CPRA Response in San Bruno Explosion Case -- CPUC and PG&E

California Public Utilities Commission (2014-10-24)

This Page: https://copswiki.org/Common/M1512
More Info: California Public Utilities Commission, Coalition To Decommission San Onofre, Energy Policy, Nuclear Energy, Shutdown Diablo, Shut San Onofre, Stop The Unfair Settlement

The following documents are unaltered from their original form as received from our source. We will be processing these so they are searchable but these PDF files are not searchable without additional OCR processing.

These files were the result of a CPRA (California Public Records Act) request by the City of San Bruno related to the Gas Pipeline explosion case, CPUC Investigation I.12-01-007.

The data described below has been moved to a bulk data server at this address: https://citizensoversightinc.sharefile.com/d-s877516b4f5b4b029

  • CPUC00001-CPUC00772.pdf: Pages 1 through 772 (66 MB)
    • This set of documents mainly concerning 11-10-2011 ALJ-274 $16.8 million citation regarding gas line deficiencies, appeals, ALJ-277 is related. Seems to have resulted in $8.1 mill fine.
    • Not all are in date order, but most are in late 2011 and throughout 2012.
    • Did not notice any communications emails, these were all either ALJ decisions, briefs, replies, attachments, appeals, etc.

  • CPUC00809_-_CPUC01415.pdf: Pages 809 through 1415 (27 MB)
    • Many emails between Brian K. Cherry (PG&E) and Paul Clanon (CPUC Exec. Director) See Paul Clanon (on CPUC site]
    • Highlights:
      • 818 - 2011-03-08 - Assemblymember Hill's letter regarding running gas lines at higher than safe pressure.
      • 829 - 2011-03-08 - Paul Clanon's reply for Peevey
      • 835 - 2011-03-01 - Cost of Indep. Review Panel (IRP) going up from $500K by $200K
      • 836 - 2011-03-16 - PG&E sends investment analysts reports to CPUC. Includes comments that management of PG&E and Edison (EIX) met with CPUC Commissioners.
      • 848 - 2011-03-18 - Cherry sends Clanon PG&E investor email with statements about the desired fine.
      • 882 - 2011-07-15 - Cherry sends Clanon (redacted) email from CPUC ORA email from CPUC Staff Attorney Mitchell Shapson with the comment "Troubling tone"
      • 883 - 2011-07-15 - (redacted) letter from CPUC Staff Attorney Mitchell Shapson re PG&E I.11-06-001 (7 pages fully redacted after that)
      • 892 - 2011-10-19 - Cherry sends Clanon news item about "PG&E may have junked pipe in its system" saying "wonderful"
      • 894 - 2011-10-19 - more on I.11-02-016 motion for public release of evidence -- Cherry:"We're you aware of this?" -- Clanon:"Nope"
      • 900 - 2011-10-19 - I.11-02-016 -- "Legal Division's Notice and Disclosure of Safety Evidence and Companion Motion for Public Release of Evidence"
        • Allows each record of evidence to be released to the public unless PG&E has provided specific justification for why that particular record should be confidential under PU Code 583 or GO 66
      • 914 - 2011-10-20 - a bunch of mostly redacted emails discussing the item above.
      • 922 - 2011-10-29 - Cherry sends Clanon PG&E's response.
      • 935 - 2011-10-20 - Cherry tells Clanon there are two sets of documents, first set ordered by the OII, 1000s of documents, and all public except for employee names, and the ECTS database with over 2 million docs and 100s added daily, and this is classified as 583 because it would be impossible to redact names and locations, and to know which documents to release.
      • 936 - 2011-10-21 - Cherry sends Clanon "FYI" of "Amazing Response" regarding Legal Division Motion. Content all redacted except for headers.
      • 947 - 2011-10-24 - PG&E sends Clanon Notice of site visit For OII Proceeding re recordkeeping.
      • 950 - 2011-10-27 - Cherry sends Clanon FYI on "Interesting CPUC Letter" dated 1965 allowing "reconditioned pipe" and max pressure of 412 psig.
      • 952 - 2011-11-01 - Cherry "No decision until the end of the year? -- Clanon: "We discussed this" -- Cherry: "Then my recall is the same as yours."
      • 958 - 2011-11-01 - "Interesting Transcript" from prehearing conference, regarding ECTS database and used of salvaged pipe.
        • Transcript included twice in fixed and proportional fonts through page 1084
      • 1084 - 2011-11-04 - Cherry: "Some interesting perspective from one of our major investors." (Larry Alberts fo Columbia Management, represents 4.5 million PCG shares.)
