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2012-05-02 -- HIGHLIGHTS:

02 May 2012 - Wed

  • (10a) Rally and march to celebrate turning in nearly a million signatures to put the California Right to Know GMO labeling initiative on the ballot! Meet at Board of Elections office at 5201 Ruffin Road, San Diego. Speakers include Lisa Bronner and local volunteers. Contact: Adam Eidinger at FB Event page
  • (2p) Occupy San Diego City College meets Wednesdays at Gorton Quad

Read more below...


From noontime May Day rally at Freedom Plaza - by Michael Gomel

shortly after noon at FP by Nicholas Paget-Clarke

Circular march on Broadway by Nicholas Paget-Clarke

by Hannah Grace

by Michael Gomel

Liberty and Anoki - by Nicholas Paget-Clarke

"Occupy Our Arts", a permitted and family friendly event in Freedom Plaza...more details below

Occupy Walk
  • Website:
  • Stream Channel:
  • Occupy Walk USA: Occupy Walk USA is in Gallop NM for the next two days [May Day] we will shut down as many business as possible and raise awareness of the occupy movement to all those who know nothing about it, and there are plenty. will live stream through the day ~ Chris McKay
Shut Down San Onofre
  • Project landing web site:
  • 30-sec TV Spot Catch it on MSNBC. Thank you Friends of the Earth!
  • On Wednesday, Southern California Edison (SEC) admitted that Unit 2 had the same unusual wear as Unit 3 (the one the blew a tube) meaning it will be very difficult to turn on Unit 3 before understanding the problem, as had been suggested as one option by NRC Secretary Gregory Jaczko at the press conference.
  • Regarding the press conference -- 20/20 hindsight says our action would have been better not at the San Onofre plant, but in the street outside the Doubletree Hotel where Chairman Jaczko already had all the media, and people could easily see, park, etc.
  • NEW New Facebook page: <-- Please like it!
  • Cities of Irvine and Solana Beach voted to shut down San Onofre. This needs to be on the agenda of all local cities.

Legal Hearings, etc.
  • UPDATED Our brother Andrew Fisher (Fish) received a 90-day sentence and very onerous stipulations for his three year probation period upon release. If you have a professional relationship with Fish, i.e. medical professional, minster, etc., you can register to visit him even if he is allowed only two thirty minute social visits/week. WE NEED TO COORDINATE VISITS TO HIM through a FB "event" page, if you are not on FB, PLEASE CONTACT TRACEY at so she can work it in! To email Fish and for more info go to the Sheriff's page for Fish. Once you have been scheduled to see him (via Tracey), you'll need to register here before the visit.
  • Benjamin Gasper's trial: New Trial date has been set for May 29th.
  • Zenyatta's (aka Parsley Zen Tart's) trial in dept 2 of San Diego Superior Court has been postponed until May 30th.
  • Bobby Uribe's trial starts June 11th. Need witnesses to Bobby Uribe's arrest at port protest


2012 May 02

Media: Occupy San Diego

Media: Occupy National and Global

  • May Day protests seek to rejuvenate Occupy movement Occupy Wall Street will join labor groups for a day of protests on Tuesday to mark International Workers Day and to try to breathe fresh life into the movement that sparked a wave of nationwide protests against economic injustice eight months ago.

  • Romney Quietly Meets With Bloomberg On Tuesday, Mitt Romney had a private breakfast with Mr. Bloomberg at the headquarters of the mayor’s philanthropic foundation on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, according to two people briefed on the meeting.

  • Occupy London: OWS fight has only just begun The Occupy Wall Street protesters, whose anti-greed message gained global traction last year, are hoping to rekindle the movement's momentum. Next, a London Occupy activist tells RT how the group is still on the rise, as more people understand they're being robbed by their own governments.

  • NYC City Councilors Sue NYPD Over Occupy Wall Street Abuses The City of New York, the New York Police Department, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and several large corporations including JPMorgan Chase have repeatedly violated the constitutional rights of Occupy Wall Street protesters, according to a wide-ranging federal lawsuit filed on Monday morning.

Biotechnology's promise to feed the world did not anticipate "Trojan corn," "super weeds" and the disappearance of monarch butterflies.

This report is generated from an extraction filter which may pick up irrelevant articles sometimes.


