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2012-04-14 -- HIGHLIGHTS:

14 Apr 2012 - Sat

  • (10a-5p) Not an OSD Event. "Spring of the 99%! - 99% Spring trainings on civil disobedience tactics" at Church Of The Brethren hosted by Hosted by Davina Lynch, Anita Simons, Carol Zellander, JB Kenney. Register online through
  • (12p) Money Out of Politics Conference in Washington D.C. will be livestreamed at The keynote speaker will be Lawrence Lessig, just after 12 noon PDT. Money in politics is at the core of so many of our problems, so take the time to watch if you can.
  • (3p) OSD ENDORSED Ocupemos El Barrio/Occupy the 'Hood sponsoring I.C.E. Breaker National Day of Protest for immigrant rights (Facebook event). Gather at San Diego City College for a rally and march to the ICE building at Front and Broadway.
  • (6p) Occupy Passover Seder at Redwood Circle in Balboa Park, all are welcome, please RSVP via Facebook or email David Jacob at if attending so he knows how much food will be needed. See FB Event page.
  • (1p) Women Occupy SD w/potluck at Childrens Park
  • (1p) Education committee meets at Childrens Park
  • (7p) "We the People" meets at the foot of Brighton Ave. at Ocean Beach For details ask Hex.
  • (1p-4p) Occupy Encinitas - 1 PM rally at the corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Coast Highway 101 followed by general assembly at 2:30 PM at Cottonwood Creek Park, corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Vulcan Ave. (GA meets at Leucadia Pizzeria if raining) More info: Facebook or Website

Read more below...


Flagstaff Outreach April 13-15, 2012

Gather at City College for a 3pm Rally and March to the ICE building at Front and Broadway

Occu-party #4
Next OccuParty benefit at the Kensiington Club on April 25th

Remember Chernobyl and Three Mile Island Rally at San Onofre -- 2012-04-29 Info/RSVP

Full Size JPG
-- Printable Flyer

Occupy Walk Shut Down San Onofre

Legal Hearings, etc.
  • Jury sentencing for Brother Fish scheduled for April 24th.
  • Bobby Uribe's trial starts 4/19. Need witnesses to Bobby Uribe's arrest at port protest
  • Benjamin Gasper's trial: New Trial date has been set for May 29th.


2012 Apr 14

Media: Occupy San Diego

Media: Occupy National and Global

  • Evicted From Park, Occupy Protesters Take to Sidewalks The protesters arrived on Wall Street on Wednesday night carrying bedrolls, quilts and blankets. They spread pieces of cardboard on the sidewalks. Then, as several police officers stood nearby, the protesters made signs with anticorporate slogans.

  • DOJ sues Apple over price-fixing scheme The U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday brought a lawsuit against Apple and several publishing companies over a scheme to fix e-book prices. The suit stems from the 2010 release of the iPad, when Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) reached an agreement with five publishers to release books on its then-new iBookstore. The DOJ said Apple colluded to raise the price of e-books with CBS's (CBS, Fortune 500) Simon & Schuster, News Corp.'s (NWS) Harper Collins, Hachette Book Group, Pearson's (PSO) Penguin unit and Macmillan.

  • Mitt's off on PBS Mitt Romney supports removing all federal funding for PBS, and if the network is interested in survival, it will be forced to turn to private advertising revenue. "We're not going to kill Big Bird, but Big Bird is going to have advertisements," is exactly how he put it, but Romney is neither smart nor funny, so allow me to translate. Advertisements turn children's brains into thin slurry that candy companies and Mc Donalds then build direct pile lines into. That isn't even a hyperbole, as anyone who has heard a child suggest what model of car to buy can attest. It is wrong to advertise to children, and for someone who wants to run the country to so blatantly support it is lunacy. At its best, PBS is a bulwark against the commercial world. Certainly allowing "Sesame Street" to become a toy store dynasty is a mixed bag, but PBS shows themselves are often the purest thing available to young minds. To threaten to take that away to save money is absurd.

  • Keep Super PACs off PBS and NPR U.S. appeals court just struck down a ban on political ads on public broadcasting.1 That means your local PBS or NPR station could start running nasty attack ads right away.

  • Iceland forgives mortgage debt of its population The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population. This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the population and to put politicians and bankers on the bench of the accused three years after their financial excesses would sank one of the most prosperous economies in 2008.

  • Top Fed Official: “The Moment Is Now” to Break Up Big Banks The nation’s largest banks are “a perversion of capitalism” and “a clear and present danger to the U.S. economy.” The Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation passed in the wake of the crisis “may actually perpetuate an already dangerous trend of increasing banking industry concentration.”

