2016 08 25 Election Team Conference Call

Citizens Oversight (2016-08-25) Ray Lutz

This Page: https://copswiki.org/Common/M1677
Media Link: https://youtu.be/QBbLNCJXzSw%20type%3d%22html%22
More Info: Election Integrity, Election Team, Snapshot Protocol, Election Audit Lawsuit, Snapshot Protocol

Election Team Email 2016-08-25


(read this as a web-page: https://copswiki.org/Common/M1677 )


  • This is conference call #3 since our big press conference announcing our big lawsuit win!
  • If you are a newcomer, you can catch up by visiting Election Team and reviewing earlier emails and phone conference calls.
  • Everyone should read our first email, as it gives basic background information: Election Team Email 2016-08-07

Recent Media


View recorded version of this conference call:

AGENDA for our meeting

  • This agenda may be updated, be sure to click reload to get a fresh copy.

  • ElectionIntegrity is the most important single issue today -- Ray Lutz on the soapbox.
    • Inherently progressive (although nonpartisan) as it wrests control from those in charge and gives it to the public.
    • All other issues are a waste of time if we have no confidence in our elections.
    • Our Revolution is just another feel-good waste of time unless elections are fair and honest.
    • Calling people to run for office is premature if they don't follow local issues -- COPs says start with local oversight.
    • Providing oversight at exactly the right moment is MORE EFFICIENT in getting real change.
    • Our "Snapshot Protocol" is a systematic method to provide rigorous oversight to elections officials and reduce hacking vulnerabilities.

  • Short introduction
    • Citizens Oversight is a 501(c)3 nonpartisan "Charity" nonprofit Delaware corporation with primary offices in San Diego area.
    • Funded entirely by relatively small contributions.

  • Status report on our lawsuit and its implications.
    • Trial starts Oct 3 and is scheduled for 3 days. --> NOTE: Changed to Oct 4 through 7.
    • Experts agree with us, all ballots must be included in the random selection in the audit.
    • Now doing discovery and lining up expert witnesses.
    • Deposition of Michael Vu to occur on Sept 9.
    • Implications or other counties in California -- will be opening cases in other counties if they say they will not include all ballots cast.
    • Implications for other states -- Two cases:
      • Those with crappy audit laws -- this should put pressure to adopt stronger audit laws.
      • Those with good laws but poor implementation -- Provides a strong tool for citizen oversight

  • Data collection from June Election Continues
    • We have started a 5% sample of the sign-in rosters in San Diego
    • Ray created a tutorial video to describe how this works.
    • San Diego ROV limits number of people. we find three is a good number.
      • One person scans documents w/o signatures, and others with but can be redacted.
      • Team of two collects data from signatures rosters
        • one counting signatures and noting issues
        • one entering data into a spreadsheet
    • This provides a wealth of information you can't get otherwise
      • Most important example:
        • If X voters sign-in and vote at the precinct, how many ballots are scanned?
          • Exactly X? This should be what happens.
          • X-n? Then we are losing n ballots for some reason.
          • X+m? Gain of m ballots?? Big problem.
      • How many NP to DEM crossover voters.
        • It is not clear if these are handled in provisional envelopes, as they do not sign provisional roster.
        • May have experienced more scrutiny
        • but not given the benefit of tracking, which normal provisionals do get.
        • Somehow, San Diego ROV claims provisionals were no more numerous than in other elections. This does not square with other observations.
    • This process is a good way to soften up elections officials that are extremely restrictive during the election. They can't stop us from getting this data.
      • Would like to get a team in Alameda to do a partial data collection procedure.

  • November Plan
    • Will need to have teams established and trained by mid October.
      • Question: Can Our Revolution help establish these teams? * Previous points:
      • We will be trying to get everyone to work together on state and district level.
      • We have targeted the top 175 districts in the nation which comprises 50% of the voters out of the 8000+ districts.
      • WI is a special problem as they use 3500 really small districts. Anyone from WI?
    • Two aspects which can be applied to most districts.
      • Boots on the ground in-person oversight -- must start when VBM ballots start to be returned (10 days before election in CA).
        • VBM reception, sorting, screening, signature validation
        • Polling place visits, Provisional screening, Manual tally room, Chain of custody, Be alert!
      • SnapshotProtocol Oversight -- requires:
        • notification letter to election officials notifying them of the need for the snapshot data file.
        • oversight of chain of custody -- best to have overseers in election office making sure they cannot be manipulated.
        • obtaining snapshot data file (preliminary results broken down by precinct, ballot type (VBM vs. Polls), and ballot option.
        • Watching or participating in random precinct (or batch) selection.
          • Make sure all ballots cast are included (the subject of our lawsuit)
        • Requesting audit report (AKA "1% manual tally" in CA)
          • Need to have the results of the races so these can be compared to the snapshot file.
        • reviewing the results -- Variances that they report, how did they solve them.
        • Check that snapshot file matches their computer report.
        • Provide your results to Citizens Oversight.org wiki so we can build our archive of audits for future reference.

  • Your first step in other states: determine district priorities. See State Election District Targeting Procedure
    • We will be trying to get groups together in each state and target district to do your best at providing oversight. Even if you just show up, it has value.
  • We will be providing a sample notification letter which can be applied (with some alteration) for your state and district for the Snapshot Protocol
  • Q&A -- Please send a chat message to the organizer so we can acknowledge you and you can unmute your microphone.
  • Adjournment

AGAIN, Welcome!


Media Form edit

Title 2016 08 25 Election Team Conference Call
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2016-08-25
Media Link https://youtu.be/QBbLNCJXzSw
Remote Link
Embed HTML
Forum Link
Keywords Election Integrity, Election Team, Snapshot Protocol, Election Audit Lawsuit, Snapshot Protocol
Media Type Video, Presentation
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
Publish Status Published
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Topic revision: r4 - 24 Sep 2016, RaymondLutz
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