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Andrew John "Andy" Sundstrom Candidate for Grossmont Union High School Board Website: Priorities ...
Anne no longer works for the UnionTribune * Anne Krueger, Union Tribune Reporter:
Latest News July 8th, Board of Governors' meeting Please attend the meeting at the SouthwesternCollege main campus, 900 Otay Lakes Rd, Chula Vista, 6:30p meet fo...
LATEST NEWS * Southwestern College will send its police academy students to the Blackwater Lodge and Training Center in Otay Mesa for weapons training under an...
BlackwaterOtayCitizenAction WE NEED YOUR HELP! Remember, as citizens in a democracy, it is our duty to oversee the entire government! WE ARE IN CONTROL IF WE WI...
/HoyBannerBio.jpg Dick Hoy Candidate for Grossmont Union High School Board Website: Priorities * Improve student achievement by focus...
Wrote for the UnionTribune for many years, now writes for the SanDiegoReader
_Potrero Blackwater battle in national spotlight_ By Miriam Raftery The East County Californian April 26, 2007 After The East County Californian published a thre...
GeneralInfoOnJustices This should help Dear Fellow Democrat, Every time we elect a Governor, we also vote on whether to retain various Justices on the California...
Yes, we appreciate relevant submissions of articles, videos, audio, etc. from anyone! If you are a writer or you find an article that can be submitted here, pleas...
Jeff is an amazing investigative reporter at the Union Tribune and was the first to connect the dots between the "RSG Note" and the replacement steam generator ba...
JohnRinaldi * Website: Bio John Rinaldi is THE Progressive Democrat to take on Duncan Hunter in November! For a full biograph...
/kensobel.jpg Ken Sobel Candidate for Grossmont Union High School Board Website: Priorities * Academic Excellence * Fiscal ...
Filner wants review of Blackwater He considers bill to stop Potrero plan By Anne Krueger STAFF WRITER April 14, 2007 Rep. Bob Filner says he is exploring legis...
East County candidate threatens hunger strike BY MICHELE CLOCK, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2010 AT 6:23 P.M. Campaigning for public office c...
Lutz s last supper before the Hunter hunger strike AUGUST 13, 2010 12:43 PM Usually, when Ray Lutz goes to Greek Style Chicken in El Cajon, he gets the lemon ch...
By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER July 31, 2007 EAST COUNTY #8211; Anger over the proposed Blackwater USA training facility in Potrero has led to the co...
Candidate continues hunger strike for debate BY MICHELE CLOCK, UNION TRIBUNE TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2010 AT 8:09 P.M. PHOTO BY JOHN GASTALDO Congressional candidate ...
Hunger Strikes, Water Rates And Drunk Driving Fatality In East County BY MAUREEN CAVANAUGH, PAT FINN August 23, 2010 MAUREEN CAVANAUGH (Host): I'm Maureen Cavanau...
Candidate: It's time to eat again After 11 days, East County political activist breaks fast began to get debate BY MICHELE CLOCK, UNION TRIBUNE ORIGINALLY PUBLIS...
Letters: medal deceit, debates and dogs BY UNION TRIBUNE MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 2010 AT MIDNIGHT Debate hunger strike All candidates running for an office should agr...
Hunter got break on taxes for home By Jeff McDonaldUNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Back in the winter of 1994, after reapportionment reshaped California's congressiona...
Powerlink booster may have powered up too soon Official was lobbying within 10 months of leaving the state By Jeff McDonald Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 8:14 p.m. ...
Slush funds, oil imports and lying mailers CityBeat grades Whitburn and Roberts, Hunter and Lutz, and lying a union mailer By CityBeat Staff Slushy terrain Coun...
This email was sent to GrossmontHealthcareDistrict CEO Barry Jantz on 2010 11 08 Dear Mr. Jantz: Please distribute my comments to members of the GHD Board. 1. ...
Blackwater in Potrero? No way April 19, 2007 If there is any career pursuit that we, as Americans, have come to despise, it is that of the military mercenary. Ou...
His application for a job at the Grossmont health district was rejected By Steve Schmidt Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 10:06 p.m. Document Download: Grossmon...
By SteveSchmidt Monday, November 15, 2010 at 7:48 p.m. Jim Stieringer Pension math Board pension: Retiring at age 69, Stieringer is expected to net a pension wit...
By Jeff McDonald Saturday, September 18, 2010 at 5:48 p.m. Michael Covert Palomar Pomerado Health Overall 2010 11 Budget: $480 million Population Served: 541,000...
By Union Tribune Editorial Board Saturday, November 20, 2010 at midnight Why a 69 year old health care district trustee tried to switch to full time employee stat...
By AnneKrueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER October 29, 2004 Jim Stieringer says he wants to see change in the makeup of the Grossmont Healthcare District board ...
SDG E counting on production from Stirling dishes to meet clean energy goals. By Onell R. Soto Originally published December 13, 2010 at 6 a.m., updated December ...
Session deals with abusive teenage relationships By Leonel Sanchez Monday, February 21, 2011 at 12:18 p.m. SANTEE Vicky Crompton Tetter became an expert on teen...
By J. Harry Jones Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 2:15 a.m. Miles deep into the largest Indian reservation in San Diego County, a company with ties to at least one fo...
Marines, SEALs confirm training on Indian reservation By J. Harry Jones Friday, April 22, 2011 at 5:35 p.m. An image from a three minute marketing video for the E...
By Andrew Howell August 17, 2007 Despite San Diego holding one of the nation's largest concentrations of military and law enforcement, it is critically short on t...
By LizNeely STAFF WRITER January 24, 2007 EL CAJON #8211; Rentals and attendance are up at the East County Performing Arts Center one year after new management t...
By Edgar Stemen March 3, 2005 A lot has been said and written about the amount of money that East County Performing Arts Center owes the city of El Cajon, and muc...
FUKUSHIMA REMEMBEREDProtest Continued Risky and Costly Operation of San Onofre Nuclear Waste Plant On March 11 Fukushima Daiichi Disaster Anniversary * Had...