        • Says PCG has been lagging the market by $5 billion since the San Bruno accident.
      • 1087 - 2011-12-08 - Laura Doll (PG&E) to Clannon re: 3 week extension request by legal.
      • 1091 - 2011-12-08 - Doll to Clanon complaining about document requests back to 1920's "Is this what Florio Intended?" -- through 1096 mostly all redacted.
      • 1097 - 2011-12-16 - Cherry to Clanon -- examples of fines by Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, Google
      • 1101 - 2012-01-12 - Another perspective -- still on the size of the fine.
      • 1107 - 2012-01-25 - various emails about letter from Asm. Hill to Gov. Brown.
      • 1109 - 2012-01-25 - Letter from Hill to Brown -- outrage that Peevey is assigning himself to preside over the 12-01-007 investigation, saying that the lax policies under Peevey created this problem. He said Peevey should no longer preside over the CPUC. Stated support for Florio.
      • 1116 - 2012-02-13 - Letter to Peevey from Sen. Barbara Boxer - Concerned that PG&E accrued $430 million in unspent ratepayer funds while not performing upgrades or updating records. Emails before that circulating the letter to PG&E too.
      • 1118 - 2012-03-12 - Doll to Clanon Nick Stravropoulos (Exec. VP Gas Operations PG&E) "The good, the bad, and the ugly about PG&E's past gas record-keeping practices.
      • 1121 - 2012-03-12 - Cherry to Clanon -- same as above.
      • 1124 - 2012-03-14 - Cherry to Clanon -- "let's chat tomorrow." Attachment is Bernstein Research " PCG: Our Thoughts after meeting with CEO Tony Earley & Reviewing the CPUC Staff's report on the Recordkeeping OII." -- talks about when the settlement is desired, etc.
      • 1133 - 2012-04-28 - TONY EARLEY SPEECH NOTES for PG&E Annual Shareholder Meeting
      • 1146 - 2012-05-14 - Cherry to Clanon - Annual Meeting Remarks. -- Chris Johns.
      • 1158 - 2012-06-22 - Cherry to Halligan, Clanon, Cooke, (All CPUC) "San Bruno Testimony Heads Up. -- re testimony to be filed later that day including expert witness testimony.
      • 1159 - 2012-06-22 - Clanon "Surprising, pressure tested, when?" -- Cherry:"Not sure....."
      • 1160 - 2012-06-20 - Bottorff to Clanon "This is the motion I was referring to at our meeting this morning."
        • 1161 - 2012-03-20 - Attachment is "PG&Es Motion to Amend Scoping memo and reassign testimony about PG&Es past practices to I.11-02-16"
      • 1171 - 2012-09-07 - Clanon sends Cherry articles from last summer regarding probe of allegations of ethical misconduct by PG&E Sr. Leadership, Cherry asked Clanon if there was an investigation going on. "No, not that I'm aware of"
      • 1172 - "a topic worth addressing at this forum today is the perception of ethical misconduct and changes that have occurred since the recent PUC probe on PG&E ethics culture....
      • Tom Swiefk (PPG&E) to Earley (sent to Clanon by Cherry)
      • 1174 - 2012-09-18 - Cherry to Clanon on CPSD Consultant Report issued in San Bruno OIIs. Clanon responds "These are helpful"
      • 1178 = 2012-09-19 - Cherry to Clanon -- investment report "Capacity to Pay" Report Released by CPSD Appears Flawed; Target $46.50
      • 1181 - 2012-10-09 - Cherry to Clanon - SMUD just filed a motion to intervene in the OIIs to participate in Settlement Discussions. Attached is the motion "MOTION FOR PARTY STATUS OUT-OF-TIME..." by SMUD (THROUGH 1218)
      • 1219 - 2012-10-10 - Doll, Prosper, Clanon on "San Bruno Citizens may show up at the Comm meeting tomorrow to protest the CPSD motion to suspend Proceedings." -- "There weren't like 50 people standing and cheering or anything like that, just ONE person who urged people to get up to SF and put pressure on the CPUC, but it was televised on the public access channel.
      • 1222 - 2012-10-11 - Kent Kauss (PG&E) to Clanon, mentioning Assm Hill would be at the meeting. "Assm Hill is also attempting to get an informational hearing in the State Assembly on this issue which we are working to keep from happening. We believe it is more appropriate for the CPUC to conclude their review of this issue and not confuse things in the middle of the debate."
      • 1224 - 2012-10-15 - Clanon to Bottorf, Cherry -0 News release stating Former U.S. Senator George Mitchell appointed as mediator for negotiations over PG&E San Bruno Pipeline Explosion.
