Enter Wiki based event page: http:///Common/ Latest updates to this page. Enter Wiki based project page: http:///Common/ShutSanOnofre Includes media,...
A29SanOnofreProtestAndRallyAdmin * Public page SHUT DOWN SAN ONOFRE A29 Rally Conf Call, 16 Apr 2012 Speakers and Entertainment * Charlie Imes Reverend S...
Action Alert Co Sponsors Needed for Stop Outsourcing Security Act (SOS) January 26, 2010 No Private Armies NoPrivateArmies.org CONTACT: Mary Shesgreen and Da...
%SEARCH{web="Common" search="form.name~'*MediaForm' AND (Author~'*AguirreSeversonLLP*' OR Publisher~'*AguirreSeversonLLP*' OR Activist~'*AguirreSeversonLLP*' OR N...
Latest News * Listen by visiting the site: https://www.AirProgressive.org * Direct Link: http://www.AirProgressive.org:8000/stream * HTML5 Player: Your b...
? Erik Prince, the founder and spokesperson for Blackwater, says that the disagreeable word #8220;mercenary #8221; doesn #8217;t apply to their company because a...
Latest News AuditEngine Case Study Report AuditEngine was used to audit three counties in Florida: Collier, Volusia, and St. Lucie Counties. Learn about audit en...
On May 18th, 2007, Supervisor Dianne Jacob hosted a "Backcountry Revitalization" meeting at the Camp Senior Center. * You can view the video of her comments an...
Background This lawsuit was filed due to our request to view ballots was denied by the Registrar of Voters, Michael Vu. The goal of this request and the first few...
BasicInstructions Hi! If you are reading this, you were probably sent here by RaymondLutz or someone else to get some basic step by step instructions on how to he...
LATEST NEWS * Southwestern College will send its police academy students to the Blackwater Lodge and Training Center in Otay Mesa for weapons training under an...
BlackwaterOtayCitizenAction WE NEED YOUR HELP! Remember, as citizens in a democracy, it is our duty to oversee the entire government! WE ARE IN CONTROL IF WE WI...
CA50CongressionalDistrict * This district was formerly designated as the 52nd Congressional District, and is now the 50th Congressional District, after redistric...
CitizensOversight.org Reveals Thousands of Ballots Misplaced and Hundreds Uncounted by San Diego County Registrar of Voters in November, 2008 General Election S...
COPs RoV Report Thank you for completing our form for your "free" copy of our extensive research on the operation of the San Diego County Registrar of Voters. Cli...
Sub projects Latest News Background Images (Just attach your images to this topic and they will automatically be added to the gallery above!) Discussion List...
SF, LA, SAC locations: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/contactus/ San Francisco Headquarters: View Larger Map Address 505 Van Ness Ave San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone...
Citizens' Oversight Projects (COPs) Citizens' Oversight records selected meetings and events, and conducts extensive interviews. Our videos are in the style of C ...
This has been a successful year for Citizens Oversight and for everyone who has helped in our projects. And very recently, we have had a few breakthroughs putting...
This has been a successful year for Citizens Oversight and for everyone who has helped in our projects. The most active projects have been related to the San Onof...
This has been a successful year for Citizens Oversight and for everyone who has helped in our projects. Since this was an election year, the most active projects ...
This has been a successful year for Citizens Oversight and for everyone who has helped in our projects. Since this was an election year, the most active projects ...
This group is a party to the investigation by the California Public Utilities Commission. Parent topic is: ShutSanOnofre * SCE * public web page to make ...
Sub projects Images (Just attach your images to this topic and they will automatically be added to the gallery above!) Discussion List See ListServe for all em...
Foreword This report was produced by volunteers and contributors without any corporate or foundation support. Please visit http://www.copswiki.org/Common/COPsRov...
Overview * Service Area: San Diego East County, with focus on the El Cajon City Council * Meeting Place: El Cajon Library * Meeting Time / Day: 3:00 pm, Fr...
Sub projects Images (Just attach your images to this topic and they will automatically be added to the gallery above!) Discussion List See ListServe for all em...
Latest News * December2012FundraisingEmail Background This topic will help us to organize our fundraising efforts. Citizens Oversight has reached a new level...
CopsUpdate2014Oct05 * http://// == click here for Web Version of this page, for best viewing. * CopsUpdates Archive of all COPS updates emails. * http:/...
Citizens' Oversight Projects Update We are now introducing a new weekly email blast to copsmain list. Our intention is to collect the upcoming events so you can a...
Latest News New tutorials added. Background This project exists to provide a place for tutorials and information about the copswiki.org colloboration platform. C...
Latest News Background I started this project mainly as a placeholder right now, to record any issues we notice about court procedures that may need further inve...
CrowdWatch is a smartphone app (Android and iPhone) that helps users to find important "watch points" near them, then provide instructions about how to provide ef...
Click here to view on web: CITIZENS OVERSIGHT 2012 YEAR END FUNDRAISING LETTER Dear Friend: The Citizens' Oversight Project is growing and becoming even more ...
DonationInfo Of course, we appreciate any help you can give to continue to fight to save our country. There are several ways you can get involved: Please visit th...
Lawsuit filed against Potrero group, county By MiriamRaftery The EastCountyCalifornian May 3, 2007 A lawsuit has been filed by Potrero resident Zoe Rosell again...
_Potrero Blackwater battle in national spotlight_ By Miriam Raftery The East County Californian April 26, 2007 After The East County Californian published a thre...
ECPAC Foundation Nominating Committee The ECPAC Foundation Nominating Committee was formed as an ad hoc committee at the 27 Aug 2012 Foundation general meeting. T...
Upcoming Events Recent Events Latest News After significant work in planning a single annual event, Earth Summit San Diego 2019, organizers decided to reform th...
Overview The East County Transitional Living Center (ECTLC) is a center that provides transitional living opportunities for homeless persons. They get a lot of th...
Project Overview This project is to fight against election scams bent on voter suppression. A number of the popular suppression schemes range from laws that suppr...
ElCajonSafetyCenter Safety Center Strips Theater Parking On July 30th, the City of El Cajon conducted an evening public review of the new "Safety Center", propos...
ElectionAuditBestPractices It is not possible to conduct an audit unless a "Voter Verified Paper Trail" (VVPT) is available. This means the voter is able to confi...
Background This lawsuit is regarding the 1% manual audit which is mandated by California Election code section 15360. That code specifies that all ballots cast in...
Latest News This project provides a place to gather up and organize links to various initiatives regarding audits, including statistical and exhaustive approaches...
Overview We need help to harvest election data during election night and as the elections are subsequently processed. We have software to automatically check elec...
Background This project is used to provide detailed information about election equipment. Verified Voting provides a database of all equipment: https://www.verifi...
This project is working to improve the integrity of our elections, one of the most critical areas in a democracy. It now seems certain that the last two elections...
ElectionIntegrityFAQS This is a working topic which will be updated and reorganized based on questions that are received and answers composed. Hopefully, this wil...
Details about this list: This list: electionintegrity #64;citizensoversight.org is NONPARTISAN and posts related to political issues that are not directly related...
ElectionIntegrityTeamMeeting2014Jun04 The following is the invitation to the 04 Jun 2014 meeting. Videos and snapshots are on the main project page ElectionSnapho...
ElectionIntegrityTeamMeeting2014May29 This is the invitation that was sent out. We had about 10 people at the meeting. ELECTION INTEGRITY TEAM MEETING, MAY 29, 20...
Welcome! Citizens' Oversight Projects is developing a network of citizens who can help us provide oversight of our rigged and hacked elections! We need your help ...
. Welcome! *Can you volunteer to video record the random draw and manual tally! Please signup here: http://citizensoversight.org/signup * Citizens' Oversight Pro...
Latest News This topic is now being used as a basis for more general instructions, here: ElectionOversightProcedures The primary election has many new development...
ElectionOversightProcedures * Common.WelcomeElectionOversightNewbies A starting point for new arrivals to our election oversight project * Common.StateElec...
Latest News We will be improving the procedures listed above as we generalize them for the situations across the country. Audit Database We are building a databa...
EventsArchive EventsArchive2009 Calendar events for 2009 2006 Paste in events that are deleted from the Calendar Page. * 30 Sep 2006 Hanson Fundraiser, R...
EventsArchive2009 January 2009 * 04 Jan 2009 CurrentEventsTheater, Loose Change Final Cut ElCajonLibrary (1:30pm)Video will start promptly at 2:00pm NOT...
FacebookDiscussions We are now using Facebook more and more to discuss news and issues. We will start to gather these here. Later, we will establish a means to co...
Images (Just attach your images to this topic and they will automatically be added to the gallery above!) Discussion List See ListServe for all email discussi...
FundDecommissionSanOnofreTeam See project topics here: ShutSanOnofre and CoalitionToDecommissionSanOnofre The Coalition to Decommission San Onofre (CDSO) continue...
GMO Open Forum * This is a Facebook forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gmoopenforum/ * This forum uses our standard rules of etiquette: PostingEtiquette...
GmoOpenForumFaqs The moderators have observed that as new people come to the GmoOpenForum on Facebook, questions are asked and re asked over and over. This is due...
GmoOpenForumNewcomerGuide Welcome! GMO Open Forum is a Facebook forum which discusses GMO topics. This page should help new users of the forum gain the most valu...
Sub projects Overview According to Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, "the most important office in a democracy is that of the citizen." Unfortunately, our g...
Sub projects Latest News Images (Just attach your images to this topic and they will automatically be added to the gallery above!) Discussion List See ListSer...
Overview This project is to enable activist teams who will visit local jurisdictions around the San Onofre nuclear plant and ask them to support the "Move the Was...
Please Note: This page provides the PUBLIC SUPPORT PETITION and not the formal filing (also called a petition) before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Please vi...
For New Visitors Hello! Very glad to see you make it to this page to find out about the HELMS Proposal for storing nuclear waste around the country in a sensible ...
Yes, we appreciate relevant submissions of articles, videos, audio, etc. from anyone! If you are a writer or you find an article that can be submitted here, pleas...