Blackwater is all wrong for Potrero By Jan N. Hedlun April 19, 2007 I am the newest and the only Potrero Planning Group member against the proposed Blackwater ...
By LizNeely STAFF WRITER July 13, 2006 EL CAJON #8211; The city has reached a settlement with the former manager of East County Performing Arts Center. Advertise...
June 29, 2006 Russell's Christian Community Theater has been operating ECPAC for the past six months under the name Art Beat Management. CCT also operated the cen...
By Liz Neely STAFF WRITER March 24, 2004 EL CAJON #8211; A proposed $14.4 million expansion of the East County Performing Arts Center would jump start interest i...
A group of about 20 Occupy San Diego protesters attempted a citizen s arrest Monday of Mayor Jerry Sanders for allowing a temporary name change of Qualcomm Stadiu...
Most of us have heard of Intel s marketing slogan Intel Inside. For about 10 days this holiday season, Qualcomm Stadium is going to have Snapdragon inside. And ...
By U T San Diego Sunday, January 15, 2012 I read with great dismay and disappointment that San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders tried to justify his actions that went co...
WARNER SPRINGS — A judge has ruled that a lease between the Los Coyotes Indian tribe and a military training business is invalid and ordered the business to remov...
San Diego s chief financial officer questioned whether the city was being appropriately paid for a temporary name change of Qualcomm Stadium to endorse the compan...
It may be curtains for the theater that aimed to be East County’s cultural jewel. Shuttered and in need of major renovation, the East County Performing Arts Cente...
How do you move a 640 ton, 65 foot tall steam generator 15 miles up the coast? Very slowly. Over the past three weeks crews moved an enormous generator from Camp ...
El Cajon city leaders on Tuesday edged away from a proposal to replace the East County Performing Arts Center downtown with a Marriott Courtyard hotel, saying the...
OCEANSIDE About 10 people urged the Oceanside City Council on Wednesday to place on a future meeting agenda a discussion on the nuclear power plant in San Onofre....
EL CAJON What was built to be East County s premier performing arts venue remains mothballed and in need of repairs, but a campaign is underway to bring the dow...
EL CAJON Dustin Holum, a 2000 Valhalla High graduate, grew up performing, volunteering and later working as a member of a youth theater group at the East County...
What was Paul Russell thinking? Russell, executive director of Art Beat Management, an affiliate of Christian Community Theater, was quoted July 12 in the Union T...
The Lincoln Club of San Diego has rescinded an endorsement it made for San Diego Superior Court judge, after allegations that the lawyer was posting on Facebook a...
When San Diego residents have an idea they think could improve their local government, Council Policy 21 tells how they can get the proposal before voters. The po...
With nuke near death, consumers staring at $3B tab By Dan McSwain5 p.m.May 4, 2013 The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station has been closed for 14 months after ...
Edison International's CEO Hosts San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Update Conference (Transcript) Jun 7 2013, 16:40 about: EIX Executives Janet T. Clayton ...
Sidewalk chalk activist lands in court City attorney: "graffiti is an issue that is very prevalent in San Diego" By Trent Seibert6:02 p.m.June 26, 2013 The San Di...
The operator of the recently retired San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station has been cited by nuclear safety regulators for failing to properly check the design of...
The operator of the recently retired San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station has been cited by nuclear safety regulators for failing to properly check the design of...
Panel in hot water over Blackwater vote Recall petition, lawsuit under way By Anne Krueger STAFF WRITER May 12, 2007 The planning group for the backcountry com...
East County Performing Arts Center in talks with Rock Church By Karen Pearlman8:47 p.m.Feb. 27, 2014 The shuttered East County Performing Arts Center is in down...
* SD UT Nuke Pg1 Sun 4 20 14.pdf: Print Edition Story as PDF * SSD UTnuke_story Pg2 Sun4 20 14.pdf: Print Edition Story as PDF Pg 2 At issue is whether utilit...
Nuclear deal slams consumers, as usual By Dan McSwain5 p.m.May 10, 2014 FILE In this Friday, June 7, 2013 file photo, surfers pass in front of the San Onofre nu...
Who pays for a worthless power plant? By Morgan Lee6 a.m.May 11, 2014 San Onofre nuclear power plant Nuclear plants across the United States routinely swap out m...
Ratepayer rep s role questioned Consumer advocates say group fell short on San Onofre settlement By Jeff McDonald6:12 p.m.May 13, 2014 As regulators and utility ...
Mike Aguirre gets cussed out at CPUC The president of the California Public Utilities Commission swore and angrily refused to answer questions last week at an unu...
PERFORMING ARTS TENANTS SOUGHT With renovation of ECPAC set to begin, El Cajon wants to arrange some long term leases By Karen Pearlman 5:06 a.m.May 22, 2014 el ...
Timing of UCAN payment questioned Consumer group and CPUC deny any connection to San Onofre matter By Jeff McDonald7:36 p.m.July 11, 2014 A surfer rides a wave i...
A new standoff has emerged in deliberations over who should pay for the breakdown of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Two consumer advocates have urged ...
Rock Church to lease El Cajon arts center By Karen Pearlman9:40 p.m.Aug. 12, 2014 EL CAJON — The Rock Church will be a part time resident of the East County Perfo...
By David Hasemyer UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER September 12, 2007 City Attorney MichaelAguirre wants to know the story behind KPBS' decision to cancel its public a...
Church not good neighbor, residents say Complaints include noise, traffic, parking By Jeanette SteeleSTAFF WRITER November 6, 2006 The Rock Church has become a pe...
A mighty presence Rock Church has become one of the country's largest megachurches; critics see evils of traffic tie ups, noise and exclusionary message By Sandi ...
U.S. nuclear safety regulators missed red flags in 2009 when they agreed to pre approve steam generators at the San Onofre nuclear plant without a thorough review...
Headline in hardcopy edition: EL CAJON VENUE SHOULD BE OPEN FOR WIDE PUBLIC USE The East County Performing Arts Center (ECPAC) has been closed unreasonably for f...