  • There are two OSD groups. A larger group has General Assembly (GA) meetings at Childrens Park and every other Saturday at Redwood Circle in Balboa Park. (check Calendar for times). The other group meets weekly at 2 PM Saturdays at Civic Center Plaza.
    • Finance Committee meets at 6 PM at Children's Park on the same days that GAs meet there. Also one hour before GA at Balboa Park every other Saturday..
    • Committee/Working-Group members: Please update any changes or additions as desired to osd-feedback (at) citizensoversight (dot) org.
  • Occupy San Diego maintains a website with a calendar, also committee and events forums, and more at
  • See Event list (below) and Occupy San Diego Calendar for all upcoming events.
. But mark your calendars now for these!


  • (This list is automatically generated from the topic Occupy.Occupy San Diego Events). Scroll down the topic almost to the bottom or look at the Calendar for more events, not within the next 7 days.

02 May 2012 - Wed

  • (10a) Rally and march to celebrate turning in nearly a million signatures to put the California Right to Know GMO labeling initiative on the ballot! Meet at Board of Elections office at 5201 Ruffin Road, San Diego. Speakers include Lisa Bronner and local volunteers. Contact: Adam Eidinger at FB Event page
  • (2p) Occupy San Diego City College meets Wednesdays at Gorton Quad

03 May 2012 - Thu

04 May 2012 - Fri

  • (6p) San Diego IWW Committee presents "Why May Day?" at Freedom Plaza, a discussion on the Haymarket Affair on this day in 1886, which gave way in 1890 to the first annual May Day observance.
  • (7p) GA at Childrens Park

05 May 2012 - Sat

07 May 2012 - Mon

  • (6p-9p) Follow up meeting to "Revisiting and Actualizing Our Core Purpose" from May 5th at Canvas for a Cause, 3705 10th Ave. For more info see the FB Event page. The event is a potluck. You are invited to bring a dinner dish to share. (What you bring is what we eat!). UPDATED Harvest document now available here.
  • (6p-8p) Ocupemos el Barrio - Occupy the 'Hood meets Mondays at Sherman Heights Community Center

08 May 2012 - Tue

  • (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
  • (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
  • (2p) San Diego City Council will consider a proposal to vote on redesignating Blaine Avenue near Hillcrest to Harvey Milk Street, in remembrance of former Goldwater Republican/Wall Street worker turned gay rights activist/San Francisco supervisor Harvey Milk.
  • (7p-9p) San Diego Americans for Safe Access - May Chapter Meeting at the La Jolla Brewhouse.

09 May 2012 - Wed

  • (12p) On the day of the annual shareholder's meeting in Charlotte, NC, OccupYrCorner will have a Solidarity Corner Occ against BofA downtown on B Street near 4th Avenue. Join us as we tell the average citizen about how "Bend Over America" is destroying the American landscape!
  • (12:30p-1:30p) "Holding Banks Accountable" - A protest against City Council & B of A and other BIG-banksters. Let's demand that the city move OUR money out of B of A and into community banks or credit unions. Outside San Diego City Hall, 202 C Street. Hosted by, not an OSD event. For details contact John Kenney at
  • (2p) Occupy San Diego City College meets Wednesdays at Gorton Quad


Saturday, 2012-06-09

  • 09 Jun 2012 - (10a -6p) Attention All Artists and Friends of the Arts: "Occupy Our Arts", hosted by Women Occupy San Diego with the help of co-sponsors will be a family friendly, PERMITTED event at Freedom Plaza, with music, dance, theater, chalk drawing, painting, street art, sculpture, photography, a children's garden of creative arts, and more. Visit WOSD's website, and click on the event's link for more info. This will be a major event for WOSD and OSD, over 150 "going" so far.
  • 09 Jun 2012 - (3:30p) OSD Education Committee meets before the special 4 PM GA at Civic Center Plaza