Interaction with Ray Lutz regarding comments about his candidacy to Miller's adult (step)daughter Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by ...
KeywordList Include this in the Media Form table to allow dynamic generation. Normally, it is possible to use a topic to list the options but the select item is c...
Latest News * This project has been moved to INACTIVE. Please see AirProgressive for our streaming radio station. KNSJ Radio, 89.1FM is planned for East San Di...
Introduction Citizens' Oversight Projects has made progress in a focus on election integrity. It has become clear that changes in the elections code is our only c...
Subject: Lutz Party / Campaign Kickoff Aug 23, 4 7 pm We had a great party! Please join us for a 51st Birthday Fiesta and Campaign Kickoff Celebration for ou...
NEWS RELEASE Ray Lutz for Congress 2010www.VoteRayLutz.comMedia Contact: Brennan Purtzer, Media Director619 447 3246 / brennan@VoteRayLutz.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELE...
NEWS RELEASE Ray Lutz for Congress 2010www.VoteRayLutz.com Media Contact: Brennan Purtzer, Media Director619 447 3246 / brennan@VoteRayLutz.comFOR IMMEDIATE RELE...
HUNTER DRAWS FIRE FOR VOTE AGAINST TRIBAL LAW ORDER BILL Hunter representative defends vote on cost, transparency issues Ray LutzRep. Duncan Hunter August 3, 20...
HUNTER DRAWS FIRE FOR VOTE AGAINST TRIBAL LAW ORDER BILL Hunter representative defends vote on cost, transparency issues Ray LutzRep. Duncan Hunter August 3, 20...
NEWS RELEASE Ray Lutz for Congress 2010www.VoteRayLutz.comMedia Contact: Brennan Purtzer, Media Director619 447 3246 / brennan@VoteRayLutz.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELE...
East County candidate threatens hunger strike BY MICHELE CLOCK, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2010 AT 6:23 P.M. Campaigning for public office c...
Lutz s last supper before the Hunter hunger strike AUGUST 13, 2010 12:43 PM Usually, when Ray Lutz goes to Greek Style Chicken in El Cajon, he gets the lemon ch...
August 11, 2010 6:13 pm One of the frustrations of political challengers is getting the incumbent to debate. Ray Lutz, a Democratic candidate in the 52nd Congre...
REGION: War rarely mentioned in congressional races LACKLUSTER ECONOMY, JOBS AND IMMIGRATION CITED AS TOP VOTER CONCERNS By MARK WALKER mlwalker #64;nctimes.com...
Candidate continues hunger strike for debate BY MICHELE CLOCK, UNION TRIBUNE TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2010 AT 8:09 P.M. PHOTO BY JOHN GASTALDO Congressional candidate ...
Candidates undergo hunger strike By KASIE HUNT 8/17/10 10:10 PM EDT Sen. Carl Levin (D Mich.) was probably embarrassed when a student protester shoved a pie i...
The Slatest Evening Edition MEREDITH SIMONS Congressional Challengers Go on Hunger Strike If politicians should be wary of upstarts with a " lean and hungry ...
Congressional Candidate on Hunger Strike Feels Pretty Good Ray Lutz, a Democratic candidate for California's 52nd congressional district, is hungry. He's taken an...
On Monday, August 2, we hand delivered our first request to Duncan D. Hunter to participate in a series of eight debates around the district. We requested a respo...
CA 52: Dem longshot fishing for a debate with a...unique...tactic Frontrunners often eschew debates, for the simple reason that they don't want to give media focu...
California Congressional Challengers On Hunger Strike To Force Debate With Duncan Hunter The Huffington Post Nick Wing First Posted: 08 18 10 01:13 PM Up...
REGION: Congressional longshots capitalizing on hunger strike RAY LUTZ AND MICHAEL BENOIT GETTING PUBLICITY, BUT LITTLE NOURISHMENT By MARK WALKER Posted: Wedne...
Duncan Opponents on Hunger Strikes By JANIE LORBER Rep. Duncan D. Hunter s challengers want to debate him so badly they can taste it probably because they haven...
Big Number segment on Hardball with Chris Matthews Big Number: Two California Congressional candidates, Democrat Ray Lutz and Libertarian Mike Benoit, have pledge...
going to a debate with Duncan Hunter is not important enough for me to die August 19, 2010 6:54 AM The Duncan Hunter debate me now or I won t eat story may be ...
Two Congressional Hopefuls Hungry for a Debate In the political news void that is August, the media have stumbled on two Californiacongressional hopefuls hungry f...
Reformas sí, muros no: Ray Lutz Por Alexandra Mendoza De llegar al Congreso, el aspirante demócrata Ray Lutz respaldaría una reforma migratoria que beneficie a m...
California House Candidates Stage Hunger Strike Over Duncan Debates By Christopher Weber Two congressional candidates who want Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R Calif.) to...
Candidates Go On Hunger Strike, Jack Daniels Woos Reporters With Booze and More in Capital Eye Opener: August 19 By Evan Mackinder on August 19, 2010 10:10 AM Yo...
REGION: Hunter to debate on Oct. 15 only By MARK WALKER mlwalker #64;nctimes.com The Duncan Hunter campaign on Thursday continued to reject calls from hunger st...
Hungry for debate, two California congressional hopefuls stop eating By Daniel B. Wood, Staff writer / August 20, 2010 Los Angeles CNN anchor Kyra Phillips could ...
Candidates go on hunger strike due to lack of debates By Elizabeth Marie Himchak Congressional candidates Ray Lutz and Michael Benoit are one week into a hunger ...
FRANK: Candidates are really hungry for debate By Jeff Frank TGI Saturday: Political candidates have tried a lot of stunts to push opponents into agreeing to deba...
No Partisan Politics Please Randy Dotinga's contemptuous and misleading description of the hunger strike by the Congressional challengers to Duncan Hunter's son n...
Hunger Strikes, Water Rates And Drunk Driving Fatality In East County BY MAUREEN CAVANAUGH, PAT FINN August 23, 2010 MAUREEN CAVANAUGH (Host): I'm Maureen Cavanau...
CANDIDATES SOUND OFF AT POLITICS IN PARADISE FORUM By Miriam Raferty August 22, 2010 (El Cajon ) Two Congressmen and four local lawmakers fielded questions from...
Fed up, Lutz ends hunger strike By Kasie Hunt After 11 days on a hunger strike, California Democratic congressional candidate Ray Lutz is throwing in the napkin. ...
LUTZ, BENOIT HUNGER STRIKES GAIN NATIONAL MEDIA ATTENTION Candidates are hungry for debate with Rep. Duncan Hunter East County News Service August 22, 2010 (San...
Candidate: It's time to eat again After 11 days, East County political activist breaks fast began to get debate BY MICHELE CLOCK, UNION TRIBUNE ORIGINALLY PUBLIS...
Hungry for Publicity Getting publicity when you're not the political incumbent is difficult understatement. Well, Ray Lutz, 53, solved that problem in an innova...
REGION: Congressional candidate ends hunger strike By TERI FIGUEROA Posted: Monday, August 23, 2010 8:39 pm Eleven days after going on a hunger strike, congres...
Letters: medal deceit, debates and dogs BY UNION TRIBUNE MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 2010 AT MIDNIGHT Debate hunger strike All candidates running for an office should agr...
Polling and Political Wrap, 8/24/10 by Steve Singiser Tue Aug 24, 2010 at 08:00:05 PM PDT THE U.S. HOUSE CA 52: The debate is on, and the hunger strike is off T...
DYING TO DEBATE August 24, 2010 Political candidates often have trouble getting their opponents to debate. When you re ahead, why debate? At least that s how the ...
GOP Convention and the Duncan Hunter Hunger Strike CityBeat grades the Prop 20 T Shirt, DeMaio's Pension Tsunami and Lutz and Benoit's media stunt By CityBeat Sta...
COUNTYWIDE DEMOCRATS ANNOUNCE RALLY IN EAST COUNTY SUNDAY, AUGUST 29 Public invited to meet elected officials and candidates August 26, 2010 (La Mesa) Instead of...
Press Conference Today at RB Community Park Applauding Passage of Chelsea s Law, 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, August 31, 2010 By Staff Report San Diego County, Calif. (Augu...
Incumbent congressman would rather not campaign It s tough running for Congress in inland North County when there s a D attached to your name.Just ask Ray Lutz,...
Battle Begins For CA Congressional Seat By Claudia Strasbaugh San Diego's "Democratic Unity Campaign" kickoff and rally was held this weekend at Harry Griffen Par...
Why won t Hunter debate?In a time of too much biased media, negative ads and million dollar commercials to go around, voters deserve the one real time experience ...
MEDIA ADVISORYRay Lutz for Congress 2010www.VoteRayLutz.comMedia Contact: Brennan Purtzer, Media Director619 447 3246 / brennan@VoteRayLutz.comHunger Strike candi...
REGION: Birthright Citizenship Debate Goes Mainstream By Edward Sifuentes, North County Times A call to end automatic citizenship for the children of illegal immi...
Californians debate debates: Who gets to participate? First it was hunger striking candidates. Now a Libertarian running for secretary of state in California laun...
2010 Candidates Refuse To Debate Their Opponents: What Are They So Afraid Of? First Posted: 09 10 10 11:58 AM Updated: 09 10 10 11:58 AM Read More: 2010 Deb...
FEATHERS FLY IN CONGRESSIONAL RACE; 2 CANDIDATES TO DEBATE SEPT. 21 IN RAMONA _ We have a chicken suit and we may have someone wear it to stand in for Duncan Hunt...
Hunter foes face daunting task DEMOCRAT AND LIBERTARIAN SAY YOUNG LAWMAKER RIDING FATHER'S COATTAILS Freshman Congressman Duncan D. Hunter says there's one thing ...
REGION: Issa won't debate Democratic opponent SPOKESMAN SAYS CONGRESSMAN FOCUSED ON WATCHDOG ROLE Rep. Darrell Issa won't debate his 49th Congressional District o...
House passes small business lending bill The congressional stalemate on the small business lending bill, H. R. 5297, ended today at 3:03 pm. The House approved th...