The East County Performing Arts Center (ECPAC), which is owned and operated by the city of El Cajon and located within the downtown district, closed its doors alm...
A San Diego based consumer coalition wants placed on hold a multibillion dollar settlement proposal for nuclear plant costs at San Onofre, in response to revelati...
A group of utility consumers announced a federal lawsuit Friday against the California Public Utilities Commission and one of the state’s largest electric compani...
Registrar had vote count issues before Vu says there’s no connection between Ohio case and Chula Vista By Greg Moran8 p.m.Jan. 23, 2015 San Diego County Registra...
Meeting links CPUC probe to San Onofre Edison discloses it met at luxury hotel in Poland with former regulator By Jeff McDonald5:44 p.m.Feb. 9, 2015 Hotel Bristo...
By Jeff McDonald5:05 a.m.Feb. 2, 2015 Even as state investigators rummaged through Michael Peevey’s kitchen, office and garage last week, many of the people he re...
REGULATOR, EDISON HAD ‘REGULAR’ CHATS Emails reveal calls with PUC member Florio, whose contacts with PG E prompted recusal By Jeff McDonald5:05 a.m.March 3, 201...
The following are responses to CPRA requests for information regarding the unusual sponsorship of the Peevey Gala event and also the linkage between the $25 milli...
UC struggled with Peevey party funds Dean of public policy school felt loyalty to utilities boss By Jeff McDonald5:49 p.m.March 26, 2015 Related: CPUC judge on ...
CPUC does about face on Picker pledge Agency decided not to prove its president paid for dinner, but never said so By Ricky Young 3:04 P.M.MARCH 30, 2015 Juli...
Hotel notes show San Onofre deal hatched early Framework was set in Poland, before public process began By Jeff McDonald 5:29 p.m. April 10, 2015 Updated 9 p.m...
BLACKWATER GUARDS SENTENCED IN DEATHS Men deny guilt in killing of 14 unarmed civilians in Baghdad traffic circle in 2007 By Spencer S. Hsu Victoria St. Martin...
Chipotle Mexican Grill has eliminated genetically modified organisms from all of its ingredients, an unprecedented move for a national U.S. restaurant chain that ...
BALBOA PARK — More than 1,000 people gathered in Balboa Park Saturday to join the worldwide “March Against Monsanto,” the third annual protest against Monsanto, t...
The San Diego consumer group suing to reverse the San Onofre settlement that charges ratepayers billions of dollars for the failed nuclear plant has taken its cas...
Judge calls for review of CPUC emails Ruling: Utilities commission won't get last word on withholding San Onofre emails By Jeff McDonald 12:38 p.m. Jan. 25, 20...
By Jeff McDonald 9 a.m. Jan. 30, 2016 When alloy tubing in one of the new steam generators at San Onofre leaked a small amount of radiation four years ago this ...
The state’s top utility regulator has agreed to look into a request from San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob concerning low level radiation emitted by the Su...
San Diego County Registrar of Voters Michael Vu at Interfaith Community Services in Escondido. Gary Warth Just weeks after leaving his job after three controversy...
Election lawsuit on track for October trial Plaintiffs want registrar to count provisional ballots in quality control audit By Joshua Stewart 2:37 p.m. Aug. 23...
3:05 p.m. September 21, 2007 EL CAJON #8211; A former El Cajon councilman was arraigned Friday on charges of grand theft and financial abuse of his elderly mothe...
Scripps study finds two faults linked Newport Inglewood, Rose Canyon part of single quake system By Gary Robbins The Scripps Institution of Oceanography on Tues...
One San Diego County congressman is taking a high profile stand against the prospect of parking tons of spent nuclear fuel on the Southern California beachfront f...
Earlier this month, a superior court judge allowed a lawsuit aimed at reversing a decision by the California Coastal Commission granting a permit to store spent n...
lawsuit by a group that wants to transfer the 3.6 million pounds of nuclear waste sitting at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) to a facility in Ar...
This is a key hearing regarding the permit to build a nuclear waste dump 100 feet from the seawall at San Onofre by the California Coastal Commission. After this ...
Owners of the failed San Onofre nuclear plant agreed Friday to begin negotiations aimed at relocating tons of radioactive waste from the San Diego County coastlin...
Citizens Oversight, Inc. et al filed a lawsuit against the Coastal Commission to block the permit they granted to Southern California Edison to bury 3.6 million p...
By LizNeely UnionTribune STAFF WRITER September 27, 2007 Some cities in San Diego County begin their government meetings with a prayer, careful not to favor one r...
CommonCalendar Entry * 28 Jul 2017 Pr Conf Lawsuit Filed to Allow Ballot Review at SanDiegoCountyRegistrarOfVoters, 5600 Overland Avenue, San Diego, Califo...
An election integrity activist has launched a campaign to personally recount votes from last year’s presidential primary in San Diego County. Ray Lutz, the founde...
* 2017 08 28_COPS_announces_nuke_dump_settlement.pdf: Press Release Nuke Dump Settlement, Press Conf 4:30pm Superior Courthouse * Stipulation_for_Dismissal_a...
September 27, 2007 If ever there were a case history on the importance of voting, even for a panel so obscure most media outlets are unaware of it, it is the situ...
The city of El Cajon has inked a five year deal with the world's largest concert promoter to manage the East County Performing Arts Center, shuttered since 2009 b...
Three plus years after state regulators permitted Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas Electric to start charging consumers billions of dollars for the ...
Questions have come up regarding the San Onofre Shutdown Settlement. Instead of answering them n times, we have gathered them here so many people can be more full...
A team of six experts in the nuclear energy sector has been assembled to find a way to move the 3.55 million pounds of nuclear waste at the San Onofre Nuclear Gen...
The Los Coyotes Indian tribe has issued an eviction notice to the operators of a paramilitary training center on its 25,000 acre reservation in the northeastern p...
Citizens #8217; Oversight Projects CONTACT: Raymond Lutz, COPS Coordinator raylutz@citizensover...