  • ‘Occupy’ as a business model: The emerging open-source civilization The answer isn’t a simple yes or no. Occupy Wall Street set up working groups to find solutions to their physical needs. The economy was considered as a provisioning system (as explained in Marvin Brown’s wonderful book, Civilising the Economy), and it was the “citizens”, organised in these working groups, who decided which provisioning system was appropriate given their ethical values.
    For example, organic farmers from Vermont provided free food to the campers, but this had a negative side effect: the local street vendors, generally poor immigrants, did not fare too well with everyone getting free food. The occupiers cared about the vendors and so they set up an Occupy Wall Street Vendor Project, which raised funds to buy food from the vendors.

  • Is Wal-Mart good for America? During the last two decades, Wal-Mart has been able to take advantage of the rise of information technology and the explosion of the global economy to change the balance of power in the business world.

  • What Is Occupy Wall Street About? If you're having trouble understanding what is at stake in the "Occupy" protests, here are some numbers that help explain the problem.

  • 10 Big Companies That Pay No Taxes (and Their Favorite Politicians) Between 2008 and 2011, 26 major American corporations paid no net federal income taxes despite bringing in billions in profits, according to a new report (PDF) from the nonprofit research group Citizens for Tax Justice. CTJ calculates that if the companies had paid the full 35 percent corporate tax rate, they would have put more than $78 billion into government coffers.

  • How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’ While many of us are working to ensure that the Occupy movement will have a lasting impact, it’s worthwhile to consider other countries where masses of people succeeded in nonviolently bringing about a high degree of democracy and economic justice. Sweden and Norway, for example, both experienced a major power shift in the 1930s after prolonged nonviolent struggle. They “fired” the top 1 percent of people who set the direction for society and created the basis for something different.

  • UC Davis Pepper Spray "Could Have Been Prevented" The 200 page document concluded that the incident "should and could have been prevented." Those words appear in the first paragraph of the lengthy document. The report also said that the use of the pepper spray "does not appear to have been an objectively reasonable use of force."

  • STUNNING! Banksters launder foreign drug cartel money as Wells Fargo invests in for-profit prisons Last year, Wells Fargo paid a fine they could easily afford when they had purchased Wachovia bank, after Wachovia got busted laundering $110 Million dollars of drug money for foreign drug cartels. If you're keeping score at home that means if you get busted smoking a joint you go to jail, but if you get busted laundering millions of dollars in drug cartel money you get a slap on the wrist. Now, here's the catch, if you get caught smoking pot and go to jail, Wells Fargo will make a profit off of that too thanks to America's growing for-profit prison system.

  • Millions Against Monsanto: The Food Fight of Our Lives For nearly two decades, Monsanto and corporate agribusiness have exercised near-dictatorial control over American agriculture, aided and abetted by indentured politicians and regulatory agencies, supermarket chains, giant food processors, and the so-called “natural” products industry. Finally, public opinion around the biotech industry’s contamination of our food supply and destruction of our environment has reached the tipping point. We’re fighting back.

  • Owned & Operated (Complete) Owned & Operated is a mosaic of the world through the lens of the internet. Showing our lives as consumers, under the thumbs of privileged individuals and their methods of control. But the world is awakening, and the experience is something outside the normal rules of social interaction, causing excitement in those who are not served by the current system... and fear in those who are pampered by it.

This report is generated from an extraction filter which may pick up irrelevant articles sometimes.


  • There are two OSD groups. A larger group has General Assembly (GA) meetings at Childrens Park and every other Saturday at Redwood Circle in Balboa Park. (check Calendar for times). The other group meets weekly at 2 PM Saturdays at Civic Center Plaza.
    • Finance Committee meets at 6 PM at Childrens Park on the same days that GAs meet there. Also one hour before GA at Balboa Park every other Saturday..
    • Committee/Working-Group members: Please update any changes or additions as desired to osd-feedback (at) citizensoversight (dot) org.
  • Occupy San Diego maintains a website with a calendar, also committee and events forums, and more at
  • See Event list (below) and Occupy San Diego Calendar 2 for all upcoming events.
. But mark your calendars now for these!


  • (This list is automatically generated from the topic Occupy.Occupy San Diego Events). Scroll down the topic almost to the bottom or look at the Calendar for more events, not within the next 7 days.