East County Election Races Heating up We look at large and small races in the East County worthy of interest, including the competitive 77th Assembly District, Ma...
Our endorsements people Find out whom we like to serve you in national, state and local offices By CityBeat Staff U.S. Senate With California newspapers describ...
This debate was held on October 15, 2010 at the Cuyamaca College Communication Arts Theater. * Sponsor: East County Chamber of Commerce * Master of Ceremon...
Only Debate in 52nd Congressional District Pits Incumbent vs. Challengers Rep. Duncan D. Hunter makes, takes shots in Cuyamaca College forum with Democrat Ray Lut...
Absentee voters change election dynamics CHANCES FADE FOR LAST MINUTE HIT PIECES AS INCREASING NUMBERS VOTE EARLY By MARK WALKER mlwalker #64;nctimes.com Post...
Highlight Reel Shows Lutz, Benoit Targeting Duncan D. Hunter at Debate Friday night's lone debate in the 52nd Congressional District featured GOP Rep. Hunter, Dem...
HUNTER DEFENDS RECORD AGAINSTS ATTACKS ON TWO FRONTS IN DEBATE AT CUYAMACA COLLEGE October 18, 2010 (El Cajon) Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, who served in the A...
Slush funds, oil imports and lying mailers CityBeat grades Whitburn and Roberts, Hunter and Lutz, and lying a union mailer By CityBeat Staff Slushy terrain Coun...
The meet the candidates event included only Republican candidates. Ray attempted to confront Duncan D. Hunter regarding the upcoming debate schedule but he immedi...
LGBT friendly candidate takes on Duncan D. Hunter for Congressional seat Democrat Ray Lutz held hunger strike to force a debate with Republican opponent By Pat S...
Treehuggers International 2010 Voting Guide U.S. Representative, 52nd District Ray Lutz Ray Lutz worked with the town of Potrero to kick out the corporate welfa...
REGION: Candidates in last minute push REGISTRAR REPORTS MORE THAN 303,000 BALLOTS ALREADY CAST THROUGH FRIDAY MORNING It's crunch time for the candidates. Expec...
Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization Aired at City Council Meeting Council members hear out speakers, including Congress candidate Ray Lutz, but don't weigh i...
Rep. Duncan D. Hunter's Campaign Money Goes in 'Other' Direction Republican lists no assets or income outside congressional pay but is using part of his war ches...
Final Turds Blossoms tally CityBeat reveals which campaigns smelled the freshest and funkiest The end is nigh! No doubt, there will be cheers in some political ...
This email was sent to GrossmontHealthcareDistrict CEO Barry Jantz on 2010 11 08 Dear Mr. Jantz: Please distribute my comments to members of the GHD Board. 1. ...
Jim Stieringer submitted his resignation Friday in hopes of winning a job with the district, but when he didn't get it Wednesday morning, he rescinded his action....
Report after the closed session: Despite advertising in print and on line in the San Diego Daily Transcript, and posting the position on the district website, the...
His application for a job at the Grossmont health district was rejected By Steve Schmidt Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 10:06 p.m. Document Download: Grossmon...
Board rejects Jim Stieringer s application for district staff job. Now Stieringer, who retired Friday, asks for his Board seat back but his future remains in limb...
By SteveSchmidt Monday, November 15, 2010 at 7:48 p.m. Jim Stieringer Pension math Board pension: Retiring at age 69, Stieringer is expected to net a pension wit...
Jim Stieringer's old seat on the Grossmont Healthcare District board will go to someone else, the board decided Monday morning after meeting in closed session at ...
Response by CalAware, ready to bring this to court: I sincerely appreciate your very prompt reply to our concerns. I assure you that our aim is to educate and, o...
Letter says the board violated the Brown Act with a "secret meeting" in which directors decided not to give former board member Jim Stieringer his seat back. The ...
Californians Aware used the threat of lawsuit to gain a reversal from the board, which now will meet Tuesday on Jim Stieringer's request to get his former seat ba...
By Union Tribune Editorial Board Saturday, November 20, 2010 at midnight Why a 69 year old health care district trustee tried to switch to full time employee stat...
Transcript: Stieringer: Good morning. I just suddenly realized that my corrected vision is not really good for these sort of distances. Actually, I'm really glad...
There are NINE parts to this video, each one is about 40 minutes in length. The BOS did not vote on the matter until 2010 12 21. The following is the report of an...
Part 1 This part includes the analysis of LAFCO legal counsel regarding whether El Cajon Mayor Mark Lewis could be included in the closed session regarding the li...
Grossmont Schools Chief Rebuffs Demand, Will Attend Event at Sonrise Church in Santee District calls Santee church a fixture in the community that is “regularly u...
DID SCHOOL DISTRICT VIOLATE CONSTITUTION BY HOLDING EVENT AT CHURCH? Superintendent Ralf Swenson Multiple locations on district campuses were available, but ...
Email sent to La Mesa City Clerk CPRA REQUESTPlease provide the following documents:1. Resignation by James Stieringer from position of City Treasurer, I believe ...
On Osama bin Laden killing: We had just arrived home on a drive from Sacramento after the Democratic State Convention when my son told me the news, and we tuned t...
Also posted: http://lamesa.patch.com/blog_posts/questioning bin laden capture events is not conspiracy theories Questioning Events is not "Conspiracy Theories" We...
Is assassination becoming a popular way to deal with political problems? Israel thinks it is appropriate to assassinate a Hamas figurehead "the same way bin Laden...
Secret Desert Force Set Up by Blackwater s Founder By MARK MAZZETTI and EMILY B. HAGER ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates Late one night last November, a plane ca...
SUGGESTED GOALS FOR THE OCCUPATION Ray Lutz Version 6 The Occupy Wall Street movement is sweeping the nation and the world. It is the best thing I've seen in m...
We have some video extractions from this meeting, below. Entire OSD comments are MediaArchivedOffline and can be provided upon request. Part 1 http://youtu.be/7e...
FUKUSHIMA REMEMBEREDProtest Continued Risky and Costly Operation of San Onofre Nuclear Waste Plant On March 11 Fukushima Daiichi Disaster Anniversary * Had...
M11SanOnofreProtestAndRallyComms Ranger Interaction (Most recent first) Mr. Lutz, Thank you for responding to my e mail. In order to reserve a campsite at the St...
* See video of this meeting Here Background: * Website: http://www.smartmoneysummit.org/ don't waste your time, this website has almost no usable informatio...
Agenda and Prior meeting minutes Panel members, from left of screen: * Murtaza Baxamusa Family Housing Corporation * Kathy Patoff Union Bank * Roose...
Occupy San Diego Canvass for a Cause For immediate release 11/29/2011Contact: Rachel Scoma, Esq. Rachel #64;canvassforacause.org 760 271 0579Former Congressional ...
Part 0: Press Conference at Submission of Ballot Proposition paperwork This part actually occurred 2012 01 05 http://youtu.be/ts9EFgXqr 4 Part 1: Ray Lutz bein...
_ This is what they do in banana republics and undemocratic societies. former San Diego City Attorney MichaelAguirre, calling arrest a violation of the Civil Rig...
Occupy San Diego activists marched into City Hall Monday morning, looking to make a "citizen's arrest" of Mayor Jerry Sanders. About two dozen occupiers were met ...
SAN DIEGO (CBS) Members of Occupy San Diego attempted to make a citizen s arrest of the city s mayor on Monday over allegations of embezzlement. KNX 1070 s Tom ...
A group of about 20 Occupy San Diego protesters attempted a citizen s arrest Monday of Mayor Jerry Sanders for allowing a temporary name change of Qualcomm Stadiu...
CLICK FOR VIDEO SAN DIEGO About 20 members of Occupy San Diego tried to make a citizen's arrest of Mayor Jerry Sanders Monday, alleging that he committed embezz...
SAN DIEGO (CNS) About 20 members of Occupy San Diego tried to make a citizen's arrest of Mayor Jerry Sanders Monday, alleging that he committed embezzlement whe...
By U T San Diego Sunday, January 15, 2012 I read with great dismay and disappointment that San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders tried to justify his actions that went co...
San Diego s chief financial officer questioned whether the city was being appropriately paid for a temporary name change of Qualcomm Stadium to endorse the compan...
In addition to this cover sheet, the entire "Statement of Action" was submitted to the Grand Jury. * COPS 2012 02 23 PressRelease SnapdragonToGrandJury Timesta...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Spoke at the Forging a Sustainable Future Symposium. It was an amazing speech worth your time to view it. Part 1 http://youtu.be/KoQ2UfOj...
SEND TO ALL LISTS PRESS RELEASE Citizens' Oversight Projects (COPS) Ray Lutz / RayLutz@CitizensOversight.org / 619 820 5321 Residents Organizing for a Safe Env...
Part 1 First 15 minutes or so were from livestream by Jason Snyder (because I forgot to start my camera). At least we got it all. This part includes our guest fro...
It may be curtains for the theater that aimed to be East County’s cultural jewel. Shuttered and in need of major renovation, the East County Performing Arts Cente...
Part 1 * March from San Onofre State Beach * Charlie Imes Reverend Stickman Gathering music * Gene Stone, Residents Organized for a Safe Environment ...
AGENDA ITEM: (Approved unanimously) 16. Conduct a public hearing to consider rescission of the following approvals granted on December 21, 2010, for the Coyote We...
The chairman of the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission toured the San Onofre nuclear power plant Friday with elected officials. He later met with activists who...
* Press Release regarding the proposal submittal * Cover Letter to City Manager Douglas Williford re: Foundation proposal * ECPAC Foundation Proposal (PDF):...
FULL TRANSCRIPTION: NRCMeetingTranscript2012 06 18 Of NRC public meeting, parts 1 4 Part 0 Friends of the Earth Petition to Intervene This action by Frie...
By Miriam Raftery June 27, 2012 (El Cajon) At a press conference on June 22, members of the new ECPAC Foundation provided details to media on their proposal to r...
OCEANSIDE About 10 people urged the Oceanside City Council on Wednesday to place on a future meeting agenda a discussion on the nuclear power plant in San Onofre....