Sunday, 2012-06-10

  • 10 Jun 2012 - (11a-2p) Really Really Free Market in City Heights - Bring useful items (that you no longer need or want) to share freely with other members of your community. Details
  • 10 Jun 2012 - (12p-1p) OSD Free Education Collective Teach-in at the Really Really Free Market in City Heights: "The Anatomy of a Nuclear Accident" - This presentation will explain the range of possibilities and the results of a nuclear accident, considering in particular the ongoing events at the Fukushima Daiichi plant that began in March 2011. This teach-in will be lecture based, with breaks for questions.
  • 10 Jun 2012 - (1p-3p) OSD Free Education Collective Teach-In at the Really Really Free Market in City Heights: "What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and why should I care about a 'NAFTA' for the Pacific Rim?" - Two members of the OSD Free Education Collective will introduce and facilitate a discussion about the TPP, providing an explanation of the background of "free trade agreements" and some of the major points known about the secretive trade negotiations scheduled to continue in San Diego beginning July 2, 2012. This discussion will be presented in a roundtable/panel format, with a brief introduction by the co-facilitators and then time for open discussion and Q & A.
  • 10 Jun 2012 - (9p) F.T.P. March in North Park - See FB Event page. Not as OSD event but endorsed by OSD-CP GA.

Monday, 2012-06-11

  • 11 Jun 2012 - (8:30a) Bobby Uribe's jury trial at San Diego Superior Court: UPDATED Per Adriane Bracciale, Bobby Uribe's attorney: "[8:30 is the] time for trial call. After we get sent out to a trial department, the prosecutor and I will argue motions in limine regarding what evidence is admitted and excluded, and then there's jury selection (when members of the public may not be able to fit in the courtroom with the jury panel). If this happens relatively quickly, opening statements will be some time in the afternoon session, which starts at 1:30 and is usually over by 4:30. I'll keep the group FB Event page updated." Bobby is being charged for the alleged "crime" of stepping out of a crosswalk at the Port Shutdown.

Tuesday, 2012-06-12

Wednesday, 2012-06-13

  • 13 Jun 2012 - (1:30p) Bobby Uribe's jury trial continues at San Diego Superior Court, dept. 54, with jury selection in the morning. Opening statements unlikely before 1:30. Updates at FB Event page.
  • 13 Jun 2012 - (6p) Encinitas City Council Meeting RE: San Onofre Our purpose is to educate them on the risks of nuclear power and ask for their help. We are asking the Encinitas City Council and Mayor to support it's constituents by calling for the permanent decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. Public comments, 3 minutes each. Look at for fact sheets. See you there.

Thursday, 2012-06-14

  • 14 Jun 2012 - (5p) De-Colonization Teach In by and at Canvass For A Cause, on the personal side of colonization, how it affects people of color on a personal day to day level. It will also teach how to be a better ally to the people of color community and struggle. FB Event page.

Friday, 2012-06-15

Saturday, 2012-06-16

  • 16 Jun 2012 - (9a) People 4 Social Sustainability (P.S.S.) At the City Heights Farmers Market (map) and interested volunteers will be distributing copies of Resource Based Economy Journal. Come join in with P.S.S. and help us get this important information out to the people. Resource Based Economy Journal is published by P.S.S. and talks about global sustainability and surpassing the monetary system to reach the type of society that will create abundance for all people.
  • 16 Jun 2012 - (10a) "War on Women - Discussion" at the Serra Mesa/Kearny Mesa Branch Library - Details - Lunch afterwards close by.
  • 16 Jun 2012 - (12:30p-2p) OSD Free Education Collective Teach-In at Balboa Park at or near Redwood Circle - A facilitated discussion about the NEWLY LEAKED TPP Investor rights chapter. Let's educate ourselves and each other! - How TPP puts the interests of multinational corporations above those of working people and national governments" - the OSD Free Education Collective will introduce and facilitate this about the TPP, focused on how the currently known provisions of the TPP negotiations would privilege foreign investors ahead of working people and national governments. Bring plain shirt, banner, cardboard to stencil on some art for free!!! FB Event page.