      • 1226 - 2012-10-16 - Bottorff to Clanon, Lindh -- Analyst Report on settlement talks. "Harsh treatment in Pipeline Safety Proposed Decision"; Goldman Sachs Report
      • 1240 - 2012-10-16 - Overland report had redacted information that could be manipulated to reveal the text. (Through 1263)
      • 1264 - 2012-10-18 - Cherry to Clanon, Cooke - Moody's report on PD
      • 1265 - 2012-10-12 - Doll to CLanon, Lindh - Comparative stock price and capitalization info.
      • 1269 - 2013-01-11 - Clanon to PG&E -- PG&E Shareholder Share of post-San Bruno -- "I told PG&E I've asked you for an analysis, FYI"
      • 1272 - 2013-04-24 - Clanon to Doll -- CPUC Statement on San Bruno's Motion on Upcoming Symposium -- CPUC Information Alert. -- called for the recusal of Commissioners or postponement of the CPUC's May 7-8 2013 Safety Symposium. And it was postponed.
      • 1273 - 2013-05-09 - emails announcing and Letter from Anthony Earley (PG&E Chair, CEO, and President) re: PG&E Expenditures on Pipeline Safety since the San Bruno Pipeline rupture...
      • 1278 - 2013-05-16 - Letter from Hagan on same topic --
      • 1282 - 2013-06-05 - Entire CPUC Legal Team of the CPUC charged with investigating the San Bruno explosion resigned, leaving no CPUC legal experts with detailed knowledge of the case during the final penalty phase.
      • 1290 - 2013-07-03 - Errata to PG&Es OII on san Bruno.
      • 1294 - 2013-07-03 - Doll to Clanon introducing the filings above.
      • 1298 - 2013-07-10 -Moody's report.
      • 1284 - 2013-07-03 - Errata to PG&Es info for Lifting Operating Pressure Restrictions on Lines 101 and 147.
      • 1299 - 2013-07-18 - Intro to PG&Es motion to Reopen Evidentiary Record in the Coordinated Penalty Phase. (through 1328)
      • 1329 - 2013-07-25 - Cherry to Clanon - Sac Bee opinion penalty would hurt the state.
      • 1332 - 2013-07-30 - Doll to Clanon - SJ Mercury News - Top Boss Acknowledges Utility's guilt in San Bruno Blast but Balks at Proposed Penalty.
      • 1334 - 2013-07-31 - Doll to Clanon - Message from Tony Earley "San Bruno Regulatory and Legal Proceedings Update"
      • 1336 - 2013-07-13 - Cherry to Clanon -- same.
      • 1338 - 2013-08-15 - Cherry to Clanon --- Mercury News piece by union.
      • 1340 - 2013-08-16 - Clanon to Cherry -- Responding to "Calculating penalties on Companies" -- "That PG&E illustration isn't remotely close to scale."
      • 1344 - 2013-08-20 - Cherry to Clanon - Bloomberg: "PG&E says explosion penalty may drive it to bankruptcy.
      • 1346 - 2013-08-21 - PG&E Downgrade
      • 1349 - 2013-08-22 - Cherry to Clanon - copy of Tony Earley message "Update on CPUC Penalty"
      • 1350 - 2013-08-22 - Cherry to Clanon - copy of pg&e email "Time to move on due to negative regulatory environment."
      • 1353 - 2013-09-05 - Cherry to Clanon - I hate to be a stickler for details, but if this is going to the service list, it represents a continuing violation of the ex parte rules in an adjudicatory proceeding." -- response to: "FYI -- this appears to have been just circulated to the service list. See the Red font statement reminding folks of the hearing tomorrow and 'Fining PG&E'" -- attachment is "PG&E Admits Falsely Reporting Safety of S.F. Peninsula Pipelines -- utility faces unprecedented hearing and possible fine by CPUC regulators three years after San Bruno explosion and fire." * Later (1358) Clanon: Is there any reason to think it went to the service list, as opposed to just being a press release? -- Cherry: Because only people here on the service list receive it and receive it consistently.
      • 1356 - 2013-09-05 - Cherry to Clanon -- SF Examiner Article: PG&E Fine could do more harm than good.
      • 1365 - 2013-09-10 - Cherry to Clanon -- We think this went to the service list also
        • email from Alex Domiach summarizing news reports. "Michael Peevey's aggressive language, Jackie Speier calls on PG&E and CPUC to improve pipeline Safety....
        • 1373 - Clanon says "We looked on the last one and it wasn't sent to the ALJs or Commissioners.