Four years after approving a plan that charged ratepayers billions of dollars for the premature closing of the San Onofre nuclear plant, state utility regulators ...
David Fritch Statement “Thank you, my name is David Fritch. I, uh, I'm a worker on the ISFSI project. I work in the spent fuel project – F R I T C H. I do industr...
Judge says county must change vote counting procedures in future elections Ray Lutz, the national coordinator of Citizens’ Oversight, at his El Cajon home. (K.C. ...
LosAngelesTimes Apr 17, 2007 Blackwater USA, a private army that promises "the most comprehensive professional security, peacekeeping and stability operations" in...
M1912 Media Publisher Date Description ...
Unfazed by critics, firm keen on backcountry training area By Anne Krueger SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER October 14, 2007 EAST COUNTY #8211; Blackwater US...
The Arizona Senate, apparently not satisfied with one recount, is close to signing a deal for its second review of Maricopa County’s 2020 general election ballots...
By Mark Arner UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 2:45 p.m. October 21, 2007 POTRERO #8211; A brush fire that began about 9:30 a.m. Sunday in a rugged, mountainous area ...
The notorious security contractor has plans for a military style complex near the U.S. Mexico border. Critics worry the firm's "mercenary soldiers" could join the...
During rescue effort that turned tragic, an act of heroism By Tony Manolatos UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER October 23, 2007 Hours after the Harris fire started on ...
Illegal border crossers brave flames, get burned Six are hospitalized; more than 200 arrested By Leslie Berestein UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER October 24, 2007 The ...
By MiriamRaftery The AlpineSun #8220;It #8217;s like Armageddon, #8221; Potrero resident Jill Michaels said of the devastating Harris and Witch fires that h...
Citizens #8217; Oversight Projects CONTACT: Raymond Lutz, COPS Coordinator raylutz@citizensoversigh...
A too small Army compels use of private contractors in Iraq and elsewhere By George Friedman November 4, 2007 In recent weeks, Blackwater, a private security firm...
NEW - 06 Nov 2007 - 01:36 by CathyMiller
By Paul M. Krawzak COPLEY NEWS SERVICE October 6, 2007 MOYOCK, N.C. #8211; The global storm of controversy settling over Blackwater USA is fueling opposition to ...
NEW - 06 Nov 2007 - 01:42 by CathyMiller
UNION TRIBUNE November 4, 2007 Thousands of people volunteered throughout San Diego to help victims of the wildfires, but your newspaper decided to highlight Blac...
By Mark Sauer and Janine Zúñiga STAFF WRITERS November 1, 2007 A tent city is set to spring from the ashes near Barrett Junction as wildfire weary residents in t...
NEW - 07 Nov 2007 - 20:03 by CathyMiller
Fire destroyed 103 Dulzura buildings By Janine Zúñiga STAFF WRITER November 6, 2007 It took a few days to get it up and running, but a tent city complete with cot...
NEW - 07 Nov 2007 - 20:08 by CathyMiller
Blackwater's relief effort wins praise of project foe By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER October 30, 2007 As Potrero planning group member Jan Hedlun trie...
NEW - 08 Nov 2007 - 23:51 by CathyMiller
By Paul M. Krawzak COPLEY NEWS SERVICE 3:27 p.m. November 7, 2007 WASHINGTON #8211; Rep. Bob Filner, D Calif. (San Diego), is backing legislation to replace priv...
By Liz Neely UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER November 10, 2007 EAST COUNTY #8211; Hundreds of people are picking up supplies at a tent city in Barrett Junction set up...
Regarding El Cajon City Council's advocation of religion in government: The United States Constitution with its Bill of Rights outlines the rights and protection...
Surcharge sparks firestorm Governor's fee faulted; without it, he will warn, Cal Fire faces cutbacks By Michael Gardner COPLEY NEWS SERVICE January 10, 2008 K.C. ...
A community's call on an international issue By Barbara Chamberlain December 7, 2007 When an elected body stops listening to the people who elected them #8211; i...
NEW - 08 Dec 2007 - 15:38 by CathyMiller
6:33 a.m. December 11, 2007 EAST COUNTY: More than half of Potrero's 509 voters have turned in ballots for a mail election to recall five members of the local pla...
NEW - 07 Feb 2008 - 19:17 by CathyMiller
By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER December 13, 2007 Strictly speaking, a vote removing five members of the Potrero planning group for their support of a ...
NEW - 07 Feb 2008 - 19:36 by CathyMiller
By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 1:12 a.m. December 12, 2007 EAST COUNTY #8211; Five members of the Potrero planning group were voted off the panel Tue...
NEW - 07 Feb 2008 - 19:44 by CathyMiller
UNION TRIBUNE EDITORIAL Potrero's anti Blackwater vote sends a message December 13, 2007 The East County community of Potrero has spoken emphatically that it doe...
NEW - 07 Feb 2008 - 19:48 by CathyMiller
December 14, 2007 Five new members of the Potrero planning group were sworn into office last night following their election Tuesday in a vote propelled by opposit...
NEW - 07 Feb 2008 - 21:25 by CathyMiller
City seeks state law easing annexation By LizNeely UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER February 7, 2008 EL CAJON #8211; The feud between El Cajon and the county over a Ho...
County has prohibited such training on site By Anne Krueger STAFF WRITER January 26, 2008 ALPINE #8211; A proposed shooting range for the military and law enforc...
NEW - 08 Feb 2008 - 23:28 by CathyMiller
By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER January 31, 2008 ALPINE #8211; County officials say they will issue citations to an Alpine area man if he continues to...
NEW - 11 Feb 2008 - 23:09 by CathyMiller
By Miriam Raftery The East County Californian May 31, 2008 County officials have announced plans to shut down Covert Canyon, a military and law enforcement train...
Security training camp won't be built in Potrero By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER March 8, 2008 Blackwater Worldwide dropped its plans yesterday to buil...
