Latest News Church Use of School District Property This issue was brought up in the RockChurchEcpacTakeover project as many city leaders were comparing renting E...
This has been a successful year for Citizens Oversight and for everyone who has helped in our projects. And very recently, we have had a few breakthroughs putting...
This has been a successful year for Citizens Oversight and for everyone who has helped in our projects. The most active projects have been related to the San Onof...
This has been a successful year for Citizens Oversight and for everyone who has helped in our projects. Since this was an election year, the most active projects ...
This has been a successful year for Citizens Oversight and for everyone who has helped in our projects. Since this was an election year, the most active projects ...
See Also ElCajonCityCouncil, SaveECPAC Sub projects * Common.TakeOverofECPACbyCCT An article prepared by Raymond Lutz, at the time President of the Grossmon...
CommonProjects The general organization of projects can be found here: COPsProgram. * Cops.GovernmentAccessChannel The City of El Cajon utilizes Cox cable c...
Click here to view on web: CITIZENS OVERSIGHT 2012 YEAR END FUNDRAISING LETTER Dear Friend: The Citizens' Oversight Project is growing and becoming even more ...
ECPAC Foundation Nominating Committee The ECPAC Foundation Nominating Committee was formed as an ad hoc committee at the 27 Aug 2012 Foundation general meeting. T...
ECPAC Takeover by CCT * BriefHistoryofECPACTakeover A recounting of recent history by Main.RaymondLutz, who was the President of the ...
EcpacUnderCCT Our study of how well the theater is performing under CCT: The following study was performed for the 2006 period. City provided the information for...
ElCajonSafetyCenter Safety Center Strips Theater Parking On July 30th, the City of El Cajon conducted an evening public review of the new "Safety Center", propos...
KeywordList Include this in the Media Form table to allow dynamic generation. Normally, it is possible to use a topic to list the options but the select item is c...
Latest News See also OurRegion Images (Just attach your images to this topic and they will automatically be added to the gallery above!) Related Projects * ...
By LizNeely STAFF WRITER January 24, 2007 EL CAJON #8211; Rentals and attendance are up at the East County Performing Arts Center one year after new management t...
By Edgar Stemen March 3, 2005 A lot has been said and written about the amount of money that East County Performing Arts Center owes the city of El Cajon, and muc...
By LizNeely STAFF WRITER July 13, 2006 EL CAJON #8211; The city has reached a settlement with the former manager of East County Performing Arts Center. Advertise...
June 29, 2006 Russell's Christian Community Theater has been operating ECPAC for the past six months under the name Art Beat Management. CCT also operated the cen...
By Liz Neely STAFF WRITER March 24, 2004 EL CAJON #8211; A proposed $14.4 million expansion of the East County Performing Arts Center would jump start interest i...
It may be curtains for the theater that aimed to be East County’s cultural jewel. Shuttered and in need of major renovation, the East County Performing Arts Cente...
May 3, 2012 (El Cajon) It's been two years since the East County Performing Arts Center went dark. But on Monday, a group of concerned citizens seeking to "Save...
El Cajon city leaders on Tuesday edged away from a proposal to replace the East County Performing Arts Center downtown with a Marriott Courtyard hotel, saying the...
Dear Readers ... A Guest Editor's Note this issue by PAUL KRUZE increases our awareness of what is happening to a favorite East County THEATER many of us ...
* Press Release regarding the proposal submittal * Cover Letter to City Manager Douglas Williford re: Foundation proposal * ECPAC Foundation Proposal (PDF):...
By Miriam Raftery June 27, 2012 (El Cajon) At a press conference on June 22, members of the new ECPAC Foundation provided details to media on their proposal to r...
I am at the airport having just left almost 1,000 of my best arts friends who had come together for the Americans for the Arts' Annual Convention in San Antonio. ...
EL CAJON What was built to be East County s premier performing arts venue remains mothballed and in need of repairs, but a campaign is underway to bring the dow...
* PRA El_Cajon ECPAC_Records 2012 08 02.pdf: Original request letter from COPS * LETTER RAY_LUTZ_081312.pdf: Cover letter #1 from the City of El Cajon in respo...
EL CAJON Dustin Holum, a 2000 Valhalla High graduate, grew up performing, volunteering and later working as a member of a youth theater group at the East County...
This book is an excellent reference, very nuts and bolts with almost everything in it regarding theatre. It mainly concentrates on production as opposed to presen...