      • 1392 - 2013-09-18 - CHerry to Clanon -- FORBES "Making things right in San Bruno"
      • 1395 - 2013-12-17 - Clanon - What number has PG&E publicly reported to the SEC for a CPUC potential San Bruno Penalty? -- Cherry: Penalty or fine or both? Let me check. -- Clanon: Fine to the general fund -- $200 million. -- Thank you.
      • 1401 - 2014-03-27 - Cherry to Clanon -- Tony Earley message to Employees -- San Bruno Update. "We expect U.S. Attorney to file criminal charges."
      • 1405 - 2014-03-27 - Cherry to Clanon -- here is the final press release. "PG&E Expects Criminal Charges"
      • 1410 - 2014-03-27 - Cherry to Clanon -- Paul, I am sending it to all commissioners.
      • 1411 - 2014-03-27 - Cherry to Clanon -- We will announce at 1:30 today that the US Attorney will criminally indict the company for violations of the pipeline safety act.
      • 1412 - 2014-04-01 - Cherry to Clanon et al. Msg from Tony Earley on criminal charges to PG&E employees.
      • 1414 - 2014-04-02 - more email about indictment.

  • CPUC01416_-_CPUC02021.pdf: Pages 1416 through 2021 (308 MB)
    • Emails involving Michael Peevey (mp1@cpuc.ca.gov
      • 1416 - 2011-03-16 - Cherry to Peevey -- Analyst reports Macquarie Investor meetings with CPUC and PGE. Attached is "Meetings with California Regulators" by Macquarie
        • Includes overview of nuclear plant risks as this is right after Fukushima.
      • 1428 - 2011-03-16 - Cherry to Peevey - S&P Ratings action "Negative outlook"
        • 1435 - 2011-03-16 - Peevey says "no surprise" -- Cherry: maybe I should call Brightsource back.
      • 1446 - 2011-04-12 - Cherry to Peevey -- Analyst Reports, Bof A Merrill "CPUC Meetings and quantifying San Bruno Risks (relaying email which was to officers of PG&E and investor relations) Includes Commissioner Update.
      • 1467 - 2011-04-19 - Cherry to Peevey -- Credit Suisse Upgrade from HOLD to BUY.
      • 1488 - 2011-05-09 - Cherry to Peevey -- Analyst reports - Q1'11 Earnings and Approved GRC Decision by Lisa Lam (Investor Relations)
      • 1520 - 2011-05-19 - Cherry to Carol Brown, Paul Philips, Nancy Ryan
        • 16 Major investors are meeting with Paul Claron.
        • Are any of you interested in meeting with them before or after the meeting with Paul?
      • 1522 - 2011-05-23 - Cherry to Peevey - Analyst Report, Jeffries Downgrade.
      • 1532 - 2011-06-01 - Meredith to Peevey CC Cherry: PG&E Open letter of Apology.
      • 1534 - 2011-06-02 - Cherry to Peevey -- Analyst reports - JPMorgan Investor Tour by Lisa Lam (Investor Relations)
      • 1555 - 2011-06-09 - Cherry to Peevey - PG&E STMT on Independent Review Panel (IRP)
      • 1558 - 2011-06-10 - Cherry to Peevey - Analyst Reports from Bof A Merrill Lynch and Bernstein reactions to IRP report.
      • 1571 - 2011-06-24 - Cherry to Peevey - Analyst Reports RBC Initiaion and Duetsche via Lam
      • 1623 - 2011-07-06 - Cherry to Peevey - Analyst Reports - ISI and Bernstein via Lam
      • 1641 - 2011-07-26 - Cherry to Peevey - Analyst Reports - Bof A ML via Lam
      • 1689 - 2011-07-28 - Cherry to Peevey - Fitch Ratings
      • 1694 - 2011-08-09 - Cherry to Peevey - Chris Johns Responses to recent articles on San Bruno (after 11 months).
      • 1695 - 2011-08-30 - Cherry to Peevey - Analyst Report on Pipeline safety via Lam.
      • 1704 - 2011-09-19 - Cherry to Peevey - Citigroup Report - Southwest Tour Summary.
      • 1717 - 2011-11-04 - Cherry to Peevey - Bof A ML & Deutsche Q2'11 earnings.
      • 1743 - 2011-12-08 - Cherry to Peevey - S&P Ratings via Tony Earley
      • 1751 - 2011-12-13 - Cherry to Peevey - PG&E Says it is liable for San Bruno Accident (Press Release)
        • 1755 - Peevey responds "Very good. Tom told me about at the lunch today."
      • 1757 - 2011-12-14 - Cherry to Clanon and Peevey - relay Letter from Feinstein's office to DOE, secy Steven Chu.