NEW - 21 Mar 2008 - 05:32 by CathyMiller
By ALLISON HOFFMAN, Associated Press Writer Friday, March 7, 2008 (03 07) 16:18 PST SAN DIEGO, (AP) Military security contractor Blackwater Worldwide has pulled...
NEW - 25 Mar 2008 - 17:59 by CathyMiller
By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 2:33 p.m. March 7, 2008 Blackwater Worldwide officials have announced they are pulling their application to build a tra...
NEW - 25 Mar 2008 - 18:03 by CathyMiller
Brinkmanship continues as the Jamul Indian Village has adopted a stance of #8220;we're going to build our casino and who is going to stop us? #8221; Not the sher...
By Anne KruegerM UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER March 13, 2008 For more than a year, Blackwater Worldwide's proposal for a military and law enforcement training camp ...
NEW - 26 Mar 2008 - 15:58 by CathyMiller
By Miriam Raftery The Alpine Sun POTRERO #8212; Blackwater has backed out of its plan to build a private military and law enforcement training camp on an 82...
NEW - 26 Mar 2008 - 16:05 by CathyMiller
March 20, 2008 POTRERO: Everyone is welcome at a Celebrate Potrero Party from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday at 23975 Yerba Santa Road. The purpose of the gathering is heal...
NEW - 26 Mar 2008 - 17:05 by CathyMiller
By JHarryJones UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 6:14 p.m. April 11, 2008 The board members of the county's long range planning group overwhelmingly endorsed the Sunrise...
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once said, #8220;The most important office in a democracy is that of the citizen. #8221; But typical citizens find overseein...
by DeanCalbreath UNION TRIBUNE April 13, 2008 The billboard on the freeway shows a pair of stark alternatives: a dark, grimy, smoke belching power plant versus a ...
By DeanCalbreath STAFF WRITER, San Diego Union Tribune January 4, 2008 The Sunrise Powerlink project #8211; San Diego Gas Electric's disputed plan to build a $...
By JHarryJones UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER April 9, 2008 The chance that SDG E's proposed Sunrise Powerlink project might pose a fire risk in the backcountry was t...
By JHarryJones UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER March 27, 2008 A lingering question in the Sunrise Powerlink controversy is what influence and legal powers, if any, the...
By AnneKrueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 1:41 p.m. April 22, 2008 Blackwater Worldwide is planning to open an indoor training facility in Otay Mesa after abandon...
EL CAJON #8211; Not that long ago, the East County Performing Arts Center was considered one of the best things #8211; if not the only thing #8211; downtown El...
By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER April 23, 2008 Although Blackwater Worldwide has given up its plans to build a training center in East County, the gove...
POSTED: 4:00 pm PDT April 22, 2008 UPDATED: 4:58 pm PDT April 22, 2008 SAN DIEGO Military security contractor Blackwater Worldwide is not giving up on a trainin...
By Tanya Mannes SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 7:57 p.m. April 25, 2008 SAN DIEGO #8211; Local officials will challenge Blackwater Worldwide's permit for a...
Blackwater permit faces challenge Public not informed, San Diego officials say By Tanya Mannes SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER April 26, 2008 OTAY MESA #821...
By Liz Neely STAFF WRITER August 14, 2007 EL CAJON #8211; The East County Performing Arts Center has been temporarily shuttered after chunks of plaster fell from...
Subcontractor conducted training By AnneKrueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER April 29, 2008 SAN DIEGO #8211; The owner of a shooting range who trained military per...
How city permits obtained at issue By TanyaMannes UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER May 6, 2008 San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders wants to know whether Blackwater Worldwide ...
Four members of state agency attend By JHarryJones UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER May 13, 2008 * Kristy Mundt at PUC meeting on Sunrise Powerlink: PEGGY PEATT...
By TanyaMannes UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER May 15, 2008 OTAY MESA #8211; An activist paid $100 this week to file a formal appeal of Blackwater Worldwide's permits...
Backup border fence would be built on dirt By LeslieBerestein UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER May 16, 2008 Environmentalists hoping to stop the filling of a steep cany...
* blackwaterresponsetoBroughtonbyAttorneys.pdf: Letter from Blackwater's attorney's demanding occupancy permit. May 20, 2008 Mr. Kelly Broughton Development Serv...
Regarding your Q A with Paul Russell and the East County Performing Arts Center (East County Opinion, June 29): I couldn't let this slide by without a reality che...
By Ray Huard UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 6:24 p.m. May 29, 2008 SAN DIEGO #8211; Blackwater Worldwide failed to apply for the proper permits to run a training pro...
UNION TRIBUNE 6:35 p.m. May 30, 2008 SAN DIEGO #8211; A federal judge said Friday she won't decide until Tuesday whether to order San Diego City officials to iss...
Sanders to obey Blackwater ruling By Tanya Mannes UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER June 5, 2008 OTAY MESA #8211; A federal judge ruled yesterday that Blackwater Worldw...
By Tanya Mannes UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 3:44 p.m. June 11, 2008 OTAY MESA #8211; About 70 people, many wearing green #8220;Stop Blackwater #8221; T shirts, p...
By TanyaMannes UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER June 14, 2008 OTAY MESA #8211; Blackwater Worldwide filed documents yesterday in federal court saying it should be allo...
It should not be surprising to anyone who attended the Nov. 8 El Cajon City Council meeting that El Cajon's Arts and Culture Commission was dissolved. The city mu...
UNION TRIBUNE June 25, 2008 OTAY MESA: Blackwater Worldwide, which recently obtained a federal court order allowing it to operate a military training facility, sa...
Blackwater shielded from council review By TanyaMannes UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER June 18, 2008 OTAY MESA #8211; A federal judge ruled yesterday that Blackwater ...
Vote delay to notify customers overruled By AnneKrueger, STAFF WRITER May 24, 2006 SANTEE #8211; The board of the Padre Dam Municipal Water District voted yester...
Assemblyman Joel Anderson Wednesday morning threw his support behind the 52nd Congressional District campaign of Duncan D. Hunter. At a press conference at a La M...