Monday, 2012-06-18

  • 18 Jun 2012 - UPDATED Benjamin Gasper's Jury Trial has been postponed until June 26th.
  • 18 Jun 2012 - UPDATED new time - (12p-3p) A working group has set up a meeting for organizing another highly participatory event in service to Occupy at Industrial Grind Coffee - much like the May 5th event, Occupy: Revisiting and Actualizing Our Core Purpose. To really make the planning flow, we'd really like to see people who can commit to a minimum of 8 hours of planning meetings. It is hard to make good decisions if there isn't significant continuity between meetings. Notes from the planning meetings will be posted both to the Facebook group and to the OSD website.
  • 18 Jun 2012 - (5p-9p) NRC Public Hearing on San Onofre Nuclear Plant Safety at the San Juan Capistrano Community Center on their Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) findings. Event Details... Note: We should try to be there by 5 p.m.; meeting starts at 6 pm. At the last meeting like this, 150 energy company people signed up right away and our speakers didn't all get in because the comment time was used up. We need to get there early to sign up to speak as soon as we can and also to be outside with signs. Press Release
  • 18 Jun 2012 - (6p) Del Mar City Council will have an agenda item on San Onofre at the Del Mar Communications Center. SoCal Edison will be there, those wanting San Onofre decommissioned have a chance to speak up on preventing a potentially deadly nuclear plant incident not far up the coast. (the worst case evacuation scenario involves evacuating 8,000,000 people within a 50 mile radius of the plant). FB Event page.
  • 18 Jun 2012 - NEW (new listing) (7p) Activist San Diego (ASD) will meet at Joyce Beers Center in Hillcrest and hold an annual vote for their Board of Directors. After the vote, there will be a program "Where is the Occupy movement going from here?" Please come and share your ideas, vision, and creativity!

Wednesday, 2012-06-20

  • 20 Jun 2012 - (5:45p) The PRC & Nonviolent Peaceforce invite you to a film: The Interrupters by Steve James and Alex Kotlowitz. During just one weekend in 2008, 37 people were shot in Chicago, seven of them fatally. This film captures a period in Chicago when it became a national symbol for city violence and was besieged by high-profile incidents, most notably the brutal beating of Derrion Albert, a Chicago High School student, whose death was caught on videotape. At the Peace Resource Center.

Friday, 2012-06-22

Saturday, 2012-06-23

  • 23 Jun 2012 - (6p) Defend Cuba, with special guest: Andres Gomez at Canvass For A Cause. The Party for Socialism and Liberation is honored to host respected elder Andres Gomez, founder of the Antonio Maceo Brigade in defense of Cuba. - Details - FB Event
  • 23 Jun 2012 - (7p-9:30p) Movie: Black Power Mixtape Location TBD in City Heights. The film examines the evolution of the Black Power Movement in the black community and Diaspora from 1967 to 1975. The film combines music, startling 16mm footage and contemporary audio interviews from leading African-American artists, activists, musicians and scholars. Check FB Event page for location and updates.

Monday, 2012-06-25

Tuesday, 2012-06-26

  • 26 Jun 2012 - (9a-5p) UPDATED (New date) Jury trial of Benjamin Gasper, a legitimate medical marijuana patient who is unjustly being prosecuted by San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis. Today jury selection should take all day; supporters should come tomorrow (June 27) to see the proceedings at Dept. 50 of the San Diego Superior Court. FB Event
  • 26 Jun 2012 - (7p-9p)

Wednesday, 2012-06-27

  • 27 Jun 2012 - (9a-5p) Jury trial of Benjamin Gasper continues. Jury selection likely will have been finished by today; supporters should come today to see the proceedings at Dept. 50 of the San Diego Superior Court. FB Event
  • 27 Jun 2012 - (4p) Oceanside City Council Meeting RE: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station - We are going to voice our dissent about San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Public comments, 3 minutes each. Please be there, you don't have to speak, your presence alone speaks volumes. (although if you want to then that's just awesome! We have a support system to help you if you need it) We are powerful because we are many, we will not let the nuclear industry risk everything we love for 12 % of our power supply. We don't need it, we have many other options available to us. Look at for fact sheets. See you there.
  • 27 Jun 2012 - (6:30p) TPP Planning Meeting at Canvass For A Cause. No GA tonight.

Thursday, 2012-06-28

  • 28 Jun 2012 - (9a) Attend the San Diego Planning Commission at San Diego City Hall, and Say No to re-zoning open space bordering Mission Trails Regional Park to industrial for a SDGE natural gas power plant siting. CPUC says So. Cal. has excess energy, even with SONGS permanent closure. Support local clean energy. Wear orange in solidarity with We're hoping for 100 people in orange! more details

Saturday, 2012-06-30 <== click here to see the rest of the report.

