This page includes all media for all projects listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first). You will probably find it useful to review the media by project. Just select the appropriate project here: COPs Program.
(M1252) 2012-01 Improving Like-for-like RSGs -- Boguslaw Olech, SCE, Nuclear Engineering International, This damning paper was published just weeks prior to the emergency shutdown, and exposed the fact that SCE had mandated that no NRC approval would be sought as a major premise of the project.
(M1268) 2011-10-29 Why do tornados and hailstorms rest on weekends? -- Daniel Rosenfeld, Thomas L. Bell, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 116, Tornados and hailstorms are stronger and more prevalent during the week.
(M128) 2006-12-04 NTSB faults Pentagon in '04 Afghan crash -- Alan Levin and Matt Kelley, Usa Today, Blackwater is famous for not vetting and qualifying employees. Here unqualified pilots under Blackwater Air (Presidential Airways) is found at fault for Afghan crash.