Term limits claim incumbent La Suer By MicheleClock STAFF WRITER May 12, 2006 A bilingual charter school principal. A well known city councilman. A businessman wh...
El Cajon Assemblyman Joel Anderson is enjoying international attention these days, thanks to the governor's decision to sign his bill forcing the state's mammoth ...
Helping Hitler Buy Guns Posted by: Mighty Thor 04/05/2007 5:12 PM Penned by DuaneDichiara at the Flashreport regarding the Union Tribune and Assemblyman Joel An...
JOINT LETTER on The Modified Route D Alternative to Sunrise Powerlink Assemblyman JoelAnderson California State Assembly 77th District 500 Fesler Street, Suit...
Governor to sign bill by La Mesa lawmaker By Bill Ainsworth STAFF WRITER September 25, 2007 SACRAMENTO #8211; While Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was ma...
Home Depot is pulling all the strings in El Cajon, California. On June 6, 2006, Sprawl Busters reported the controversial death of a Home Depot project in El Cajo...
The city of San Diego filed an appeal Thursday of a federal court ruling last month that allowed Blackwater Worldwide to operate a military training facility in O...
SAN DIEGO BlackwaterWorldwide, the for profit private army best known for its deadly role in Iraq, obtained a temporary restraining order in federal court on June...
By Tanya Mannes SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 3:27 p.m. June 17, 2008 SAN DIEGO #8211; A federal judge has granted an injunction to Blackwater Worldwide, ...
Findings on wildfires implicate Cox lines, too By JHarryJones and TonyManolatos STAFF WRITERSJuly 10, 2008A state report released last night says arcing San Diego...
Utility's new policy requires inspectionsBy J. Harry Jones STAFF WRITERJuly 11, 2008Exactly 3½ hours before an arcing power line ignited the Witch Creek fire earl...
Regarding Q A with Blackwater's Erik Prince and Brian Bonfiglio (Dialog, July 27): I wonder how much of what these two Blackwater executives say can be believed...
July 27, 2008 Erik Prince, founder and CEO of Blackwater USA, and Brian Bonfiglio, a Blackwater vice president in San Diego, recently met with the Union Tribune's...
Agents thought he paid man to cross By Leslie Berestein STAFF WRITER August 7, 2008 SOUTH COUNTY A local civil rights advocate who often files compliants on b...
MARCELA SANCHEZ THE WASHINGTON POST Changing the immigration debate August 9, 2008 A new effort to clear this country of illegal immigrants comes courtesy ...
Fourteen employees of an Oceanside fencing contractor, along with 13 relatives and "collateral" undocumented immigrants, face deportation following raids yesterda...
A fencing company that has contracted with the military was busted for the second time in less than 15 months Wednesday for hiring undocumented workers, some of w...
WASHINGTON A California company under investigation on suspicion of hiring undocumented workers won a contract in the late 1990s to help build the San Diego borde...
A company that built fences at military bases and along the border in San Diego pleaded guilty yesterday to hiring illegal immigrants in an unusual case in which ...
Christmas came early for those of us who believe that the only honest way to combat illegal immigration is to bring criminal charges against the employers who hir...
At some point, Americans are going to have to get tough on companies that knowingly hire illegal immigrants in blatant violation of the law. We're going to have d...
By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER 9:17 p.m. July 30, 2008 LA MESA Board members of the public district that oversees Sharp Grossmont Hospital said Wedn...
By Angelica Martinez UNION TRIBUNE BREAKING NEWS TEAM 10:45 a.m. August 4, 2008 LA MESA Immediate changes in communication procedures are taking place at Sharp ...
By Keith Darcé UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER August 9, 2008 Sharp HealthCare executives have spent the past two weeks trying to reassure the public that their hospit...
Hospital could lose all federal payments By Cheryl Clark UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER July 30, 2008 Sharp Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa could lose all federal paym...
District board heard of issues in media By Angelica Martinez and Cheryl Clark UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITERS August 5, 2008 LA MESA The Grossmont Healthcare Distri...
Decision follows lapses at hospital By Anne Krueger STAFF WRITER August 16, 2008 LA MESA Officials for the public district that oversees Sharp Grossmont ado...
Sempra's gas venture gathering steam at Baja site Plant expected to boost fuel supplies by 2008 By Diane Lindquist STAFF WRITER October 24, 2005 COSTA AZUL ...
Some votes miscounted in primary, officials say By Luis Monteagudo Jr. and Helen Gao UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER April 8, 2004 County officials said yesterday t...
Lawsuit alleges cover up of death By Cheryl Clark UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER August 28, 2008 LA MESA Caregivers at Sharp Grossmont Hospital incorrectly adjusted...
Blackwater deal divided community By Anne Krueger UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER August 28, 2008 Blackwater Worldwide has left Potrero behind, but the controversy eng...
EAST COUNTY PERSPECTIVE Longtime insider believes in Sharp Grossmont Hospital August 24, 2008 By Bob Yarris Reading and hearing the recent media attention around...
Raising sales taxes hurts all of us By Joel Anderson August 29, 2008 As a father of three, I know how expensive it can be to get kids ready to go back to schoo...
Infrastructure issues nationwide take wind out of clean energy's sails By Matthew L. Wald NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE August 28, 2008 When the builders of the M...
By Chris Moran STAFF WRITER September 12, 2008 EAST COUNTY County school board candidate Rose Urdahl acknowledged she doesn't have the credentials for two jobs...
By Ray Huard UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER September 11, 2008 Former El Cajon City Councilman Charles Emmet Santos has pleaded guilty to stealing money from his ail...
El Cajon yanks religious programs off city channel By Liz Neely STAFF WRITER October 25, 2006 The opening of an El Cajon city DVD (top) showed God governm...
Democrats on pace to lead registration By Craig Gustafson and Helen Gao UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITERS October 9, 2008 The electoral edge that Republicans have held ...
Helix High board calls for trustee to resign Grossmont leader alleges misconduct By Leonel Sanchez STAFF WRITER October 31, 2008 LA MESA Helix High School of...