      • 1760 - 2011-12-19 - Cherry to Peevey - Fitch downgrade.
      • 1763 - 2012-01-31 - Cherry to Peevey - Analyst Report - Citi on CPSD's Penalty Citation of $16.8 million
      • 1771 - 2012-05-14 - Cherry to Peevey - Remarks by Tony Earley and Chris Johns at Annual Shareholder's meeting.
      • 1797 - 2012-07-20 - Cherry to Peevey - :PG&Es road to redemption - Politico Article circulated to PG&E officers.
      • 1801 - 2013-02-21 - Cherry to Peevey - "Bad day for us today" PG&E Posts Q4 loss. (Dow Jones Newswire, Contra Costa Times, Bloomberg, Platts Commodity News)
      • 1806 - 2013-04-08 - Cherry to Carol Brown, also ccd is Florio. "Mike asked me to send him the current procedural schedule"
      • 1807 - 2013-04-26 - Cherry to Brown, forwarded msg from PG&E -- "If you haven't heard, the infamous April 26 date may be extended to May 10 per an all-party request (we do not oppose). Here is the exchange.. DRA said (redacted) Joseph Malkin email fully redacted. Traci Bone fully redacted.
      • 1809 - 2013-04-26 - Brown to Cherry -- "Wow I never expected this!"
      • 1811 - 2013-04-26 - Cherry to Brown -- Looks like an opportunity for the ALJs to really look at the schedule.
      • 1813 - 2013-04-25 - Brown to Doll (PG&E) (Page 398 in the file) Talked with the judge -- They issued a ruling saying the hearing was moot -- I think you have 2 ways of going (you might want to chat with your legal people)
        1. Send back a sweet note saying the issue is moot since seminar not going forward (Problem is not "cancelled" only postponed) -- and then wait for them to throw a fit.
        2. Answer any simple question you can, and then object to the others as being outside the scope of the 3 OIIs -- but offering to meet and confer on the issue -- and schedule a date out a little for the meet and confer -- then they will file a motion to compel, not need for any expedition of the process -- you respond -- and a hearing is held in due course. Happy to chat.
      • 1814 - 2013-04-25 -- Doll to Brown -- "Love you. Thanks. Not sure yet!"
      • 1815 - 2013-05-24 -- Cherry to Brown -- Fwd part 1 of 5, San Bruno Investigation, PG&E's Public Version, Remedies Brief and Request for Official Notice. (Through 1991)
      • 1992 - 2013-12-06 -- Cherry to Peevey - Fitch on California Regulation "Interesting Report"
      • 2002 - 2014-01-01 -- Cherry to Brown - Fwd: OII submitting the case? "Can you provide some procedural insight?" (rest of email is a string of PG&E internal emails discussing how to submit the a decision.)
      • 2004 - 2014-01-01 -- Brown to Cherry -- OK. Do not use any other case as an example. In this case the judges will do something to indicate to the world that the pods will issue in 60 days. They have not done that yet - so we know no pods till at least late February.
      • 2006 - 2014-03-27 -- Cherry to Peevey - Tony Earley and Chris Johns message to employees through Doll. "Will expect criminal charges"
      • 2008 - 2014-03-27 -- Cherry to Peevey - News release on criminal charges.
      • 2011 - 2014-04-01 -- Cherry to Peevey - San Bruno Charges Update (Tony Earley to employees) criminal charges filed.
      • 2014 - 2014-04-02 -- Cherry to Peevey - More on federal indictment.
      • 2020 - 2014-04-02 -- Peevey to Cherry - One Comment: PG&E's decision to issue a press release last week anticipating all this only meant that the public got to read two big stories rather than one. I think this was inept.
    • END
  • CPUC02022_-CPUC02878.pdf: Pages 2022 through 2878 (38 MB)
    • All emails are regarding the planning and attendance of the 2013-04-25 through 26 CFEE (California Foundation on the environment and the Economy) "Roundtable Conference on Energy" at the Silverado Conference Center in Napa, CA.

  • CPUC02879_-_CPUC03868.pdf: Pages 2879 through 3868 (45 MB)
    • On Safety Symposium originally scheduled for 2013-01-08 to 09 and then rescheduled to May 7-8. (uneventful through 3701)
    • 3702 - Start of email flurry over "Motion by the City of San Bruno Requesting and Order to Show Cause Why Assigned Commissioners Peevey and Florio Should not be Recused from the 'Forging a New Vision of Safety Symposium until I.12-01-007, I.11-02-016 and I.11-11-009 are fully Adjudicated" filed on April 24, 2013.