To update your mailing list preferences, including unsubscribing, go to this address:

Occupy Walk

Occupy Walk has adopted a more practical walking schedule based on walking an average of 15 miles per day, 5 days per week. The additional 2 days off dedicated to outreach activities. FROM: Needles, CA TO:

City Miles Est Time Est. Arrival Actual
San Diego, CA       18 Feb 2012
29 Palms       19 Mar 2012
Janson Brock at 29 Palms
Needles, CA       20 Mar 2012
Crossed into AZ       22 Mar 2012
Lake Havasu       25 Mar 2012
Lake Havasu
Oatman, AZ       27 Mar 2012
Oatman Video
        Oatman to Golden Valley
Kingman, AZ       30 Mar 2012 - 01 Apr 2012
Video: Occupy Walk in Kingman, AZ
Seligman, AZ       09 Apr 2012
Photos to the tune of Kid Rock "Born Free"
Flagstaff, AZ       12 Apr 2012 - 15 Apr 2012
DJ, who joined the walk in L.A., playing in the snow
Albuquerque, NM 331 mi 4.5 wks May 16, 2012  
Amarillo, TX 314 mi 4 weeks June 13, 2012  
Wichita, KS 346 mi 5 weeks July 18, 2012  
Kansas city MO 215 mi 3 weeks Aug 8, 2012  
Fairfield, IA 237 mi 3 weeks Aug 29, 2012  
Chicago, IL 260 mi 3.5 wks Sept 23, 2012  
Gary, IA 28 mi 2 days Sept 25, 2012  
Toledo, OH 204 mi 3 weeks Oct 16, 2012  
Akron, Ohio 121 mi 2 weeks Oct 30, 2012  
Youngstown, OH 46 mi 3 days Nov 3, 2012  
Allentown, PA 317 mi 4.5 wks Dec 6, 2012  
Newark, NJ 76 mi 1 week Dec 14, 2012  
Zuccotti Park, NY 9 mi 1 day Dec 15, 2012  


Things YOU can do right now to help.


from Monty Kroopkin
Occupy San Diego General Assembly notes for April 28, 2012, Freedom Plaza.

The Labor Solidarity Committee met from 12:30 - 1:30; GA Process Committee met from 1:45 - 2; and the Strategic Planning Meeting Committee met from 2 - 2:20. GA began at 2:20.

4/28 GA NOTES & ACTIONS for MAY DAY & International Worker's MAY DAY week: 5/1-5/6

The following issues were discussed & called to consensus: I. OSD, Working w/, In Solidarity w/ Action San Diego MAY DAY 2pm Action: Protesting at & flyering on the banksters, and MOVING OUR MONEY! Where: at B St. & 5th Ave. - OR at citibank on Broadway Circle and 3rd Ave., just off of Broadway, in front of Horton Plaza. * 100% CONSENSUS * (In committee, GA announced)

II. OSD, Working w/, In Solidarity w/ Labor Solidarity Committee and the entire schedule of MAY DAY events, and will have a General Assembly at Civic Center Plaza at 7pm on 5/1 after various MAY DAY events. * 100% CONSENSUS * -Ernie also pointed out that workers could begin bureaucratic procedures against any employers that used illegal actions, in retaliating against, punishing or firing workers for stand up for their rights on MAY DAY. The two agencies are the CA Dept. of Industrial relations, and the Dept. of Labor Standards. AGENDA will include discussion, under Good Neighbor policy, on 1.) Reflections on MAY DAY 2012; 2.) WHAT IS THE ROAD FORWARD FOR OCCUPY MOVEMENT & OSD; and 3.) Who are "WE- the 99%", and how to adhere to OSD Good Neighbor Policy, the OWS 8, and not ostracizing contributors. -Ernie will be moderator- If not John or Monty

III. OSD on Friday 5/4, from 6-8:30pm, Working w/, In Solidarity w/ IWW 5/4 History of MAY DAY on the History of Mayday/ Commemoration of Hay Market Tragedy, 6:00pm- 8:30pm, Freedom Plaza (nee SD Civic Center) - 6:00pm Discussion/ Brief Teach-in on MAY DAY - Brief History of May Day & the Hay Market Tragedy - Review of the "Day without the 99%" and the global General Strike - Review/ Discussion on actions, ideas and events going forward - 7:30ish Refreshments/ Pizza & candlelight at twilight. * 100% CONSENSUS * (In committee, GA announced)