A training camp for members of law enforcement and the military is being proposed in Imperial County that opponents say is disturbingly similar to a facility plan...
Mishaps run deeper than new machines Poll workers, voters cite tied up hotline, poor training, confusion By Jeff McDonald and Luis Monteagudo Jr. UNION TRIBUNE...
Students to use firing range at Blackwater site UNION TRIBUNE 2:00 a.m. February 9, 2009 OTAY MESA Southwestern College will send its police academy students to...
Powerlink meeting is met with outrage Residents say SDG E didn't announce routing By Anne Krueger Union Tribune Staff Writer 2:00 a.m. February 21, 2009 LAKESIDE...
LOCAL LETTERS It's a new (bad) name, but same Blackwater 2:00 a.m. February 28, 2009 About the company formerly known as Blackwater: Is a bad name the same as a ...
July 13, 2007 When it comes to requests to give away public money, El Cajon council members just can't bring themselves to say "No." The city has become enmeshed ...
SAN DIEGO A San Diego congressman plans to ask Southwestern College to rescind its plans to partner with the private security company formerly known as Blackwat...
Southwestern to rework training contract with Xe 2:00 a.m. March 12, 2009 CHULA VISTA: Southwestern College's governing board voted last night to renegotiate its ...
Iraqi widow files suit; husband killed by Blackwater employee By Greg Moran Union Tribune Staff Writer 2:00 a.m. March 21, 2009 FEDERAL COURT The widow of an Ir...
By Brian Handwerk NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NEWS July 19, 2007 Cyclical changes in the sun's energy output are not responsible for Earth's recent warming, a new study a...
VALLEY CENTER The sounds of combat helicopters, automatic weapons fire and other battle noises being broadcast in a rural Valley Center neighborhood has to stop...
VALLEY CENTER Residents of a bucolic Valley Center neighborhood were shocked when they began hearing automatic weapons fire, helicopter gunships, explosions, sh...
Ire over Obama speech action draws hundreds to meeting By Michele Clock Union Tribune Staff Writer 2:00 a.m. September 16, 2009 Sixth grader Sophia Bacting got a...
School trustee sealed his political future Concerning La Mesa Spring Valley school board member Rick Winet's public statements as to why he voted to ban the presi...
Sandra, the fifth grader in our home, left for school Tuesday morning filled with excitement. She was going to hear her president, Barack Obama, speak directly to...
Union Tribune Editorial School board's holiday meeting 2:00 a.m. September 12, 2009 EAST COUNTY Mark Twain had some choice words about them: In the first plac...
Two school board members regret blocking Obama speech By Michele Clock Union Tribune Staff Writer 6:35 p.m. September 10, 2009 Statements from board members DET...
School board's blackout of Obama speech criticized By Michele Clock Union Tribune Staff Writer 1:22 p.m. September 9, 2009 LA MESA The La Mesa Spring Valley sch...
The LaMesaSpringValleySchoolBoard ruled 3 2 to ban the live airing of President Obama's Address to Students in an emergency meeting on Sept. 7, 2009 (Labor Day) e...
District Parents Stand Up to School Board that Banned Obama s Speech by Frank Gormlie on September 15, 2009 in Civil Rights Liberties, Election, Feature, Media,...
Union Tribune Editorial A civil society? A school board polarized by politics 2:00 a.m. September 17, 2009 Resign, resign, resign! The chant rolled through...
3 BOARD MEMBERS APOLOGIZE, BUT TAPED SPEECH STILL NOT SHOWN TO MANY STUDENTS If you were students in my class, you would not pass. Maureen Paolini, teacher and...
Only comprehensive immigration reforms will work 2:00 a.m. September 22, 2009 If you are among the many who naively believe that immigration reform should begin ...
By Anne Krueger Union Tribune Staff Writer 2:00 a.m. September 24, 2009 The El Cajon City Council wants to make improvements to the 1,142 seat East County Perfor...
Watchdog Report Assemblyman's campaign fund transactions raising questions La Mesa Republican may seek Senate seat By Michele Clock and John Marelius UNION TRIB...
State scrutinizes Fresno Co. Republican funds Published online on Tuesday, Oct. 06, 2009 By E.J. Schultz / The Fresno Bee SACRAMENTO The state s politica...
Inquiry opens in Anderson finances State initiates probe of local assemblyman By John Marelius and Michele Clock UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITERS 2:00 a.m. October 8,...
ACORN's local director yesterday fired the community organizer who was caught on video providing advice about crossing the border to a couple posing as a pimp and...
The show need not go on Saturday, October 31, 2009 EAST COUNTY The East County Performing Arts Center in El Cajon is closing for two years, foreshadowing that i...
November 2, 2009 THE SHOW NEEDS TO GO ON On Saturday, October 31, 2009, an article appeared in the UT East County section entitled: The Show Need Not Go On. ...
Union Tribune Editorial Sleazy scam Anderson must return tainted donations Saturday, October 3, 2009 at 2 a.m. The Union Tribune watchdog report published Thurs...
Donation was returned to Placer County party By Michele Clock, John Marelius Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at midnight WATCHDOG UPDATE Background: The state Fair P...
July 24, 2007 LEMON GROVE: An East County institution has closed its doors. El Cajon Councilman Bob McClellan shuttered his car dealership, McClellan Buick Pontia...
By Michele Clock, John Marelius Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 12:57 a.m. About 50,500 taxpayer funded mailers were sent out by Assemblyman Joel Anderson regardin...
Obituary By Blanca Gonzalez Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 1:50 a.m. Whether she was marching for civil rights in the 1960s, demonstrating against the wars in Ir...
By Anne Krueger Monday, November 23, 2009 at 4:24 p.m. Joel Anderson Previously Oct. 1: Assemblyman's campaign fund transactions raising questions Oct. 8: Inquir...
Anderson faces big fine over donations Agency also cites Fresno GOP panel By Michele Clock, John Marelius UNION TRIBUNE Staff Writer Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at...