* Press_Release_on_COPS_Review_of_AIT_Report.pdf: Press Release on COPS Review of AIT Report * Questions_to_NRC_from_AIT_Report_and_June_18_meeting.pdf: Questi...
EL CAJON What was built to be East County s premier performing arts venue remains mothballed and in need of repairs, but a campaign is underway to bring the dow...
* PRA El_Cajon ECPAC_Records 2012 08 02.pdf: Original request letter from COPS * LETTER RAY_LUTZ_081312.pdf: Cover letter #1 from the City of El Cajon in respo...
EL CAJON Dustin Holum, a 2000 Valhalla High graduate, grew up performing, volunteering and later working as a member of a youth theater group at the East County...
See main subproject here: SanOnofreLicenseAmendmentIntervention Latest News A petition to intervene and request a hearing has been submitted as of Oct 17, 2012 ...
* lutz claim against sd for arrest bw.pdf: Claim against the City of San Diego (with personal information redacted) * rejection_of_claim_by_city_2012 03 15.pdf...
Goldman Sachs is majority owner of property management firm headed by Senator Feinstein s husband Story by Miriam Raftery, photos by Ron Logan November 30, 2011 (...
CONTACT: Ray Lutz, COPS Coordinator raylutz #64;citizensoversight.org / 619 820 5321 http://www.CitizensOversight.org San Diego County, California FOR IMMEDIA...
After the massive clearing of Civic Center Plaza and the arrest of 51 protesters in the early morning hours, this activist was arrested for supposedly setting dow...
* Emailed to Richard Belesky on Nov. 3, 2012. * LetterToParkRangerAboutAnti SealSigns.pdf: Letter to Ranger Richard Belesky about anti seal signs at Childrens ...
* Real_story_about_the_state_budget_v4.pdf: Analysis of the budget of California for the prior 30 years NOTE by RayLutz: I am a bit worried that the final two cur...
Rally and Press Conference http://youtu.be/Ejxra54m7qw Meeting Part 1 http://youtu.be/CcEmbpvJ71E Meeting Part 2 http://youtu.be/Aomjo1bjxsw Meeting Part 3...
See main subproject here: SanOnofreLicenseAmendmentIntervention Overview This proceeding, held on Dec 5, 2012, was to determine if Citizens Oversight has conten...
Your browser does not support the audio element. It was a lesson in fighting city hall or, in this case, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. An activist engineer...
AUDIO: http://www.kpbs.org/audioclips/16167/ It s a David and Goliath situation, but a panel of independent judges at the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board is con...
SAN ONOFRE, Calif. If Southern California Edison thought it was moving smoothly toward firing up San Onofre's Unit 2 reactor, it received a rude awakening on Fr...
Featured Interview: Engineer and activist Ray Lutz nukes the NRC s cover up of SCE s responsibility for San Onofre s steam generator problems. PLUS: * Four n...
Resolution as Adopted: San Diego School Board Resolution San Onofre Power Plant Safety, 1 22 13 Press Conference http://youtu.be/XUSmmxtUO68 Resolution Agenda ...
The following spreadsheet is a summary of videos found on YouTube related to Occupy.OccupySanDiego. It does not include at this time videos from other video s...
Our country constantly tries to grapple with the concepts of the Federal Budget Deficit and the National Debt. You hear about "Sequestration," which is essentiall...
VIDEO OF PRESS CONFERENCE http://youtu.be/Szq8ATVhc 4 VIDEO OF HEARING MediaArchivedOffline TRANSCRIPT OF HEARING * I1210013_022113_VOL_1_PPH.PDF: Transcrip...
Revised 2013 03 18 This analysis has a robust discussion on Facebook, click here to join the fray The national economy, debts and deficits are largely totally mis...
The CPUC, the California Public Utilities Commission is a state agency that regulates utilities. This meeting is a quasi judicial hearing regarding the San Onofre...
This is Phase 1 of the investigation by by the CPUC into the outage at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). This phase is constrained to the events and ...
This meeting occurred just after the announcement by Southern California Edison that they would not attempt to restart either unit at the San Onofre Nuclear Gener...
The CPUC is a public agency that is responsible for regulating the public utilities in California. In this case, this agency is in the midst of an investigation i...
Ray Lutz 1010 Old Chase Ave El Cajon, CA 92020 Sept 4, 2013 To: Rep. Susan Davis 2700 Adams Ave San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 280 5353 Dear Rep. Davis: I am hopi...
* COPS_comment_to_NRC_on_Foreign_Ownership.pdf: Official submission to the NRC. To: Jo Ann Simpson Financial Analyst Financial Analysis and International Proje...
Video of Afternoon Session About 7 minutes were omitted at the beginning of Part 1 and 3 minutes at the beginning of Part 2 which were facilitator remarks about l...
This Public Participation Hearing (PPH) was held in San Diego to hear comments from the public regarding the CPUC investigation into the outages at San Onofre, I....
Media Contact: Ray Lutz 619 820 5321 / raylutz #64;citizensoversight.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE City of San Diego to Approve Settlement with Ray Lutz for Voter R...
DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO East County activist Ray Lutz received a $60,000 legal settlement from the city Tuesday stemming from his 2011 arrest for trespassing while t...
The First Amendment is alive and well in San Diego, however, not without the help of attorneys and the courts. On Tuesday, December 10, the city council is expect...
SAN DIEGO, Dec. 10, 2013 /PRNewswire USNewswire/ A First Amendment attorney who the San Diego City Attorney was prosecuting has now had all charges against him ...
Police cleared Civic Center Plaza and Children's Park in the early morning hours of 2011 10 28 and 51 people were arrested, gear and tents confiscated. This video...
This was a five day Evidentiary Hearing. All days were webcast. You can access the webcast at the following links. These should be opened in RealPlayer. * 2013...
Videos can be viewed directly on CPUC website at the following links. The first day of the proceeding was not webcast and is not available. The .rm links can be p...
This is an archive of images. click attach to add images. Date of this media item is arbitrary. From Ron Dismuke's camera * IMG_1203.JPG: * IMG_1204...
PLEASE NOTE! Many people have received a summons like this in the mail. If you have, take note: * The first sheet is a "Waiver of Service of Summons" which, if...
East County Performing Arts Center in talks with Rock Church By Karen Pearlman8:47 p.m.Feb. 27, 2014 The shuttered East County Performing Arts Center is in down...
CPRA REQUEST (Sent to city using ther web based contact us form) This request is made per the California Public Records Act. Please provide information in electro...
* FormalObjectionToClosedSessionAndLeaseToRockChurch.pdf: Letter to City of El Cajon regarding improper closed session and lease of ECPAC to The Rock Church Date:...
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Coalition to Decommission San Onofre Contact: Ray Lutz, 619 820 5321 raylutz #64;citizensoversight.org EDISON SDG E PROPO...
PRESS RELEASE IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ray Lutz / 619 820 5321 / raylutz@citizensoversight.org (Note: Mr. Lutz will be on travel and out of cell range from 4...
* SD UT Nuke Pg1 Sun 4 20 14.pdf: Print Edition Story as PDF * SSD UTnuke_story Pg2 Sun4 20 14.pdf: Print Edition Story as PDF Pg 2 At issue is whether utilit...
For many decades, the California Public Utilities Commission and the big companies it regulates — Pacific Gas Electric, Southern California Edison, Southern Cal...
California historically has offered one of the most constructive regulatory environments in the nation, says Hugh Wynne, a Wall Street research analyst. Because ...
Ratepayer rep s role questioned Consumer advocates say group fell short on San Onofre settlement By Jeff McDonald6:12 p.m.May 13, 2014 As regulators and utility ...
Settling The Bill For Closing The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Wednesday, May 14, 2014 By Erik Anderson Utilities, consumer advocates and critics are in...
NOTES: * This video is not the entire hearing, but the introductory remarks and the cross examination by Attorney Mike Aguirre. This version includes all the ...
* Letter_To_Rov Snapshot_Request_for_June_2014_2014 05 15.pdf: Letter to the Registrar of Voters requesting cooperation in our oversight process for June 2014 Re...
* See also the Full Length video and transcript of Aguirre's cross examination, including all objections and improprieties by ALJ Darling (about an hour): Click H...
Mike Aguirre gets cussed out at CPUC The president of the California Public Utilities Commission swore and angrily refused to answer questions last week at an unu...
PERFORMING ARTS TENANTS SOUGHT With renovation of ECPAC set to begin, El Cajon wants to arrange some long term leases By Karen Pearlman 5:06 a.m.May 22, 2014 el ...
Peeved Commissioner Peevey hints at CPUC's disarray The regulators' fixed deal is naked By Don Bauder, May 26, 2014 On May 14, the California Public Utilities...
The following is data from the San Diego County RegistrarOfVoters for the June 2014 SnapshotProtocol * snapshot2014 06.zip: Raw snapshot data, compressed (unco...
The Coalition to Decommission San Onofre requestst that each one of the Commissioners and/or advisors, as appropriate, view the above video presentation, as if we...
A new standoff has emerged in deliberations over who should pay for the breakdown of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Two consumer advocates have urged ...
Rock Church to lease El Cajon arts center By Karen Pearlman9:40 p.m.Aug. 12, 2014 EL CAJON — The Rock Church will be a part time resident of the East County Perfo...
The following email was sent to Morgan Foley, City Attorney for El Cajon City Council: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST OF 3/10/2014 followup... Thank you Mr. Foley for thi...
* RFI1483 CajonValleyUnionSchoolDistrict ChurchUseofSchoolFacilities.pdf: Letter to David Miyashiro, Superintendent of Cajon Valley School District Received this ...
* Young_Life_Campaign_v_Patino.rtf: Young LIfe Campaign Vs. Patino Director of the Employment Development Department appealed from judgments of the Superior court...
This letter was submitted to the City of El Cajon to influence their negotiations with the Rock Church. Summary * Issue 1: Theater manager should be hired fir...
GO TO OFFSET 15:00 to index to the start of the interview! To hear RADIO INTERVIEW, by MaureenCavanaugh, visit: http://www.kpbs.org/news/2014/sep/09/controversy s...