    • 3705 - 2013-04-24 - Prosper, Terrie (cpuc) to Doll (PG&E) - "You see this?" (motion info attached).
    • 3707 - 2013-04-24 - Prosper to Snapper, Greg (PG&E)
    • 3708 - 2013-04-24 - Doll to Prosper - "Just Now. OMG"
    • 3710 - 2013-04-24 - Doll to Prosper - "And as far as I know the CM was invited. She was on the list."
    • 3714 - 2013-04-24 - Prosper to Doll - "And we haven't even sent out a media advisory..."
    • 3717 - 2013-04-24 - Snapper to Prosper - Shoot I didn't get the message. I'm available now if you are at (phone numbers)
    • 3718 - 2013-04-24 - Doll to Prosper - I know. I am amazed. Do you have any ideas what our next steps should be? I assume we move forward.
    • 3721 - 2013-04-24 - Prosper to Doll - I would like to find out when/how the ALJ plans to respond before sending out the media advisory. I just told this to Greg Snapper in your news department too.
    • 3724 - 2013-04-24 - Doll to Prosper - Sorry if he called you.
    • 3727 - 2013-04-24 - Prosper to Doll - No Problem. We were supposed to talk re:press.
    • 3731 - 2013-04-24 - Doll to Prosper - Paul will likely want you to confirm that SB CM was invited. Connie Jackson was on list.
    • 3735 - 2013-04-24 - Prosper to Doll - Ans she's still there and not on leave or something, right?
    • 3739 - 2013-04-24 - Doll to Prosper - checking...
    • 3744 - 2013-04-24 - Prosper to Doll - Call me (phone number)
    • 3749 - 2013-04-24 - Prosper to Doll - attachment includes ALJ ruling shortening time to respond to motion to 4/29/2013.
    • 3751 - 2013-04-24 - Prosper to Doll - News release from San Bruno.
    • 3753 - 2013-04-24 - Doll to jf2@cpuc.ca.gov - News Release.
    • 3755 - 2013-04-24 - Description of motion by "Bruce" -- "This afternoon, the City of San Bruno filed the attached motion..."
      • EXHIBIT 1 - Symposium agenda and cover letter.
      • EXHIBIT 2 - Declaration of Britt Strottman, attorney for San Bruno.
      • EXHIBIT 3 - "Initial Discovery Report" by Business Advantage Consulting, dated Jan 25, 2013. (with "Confidential" removed) to 3802
      • Certificate of Service 3804 - 3823
  • 3824 - 2013-04-24 - Fitch, Julie (cpuc) to Doll - "Oh that, I almost forgot." (Regarding previous item) -- Doll responds (ha!)
  • 3835 - 2013-04-24 - Prosper to Doll through Malashenko - CPUC Statement of San Bruno's Motion on upcoming Symposium: CPUC information alert. -- The CPUC has decided to postpone the symposium to a future date.
  • 3836 - 2013-04-24 - Clanon to Doll -- same information alert.
  • 3837 - 2013-04-24 - Doll to various. Dinner also canceled.
  • 3841 - 2013-04-25 - ALJ response. Repeat of CPUC Info alert. "The Commission's decision to postpone the Symposium renders the San Bruno Motion moot. There is no need for responses and the San Bruno motion is denied as moot.
  • 3843 - 2013-04-25 - Start of emails to cancel, Prosper to various parties.
  • 3847 - 3868 Pages from calendars. Mostly everything is redacted but some interesting appointments remain.

  • CPUC03869-CPUC06785.pdf - Pages 3869 through 6785 (612 MB -- huge!)
    • Meeting requests
      • 3872 - 3897 2/1/2011 - Peevey, Sandoval, Simon, Florio, Ferron, Clanon - Request by Steve Fleishman, Analyst, Bof AML, Naaz Kumawala, , Analyst, Bof AML -- NO PROCEEDING -- Discussing CA regulatory System and Environmental Policy. (Includes confirmations).
      • 3905 - 2011-03-28 - Naaz - Lists additional topics: San Bruno, PCG GRC, IEX GRC, Smart Meters, Cost of Capital, Equity Ratios, Renewables, Rate making process.
      • 3949 - 2011-04-04 - Naaz sends list of 9 people to be in the meetings, from Green Arrow, Franklin Investments, UBS Asset Management, Capital Group, Capital Management, Bof AML.]
      • 3969 - Ferron asks for reports. Several reports attached, including some that are very specific about pipeline event.
      • 4003 - 2011-04-11 - Paul Clanon asks for subjects, Naaz says "Regulatory questions on costs of Capital, renewables, ROEs, San Bruno, Smart Meters.