14 Apr 2012 - Sat

  • (10a-5p) Not an OSD Event. "Spring of the 99%! - 99% Spring trainings on civil disobedience tactics" at Church Of The Brethren hosted by Hosted by Davina Lynch, Anita Simons, Carol Zellander, JB Kenney. Register online through
  • (12p) Money Out of Politics Conference in Washington D.C. will be livestreamed at The keynote speaker will be Lawrence Lessig, just after 12 noon PDT. Money in politics is at the core of so many of our problems, so take the time to watch if you can.
  • (3p) OSD ENDORSED Ocupemos El Barrio/Occupy the 'Hood sponsoring I.C.E. Breaker National Day of Protest for immigrant rights (Facebook event). Gather at San Diego City College for a rally and march to the ICE building at Front and Broadway.
  • (6p) Occupy Passover Seder at Redwood Circle in Balboa Park, all are welcome, please RSVP via Facebook or email David Jacob at if attending so he knows how much food will be needed. See FB Event page.
  • (1p) Women Occupy SD w/potluck at Childrens Park
  • (1p) Education committee meets at Childrens Park
  • (7p) "We the People" meets at the foot of Brighton Ave. at Ocean Beach For details ask Hex.
  • (1p-4p) Occupy Encinitas - 1 PM rally at the corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Coast Highway 101 followed by general assembly at 2:30 PM at Cottonwood Creek Park, corner of Encinitas Blvd. and Vulcan Ave. (GA meets at Leucadia Pizzeria if raining) More info: Facebook or Website

15 Apr 2012 - Sun

  • (10a-5p) NOT AN OSD EVENT. "Spring of the 99%! - 99% Spring trainings on civil disobedience tactics" on Governor Drive, La Jolla (register for exact location), hosted by Davina Lynch, Gloria Tyler-Mallery, Carol Zellander, Chris Dotson. Register online through

16 Apr 2012 - Mon

17 Apr 2012 - Tue

  • (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
  • (10a) San Diego City Council Meeting (includes Public Comment) at 202 "C" St (12th floor), San Diego, CA 92101
  • (4p) Lecture "Tsunamis: Are we underestimating the risk?" by Eddie Bernard, former director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Tsunami Warning Center at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Free, open to the public).
  • (4p-6p) "Tax the 1%" action Tuesday 4/17 at Congressman Bilbray's office! Say No to Tax Dodgers and Tax Cheats!! at 380 Stevens Ave, Solana Beach, CA 92075 For more information: Contact Ryan Mims at or 202-341-0470
  • (5p) #UnitedGA at Childrens Park
  • (5p) NOT AN OSD EVENT "Tax the 1%" rally and protest outside the NW end (near Childrens Park) of the San Diego Convention Center, More details here. This is a event. All progressive groups are welcome, Occupy, Veteran's for Peace, ACCE, union members, immigrants, teachers, are all invited to speak. EVERYONE please come and bring your signs, banners and voices!
  • (5:30p-7:30p) Occupy South Bay General Assembly and planning meeting at D Volanda Coffee & Smoothies, 320 3rd Ave, Chula Vista. FB Event
  • (6p) The National City WalMart has applied for a (hard) liquor license at its 1200 Highland Ave. location. As there are already 8 licenses in the census tract and the ABC will only allow 4, they are taking the request to city council instead as a "Public Convenience and Necessity". WE NEED SPEAKERS AND SUPPORT FROM OCCUPY!! Council meets at City Hall, 1243 National City Blvd, National City, 91950

18 Apr 2012 - Wed

  • (6a) Wal-Mart action! Destruction of the old Farmer's Market on Imperial between 21st and 22nd began without notice and continued until Tuesday afternoon. OCCUPYERS NEEDED at 6am (but come by anytime to ensure construction is STOPPED), Rally/Vigil to Support Sherman Heights stand against dismantling the historic "Farmers Market". If you can't make it, call Mayor Jerry Sanders at (619) 236-6330 and City Council Member David Alvarez at (619) 236-6688, to DEMAND THAT A STOP WORK ORDER BE PUT IN PLACE!! An injunction for the stop work order is being called for by a lawyer in the community. Be prepared for the call to PACK THE COURTS and stand in solidarity with the people of Sherman/Logan Heights. Will happen sometime on Wednesday or Thursday. Watch OSD Facebook/Twitter for updates.
  • (12p) National OYC Action Against Bank Of America Day, Meet at Freedom Plaza, bring signs!
  • (2p) Occupy San Diego City College meets Wednesdays at Gorton Quad