These tutorial videos provide an overview of the election processing flowchart and how asking for a snapshot CD of the election at a critical time can put a stop ...
Critics say El Cajon officials are going backwards by entering into negotiations with The Rock before securing a theater manager By Kinsee Morlan Ray Lutz criti...
Update: You can read the letter submitted to the City here. Sept. 5, 2014 (El Cajon) The El Cajon City Council ordered City Manager Douglas Williford to enter int...
Headline in hardcopy edition: EL CAJON VENUE SHOULD BE OPEN FOR WIDE PUBLIC USE The East County Performing Arts Center (ECPAC) has been closed unreasonably for f...
The East County Performing Arts Center (ECPAC), which is owned and operated by the city of El Cajon and located within the downtown district, closed its doors alm...
A group of utility consumers announced a federal lawsuit Friday against the California Public Utilities Commission and one of the state’s largest electric compani...
You may hear that nuclear power is "green" because it does not contribute to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) pollution, and thus is a possible solution to climate change. Af...
Let's pull this apart a bit more. There are a few different "levels" that such actions may be classified into: 1. "PRIVATE ACTION" Club/Group/Forum meetings whe...
* 2014 12 31_COPS_Letter_to_Victor_Dricks_on_Diablo_Canyon_Safety_Meeting_on_Jan_14,_2015_in_Arlington_TX.pdf: 2014 12 31 COPS Letter to Victor Dricks on Diablo C...
* 2015 01 15_Press_Release_ _COPS_files_legal_protest_on_decommissioning_spending.pdf: Press Release on the Protest by COPS on SONGS Decommissioning Spending *...
SCE reports private contact in 2013 with PUC head Peevey In 2013, then PUC President Michael Peevey spoke privately with an SCE executive about San Onofre. (Mark ...
Shut up! Shut up! Edison admits secret huddle with Michael Peevey on San Onofre By Don Bauder, Feb. 9, 2015 This afternoon (February 9), Southern California Edi...
raylutz@citizensoversight.org 619 820 5321 February 11, 2015 PRESS RELEASE MEDIA ADVISORY – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Peevey Toasters Face Public Scrutiny Southern...
* COPS_Letter_to_El_Cajon_challenging_closed_session_on_ECPAC_of_2015 02 24.pdf: COPS letter challenging closed session on Rock Church Lease of ECPAC on 2/24/2015...
Peevey Gala Event Sponsors * Sponsors paid to Don Solem, co chair, Mill Valley, CA * Report of monies collected by Pickers for this Peevey Gala. Why is this...
Interactive Timeline Source data https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aIdn_VZRJSK_KQeY1AhARdf7Yqnu5rOOx2skT09qD6E/edit#gid=0 The following is manually entere...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE On February 25, 2015, Citizens Oversight and other plaintiffs, represented by attorneys Aguirre Severson LLP, made a significant filing in...
SouthernCaliforniaEdison was the licensee and primary operator of the San Onofre nuclear plant. 1 On Feb 12, 1999, SCE obtained NRC approval to reduce T(cold) ...
The following are responses to CPRA requests for information regarding the unusual sponsorship of the Peevey Gala event and also the linkage between the $25 milli...
Prehearing conference of the San Onofre Nuclear Plant decommissioning proceeding. in this meeting, the parties make their case for issues that have been determine...
PRESS RELEASE AND MEDIA ADVISORY San Onofre Deal In Federal Court Peevey's Warsaw Notes Strengthens Ratepayer Advocate's Position Oral Argument to be heard on ...
* MAM2015PressRelease1_V4.pdf: March Against Monsanto San Diego Press Release 1 March Against Monsanto San Diego Organizers Consider Event Route with GMO Free C...
Introduction A lot as been said about the "Seralini Rat Study" AKA "Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup tolerant genetically modified maize", ...
The GMO Skeptics Forum has been demonstrating a vast degree of censorship and pro GMO bias. Transcript with RayLutz and the Admin My interaction with your Admin:...
The following emails and responses led up to this response First Request Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 16:19:29 0700 From: Ray Lutz To: Douglas Williford , Belinda ...
CPRA Request Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2015 12:09:32 0800 From: Ray Lutz To: Morgan Foley , Belinda Hawley Subject: East County Transitional Living Center Dear ...
This topic combines several related documents. The original motion was denied and then a new motion was filed. July 2 Motion * I12 10 013 CDSO 603 MotionOnSan...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ratepayer Group Citizens' Oversight Sends Open Letter to San Onofre Settlement Endorsers "It's time to pull your support" SAN DIEGO (Aug 1...
Introduction Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is the label being used regarding food and other crops that use recombinant DNA technology to introduce traits in...
* See * ShutSanOnofre for more information on the problems at the plant. * StopTheUnfairSettlement for references to catch up on the current status o...
Introduction You will learn (with evidence) that 1. Cry proteins which are generated from GM crops differ from those generated by Bt bacteria. 2. The US FDA...
By Jeff McDonald 9 a.m. Jan. 30, 2016 When alloy tubing in one of the new steam generators at San Onofre leaked a small amount of radiation four years ago this ...
A Whiff of Methane and the Odor of Corruption. By: Brett Redmayne Titley “Oh! Sure. Twice, just last week,” answered Porter Ranch resident Jim Baker to the questi...
Background There is a "dose makes poison" chart which circulates on the internet. It uses a typical Monsanto sleight of hand, in that it equates Roundup with Glyp...
Latest News * AB 840 modified on August 28 to allow only early VBM and Polls ballots now signed into law. * In the appellate court, they judged that due t...
Hearing Reminder * July 6, 3pm * San Diego Superior Court, 330 W. Broadway * Dept. C 73, (West annex, 6th Floor) * SORRY YOU MISSED IT! Here is a vide...
* 0607_E_public_notice_1.pdf: Public notice of the random draw and manual tally * Audit report and analysis * ManualTallySelectionMeetingTranscript.pdf: Tra...
SAN DIEGO (KUSI) — A court case has been filed against the Registrar of Voters for not including all votes when he conducted an audit as required by law. It charg...
TO: City of El Cajon, c/o Belinda Hawley, City Clerk N. Dean Huseby, Choi, Chin Woo, Vasquez, William G, Ilumin, Robert G, County Supervisor Dianne Jacob Jo...
Here is some evidence of possible election fraud in San Diego. It is clear that more information is needed to determine if these actions are legal or not. We find...
* Invite email and Agenda for this meeting: Election Team Email 2016 08 07 * Audio recording of the Election Oversight Team conference call of 2016 08 10 A...
Background Roster Review is conducted after the election as soon as voter sign in rosters are available. This procedure is * a check on the chain of custody o...
* ElectionTeamEmail_2016 08 16 See this topic for the email just before the conference call which includes the agenda for the conference call meeting. * El...
Please also see this topic for all lawsuit related information: ElectionAuditLawsuit Initial lawsuit filing: * Graphic summarizing the election audits:
Election Team Email 2016 08 25 (read this as a web page: ) THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING TO JOIN OUR ELECTION OVERSIGHT TEAM! * This is conference call #3 since...
Election lawsuit on track for October trial Plaintiffs want registrar to count provisional ballots in quality control audit By Joshua Stewart 2:37 p.m. Aug. 23...
In this video, you will learn about: * Logging in and setting your wikiname. * The fact that you need to send an email to raylutz #64;citizensoveright.org t...
In this video you will learn about: * the general concept of the media database. * how to create a new media topic * adding a video media and embedding t...
Related Topics: * OversightSuggestionsInArizonaAndFlorida Comments, first video: * Left to right: Supervisor of Elections (SOE), Wesley Wilcox, Judge Jim Mc...
Election Team Email 2016 09 04 This email contains hyperlinks that should be clickable. If not, please view this link in your browser: Greetings: Welcome to o...
101.591 Voting system audit (1) Immediately following the certification of each election, the county canvassing board or the local board responsible for certifyin...
These files were provided in response to a request for procedures at the San Diego County ROV and also the central tabulator audit log. Request document is includ...
Comments by Patricia Gracian: Christine, Mike Russell, and I made it for the Nov 15 VBM batch random number draw. Michael Vu said he would send Ray the procedure...
Our recording of the random draw for this audit is extremely concerning, visibly showing likely sleight of hand manipulation. A subsequent video from a different ...
On Tuesday, November 22, 2016, I took a round robin tour of four election district offices in Southern California: Orange County, Los Angeles County, San Bernardi...
Note: This article refers to the CVR Cast Vote Record standard being developed under the umbrella of NIST, the National Institutes of Standards and Technology. ...
* LetterToVuOnVBMManualTallyDiscrepancies.pdf: Letter to Vu including Exh. 1 regarding Early VBM discrepancies * 1_Manual_Tally_Summary_Report_June_2016_ San...
One San Diego County congressman is taking a high profile stand against the prospect of parking tons of spent nuclear fuel on the Southern California beachfront f...
This is a key hearing regarding the permit to build a nuclear waste dump 100 feet from the seawall at San Onofre by the California Coastal Commission. After this ...
CANCELED CANCELED CANCELED CANCELED For more information, see this page: StopNukeDump * 2017 04 03_Press_Rel_ _Stop_Nuke_Dump_Trial_Rev_6.pdf: Press Release, ...
Owners of the failed San Onofre nuclear plant agreed Friday to begin negotiations aimed at relocating tons of radioactive waste from the San Diego County coastlin...
Citizens Oversight, Inc. et al filed a lawsuit against the Coastal Commission to block the permit they granted to Southern California Edison to bury 3.6 million p...
Part 2: Q A Comments https://youtu.be/tJXVmUPAbEY CommonCalendar Entry * 4 May 2017 Oceanside Public Meeting on Beach Nuclear Waste Facility at Oceansi...
CommonCalendar Entry * 1 May 2017 Presentation by RayLutz on NoNukeDump at SanJuanCapistranoCommunityCenter, 25925 Camino Del Avion, San Juan Capistrano, CA ...
Here is a letter we sent around. Your email need not be so extensive. Suggested email: To: City, county or other jurisdiction officials I understand that the Co...