IV. OSD, Working w/, In Solidarity w/ 5/6 Action, flyering on Juan Vargas who still doesn't support either single payer health care in CA, or the Kamala Harris legislation on a moratorium on foreclosures and other reform/ relief effort for homeowners of distressed properties. * 100% CONSENSUS * (In committee, GA announced)

V. OSD, Working w/, In Solidarity w/ 5/5 Human Wave action in Mission Bay Park, 10:30 - 12:30 * 100% CONSENSUS * (In committee, GA announced)

VI. Move OSD's 5/5 GA to 6pm at Peace Resource Center, or 7pm at Civic Center. * 100% CONSENSUS * -Ernie will be moderator- If not John or Monty More discussion on Open letter SHORT 1.) Proactively state WHO we are - Good Neighbor Policy, & STRATEGIC ACTIONS! a.) less than 50% about PAST problems 2.) Include an invite to reunify 3.) Good Neighbor Policy, welcoming, inclusive Outreach to ASD & to progressives, Unions, etc.


See All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
  • Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.
  • Social Network Moderator Guidelines - OSD guidelines for moderating social network discussions


Have you been mistreated by the Police? Have your First Amendment rights been violated? Have you been arrested for nothing, only to have the charges "unfiled" but held over your head for up to a year?
  • NEW First read this document:
  • Make a Complaint: How to Make a Police Complaint
    • Use this form: Complaint Form
    • Forms also available in the lobby of City Hall.
    • Citizen's Review Board member says we do NOT need names & badge numbers. File the complaint & it's up to SDPD to determine who the officer was (But it is better if we have them, of course).
  • ALSO: By telephone or in writing to
    • SDPD Internal Affairs Unit, 1401 Broadway, MS 709, San Diego CA 92101, (619) 531-2801
    • Complaints made to the Citizens Review Board do not necessarily make it into the officers' personnel files
    • Read this: Making Police Compliants That Stick
  • Also, consider making a CLAIM against the city for your BOND money if charges were never filed. They have 45 days to reject the claim, then you file a lawsuit. It costs $400 to file unless you can claim low income.

  • NEW TELL POLICE HOW THEY ARE DOING: Police host monthly meetings in the community to get feedback from community members.

Lutz suing Civic Center Plaza building owners and operators Project Details
  • More on this project... Including collected media, documents, photos, videos, etc.
  • This is a VERY IMPORTANT project because we will directly engage wall street firms who own and operate the Civic Center Plaza office building.

Legal Resources
  • The National Lawyers Guild resources to protesters who have been arrested NEW 619-500-4486
  • 1st Circuit Rules Public Has Right to Videotape Police
  • What to say to cops if you're busted. What you say and do can hurt you in court -- This is what I advise my clients to say when confronted by a law enforcement officer: "Officer, please understand I refuse to talk with you until I consult with my attorney. I also refuse to consent to any search of these premises or any other premises under my control, or in which I have a possessory, proprietary, or privacy interest, including my car, my body, or effects. I hereby demand to immediately be allowed the reasonable opportunity to obtain the advice of my attorney by telephone. from:
  • To check if someone is in jail check this website:
    • It usually takes about 6 hours for someone who has been arrested to pop up here. This site will tell you their charges, bail, etc. Jail's number is (619) 615-2700. The jail won't tell you much if anything that is not on the website. Please check this website before saying someone is in or out of jail to avoid confusion.
  • FYI -- Penal Code 849.5. In any case in which a person is arrested and released and no accusatory pleading is filed charging him with an offense, any record of arrest of the person shall include a record of release. Thereafter, the arrest shall not be deemed an arrest, but a detention only.
  • -- Your rights when you are being arrested falsely.

Occupy San Diego Links

Links to sites/pages below that are no longer actively updated:



If you have:
  • lists of emails that should be subscribed
  • events or notices that should be included
  • needs or wants to request from our supporters
  • specific requests for volunteers
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.

Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people with diverse opinions. This email does not provide the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers by a number of volunteers. News Media that may subscribe to this email blast should confirm all information from other sources.


Edited by Email Blast Team:
  • Chris West (Editor/Events)
  • Josephine P. (Media / Facebook)
  • Ray Lutz (Mentor/Editor/Infrastructure)

  • Occupy San Diego project page in "Common" web: Occupy San Diego
  • New Occupy Project (new web): Occupy Web -- we will be migrating to this new web.

Topic revision: r3 - 19 Mar 2018, RaymondLutz
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