What was Paul Russell thinking? Russell, executive director of Art Beat Management, an affiliate of Christian Community Theater, was quoted July 12 in the Union T...
East County Performing Arts Center in talks with Rock Church By Karen Pearlman8:47 p.m.Feb. 27, 2014 The shuttered East County Performing Arts Center is in down...
CPRA REQUEST (Sent to city using ther web based contact us form) This request is made per the California Public Records Act. Please provide information in electro...
* FormalObjectionToClosedSessionAndLeaseToRockChurch.pdf: Letter to City of El Cajon regarding improper closed session and lease of ECPAC to The Rock Church Date:...
PERFORMING ARTS TENANTS SOUGHT With renovation of ECPAC set to begin, El Cajon wants to arrange some long term leases By Karen Pearlman 5:06 a.m.May 22, 2014 el ...
* 14_05_12_ECPAC_TENANT_INTEREST_11.doc: Summary description of the request for interest in leasing ECPAC * 14_05_12_Statement_of_Interest_for_Long_Term_Tenant...
DATA * All data regarding this request is at this link: s24358aa6e4c447c9 REQUEST See: REQUEST * CPRA Response ...
Rock Church to lease El Cajon arts center By Karen Pearlman9:40 p.m.Aug. 12, 2014 EL CAJON — The Rock Church will be a part time resident of the East County Perfo...
The following email was sent to Morgan Foley, City Attorney for El Cajon City Council: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST OF 3/10/2014 followup... Thank you Mr. Foley for thi...
* RFI1483 CajonValleyUnionSchoolDistrict ChurchUseofSchoolFacilities.pdf: Letter to David Miyashiro, Superintendent of Cajon Valley School District Received this ...
"Status of East County Performing Arts Center and Response to Request for Proposals RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council direct staff to pursue a draft final agr...
This letter was submitted to the City of El Cajon to influence their negotiations with the Rock Church. Summary * Issue 1: Theater manager should be hired fir...
GO TO OFFSET 15:00 to index to the start of the interview! To hear RADIO INTERVIEW, by MaureenCavanaugh, visit: s...
"We've produced a video about a mega church invasion," said Bonnie Mann from the dais at Tuesday morning's city council meeting. Ms. Mann is a member of Concerned...
ROCK CHURCH RE INVITES ADULT PORN STAR RON JEREMY, SAYS JESUS LOVES PORN STARS TOO! June 10th, 2012 photo courtesy of Rock Church Re Invites Adult...
Church not good neighbor, residents say Complaints include noise, traffic, parking By Jeanette SteeleSTAFF WRITER November 6, 2006 The Rock Church has become a pe...
A chip off the bold Rock Ex con says mega church fired him for reporting child molester By Dave Rice, Aug. 28, 2014 * A pastor formerly employed by the Rock...
NBC San Diego Saturday, Dec 4, 2010 • Updated at 11:34 AM PDT A lawsuit over the location of San Diego's largest church is gaining traction. A judge approved clas...
A mighty presence Rock Church has become one of the country's largest megachurches; critics see evils of traffic tie ups, noise and exclusionary message By Sandi ...
Critics say El Cajon officials are going backwards by entering into negotiations with The Rock before securing a theater manager By Kinsee Morlan Ray Lutz criti...
Update: You can read the letter submitted to the City here. Sept. 5, 2014 (El Cajon) The El Cajon City Council ordered City Manager Douglas Williford to enter int...
Headline in hardcopy edition: EL CAJON VENUE SHOULD BE OPEN FOR WIDE PUBLIC USE The East County Performing Arts Center (ECPAC) has been closed unreasonably for f...
The East County Performing Arts Center (ECPAC), which is owned and operated by the city of El Cajon and located within the downtown district, closed its doors alm...
* COPS_Letter_to_El_Cajon_challenging_closed_session_on_ECPAC_of_2015 02 24.pdf: COPS letter challenging closed session on Rock Church Lease of ECPAC on 2/24/2015...
After eight years of closure, the ECPAC theater may get a new theater manager. Ray Lutz commented, "Wondering if Live Nation can run the ECPAC theater is like won...
The city of El Cajon has inked a five year deal with the world's largest concert promoter to manage the East County Performing Arts Center, shuttered since 2009 b...
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once said, #8220;The most important office in a democracy is that of the citizen. #8221; But typical citizens find overseein...
EL CAJON #8211; Not that long ago, the East County Performing Arts Center was considered one of the best things #8211; if not the only thing #8211; downtown El...