OMG! San Clemente is trying a fast one to affirm that they are CONSENTING to being a consolidated interim storage site! This Is outrageous and must be removed. ...
CommonCalendar Entry * 25 May 2017 No Nuke Dump on the Beach Presentation by RayLutz with intro by Maria Severson (Attorney) at SeasideCenter, 1613 Lake Dr, ...
CommonCalendar Entry * 08 Jun 2017 No Nuke Dump Presentation by Ray Lutz, with introduction by Dr. Tom English at VistaLibrary, (5:30 pm) RSVP: (https://www...
Use the following as a template for your file to stay on message, but also feel free to CUSTOMIZE to your own experience! Best not to have identical letters from ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Spent Fuel Storage Mfr Holtec Shows Alarming Imprudence Requested that 24 hr inspections be done once a month, saying it could be called '...
CommonCalendar Entry * 22 Thu 2017 No Nuke Dump Presentation in Dana Point at HennesseysTavernDanaPoint, 34111 La Plaza, Dana Point, CA 92629 (7:30 pm, gath...
CommonCalendar Entry * 24 Jun 2017 No Nuke Dump Presentation at WomensClubOfCarlsbad, 3320 Monroe Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (Time 10am, gather 9:30am) RSVP:...
Email from Gary Headrick of San Clemente Green Dear ALL, I have been pressing Tom Palmisano for answers to questions we posed for quite some time now. I just got ...
An election integrity activist has launched a campaign to personally recount votes from last year’s presidential primary in San Diego County. Ray Lutz, the founde...
* Link to the Bill as amended: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB840 ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT * Signed into law by...
This page was edited by RayLutz, founder of CitizensOversight Background Settlement document, press release, etc: * SettlementToMoveSanOnofreWaste This is t...
* Archived at this link: https://citizensoversightinc.sharefile.com/d sae181145b8547599 * Newsmaker RayLutz AB_840_Election_Integrity.mp3: Audio Interview of R...
This is the first in depth presentation by Ray since the announcement of the settlement on August 28. He will review the background of the waste at San Onofre and...
Background http://www.SanOnofreSafety.org is a website run by Donna Gilmore with a wealth of good factual information about nuclear "dry cask" storage systems, as...
RayLutz says: I wholeheartedly recommend this book which gives an in depth and thorough accounting of history through the year 2013 of the nuclear waste situation...
We suspect possible tampering of the Early VBM ballots in the 2016 Primary election the only ballots where Clinton won over Sanders. All other ballot categories...
After eight years of closure, the ECPAC theater may get a new theater manager. Ray Lutz commented, "Wondering if Live Nation can run the ECPAC theater is like won...
The city of El Cajon has inked a five year deal with the world's largest concert promoter to manage the East County Performing Arts Center, shuttered since 2009 b...
Note: Although hearing time is 1:30pm, the actual time this case will be heard is not exactly known, and will likely be after many other cases are processed. The ...
Questions have come up regarding the San Onofre Shutdown Settlement. Instead of answering them n times, we have gathered them here so many people can be more full...
REGION — El Cajon based nonprofit Citizens’ Oversight Projects has filed a petition with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to change the way spent nuclear fuel fr...
Please Note: This has been renamed simply HELMS. See more here: HelmsProposal * PrRel__Press_Conf_on_Nuclear_Waste_4_30_Laguna_Hills_Cmty_Ctr_TODAY.pdf: This i...
See Also: * HelmsProposal Base project. * HelmsCampaign Activists can help get resolutions passed at surrounding City Councils, Counties, etc. Document...
* 2017 01 31_We_Won_Press_Conference.pdf: Press Release We Won! Election Audit Lawsuit in San Diego CommonCalendar Entry * 31 Jan 2017 We Won! Press Confe...
Southern California Edison hosts a quarterly "Community Engagement Panel Meeting" to present their point of view. Public comment is accepted (3 min). Includes dis...
This meeting is the first hearing held by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regarding the impact on rates due to the shutdown of the San Onofre nu...
* 2018 05 07 LetterToVu.pdf: Letter to Michael Vu Regarding 2018 Election Season Oversight * 2017 03 20 LetterToVuOnVBMManualTallyDiscrepancies_Rev2.pdf: Se...
Status Imported from Congress.gov Bill Summary This bill amends the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 to direct the Department of Energy (DOE) to initiate a progr...
After the 2016 Primary election, a contest was filed. Also, we had another case in process, the ElectionAuditLawsuit. We tried to get to the ballots using the CPR...
Election Audits: Our best tool (at the present time) to improve election integrity Imagine if run a company of professional drivers, and their vehicles are equipp...
Citizens' Oversight's NRC filing "HELMS" Public Comment Period Ends June 5 at Midnight Legal Action with NRC to Improve Nuclear Waste Storage Safety Proposed “H...
2018 Primary random selection meeting in San Diego. This is a critical meeting which should be video recorded if possible so others can review and analyze their p...
This is an extraction of the comments to the DCISC on June 13, 2018. The entire meeting videos are availble here: * June 13: http://slo span.org/media/video_fi...
Email letter to Tommy Gong To: tgong #64;co.slo.ca.us From: Ray Lutz Subject: Follow up from Random Draw meeting. Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 10:14:41 0700 Dear ...
* 2018 06 22 PrRel Complaint to SOS re Vu.pdf: Press Release: Formal Complaint Submitted to CA Secy of State to Investigate Malconduct by Michael Vu, San Diego Co...
ACTION REQUEST Please Send an email To: HoltecCISFEIS@nrc.gov Re: USNRC Docket No. 72 1051 I am concerned about the DESIGN LIFE of the storage system being only...
CommonCalendar Entry * 03 Jul 2018 Meeting with Rep. Susan Davis at RepDavisOffice, 2700 Adams Avenue, Suite 102, San Diego, CA 92116 (1:30 pm) Details ...
Citizens Oversight will be announcing the filing of a petition to the California Supreme Court to review the appeal of the our favorable judgment regarding electi...
Draft EIR The draft EIR can be found at this address: https://www.slc.ca.gov/Info/Reports/San_Onofre/SONGSDraftEIR_All.pdf CommonCalendar Entry * 07 Aug 2018 ...
David Fritch Statement “Thank you, my name is David Fritch. I, uh, I'm a worker on the ISFSI project. I work in the spent fuel project – F R I T C H. I do industr...
* 2018 08 12 COPS Press Relase on near miss incident.pdf: Citizens Oversight Calls Full Stop and Thorough Safety Review at San Onofre after Near Miss Incident Vi...
* 2018 08 21 COPS Press Release on letter to CCC_v2.pdf: Press Release: Citizens Oversight Demands Full Investigation by California Coastal Commission into San On...
If you work on any projects as an activist, you will encounter other people who disagree with you. First of all, how could that possibly be? Would not everyone c...
Judge says county must change vote counting procedures in future elections Ray Lutz, the national coordinator of Citizens’ Oversight, at his El Cajon home. (K.C. ...
A key element of defending our democracy is ensuring elections that are fair and free of scams. There are many dimensions of this problem. You may have heard a lo...
* More information about our auditing strategy: SnapshotProtocol * Image I used in the video: This graphic does not describe a key step which is to obse...
Election Audits: Our best tool (at the present time) to improve election integrity Imagine if run a company of professional drivers, and their vehicles are equipp...
* Oct 31 Update https://www.facebook.com/raylutz/videos/10216569398254889/ Learned that in person voting at the ROV are handled just like VBM ballots. ...
CommonCalendar Entry * 10 Jan 2019 Protest Govt Shutdown at San Diego Federal Courthouse, 333 W. Broadway, 92101 (6 pm) RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events...
email to Tim Canova and others on 2019 02 07 I am definitely a supporter of hand marked paper ballots, but not to require that only hand counts be used. I am wor...
CommonCalendar Entry * 25 May 2019 EarthSummit at BalboaParkClubBallroom, 2150 Pan American Road West, 92101 (Registration 8:30am, Event 9am to 9pm) RSVP: ht...
Recently, I have read a number of documents that claim to have detected likely fraud in an election because the results did not comply with the "law of large numb...
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Diego (2019 03 12) Citizens' Oversight, the organization that sued the Coastal Commission and Southern California Edis...
* 2019 03 17 (M1893) Letter to LA ROV requesting Batch report As if 2019 05 22, no response has been received for this request. Sent followup letter as 60 days ha...
* 2019 04 05 (M1899) Letter to SD ROV requesting party affiliation breakdown by precinct.pdf: 2019 04 05 (M1899) Letter to SD ROV requesting party affiliation bre...
* Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiPNo2Rn2TU Ray Lutz, Eve Lee, Josephine Piarulli, Patricia Gracian, and Madge Torres speak before the San Diego City Cou...
Notes * Here, the tally team is finishing up a single precinct they started the day before. * At offset 20min, they complete the reading and tallying part, an...
EARTH SUMMIT SERIES KICK OFF EVENT "Emergency at San Onofre: From Shutdown to Nuclear Waste on the Beach" Earth Summit Series will kick off a monthly series of...
Sign the Petition Please sign the petition below and join us in pushing for this initiative to move the waste OFF THE BEACH and further INLAND but WITHIN the Camp...
Douglas Liden, Environmental Engineer at US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will provide a background of Tijuana’s water and wastewater infrastructure. He w...
Note: This analysis considers the risk factors to allow RLA audits to be compared with Ballot image audits. There are many other risks, such as due to improper el...
General Ballots are desiged by election systems to be compatible with (usually) fairly simplistic optical scanning system (very few detectors. The database of ele...
* COPS Comments on NRC CABs proposal.pdf: COPS comment on CABs to the NRC CommonCalendar Entry * 29 Aug 2019 NRC meeting on Citizen Advisory Boards (CABs) a...
Hart Verity Voting System Demo * https://www.hartintercivic.com/# * Hart uses a consistent platform. * Bar codes on the ballots do not encode voter selec...
Clear Vote Solution * https://clearballot.com/solutions * Clear ballot voting systems uses the same ballot format for ADA as not. * They use gray scale i...