      • 4004 - 2011-04-12 - Naaz. Thanks for the meeting last week. Here are the notes we made on it.
      • 4013 - 2011-05-11 - Steve Fleishman - Thank for the meeting. Asks if he could meet with Cmsr Simon while they are both in NY 5/27-28. Simon says OK. Thanks, that would be great.
      • 4016 - 2011-09-26 - Naaz requests meetings 11/15-16/2011 with Ferron, Sandoval, Florio, etc. then changed to 11/19/2011 Then changed to a conference call. 15 attendees.
      • 4047 - 2012-1-11 - Naaz requests meeting with Ferron, Simon, Florio, Peevey on 2/2/2012. Primarily interested in: San Bruno and its impacts, How is the Commission approaching OIR and OII issues. Cost of Capital in CA, Renewable policy and affect on rates, Tehachapi line for Edison. Consideration of Safety in ratemaking process. Smart meters and the backlash. Thoughts of management team and culture at PG&E. "We have tried several times to meet with President Peevey and have been unsuccessful-- even if he had a few minutes we would appreciate it..."
      • 4102 - 2012-01-12 - Naaz asks for more time, 45 min or an hour. Confirmations through 4146.
      • 4147 - 2012-01-30 - request for attendee list from CPUC to Naaz. "Can you please have a list of all the participants for the lunch on Friday, Feb 10rh prior to? (We are excited to see you in NYC, we are happy to have lunch on the 10th. (Sandoval)
      • 4152 - 2012-02-01 - List of participants to 2/10 lunch in NYC (Sandoval) 24 people (investor community).
      • 4154 - 2012-02-01 - List of Attendees for meeting by Naaz, 13 attendees.
      • 4156 - 2012-02-01 - location of 2/10 lunch, One Bryant Park (corner of West 42nd and 6th St.) 51st floor.
      • 4159 - 2012-02-06 - Thank you from Steve Fleishman to Ferron.
      • 4159 - 2012-02-06 - Naaz to Sandoval asst. on 2/10 lunch incl. topics.
      • 4162 - 2012-02-27 - Start of request to meet with Paul Clanon by Naaz for 3/12
      • 4182 - 2012-03-19 - Naaz asks Carol Brown if they can meet with Peevey when he is in NYC on 5/15 (No apparent response??)
      • 4182 - 2012-04-09 - Naaz gets 5 min meeting with Paul Clanon confirmed by Madrigal. for 4/16 at 10:30 am. (THROUGH 4199)
      • 4200 - 2012-07-18 - Naaz setting up 11am PST call with Clanon.
      • 4205 - 2012-08-08 - Naaz requests meeting with Clanon 9/12 & quick call on SONGS. Added Simon, Florio, Sandoval, Ferron, with 5 attendees. THROUGH 4261
      • 4262 - 2012-10-25 - Naaz requests call with Simon, Florio 10/31
      • 4268 - 2012-11-19 - Naaz to Paul on Cost of Capital alternate Decision? - "Paul-should we expect an alternate decision from Ferron or any of the commissioners? Thanks!
      • 4269 - 2013-06-05 - Job Apgar to Clanon on CPSD rebuttal Testimony - "We just wanted to confirm something with you regarding the CPSDs rebuttal briefs filed today in the San Bruno OII. The pipeline rights of way (encroachment) spending can now be applied to teh $2.25 billion penalty recommendation, and this was not the case in the initial penalty recommendation. Correct?"
      • 4270 - 2014-01-05 - Apgar (Bof AML) "We are hosting an institutional investor tour through CA week of 3/24 and will be in SF visiting PG&E on 3/25. Is Peevey avail. in the morning of 3/25 to meet 15 equity investors?" Same email for Peterman, Sandoval, Florio, Ferron, Clanon. THROUGH 4311. generally declined.
      • 4312 - 2014-02-18 - Apgar requests to be added to info-only service lists for A13.12.012 and A13-11-003, A/R11-02-019, I12-10-013, I1201007 (THRU 4313)
      • 4314 - 2014-02-24 - Apgar to Mosbuagh - req. Peterman Mtg 3/25/14 -- 80% sure she will be out. 4319 - definitely out. 4322 advisors will be there. 4325 ok on advisors. 4329. OK. 4333 Confirmed. 4337 hand off to Fernandez. 4341 fill out form. 4354 request form is attached. "General discussion on Electric and Gas regulatory environment in CA" Bof AML + 15 investors.