By Liz Neely STAFF WRITER August 14, 2007 EL CAJON #8211; The East County Performing Arts Center has been temporarily shuttered after chunks of plaster fell from...
Regarding your Q A with Paul Russell and the East County Performing Arts Center (East County Opinion, June 29): I couldn't let this slide by without a reality che...
It should not be surprising to anyone who attended the Nov. 8 El Cajon City Council meeting that El Cajon's Arts and Culture Commission was dissolved. The city mu...
By Anne Krueger Union Tribune Staff Writer 2:00 a.m. September 24, 2009 The El Cajon City Council wants to make improvements to the 1,142 seat East County Perfor...
This presentation information was provided as a result of a CaliforniaPublicRecordsAct request by CitizensOversight. See also the video recorded from 2008 05 13. ...
This video was shot May 13, 2008 but was only recently uploaded due to the pending closure of ECPAC, slated for Dec 24, 2009, for a period of 18 to 24 months. Thi...
The show need not go on Saturday, October 31, 2009 EAST COUNTY The East County Performing Arts Center in El Cajon is closing for two years, foreshadowing that i...
November 2, 2009 THE SHOW NEEDS TO GO ON On Saturday, October 31, 2009, an article appeared in the UT East County section entitled: The Show Need Not Go On. ...
The City of El Cajon arranged this community forum regarding the East County Performing Arts Center (ECPAC). The City announced termination of the management agr...
Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. First of two editorials Step back for a moment and forget the controversies, the politics and even some pleasant memories...
Union Tribune Editorial Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. EAST COUNTY _ Life isn t about waiting for the storm to pass. It s about learning to dance in t...
Activist a common sight recording local meetings Ray Lutz is government watchdog By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 12:04 ...
Your editorial, El Cajon s Money Pit (March 8) states that ECPAC has been a money losing proposition since ... 1977, that no organization wants to manage the...
By Union Tribune Editorial Board, Monday, March 8, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. El Cajon is considering pouring $4.3 million of redevelopment money into its now shuttered p...
Public isn t given a chance to comment By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 12:05 a.m. EL CAJON Criticism of the way El Cajon...
El Cajon has a great concert theater but the city has had a very hard time managing it. Two times, they have let a private operator, Paul Russell of Christian Com...
MainProjectList NOTE: Creating project list for WebLeftBar is too compute intensive to do the search each time. Therefore, this topic should be re edited each tim...
NotableActsAtECPAC Here are some notable "headliner" acts that stopped in at the East County Performing Arts Center (ECPAC) theater! * Tribute to Glenn Miller ...
PlazaLiveOrlando I was looking around at other theater venues to see if I could find one that was roughly similar to ECPAC. We might want to do a bit of market re...
Last Published Publisher RaymondLutz Date 2010 02 13 00:46 relativedir w/pub/Common/CopsCanvassReport/ $Foswiki::cfg{PublishPlugin}{Dir} /var/www/vhosts/cop...
Latest News * With LiveNation taking over management of the theater and starting performances in 2019, this project has been marked INACTIVE Background Image...
SaveECPACMeetingReport02Jul2012 Met at Cocos Restaurant on Fletcher Parkway next tuesday, may be on the city council agenda. next monday, Centennial Celebrati...
SaveECPACMeetingReport07May2012 * Old agreements ACF CCT * 140,000 people brought into downtown Escondido by theater district. * Need economics numbers...
SaveECPACMeetingReport13Aug2013 * Ray Lutz * Art Ballantyne * Eldonnay Lay Ray Walton said the fly loft was too low when they were trying to run South Pa...
ECPAC 2012 05 14 Dave says * Theater but not primary focus * Film Festival, like 48 hours group that allows people to create movies in 48 hours. * Semina...
SaveECPACMeetingReport25Jun2012 Met at Cocos Restaurant on Fletcher Parkway Released proposal to the city * Had several reporters at the event. * UT Rep...
SaveECPACMeetingReport26Mar2012 Members of the community gathered on 26 Mar 2012 to discuss the proposed demolition of the East County Performing Arts Center (ECP...
SaveECPACMeetingReport30Jul2012 Tour of the theater today was very productive, but there are still some open issues to resolve. 1. Prof. Loren Schreiber checked t...
TakeOverofECPACbyCCT Summary of the recent events surrounding the East County Performing Arts Center Perceptions of Raymond Lutz at the end of 2005. HISTORY: The...