CommonCalendar Entry * 07 Oct 2019 Earth Summit Presentation: "The Dangers of 5G Is it worth it?" at BalboaParkClubSantaFeRoom, 2150 Pan American Rd W, San...
Slides of this presentation * 2019 10 06 Presentation at NVRTF on RLAs and BIAs.pdf: 2019 10 06 Presentation at NVRTF on RLAs and BIAs.pdf Press Release * ...
Elections: Stop Scams with Oversight and Audits If we can’t trust our elections, then all bets are off on progressive change. Now, we have only three privately he...
I have spoken with Ray Lutz, recommending the program I’ve captioned as, Beauty and The Beast to align with the healthy environment beauty relies on and in...
Status * Submitted to the NIST Election Cybersecurity working group on 2019 11 24 * Proposed strategy for progressing: Break into three parts: * Securin...
See below for the most recent comments to the amended regulations. The submitted documents are attached to this topic. * CA SOS RLA Regs Comment by CitizensOve...
To comment on this document, Add your comments to the Goggle Doc at this link. * Four Fatal Flaws of RLA Audits (M1938 2019 12 10).pdf: Checkpoint sent to the ...
FOR POLL TAPES PROJECT: Please see the last section that describes a spreadsheet format for your results. 1 Make sure that if you are taking photos or videos, ...
THIS DOCUMENT IS A DRAFT WHICH IS STILL ACTIVELY BEING IMPROVED. Your input is appreciated but realize that the format is still being resolved. Click here to comm...
Contracts For those who want to get into the weeds ... LA County Contract w/IDEO for design and consultation on new voting system (approved Oct. 21, 2014) https...
Summary On March 21, we sent out a Public Records Request (PRR) by email and followed up with hardcopy certified letter to the top 24 counties in the state of Cal...
THE REQUEST Issue an executive order and pursue legislation so that 1. Election Audits include all, or nearly all vote by mail ballots. 2. Ballot Images and...
THIS DOCUMENT IS DEPRECATED. Please see: https://auditengine.org/docs/user guide/sending_data/ "Sending Election Data to AuditEngine" To view googledoc for comm...
I am a bit bothered by the idea that this person was fired, but did not follow it up with a false termination case, if indeed it was an illegitimate firing. She m...
GEORGIA: SAVE AND SECURE THE BALLOT IMAGES Ballot images can thwart changes to paper ballots or magically losing or finding new ballots in the recount. Citizens...
A Brief History of Citizens' Oversight Projects I think it may help if I give a thumbnail sketch of the history of this entity. It is a 501(c)3 nonpartisan nonpro...
This letter was sent by email, fax, and certified mail on 4/8/2021, with certified mail to be sent on 4/9/2021 Later, it was discovered that the email was incorre...
* COURT ORDER TO HONOR SENATE SUBPOENAS_m9467954.pdf: Court Order to Honor Subpoenas by AZ State Senate * Document Cache: https://statecraftlaw.app.box.com/v/S...
Unfazed by critics, firm keen on backcountry training area By Anne Krueger SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER October 14, 2007 EAST COUNTY #8211; Blackwater US...
The Arizona Senate, apparently not satisfied with one recount, is close to signing a deal for its second review of Maricopa County’s 2020 general election ballots...
Click to open google doc for better formatting Subsequent Comments submitted on Aug 16, 20201 * Cover Letter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QlF79t gC_hI...
* BEACON PHOTO/MARSHA MCLAUGHLIN MUCH APPRECIATED — Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Lisa Lewis, center, is presented with a certificate of appreciation fro...
Click to open googledoc for comments * /Common/M1980/COPS Review of AZ Audit of the 2020 General Election 2021 10 05 (M1980).pdf * Pallet Manifests (28MB...
* This is described in recent zoom meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHyUp_o1fB0 * Googledoc of Election Hazards for comment: https://docs.google.com/do...
* Click for googledoc: Click Here to add comments * 2022 05 27 COPS Letter to Clackamas County OR.pdf: 2022 05 27 COPS Letter to Clackamas County OR.pdf
In this video, I provide a review of the !"ElectionGuard" E2E voting system. https://www.facebook.com/raylutz/videos/10218181507276607 BTW, I also reviewed the co...
COPS VVSG 2.0 Comments * This is our primary comments document to the Election Assistance Commission (AEC) as comment to the Voluntary Voting Systems Guideline...
* Letter to CO SOS Jena Griswold re_ Arvada Mayors Contest.pdf: Letter to CO SOS Jena Griswold re_ Arvada Mayors Contest.pdf * https://docs.google.com/documen...
To view this document as a googledoc, click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uraII_fTsaPdUbTaidmBTwsCSdiRk31oAVzm eUC_SA * AuditEngine Findings.pdf: A...
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BPv58LNAtlNeMKXYnohmAG3j77ZOVfxbu9NJyoSC_O0/edit?usp=sharing * GA Ballot Image Audits including OCR of BMD ballots in light o...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW5Vvv6vtVc In addition to this, we later learned that some researchers found that the map, supposedly was of Atlanta, was actuall...
I frequently see people trying to use the Cast Vote Records (CVR) to analyze the election results, particularly with regard to "The Rule of Large Numbers" i.e. th...
Dallas, TX produced a remarkably complete set of data for the March 2024 primary election. This was a new step for Dallas, and it was the first such large publica...
San Francisco has been a leader in providing complete information of recent elections, including ballot images, cast vote records, etc. Main site: * https://w...
Dane County has been publishing ballot images and cast vote records since about 2016. However, this page only provides the past few years. https://elections.count...
* 2024 09 05 M2023 Letter to Biden and Garland.pdf: Letter to President Biden and AG Garland re election data retention and publication Concerned Citizens Urge P...
Email sent to GA State Election Board Dear John Fervier and GA State Election Board: Please submit this comment to the Board for consideration. There is a lot of ...
Email to GA State Election Board Dear John Fervier and GA State Election Board: Please submit this comment to the Board for consideration. There is a lot of news ...
Jump to the letter: * PDF: Request for DOJ Investigation into the Integrity of the 2024 Presidential Election.pdf * Googledoc Press Release CALL FOR DOJ ...
* Clark County Inquiry Regarding 2024 Election Data and Audits.pdf: Clark County Inquiry Regarding 2024 Election Data and Audits.pdf * Googledoc: https://docs....
If school boards don’t do their job, kids may be poor readers. When water boards perform poorly, we might have low water pressure. But when a hospital board is ou...
My intention was to mail this to all the voters in Potrero as a response to some of the inaccurate comments in various publications. As I have been under the weat...
By Miriam Raftery The East County Californian May 31, 2008 County officials have announced plans to shut down Covert Canyon, a military and law enforcement train...
Lutz for Assembly http://www.LutzForAssembly.com http://www.StopBlackwater.net http://www.CitizensOversight.org CONTACT: Raymond Lutz, State Assembly Candidate, 7...
AMY GOODMAN: We #8217;re on the road in San Diego. The private security company Blackwater USA is being accused of trying to secretly build a military training fa...
SAN DIEGO BlackwaterWorldwide, the for profit private army best known for its deadly role in Iraq, obtained a temporary restraining order in federal court on June...
"I've been a Republican for 35 years and I became a Democrat in January," La Mesa Councilmember David Allan told a crowd of over 350 people at the East County Uni...
Videos created by David Barton, Vice Chair of the Texas Republican Party and a close colleague of disgraced former House Leader Tom DeLay, have been removed from ...
Comments This meeting was scheduled on August 26, 2008, one day after the final comment period closed for the Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (RDEI...
My Turn with Ray Lutz Sunrise Powerlink SDG E says it will supply San Diego with renewable energy from the desert. Unfortunately, their strategy—like a broken f...
By Ray Lutz High energy prices hurt our economy. Not only do we pay through the nose at the pump, we pay through the gun barrel in our overseas military misadvent...
Congressman Bob Filner and Assembly candidate Ray Lutz of East County speak out against Blackwater at Otay Mesa Rally Story and photos by Gayle Early Sign fr...
LUTZ: Thank you very much for listening to me. My name is Ray Lutz. I am the founder of Citizens Oversight Projects, and I happen to also be a candidate for the 7...
After this video, the Registrar of Voters Deborah Seilers declined to allow us to film any further meetings, so we resorted to written interaction. Transcript o...
Governing board sets deal with Blackwater Filner, faculty rip SWC pact with "mercenaries" By: Esmeralda F. Ramirez Posted: 3/5/09 Southwestern College has ente...
* LetterToSouthwesternCollege_requestingBWCorrespondence.pdf: Letter to Southwestern College Requesting Blackwater Documents. Citizens' Oversight Projects (COPs) ...
Blackwater like Procinctu Group Project Given Hearing without Notice Riverside County Board of Supervisors conduct mock hearing on March 17th in blatant disrega...
(EXCERPTED FROM MEETING MINUTES, See page 25 of the linked PDF file.) Public comments regarding Item #12 were held at this time. The following individuals spoke i...
browser does not support iframe Comment by Ray Lutz: After hearing JohnDean give a lecture on his book Conservatives without Conscience, I ran into this research ...
Summary Ray Lutz of CitizensOversight.org explains how to use a digital video camera to video record public meetings. Demonstration includes set up of the tripod,...
Grossmont district to aid renovation By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 12:01 a.m. LA MESA The Boys Girls Club runs ex...
(This topic is an email thread and is provided in reverse order, so read from the bottom up.) 2010 01 13 Dear Mr. Jantz: This topic will be called "C00023 GHD,...
REF: C00024, http://www.copswiki.org/w/bin/view/Common/M915 Dear Mr. Jantz: This is a request for public documents under the California Public Records Act. Please...
$100,000 given to clinic for uninsured Grant is increased for Volunteers in Medicine By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 12...
Activist a common sight recording local meetings Ray Lutz is government watchdog By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 12:04 ...
Public isn t given a chance to comment By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 12:05 a.m. EL CAJON Criticism of the way El Cajon...
Democratic Party endorses John Marelius Tuesday, April 20, 2010 The California Democratic Party made endorsements in several contested Democratic primaries in San...