      • 4364 - 2014-03-18 - Apgar sends attendee list for 3/25/14 mtg -- 15 attendees. 4373 confirmed. THRU 4428
      • 4429 - 2014-03-26 - Apgar thank you for the meeting. "I believe you said yesterday that the parties involved in the settlement conference would have a minimum of 10 days to review any settlement agreement reached before the settlement could be filed publicly. Is that right?" 4430 Khosrowjah - "That is what Rachel said. The truth of the matter is that any group of parties can file a settlement at any time and others may join or not join. It's the Commission discretion to det if the settlement is in the public interest or not. 4431 -- thanks so there is no hard and fast 10 day rule... 4434 look at rules of practice and procedure section 12. 4436 understood.
      • 4438 - 2011-03-03 - Doza (citi) to Stephen St. Marie "Please give me a buzz."
      • 4439 - Ssm to Doza - Here are the names and contact info of the cmsrs
      • 4441 - 2011-05-03 - Khan to ?? CPUC. Invite to Citi Power and Gas Conference. THRU 4446
      • 4447 - 2011-06-14 - Apgar to Brown,etc - Meeting with Peevey, Simon, Ferron, Florio, in Mid Sept. -- want to meet 9/13 or 14. THRU 4482.
      • 4483 - 2011-07-14 - Citi announces "Innovations in Energy Efficiency Finance" IEEF with Environmental Defense Fund - Sept 20, 2011.
      • 4485 - 2011-07-19 - Apgar on Sept 13 Sandoval, Peevey, meeting. Thru 4495
      • 4496 - IEEF continued. THRU 4499 4501, call in number. also 4502-4511, 4734, 4758-4759, 4772-4775, 4778-4800
      • 4500 - 2011-09-12 - Apgar list of attendees for meeting, 18 people total.
      • 4512 - 2011-10-03 - Thomas, Sarah R. cpuc to Brian Chin (citi) "I believe you and Cmmr Ferron discussed meeting while he's in NY. Does the 28th work at all for you (first half of the day?" 4513 he prefers one on one. Will pay for his own lunch.
      • 4526 - 2012-06-20 - Apgar (CITI) setting up meetings with Cmsrs for Mid Sept. Req 1 hour meetings with Peevey, Florio, Ferron, etc. with 10-15 institutional investors. Two hours provided by Ferron. 4631 15 people. 4635 8 people. Peevey unavailable. THRU 4690
      • 4556-4559 2011 CITI tour schedule provided
      • 4691 - 2012-11-26 - Apgar (CITI) meeting request for January THRU 4733 4735 - list of 21 people. THRU 4757
      • 4760 - 2013-02-05 - Chin CITI RA Summit Meeting? for 2/26/2013 THRU 4771, 4776 THRU 4777
      • 4801 - 2013-10-22 - CITI Mtg Req. for 2014/01/15 with 14 - 21 attendees. Ferron canceled. THRU 4989
        • 4982 they even met with ORA
      • 4990 - 2014-01-06 - Apgar requests meeting with Clanon for 3/25/2014
      • 4992 - 2014-01-18 - Citi hosted wall street visit Jan 22.
      • 4998 - 2014-01-23 - Citi meeting followup and thank you. Asked about Cal ISO and drought conditions. 5000 - (Ed) you would need to talk to them about that.
      • 5001 - 2014-02-21 - 2014 Global Energy and Utilities Conference. (GEUC) May 12-15 Boston.
      • 5003 - 2011-04-21 - Bergman (Deutcshe Bank) setting up meeting on 5/5/2011. Winds up being 5/17-18. THRU 5086
      • 5087 - 2011-06-09 - Bergman (DB) 6/27 or 7/4 inquiry. 5090 - Meet with Ferron this week.
      • 5109 - 2011-10-04 - More on DB. Ferron visit to NYC 10/28.
      • 5119 - 2012-02-09 - Welcome to Cmsr Sandoval to Harvard Club of NY,
      • 5120 - DB continued. 5126 - mtg 3/7 THRU 5165
      • 5166 - 2012-04-19 - May 14-15 speeking oppty for Peevey. 5173 declined.

Media Form edit

Title CPRA Response in San Bruno Explosion Case -- CPUC and PG&E
Publisher California Public Utilities Commission
Pub Date 2014-10-24
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Note Thousands of emails provided in CPRA response from CPUC illustrates a culture of corruption -- San Bruno Explosion Peevey Party Protest
Keywords California Public Utilities Commission, Coalition To Decommission San Onofre, Energy Policy, Nuclear Energy, Shutdown Diablo, Shut San Onofre, Stop The Unfair Settlement
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Media Type PDF, Dataset
Media Group News, CPRA
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r19 - 05 Sep 2019, RaymondLutz
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