report back from Europe - Tracey: "STOP TPP made TV and print news in Sweden, UK, Occupy London, Occupy Amsterdam, Occupy Gottenburg!" "Americans are seen as slaves to their government in other countries" "Occupy London is seen as a terrorist org and now only work through phones and media, the UK is a Security State, no fun." "Not Voting is a Political Statement most take on now in the UK to show no faith"
2.Report back from Occupy Bohemian Grove - Jason: "A secret society of influential millionaires and political people doing arcane rituals and sym,bolic sacrifices of their compassion for others" "Interesting collection of Occupiers and activists who were there for the truth" "Got right up to the gate while Riot Cops protected the ritual inside"
3.Report back from Fort Bradlet Manning - Jason: "A great event with 4 bands and many Occupiers from all over" "About 50 people, cops took away tents the first night"
4.Dante Cano Repression League: Dante will be out in 13 days; Postcards were sent, please send a few more; Fill his Facebook page with love.
5.ASD Radio station: ASD is starting a radio station, meeting are the 1st and 3rd Thursdays; they are looking for content, music and hosts.
All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
- Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.
- Social Network Moderator Guidelines - OSD guidelines for moderating social network discussions
- OSD speaks at the Citizens Review Board of Police Practices on 1/24
Have you been mistreated by the Police? Have your First Amendment rights been violated? Have you been arrested for nothing, only to have the charges "unfiled" but held over your head for up to a year?
- First read this document: http://www.2momslaw.com/police_misconduct.pdf
- Make a Complaint: How to Make a Police Complaint
- Use this form: Complaint Form
- Forms also available in the lobby of City Hall.
- Citizen's Review Board member says we do NOT need names & badge numbers. File the complaint & it's up to SDPD to determine who the officer was (But it is better if we have them, of course).
- ALSO: By telephone or in writing to
- SDPD Internal Affairs Unit, 1401 Broadway, MS 709, San Diego CA 92101, (619) 531-2801
- Complaints made to the Citizens Review Board do not necessarily make it into the officers' personnel files
- Read this: Making Police Complaints That Stick
- Also, consider making a CLAIM against the city for your BOND money if charges were never filed. They have 45 days to reject the claim, then you file a lawsuit. It costs $400 to file unless you can claim low income.
- TELL POLICE HOW THEY ARE DOING: Police host monthly meetings in the community to get feedback from community members.
Lutz suing Civic Center Plaza building owners and operators Project Details
- More on this project... Including collected media, documents, photos, videos, etc.
- This is a VERY IMPORTANT project because we will directly engage wall street firms who own and operate the Civic Center Plaza office building.
Legal Resources
- The National Lawyers Guild resources to protesters who have been arrested 619-500-4486 occupylegalsd@gmail.com
- 1st Circuit Rules Public Has Right to Videotape Police
- What to say to cops if you're busted. What you say and do can hurt you in court -- This is what I advise my clients to say when confronted by a law enforcement officer: "Officer, please understand I refuse to talk with you until I consult with my attorney. I also refuse to consent to any search of these premises or any other premises under my control, or in which I have a possessory, proprietary, or privacy interest, including my car, my body, or effects. I hereby demand to immediately be allowed the reasonable opportunity to obtain the advice of my attorney by telephone. from: http://layon.net/busted.php
- To check if someone is in jail check this website: http://apps.sdsheriff.net/wij/wij.aspx
- It usually takes about 6 hours for someone who has been arrested to pop up here. This site will tell you their charges, bail, etc. Jail's number is (619) 615-2700. The jail won't tell you much if anything that is not on the website. Please check this website before saying someone is in or out of jail to avoid confusion.
- FYI -- Penal Code 849.5. In any case in which a person is arrested and released and no accusatory pleading is filed charging him with an offense, any record of arrest of the person shall include a record of release. Thereafter, the arrest shall not be deemed an arrest, but a detention only.
- http://www.constitution.org/uslaw/defunlaw.htm -- Your rights when you are being arrested falsely.
Links to sites/pages below that are no longer actively updated:
If you have:
- lists of emails that should be subscribed
- events or notices that should be included
- needs or wants to request from our supporters
- specific requests for volunteers
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.
Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people
with diverse opinions. This email does not provide
the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is
compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers
by a number of volunteers.
News Media that may subscribe to this email blast
should confirm all information from other sources.
Edited by Email Blast Team:
- Chris West (Editor/Events)
- Jason Packman (Education Events)
- Ray Lutz (Mentor/Editor/Infrastructure)
- Occupy San Diego project page in "Common" web: Occupy San Diego
- New Occupy Project (new web): Occupy Web -- we will be migrating to this new web.