By John Marelius, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Monday, April 5, 2010 at 12:04 a.m. On the ballot Candidates in the June 8 primary election in San Diego County cong...
SDG E Hosted this meeting at the Alpine Women's Club to go over the details of the construction in the middle of Alpine to underground the Sunrise Powerlink trans...
This event occurred on 2010 05 13, sponsored by the League of Women Voters at Templar Hall in Old Poway Park. The moderator was Delores A. Chavez. The candidates,...
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Contact: Linde Martin Snyder linde@spoos.com Lutz: Reopen investigations halted when Lam was dismissed by the Bush Ju...
Ex Congressman Duncan Hunter, at a May 2010 high school naming committee in Alpine June 2, 2010 (San Diego s East County) Ray Lutz, Democratic candidate for the...
Rep. Hunter, right, in Afghanistan By Miriam Raftery June 3, 2010 (San Diego s East County) While other candidates are hitting the campaign trail, Congressman ...
// East County Training Center helps developmentally challenged thrive By Karen Pearlman // , UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Thursday, July 29, 2010 at midnight EL...
MainProjectList NOTE: Creating project list for WebLeftBar is too compute intensive to do the search each time. Therefore, this topic should be re edited each tim...
The 1% manual tally in San Diego: (click image for full size) This procedure is concerning oversight of the Manual Tally itself. Prior to this procedure, please s...
Monsanto Hazmat Corn (A drawing by Eva Roufe) Poster Bumper Sticker LATEST NEWS * This project has been marked as INACTIVE. Please see EarthSummit fo...
This page is under construction! We have many photos, videos, etc. that still need to be processed. In December 2016, a historic state wide recount was started re...
Ballot Recommendations for November 2010 Elections Federal Offices * U.S. Senate Barbara Boxer http://www.barbaraboxer.com * U.S. Congress District 49 ...
Even though it is no longer useful for nuclear power, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) poses a dangerous, long term health and environmental risk. It will remain dangerou...
Why? * The United States has far more guns per capita than any other country. * The United States also has the highest homicides and suicides using guns. *...
Endorse this letter now! UPDATE 2010 02 23 SOS BILL HAS BEEN INTRODUCED * Read the Senate version of the bill here: http://sanders.senate.gov/files/SOS%20...
Summary On this page, we will be collecting links to relevant information to assist in the audits of the 2020 General Election using Audit Engine or other methods...
Welcome! Citizens' Oversight Projects is developing a network of citizens who can help us provide oversight of our rigged and hacked elections! We need your help ...
PRELIMINARY UNAPPROVED POTRERO PLANNING GROUP Minutes: July 12, 2007 Potrero Community Center 25771 Potrero Valley Rd. The Meeting of the Potrero Community Pl...
PeeveyPartyProtest RATE PAYERS PROTEST AS CRONIES TOAST HIM Consumer Advocates Encourage the Attorney General to "Investigate" to Reverse Peevey's back room dea...
Background Police departments around the country are running wild. Sexual harassment. Ridiculous arrests. Shootings. * Trayvon Martin. * Michael Brown of F...
Polling Place Oversight Rules vary by state * Consider being a poll worker. You will receive training and be able to make sure at least one polling place is ...
PollsInChurches * 18 Sep 2006: Delivered letter to RegistrarOfVoters regarding polling places in churches and Christian Examiner newspaper. Letter_To_Registar_o...
PotreroPlanningGroupRecallElection This recall election was significant because it was one of the first elections after Secretary of State Debra Bowen decertified...
Precinct Rosters in boxes. Note pages bound with circular clips are for a single precinct consolidation.There are about 20 precincts in each box. PrecinctRost...
Latest News PROTEST RALLY SCHEDULED Citizens Against Private Armies (CAPA) is organizing a protest/rally to "Stop Procinctu," a Blackwater like training center o...
ProvisionalOversight Provisional Ballot Processing Oversight Provisional ballot processing is slightly different than usual in this election. As described above,...
RaymondLutz Explains: Open Canvass Overview Narration Ray Lutz % AUDIOMEDIA{"http://www.copswiki.org/w/pub/Common/OpenCanvassOverview/OpenCanvassOverviewNarrati...
Laws and standards * Exposure limits of general public http://www.nrc.gov/reading rm/doc collections/cfr/part020/part020 1301.html * Total effective do...
San Diego random draw in 2014 election using ping pong balls drawn from bins by a member of our oversight team.: (Click Image for full size) The "Random Draw" is ...
* See also: Main.RaymondLutz in the Main Web. * National Coordinator, Founder, Citizens' Oversight Projects: https://www.citizensoversight.org * Lead Develo...
RequestingInformationProcedure This is a general procedure for requesting information from governmental officials and more specifically, from elections officials....
Latest News * With LiveNation taking over management of the theater and starting performances in 2019, this project has been marked INACTIVE Background Image...
Latest News We have not been front and center on this issue but it has become of interest to us due to the recent huge document dump regarding communications betw...
This web page is the repository for documents and information regarding the petition to CONTEST the 2016 Primary regarding the presidential race in San Diego Coun...
Sub projects Latest News San Diego Reinvestment Task Force meets every 3rd Thursday except in August and December. Background * Website: http://www.smartmone...
Latest News This topic collects information regarding the San Onofre Canister Drop Incident on August 3, 2018 * NRC page on this incident: https://www.nrc.gov/...
See parent project ShutSanOnofre Background Each nuclear power plant is licensed by the NRC, through the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. Southern California E...
Background Our federal complaint was filed even before the settlement was approved and thus long before the Warsaw, Poland RSG Notes were revealed. There were ora...
ECPAC THEATER TO REOPEN The ECPAC theater has been closed for about 8 years now. It was very sad when they first closed it as there were many arts organizations t...
SaveECPACMeetingReport13Aug2013 * Ray Lutz * Art Ballantyne * Eldonnay Lay Ray Walton said the fly loft was too low when they were trying to run South Pa...
SaveECPACMeetingReport26Mar2012 Members of the community gathered on 26 Mar 2012 to discuss the proposed demolition of the East County Performing Arts Center (ECP...
SaveECPACMeetingReport30Jul2012 Tour of the theater today was very productive, but there are still some open issues to resolve. 1. Prof. Loren Schreiber checked t...
Latest News * Registrar of Voters says they don't need to create additional copies of the scanner tapes because the machines are not the "lever type" * Secr...
Sub projects Latest News Related Organizations * Seal Watch San Diego http://savesandiegoseals.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/110458308766/ Backgr...
Overview The Settlement Oversight Panel has been established to provide critical oversight over the San Onofre nuclear waste settlement. This panel is advisory in...
Background The best source of background information is the Settlement FAQS (Frequently Ask Questions). Latest News * 19 06 13 Experts Team Strategy Partner A...
Get Bumper Stickers! Objective: Permanent decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) WE WON! Southern California Edison announced a pe...
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Facility is DANGEROUS and must be SHUT DOWN! * All nuclear facilities are inherently dangerous because they must be actively cooled even ...
Sub projects Latest News RayLutz, Martha Sullivan, and Mike Garcia attempt to perform a citizens arrest of Mayor Jerry Sanders for felony embezzlement. See Video...
Tutorial This is the best tutorial so far of this process. HISTORY OF ACTIONS: * June 2016 Sent letters to all 58 counties with some refinements from the pr...
Here are my notes regarding the trip to Florida in 2016 just after the election. (Still have many pictures and videos to add to the website.) Sarasota County Ele...
StateElectionDistrictTargetingProcedure This procedure determines election district targets and evaluates past audit compliance. In the following procedure, repla...
Latest News * Special Common.GrossmontHealthcareBoard meeting scheduled for Monday, November 15 at 7:30am to review the Stieringer issue in closed session. How...
Latest News * Facebook Event (Click to RSVP): https://www.facebook.com/events/1113726135320791/ * Thousands March in San Diego to Protest ALEC, Reporting Sa...
StopBlackwaterNisourMassacreRally IMPORTANT EVENT \ Car driven by Ahmed Haithem Ahmed with his mother, Mohassin Kadhim, a physician. They were both kill...
On August 28, 2017, a historic settlement agreement was announced to MOVE THE WASTE TO A SAFER PLACE Navigational Aids Our primary focus will be on the Pendleton...
StopThePowerlinkStopIllegalLobbyingPetition I hereby request that Governor Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris conduct a full investigation into the illegal ...
SubmitPetition We appreciate your help to apply pressure to our public officials. We have a three step, relatively painless process below. 1. Compose and submi...
TakeOverofECPACbyCCT Summary of the recent events surrounding the East County Performing Arts Center Perceptions of Raymond Lutz at the end of 2005. HISTORY: The...
TestActionOne /Common/TestActionOne" method="POST" }% Sign Petition /Common/TestActionOneEmails"}% * TestActionOneLetters Print this page to provide le...
Here, we compare The OpenBallotInitiative (TOBI) with a commonly promoted approach, All Hand Counted Paper Ballots (AHCPB) in the precinct. In a nutshell: * B...
TransmitterSetup Related topics: LinuxTestSystem Project Tasks * Get logmein credentials (DONE) * Get information about Hughesnet modem to allow change to ...
Sub projects Latest News Background Signature Verification Issues The following comments were copied in from the ElectionIntegrityList from July 8, 2020 Peter...
VoterRegistration This topic is intended to collect our knowledge about our local voter registration effort. See also: Common.StudentOutreach This Activity is V...
VoterRegistrationArrestOfRayLutz Sub projects Status * Common.RayLutz arrested while engaging in the peaceful political activity of voter registration at Com...
Sub projects Latest News This project relates to the issue of Voting Privacy, while also encouraging transparency of the results so the public can easily check t...
This web site is dedicated to enabling citizens to provide needed oversight to our democracy. At present, Citizens Oversight is focused only on deploying AuditEng...
WELCOME! Everyone can agree on this: In a democracy, you must have election integrity, or you may be spinning your wheels. We can't trust elected officials to do ...
Here is the official 1% manual tally report from the San Diego Registrar of voters. * 1_Manual_Tally_Summary_Report_June_2016_ _San_Diego_County_Final.pdf: San...