19 Apr 2012 - Thu

21 Apr 2012 - Sat


Tuesday, 2012-04-24

  • 24 Apr 2012 - (9a) Sentencing for Fish...come out and be there for our brother Fish during his sentencing! He may be facing JAIL TIME for standing up for what is right and requesting a jury trial. Dept. 47 of San Diego Superior Court.
  • 24 Apr 2012 - (4:30p) COME SUPPORT OUR HERO! March and Rally in support of accused whistleblower Pfc. Bradley Manning. Gather at 3rd Ave & Beech/Cedar St. bridge for bannering, then at 5:15, march to Horton Plaza for rally and speakers. Manning will appear in court April 24-26 at Ft. Meade, MD.
  • 24 Apr 2012 - (5:30p) Help keep San Onofre shut down! Attend and speak out at Vista city council meeting at Vista City Hall. We are going city by city to get the council members on board with KEEPING San Onofre shut down. The cities of Solana Beach, Irvine, and Laguna are already on board with this.

Saturday, 2012-04-28

Sunday, 2012-04-29

  • 29 Apr 2012 - OSD ENDORSED - "Three Mile Island! Chernobyl! Fukushima! San Onofre?" - Anti-Nuke Rally and Protest at San Onofre to commemorate the 26th anniversary of the continuing Chernobyl meltdown which started on 1986-04-26, the 33-year anniversary of the Three-Mile Island accident, and the continuing disaster at Fukushima (that experts say is perhaps 20x worse than Chernobyl.) Details -- FB Event Page -- BUS TICKETS ARE RUNNING OUT, PLEASE SIGN UP NOW!

Tuesday, 2012-05-01

  • 01 May 2012 - MAY DAY SAN DIEGO - A Day Without the 99% - International Workers Day by Occupy Labor Solidarity - also check Occupy Labor Solidarity's event page or FB Event page. Some of the events will run concurrently.
    • 01 May 2012 - (11a) City College Rally just east of Park Blvd. and A Street, then march to Civic Center Plaza.
    • 01 May 2012 - (12p) Rally at Civic Center Plaza - speakers to include workers from various occupations (small 'o'), then a march will start at Civic Center, go through downtown and end at the proposed Wal-Mart site in Sherman Heights between 21st and 22nd on Imperial Ave sometime after 2 PM.
    • 01 May 2012 - (2p-4p) Occupy San Diego Events at Civic Center Plaza. Also actions are planned in the financial district just a couple of blocks to the east at the various banks (B of A, Wells Fargo on B Street and at Citibank near Horton Plaza).
    • 01 May 2012 - (3:30p-6p) SDEA Rally at Roosevelt Middle School and March to Board Meeting - NOT AN OLS EVENT, This event for SDEA runs concurrently with the other events listed here. SDEA: The event begins at 3:30 at Roosevelt Middle School. Work at a late-start school? If you can’t make it to Roosevelt before the march takes off at 4:15, join the march at the Education Center on Normal Street from 4:45 – 5:15 before it loops back to Roosevelt.
    • 01 May 2012 - (4p-6p) OSD Labor Solidarity Rally at Civic Center and March to Chicano Park around 6 PM to join the event in progress at Chicano Park. There will be many speakers at Civic Center, representing organized and non-organized groups, including hotel workers, in-home care providers, representatives from student groups, LGBT activists on achieving equality in the workplace, and more.
    • 01 May 2012 - (5:30p) Chicano Park Festival
    • 01 May 2012 - (6p) March to and direct action at the Westin Hotel near Horton Plaza protesting management's lack of willingness to negotiate a new contract with the hotel workers there.
    • 01 May 2012 - (7p) GA at Freedom Plaza
  • UPDATED Bobby Uribe's court date has been postponed until June11th.

Saturday, 2012-05-05 <== click here to see the rest of the report.

To update your mailing list preferences, including unsubscribing, go to this address:

Occupy Walk

Occupy Walk has adopted a more practical walking schedule based on walking an average of 15 miles per day, 5 days per week. The additional 2 days off dedicated to outreach activities. FROM: Needles, CA TO:

City Miles Est Time Est. Arrival Actual
San Diego, CA       18 Feb 2012
29 Palms       19 Mar 2012
Janson Brock at 29 Palms
Needles, CA       20 Mar 2012
Crossed into AZ       22 Mar 2012
Lake Havasu       25 Mar 2012
Lake Havasu
Oatman, AZ       27 Mar 2012
Oatman Video
        Oatman to Golden Valley
Kingman, AZ       30 Mar 2012 - 01 Apr 2012
Video: Occupy Walk in Kingman, AZ
Seligman, AZ       09 Apr 2012
Photos to the tune of Kid Rock "Born Free"
Flagstaff, AZ 213 mi 3 weeks April 15, 2012  
Albuquerque, NM 331 mi 4.5 wks May 16, 2012  
Amarillo, TX 314 mi 4 weeks June 13, 2012  
Wichita, KS 346 mi 5 weeks July 18, 2012  
Kansas city MO 215 mi 3 weeks Aug 8, 2012  
Fairfield, IA 237 mi 3 weeks Aug 29, 2012  
Chicago, IL 260 mi 3.5 wks Sept 23, 2012  
Gary, IA 28 mi 2 days Sept 25, 2012  
Toledo, OH 204 mi 3 weeks Oct 16, 2012  
Akron, Ohio 121 mi 2 weeks Oct 30, 2012  
Youngstown, OH 46 mi 3 days Nov 3, 2012  
Allentown, PA 317 mi 4.5 wks Dec 6, 2012  
Newark, NJ 76 mi 1 week Dec 14, 2012  
Zuccotti Park, NY 9 mi 1 day Dec 15, 2012  


Things YOU can do right now to help.



See All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
  • Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.
  • Social Network Moderator Guidelines - OSD guidelines for moderating social network discussions


Have you been mistreated by the Police? Have your First Amendment rights been violated? Have you been arrested for nothing, only to have the charges "unfiled" but held over your head for up to a year?
  • NEW First read this document:
  • Make a Complaint: How to Make a Police Complaint
    • Use this form: Complaint Form
    • Forms also available in the lobby of City Hall.
    • Citizen's Review Board member says we do NOT need names & badge numbers. File the complaint & it's up to SDPD to determine who the officer was (But it is better if we have them, of course).
  • ALSO: By telephone or in writing to
    • SDPD Internal Affairs Unit, 1401 Broadway, MS 709, San Diego CA 92101, (619) 531-2801
    • Complaints made to the Citizens Review Board do not necessarily make it into the officers' personnel files
    • Read this: Making Police Compliants That Stick
  • Also, consider making a CLAIM against the city for your BOND money if charges were never filed. They have 45 days to reject the claim, then you file a lawsuit. It costs $400 to file unless you can claim low income.

  • NEW TELL POLICE HOW THEY ARE DOING: Police host monthly meetings in the community to get feedback from community members.

Lutz suing Civic Center Plaza building owners and operators Project Details
  • More on this project... Including collected media, documents, photos, videos, etc.
  • This is a VERY IMPORTANT project because we will directly engage wall street firms who own and operate the Civic Center Plaza office building.

Legal Resources
  • The National Lawyers Guild resources to protesters who have been arrested NEW 619-500-4486
  • 1st Circuit Rules Public Has Right to Videotape Police
  • What to say to cops if you're busted. What you say and do can hurt you in court -- This is what I advise my clients to say when confronted by a law enforcement officer: "Officer, please understand I refuse to talk with you until I consult with my attorney. I also refuse to consent to any search of these premises or any other premises under my control, or in which I have a possessory, proprietary, or privacy interest, including my car, my body, or effects. I hereby demand to immediately be allowed the reasonable opportunity to obtain the advice of my attorney by telephone. from:
  • To check if someone is in jail check this website:
    • It usually takes about 6 hours for someone who has been arrested to pop up here. This site will tell you their charges, bail, etc. Jail's number is (619) 615-2700. The jail won't tell you much if anything that is not on the website. Please check this website before saying someone is in or out of jail to avoid confusion.
  • FYI -- Penal Code 849.5. In any case in which a person is arrested and released and no accusatory pleading is filed charging him with an offense, any record of arrest of the person shall include a record of release. Thereafter, the arrest shall not be deemed an arrest, but a detention only.
  • -- Your rights when you are being arrested falsely.

Occupy San Diego Links

Links to sites/pages below that are no longer actively updated:



If you have:
  • lists of emails that should be subscribed
  • events or notices that should be included
  • needs or wants to request from our supporters
  • specific requests for volunteers
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.

Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people with diverse opinions. This email does not provide the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers by a number of volunteers. News Media that may subscribe to this email blast should confirm all information from other sources.


Edited by Email Blast Team:
  • Ray Lutz (Editor)
  • Josephine P. (Media / Facebook)
  • Chris West (Events)

  • Occupy San Diego project page in "Common" web: Occupy San Diego
  • New Occupy Project (new web): Occupy Web -- we will be migrating to this new web.

Topic revision: r3 - 19 Mar 2018, RaymondLutz
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