Most El Cajon residents probably know that Councilman Bob McClellan sells cars. But McClellan's car dealership is also a vehicle for McClellan to share his Christ...
By Michael Gardner, U T SACRAMENTO BUREAU John Marelius, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Friday, December 11, 2009 at midnight WATCHDOG UPDATE Background: The state F...
Fined legislator chided for tactics, praised as reliable By Michele Clock, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER John Marelius, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Sunday, December 1...
By Chris Reed, Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 10:24 a.m. Assemblyman Joel Anderson may think he's out of trouble now that he's paid a big fine to the FPPC for his ...
By Chris Reed, Wednesday, December 23, 2009 at 10:10 a.m. The continuing unwillingness of DA Bonnie Dumanis to confirm or deny she is considering or has begun a c...
Grossmont district to aid renovation By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 12:01 a.m. LA MESA The Boys Girls Club runs ex...
Politicians and their supporters have routinely funneled money through county level political party committees around the state, avoiding strict limits on campaig...
(Note: this academy recently pulled their contract with Blackwater/Xe to use the BlackwaterOtay training facility. See BlackwaterInSouthwesternCollege for the ful...
Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. First of two editorials Step back for a moment and forget the controversies, the politics and even some pleasant memories...
$100,000 given to clinic for uninsured Grant is increased for Volunteers in Medicine By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 12...
Labor excesses show in firing of chief Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. I am writing this letter as a protest to a preplanned labor union action ( Residen...
Union Tribune Editorial Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. EAST COUNTY _ Life isn t about waiting for the storm to pass. It s about learning to dance in t...
3 local hospitals are fined for errors UCSD facility punished for third time since 2007 By Mike Lee, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 1:3...
By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 12:01 a.m. LAKESIDE Residents angry about the Lakeside Fire Protection District board ...
By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 12:02 a.m. The chief of the Lakeside Fire Protection District has been fired in a move th...
Activist a common sight recording local meetings Ray Lutz is government watchdog By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 12:04 ...
HAMANN, ROBERT DALE Robert Dale Hamann was born in Winnepeg, Canada on December 9, 1923, and went home to be with the Lord on February 11, 2010. He moved with his...
Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. LAKESIDE Two members of the Lakeside Fire Protection District s board of directors were notified this week that they v...
By SAMANTHA GROSS, Associated Press Writer Monday, March 1, 2010 at 4:29 p.m. NEW YORK ACORN employees caught on video apparently advising a couple pos...
By KARIN LAUB, Associated Press Writer Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 9 p.m. / AP In this photo taken Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010, a woman rests on the edge of a swimming...
By The Associated Press Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 5:52 a.m. RAMALLAH, West Bank The PLO's executive committee has approved a proposal allowing the Palestinian pr...
By ARON HELLER, Associated Press Writer Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 8:10 a.m. JERUSALEM — Israel approved the construction of 1,600 new homes for Jews in disputed e...
By ARON HELLER, Associated Press Writer Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 3:02 a.m. JERUSALEM The U.S. will back those willing to "take risks for peace," U.S. Vice Pres...
By IAN DEITCH, Associated Press Writer Monday, March 8, 2010 at 12:27 p.m. / AP General view of the Jewish settlement of Beitar Illit, near Jerusalem, Monday, Mar...
Your editorial, El Cajon s Money Pit (March 8) states that ECPAC has been a money losing proposition since ... 1977, that no organization wants to manage the...
By Union Tribune Editorial Board, Monday, March 8, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. El Cajon is considering pouring $4.3 million of redevelopment money into its now shuttered p...
By John Marelius, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 8:47 p.m. SAN DIEGO Midge Costanza, once the top woman in Jimmy Carter s White House and...
By Lawrence J. Haas July 31, 2007 War opponents have learned a thing or two over the years. Rather than take the political risk of demonizing U.S. troops, as they...
Public isn t given a chance to comment By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 12:05 a.m. EL CAJON Criticism of the way El Cajon...
Power outage questions probed Shut off of Otay Mesa plant remains unclear By Onell R. Soto, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Saturday, April 3, 2010 at 12:05 a.m. OVER...
By Dean Calbreath, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 3:17 a.m. It s been 15 years since a certain lawmaker from San Diego County stood...
America s shrinking defense base By Duncan D. Hunter Sunday, April 4, 2010 at 12:05 a.m. The strength of America s military is derived from the professionalism of...
Democratic Party endorses John Marelius Tuesday, April 20, 2010 The California Democratic Party made endorsements in several contested Democratic primaries in San...
By John Marelius, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Monday, April 5, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. On the ballot Candidates in the June 8 primary election in San Diego County cong...
Violations, unpaid fees leading up to an auction of man s land By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Monday, April 19, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. Howard Lipin / Uni...
Ex Congressman Duncan Hunter, at a May 2010 high school naming committee in Alpine June 2, 2010 (San Diego s East County) Ray Lutz, Democratic candidate for the...
// East County Training Center helps developmentally challenged thrive By Karen Pearlman // , UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Thursday, July 29, 2010 at midnight EL...
Monsanto Hazmat Corn (A drawing by Eva Roufe) Poster Bumper Sticker LATEST NEWS * This project has been marked as INACTIVE. Please see EarthSummit fo...
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Prop88Comments Higher property taxes are coming to California, unless we Defeat Proposition 88 Government wastes billions of tax dollars every year. So what does ...
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NEW - 24 Aug 2010 - 07:06 by ChristineCullinan
The actual agreement * San Onofre Closure Settlement Agreement fully executed Motion for CPUC to adopt the settlement in proceeding I.12 10 013 (SONGS OII) ...
Get Bumper Stickers! Objective: Permanent decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) WE WON! Southern California Edison announced a pe...
* Tanya Mannes, Reporter for the Union Tribune:
VoteCountJune2006 Item 6/7/2006 6/8/2006 6/9/2006 6/12/2006 6/13/2006 6/14/2006 Total Uncounted 68,500 ...
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Blackwater USA, a private security firm with hundreds of millions of dollars in government work in Iraq, has polarized the backcountry community of Potrero with a...
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